Front & Center (Book 2 of the Back-Up Series)

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Front & Center (Book 2 of the Back-Up Series) Page 18

by A. m Madden

  No harm in helping her out a little.

  Plan B is to text Danny. A simple text that will show vulnerability on my end, maybe even a touch of fear.

  what do you want from me?

  Now, to sit back and let Frick and Frack speculate.


  At five a.m. I sneak off the bus and into the waiting cab. Everyone is still sleeping, but I still need to be careful. I have another cab arriving in ten minutes to take Leila to the same destination that I am heading to. The Inn in San Francisco. It’s a Victorian Bed and Breakfast that has a private sun deck, a hot tub and a five star rating. I needed to book two nights since check-in is at two and we are arriving at the crack of dawn, but it’s worth every penny.

  The owner was very gracious to meet me so early in the morning to check us in. Once she tiptoed away, she left me waiting anxiously for Leila in the formal living room. I cannot wait to get my hands on her.

  Watching from the foyer, I can see her pull up, as she adorably looks out the cab window wide-eyed and open-mouthed. I open the front door for her. She walks up the path towards me while smiling and shaking her head.

  “How did you arrange this in so little time?”

  “I got lucky. As soon as Dylan told me about Oscar’s meeting, I made the reservation.”

  She steps in, looking around still in awe. “Jack, it’s so beautiful.”

  “I’m glad you like it. Let’s get upstairs, we don’t have much time.”

  “Don’t we have like ten hours before rehearsal?”

  “Like I said, not much time.”

  Leila gasps once I open the door. “Oh, Jack. This is incredible.”

  There is a huge bed, a lit fireplace, and the bathroom has a tub big enough for two.

  I step closer to wrap my arms around her and nuzzle her neck. “They have a rooftop deck with a hot tub. And we can arrange breakfast here or on the balcony.” She swings her head towards the balcony doors, her ponytail brushing my chin.

  “This is perfect. Thank you.” She leans back, pressing her body into mine. “I missed you so much.”

  “Leila, you have no idea how much I missed you.” As I’m kissing her neck, goose bumps appear over her body. “Do you want to take a warm bath?”

  “I’d love to.”

  Leading her into the bathroom, I start filling the tub as she pours some of the complimentary bubble bath under the stream of steaming water. We undress slowly, each watching the other quietly. Closing the distance, I kiss her like my life depends on it. I lift her and place her in the tub, following right behind. She settles against me, her back to my chest, my arms around her body, our legs entwined and her hands caressing my thighs.

  “Remind me to thank Dylan again.”

  “Mmm…yep.” She agrees.

  I suck on her earlobe, before whispering, “I love you.” My hands find her breasts beneath the warm water. She arches her back, pushing herself into my touch.

  “I love you, too.”

  I kiss her neck and move one of my hands down her body while the other molds around her breast. My hard cock invades the space between us. Slowly, I caress her with my fingertips and drive her to the brink of an orgasm. The instant I pull my hand away, she groans with disappointment.

  “Ssh, baby…turn around.”

  Gently I turn her and arrange her thighs on either side of mine. The warm water spills over the sides, prompting her to giggle adorably. She instantly stills when she sees the heated look in my eyes. I pull her face closer, connecting our lips. When I stroke my tongue against hers, she moans erotically. The inside of her mouth feels like warm, wet silk.

  Slowly, she lowers herself over me. A small gasp escapes her lips as I fill her so perfectly. Her hands rest on my shoulders while she controls my pleasure with her movements. Her eyes close for the briefest time. When she opens them, the intensity of her stare is overwhelming to me. She reaches climax soundlessly, as she rests her forehead on mine. Her fingers gripping my shoulders, her pants, and her body clenching around me are the only clues that she is coming undone.

  A guttural groan is my giveaway that I’m coming as I tremble inside of her. Leaning my head back against the tub, my eyes close from the force of my own release.

  “Holy shit.”

  “Will it always be like this?” She asks through her pants.

