Daniel's Duty [Lords of Hawksfell Manor 10] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Daniel's Duty [Lords of Hawksfell Manor 10] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 2

by Josie Dennis

Vincent nodded. “Yes, Mr. Carstairs. The family is having drinks in the parlor and the maids are seeing to setting the dining room to rights.”

  “Then you’ll be seeking your bed soon, I take it?”

  Vincent heard the unspoken command in the man’s tone. Vincent would be finding his bed alone. He had no trouble bowing to the silent dictate.

  “Indeed, Mr. Carstairs.”

  The portly butler nodded and took himself into his office just down the corridor from the servants’ hall, and Vincent let out a breath. He knew the procedures of working in a great house, having done so in London. The size and scope of Hawksfell was far larger than the home he’d kept for the late Lord Linley, however.

  He bit back a curse. He hadn’t allowed himself the luxury of thinking about his former employer in months. He’d given Linley his loyalty, and his passion, over his year-long tenure there, but apparently he hadn’t been enough for the man. No, he’d had to drink and gamble and risk everything for a passing thrill. When he’d met his end by the pistol of a man he’d cheated at cards, Vincent had been both disgusted and heartbroken.


  Now he gave his loyalty to the Earl of Hawksfell and kept his passions, and his heart, to himself.

  “Hey there, Vincent!” Another footman, Peter, joined him at the table. “Coming out to the pub in the village tonight?”

  Vincent lifted his cup of coffee. “I thank you, but no.”

  The other man shook his head. “You never come out, not in the months you’ve been at Hawksfell.”

  “Leave Vincent alone, Peter.” Mrs. Holmes stepped into the room. “He’s not wanting to go about with you and your lot. To my thinking, he’s a better man for it.”

  Vincent knew the housekeeper was making a jest, but he could feel her approval nevertheless. He knew he was a stick-in-the-mud and he didn’t care if others thought so.

  “Thank you, Mrs. Holmes.”

  Peter waved a hand. “Ah, you don’t know what you’re missing.”

  “And we won’t hear about it afterward, will we?” Mrs. Holmes asked pointedly.

  Peter paled underneath his freckles. “No, Mrs. Holmes.”

  Vincent watched the boy stumble to his feet and hurry out of the servants’ hall.

  “Good night, Vincent,” Mrs. Holmes said.

  Vincent smiled. “Good night, Mrs. Holmes.”

  The housekeeper was the perfect partner to Mr. Carstairs. Both older with graying hair, their demeanors complimented each other. Mrs. Holmes was warm and motherly, and Mr. Carstairs was a slightly curmudgeonly uncle. They both held Hawksfell in the highest regard as well. It was something Vincent strived for in his position. He wouldn’t let the temptation of an evening out at the pub or a tryst in one of the maids’ or footmen’s beds in the attics keep him from his stoic duty.

  No pretty maid or handsome gent would draw his eye. Or his heart. If he was lonely, that was just his lot. He would do his duty and keep his employers happy, and leave the rest of it alone.

  Chapter 2

  Daniel dismissed his valet and finished undressing himself. His cases were packed and he was as ready for his visit to Hawksfell Manor on the morrow as he could hope to be. Confound Daisy, anyway! And his mother, to his astonishment, insisted he take the girl with him. Didn’t she realize what he was, having been seduced and abandoned by his father? Didn’t she know he was ruled by lusts he could scarcely control? How the devil could she insist Daisy be put directly in his path? The fact that Daisy was the most delectable temptation he’d ever beheld only complicated matters.

  He shrugged out of his shirt and unfastened his trousers. Pushing his hair back from his face, he let out a string of curses. He would endure the drive to Hawksfell. He drove himself, thank the Lord, which would afford him the excuse of focusing on the road and not on the creature perched in the backseat. He’d be able to smell her, though. He suspected her sweet, wild scent would entice him as it had during their card game. He was sure to arrive at Hawksfell ready for a ride with whatever maid or groom he could capture.

  “It’s a shame I can’t fasten her to the boot,” he grumbled.

  “You can’t possibly be talking about me, Daniel.”

  He whirled to find Daisy standing in his doorway. She wore a quilted wrapper tightly cinched at her tiny waist, but God only knew what the temptress wore beneath.

  “What the devil are you doing in my room, Daisy?” He crossed to her and shut the door as quietly as he could. “Are you daft?”

  She shrugged. “I thought since you and I will be at Hawksfell Manor for some time, we should set some ground rules.”

  “Ground rules?” His mind boggled. “About what, pray?”

  She tilted her head and he took note that her golden curls caught the flicker of light from the sconces. “I am tired of how things are between us.”

  “Between us?” He deliberately took a step back. “My dear girl, there is nothing between us.”

  Her mouth turned down in a slight pout before she lifted her little chin. “Nevertheless, I have heard the stories.”

  “Stories?” He swallowed thickly. “About me?”

  She nodded and came closer. He didn’t realize he was backing away from her until the backs of his legs were flush against the edge of the bed.

  “I’ve heard tales, Daniel. Of your needs. Your desires.”

  His mouth fell open. “Never say the servants have told you of…of…”

  “Of your lusts?” She gave a delicate shiver, her eyes darkening. “No. No one has told me, but I have ears, Daniel, and far too much idle time on my hands.”

  “You know of my perversions.” His heart ached as he sank down on the bed. He might not dare to put his own hands on Daisy, but he would never want her to think less of him. “I am sorry to disappoint you.”

  She smiled, a sweet curve of her lips, and untied her wrapper. “You could never disappoint me. I’m quite certain of that.”

  He could only watch as she revealed what, precisely, was under that thick robe. She wore a frothy confection that teased him and showed dips and hollows that hinted at her figure. His beast stirred and his cock grew hard in a rush.