  “What? Mind-blowing?”


  “Of course.”

  “Even when we’re old and grey?”

  “Especially when we are old and grey.” I pull her towards me to kiss her deeply.

  When we part, she smiles. “How did I get so lucky?”

  I shake my head before responding. “I’m the lucky one. You’ve had to deal with a whole load of crap because of me.”

  “You’re worth it.” She settles against me, wrapping her arms around my body. “I can stay here all day.”

  “We can. We can do whatever you want.”

  “Can we order food?”



  “Your wish is my command.”

  Later, while sitting on the patio having breakfast, I decide to let Leila know I had a brief conversation with Jessa.

  “I had an idea. I called Jessa today while in my bunk. I thought if someone were listening, it would fuel her fire. I found out Danny was arrested twice, once for sexual assault and once for battery. He served a short jail time for the assault, but the battery charges were dropped. I pretended I was warning Jessa to be careful and she bought right into it.”

  “I know about Danny. Ace told me yesterday,” she replies.

  “We really need to take this seriously. He is one fucked up son-of-a-bitch.”

  Leila nods thoughtfully. “What do you think he really wants?”

  I sigh from her question. I don’t want to scare her, but she needs to know what he is capable of. “I texted him yesterday. I basically asked him that exact question.”

  “Did he respond?”

  “Not yet. Knowing Danny, he’s watching our success carefully. After we fired him, news spread through the bar scene. I know he hasn’t hooked up with another band since then. He got involved with a scary crowd. Last I heard, before this mess, he was using and dealing. That’s probably how he makes his money.”

  “Can’t we use that to get him arrested or something?”

  “He’d have to be caught in the act, or carrying. Does Ace know any cops who could trail him around the city?”

  “Not sure. But I’ll definitely tell him he is involved in that.”

  “It wouldn’t hurt.” I take her hand in mine, kissing it gently. “What do you want to do now?”

  She raises her eyebrows and looks towards the bed. “You.”

  “I was hoping you would say that.”


  It took a while, but it finally came. Just after our rehearsal in San Francisco, I received a response from Danny.


  I forwarded the text to Oscar, and he advised not to respond. Coincidentally, Jessa called me an hour later. She was feeling me out, testing the waters. She called to tell me I was having a son. I remained silent on the phone. She asked if I was excited about that. I pretended to be stunned and confused, repeating over and over, “It’s a boy?”

  She comforted me. She said she hopes our son looks just like me and has my musical talent. Truthfully, that part stung. If it truly is my child, I haven’t allowed myself to delve into the reality of having a son. I don’t have a doubt in my mind that Leila would love him as if he were her own. A flash of her holding my son filled my thoughts. But I’m still wracked with thoughts of not wanting this child.

  Jessa’s last question had me reeling. “Jack, do you mind if I come out to Vegas to see you?”

  “I really don’t want to see you.”

  “I would like to talk to you about the future. Specifically, our child’s future. I don’t want to do it over the phone.”

ld you be flying?”

  “Yes, I’m still allowed to fly.”

  “I don’t think so.”

  “Jack, there are things we need to hash out. Soon I won’t be able to fly. This is the least you can do for me.”

  I shook my head at her audacity. “Least I can do for you? Help me understand why I should do anything for you?”

  “Jack, we can do this in a civilized manner, or not. I need to talk to you, face to face.”


  “I’ll text you the details. How long will you be there?”

  “I can meet you the morning of the Eleventh. That’s your only option.”

  “Ok. Let me know where you’ll be staying.”

  “Nope. I’ll let you know where we can meet. Public place and only on my terms.”

  She paused for a second and then she said, “Whatever.”

  I hung up and emailed Oscar details of my conversation.

  Oscar responded immediately:

  I’ll fill Ace in once we get to LA tomorrow. He did some research on Danny’s financial situation. He’s broke. Not a penny to his name. Your ex isn’t much better. She is carrying a huge amount of debt. Stay tuned.

  Oscar and Ace have been introduced via phone conference and are working as a team on investigating Jessa and Danny. Oscar’s boss, Mike Casiano, at *Orion Securities, has been very accommodating in helping to figure out what Danny’s deal is.

  If Jessa is indeed broke, it’s clear why she didn’t argue or refuse my offer to financially support her and the baby. It’s funny how she gave me guilt that the money wasn’t what she wanted or wasn’t enough, though.

  But why would she care if Danny were broke? How does this help him?

  Since we left San Francisco, I also emailed Evan. I sent him a long, heartfelt letter containing an apology and a request to please talk to Anthony. I asked him to fill Anthony in on the details of our situation. I asked Evan to let Anthony know I would be contacting him myself, as soon as I was able to get some privacy. I informed him of plans I’ve made for Vegas, which include he and Lizzy. I ended with a request to Evan that he please not tell Leila about the email, or the details in it.

  Evan responded with a short, to the point email. He’s not happy about the secrecy, but he would honor my request. He made it clear he’s only doing it for Leila. I hate keeping things from her, but this time it’s necessary.

  We arrived in LA early this morning. After cleaning up and getting dressed, I make my way out to the bus. Oscar is missing, since he alternates between our bus and Leila’s. Dylan, Will and the roadies are all hanging around having breakfast.

  “You guys are so fucking loud.” I say grumpily, as I make myself a cup of coffee. Sitting at the table, I stare into space for a few minutes. Facing Dylan, I say, “Arrange a rehearsal at one.”

  Dylan looks confused. “Why so early?”

  Giving him a blank look, I respond, “Isn’t she recording her song with Malcolm today? I want to rehearse without her.”

  “Jack, do you think that’s a good idea?”

  “Just do it, Dylan.” Grabbing my coffee, I head towards the back of the bus. I have an errand to run, and I can’t waste any time just sitting around. A few minutes later, I exit the bus. But not before saying, “I’m going to check out the women in LA.”

  Chapter 13 ½ - Jessa

  “Get up. I’m going to miss my flight.”

  “Fuck off. What do you want from me?”

  “Do you know what you need to do?”

  “Yes. You’ve told me a hundred times.”

  “You can’t be high while I’m gone. You can’t screw this up, Danny. I mean it. Make sure you send the picture that’s not blurry.”

  “Just leave already.”

  “One more thing, when he sees it, he’s going to flip out. Do not respond. He’ll panic when he sees you’ve been following Lizzy. He’ll be putty in my hands. We may not be able to get to his precious girlfriend, but his sister is the next best thing.”

  “This better work. I’m fucking sick of all your little schemes. You convinced me to sit back and let you handle it. If I don’t get what I need, I’ll kill you and him.”

  “It’ll work.”

  Chapter 14 - Leila

  Malcolm arranged a cab to pick me up at the arena. While sitting in the back seat, I receive a call from Jack.

  “Hi, babe…good luck.”

  “Thank you. I’m nervous about this.”

  “Don’t be. You’ll be great. I can’t wait to hear the song. Don’t forget to ask Malcolm for the mp3 downloaded onto your phone.”

  “I won’t. I’ll text you when I’m done. Where are you?”

  “I have a quick errand to run.”


  “I’ll be fine.”

  “Jack, please be careful.”

  “I will.”

  I wish he were here with me. He’d be soothing my stress, calming my nerves, and most likely making out with me in the back of this cab. I barely see a thing as LA whizzes by. I have too much on my mind. I’ve always wanted to see LA, but now isn’t the time to get hung up on being a tourist wannabe. Jack will just have to bring me back here one day.

  I’ve listened to the music and memorized the lyrics Malcolm gave me. It is a good song. It’s upbeat and fun, but it’s also not too pop and more rock and roll. He’s right. It’s perfect for me.

  As the cab pulls up to the recording studio, I quickly check myself in the mirror, nerves taking hold. I’m torn between doing this for the wrong reasons and wanting this song to succeed at the same time. Malcolm was right. I am also a firm believer in things happening for a reason, so who knows?

  “Leila, you’re right on time.” Malcolm greets me at the front door of the studio. He shakes my hand, smiling warmly. When he isn’t in predator mode, he really is a nice looking man. With his dark curly hair, tall muscular physique and vivid blue eyes, he is downright handsome.

  “Ok, let’s get this over with,” I respond impatiently.

  He chuckles at my attitude. “Once this hits top ten, you will feel differently. Trust me.”

  “Malcolm, that’s the only reason I’m here.”

  “Come, let’s get started.” He takes my hand and leads me towards the back of the studio. “Can I get you anything before we begin?”

  “No, I’m fine.” I subtly remove my hand from his, just as we enter a small room. Small is actually a generous word. It’s miniscule, barely big enough for the both of us. A large, black mesh disc attached to a single microphone sits in the center of the room. Facing the microphone is a plate glass window separating us from the control booth. Two men sit at the control panel, waiting for Malcolm’s instructions.

  “Gentlemen, this is Leila Marino. She will be recording the demo today.” Both men wave and smile, as I wave back. “Are we ready?”

  “So that’s it. I just start singing?”

  He places a set of large, bulky headphones over my ears. “You’ll hear the music through these. Let’s start at the beginning and see where it takes us. I’ll be in the control booth with Pete and Glen. We’ll let you know if we need you to stop for any reason.”

  Nodding, I position myself dead center, waiting for my instructions. A few seconds later, I hear Malcolm’s voice in my ears. “Ok, Leila, on three. One, two, three…”

  The music filters through my headphones. The song is called Constant Torment and has haunting lyrics set to an upbeat rock tempo. It’s good, and it’s perfect for me. I close my eyes and sing the lyrics in time to the music. I keep expecting Malcolm’s voice to stop me at some point during the song. But he never does. Once done, he turns towards the guys and says something. The only sound I hear is my own breathing.

  “Leila, that was just about perfect. Can we try it with you singing the chorus a touch lower?”


  We run through the song two more times with different suggestions. After the third time, Malcolm joins me in the studio. “The gu
ys said they’ve never had a recording session go as smoothly as this one did.”

  “I guess that’s a compliment?”

  “Absolutely. This song is practically ready for release. We’re done here. I’ll let you know once it’s been mastered and edited.

  “So what’s next?”

  “Once the label listens to it, we’ll decide on a course of action. Most likely we’ll sample it with some key radio stations coast to coast, a sort of exclusive demo. Make them feel they’ve stumbled on you. It will make them loyal.”

  It’s clear why he is so successful. He’s a rat, but he’s good at what he does.

  “Hey, can the guys download the mp3 onto my phone. I’d like to listen to it myself.”

  “Absolutely. We’ll also give you a CD. Come.”

  Malcolm leads me into the control room. Fifteen minutes later, I’m in a cab with my download and my CD.

  hey baby…i’m done. on my way back. i think it went well. sending you the link. love you. xx

  He texts back immediately.

  can’t wait to hear it. love you 2. one more thing. come to the arena and follow my lead.

  k. xxx

  As the cab pulls up to the arena, I can hear their music from the parking lot. It’s a bit unsettling to hear our songs and not be on the performing end. I’m curious why the band is rehearsing and can only guess it has to do with our façade.

  Walking closer to the stage, Jack’s eyes settle on me as he sings the lyrics to one of my favorite songs. He abruptly stops and it takes a few seconds for the guys to realize it and stop playing.

  “Back so soon?”

  “Why are you rehearsing?”

  “Just getting some practice in without our back-up singer.”

  “Would you like me to skip our show tonight?”

  He laughs bitterly. “I would love you to skip our show tonight, but it’s not my choice.”

  Without a word, I turn and head for my dressing room. His angry act is really turning me on. On my way down the hall, one of the roadies follows. “Leila?”

  I turn to see Kyle walking quickly towards me. “Hey, I just want to say I think it sucks what’s happening with you and Jack.”


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