  “Daisy, you don’t know the game you play.”

  She came to kneel beside him on the bed, placing her hand on his shoulder. He felt her touch and, though light, it sent a shock straight to his shaft.

  “I play no game, Daniel. I’ve heard of your prowess.” Her fingers tickled as they slowly traced over his collar bone. “Of your size and strength.”

  He nearly burst out of his trousers. Shifting on the bed, he forced himself to keep his hands at his sides. “You are pure. You shouldn’t know of such things.”

  She pressed against him for a moment, then brought her tantalizing body away from him. “I should, and you should teach me.”

  “What?” He must have heard her incorrectly. “You can’t possibly want to gift me with your virginity. It’s all you have.”

  Sadness came into her eyes, gone in an instant. “I am well aware of how little I have to offer.”

  He let his gaze run over her from the top of her tousled head to the curve of her silky thighs braced apart on his bed. “You have too much to offer, I’m afraid.”

  She smiled and sat back on her hands. The position allowed her nightdress to hike further up her thighs. “Then take what I offer.”

  He growled softly, turning to bring his face close to hers. “I won’t take you.” He breathed in her scent, hot and close now in his room. “I will please you, though.”

  She brightened, then nibbled on her plump lower lip. “Please me, Daniel.”

  He fell on her. Damn him to hell, he had to have a taste. First her lips, so sweet and ripe. He’d never kissed any lover before and he could have kissed her for hours had she not mewed and arched so wildly beneath him. Her breasts filled his hands, their nipples tight and sensitive as he tweaked and tickled her. He knew much about giving pleasure, but he’d never taken the time to indulge any pa
rtner before. This was quite novel for him, and Daisy was the perfect candidate for his first time.

  Bringing his face to her belly, he urged her legs apart. He could hear her eager cries as he began to lick her. Damn, she was sweet here as well. He dipped first one, then two knuckles just inside her, nibbling and suckling her clit. The sounds she made fueled his desires. Her limbs trembled in his hold as he lapped up every delicious drop of her. Grazing her swollen flesh with the rough side of his tongue, he urged her higher and higher.

  “Oh, my!” She clutched at his head, bucking beneath him as she spread herself wider. “Daniel!”

  Nibbling on her clit again, he unfurled a finger inside her, just touching the proof of her virginity. He faintly registered the importance of it. She was so tight. So wet. He jerked his hand from her. He couldn’t stop licking her, though. Shifting to cradle her round little bottom, he lifted her and plunged his tongue into her cunt again and again.

  She cried out his name once more as she came against his tongue.

  Her eyes were closed tight and she was still trembling as he pushed himself away from her.

  He wanted to fuck her. He wanted to drive deep inside of her and ride her until she couldn’t walk. His blood pounded deep, and his breath came fast as he attempted to rein in his need.

  “Go, Daisy,” he rasped.

  She blinked up at him, apparently coming back to herself. “What do you mean?”

  “If you stay, I’ll take you. Fast and hard, and nothing like you deserve.”

  Her eyes widened, but he didn’t think it was precisely in fear. “But I want you.”

  He shook his head. “I won’t take you.”

  She came up on her knees, and this time when she put her hand on his shoulder, he winced. He risked a glance at her and saw her gaze on the front of his trousers. Biting back a curse, he saw that his damn cock was nearly out of its confinement. Before he could stop her, she placed her hand on him.

  “You’re in pain, Daniel.”

  He could only nod. “I know I shouldn’t ask it of you, but could you ease me?”

  She met his gaze now, and then nodded. “Tell me how.”

  He freed himself and her delicate hand encircled his throbbing shaft. “Up and down, love. Stroke me.”

  She did so and he guided her hand as she began to ease him. It was clear she had never done this, but the girl’s fingers were nimble nonetheless. Fast and slow, she stroked him. Teasing the head of his cock, she dipped her thumb into the slit. He hissed as the cream eased out.

  “You’re so big, Daniel,” she whispered.

  He managed a grunt of agreement. It was but one reason he hadn’t taken her tonight. The way she’d driven him crazy over the past months? He would have ripped her in two.

  Her touch was like magic. She held his cock tightly now. As if she was afraid to let him go. He’d die if she did. He would expire with the stiffest hard-on he’d ever had.

  He’d had countless women and men ease him this way—with their hands and then their mouths. But with the taste of Daisy’s honey on his lips, the added stimulation was proving too much this evening.

  “I’m close, Daisy,” he growled. “Damn, I’m going to come!” Turning, he drank of her kisses again as he started to climax. She was beneath him again as he shouted his release, pumping his scalding seed on her pretty white nightgown.

  She was a tempting bundle in his arms and he knew he had to get her the hell out of his room.

  “Daisy, love.” He gave her another kiss, since he couldn’t seem to keep from doing so, and eased off of her. “Go.”

  She stared up at him, her gorgeous blue eyes wide. “All right.” She moved gracefully off of the bed and donned her thick robe. “Don’t you dare think to leave without me in the morning.”

  He stared at her for a beat. “I scarcely think I could get away without you.”

  She smiled, which had been his intention. Before she left him she turned back. “And Daniel? The maids weren’t exaggerating.”

  He found a smile for her now, and then watched as she left him at last. Her release had astounded him, but he knew the danger. She might be sexually ready for loving, but she wasn’t ready for the hell of giving her heart to a Hawk man. Yes, he’d tasted her. Yes, he’d given her pleasure and taken his with her in a fashion. This was as far as matters could go between them. If she was too naïve to keep herself from him, he would just have to make certain that she never came to him again.

  He would be stronger the next time she attempted such a thing. He would keep her safe, even if it meant never having the pleasure of holding her in his arms again.

  * * * *

  Daisy waited in the entry of Winthrop Hall, barely keeping her feet still as she waited for Daniel to show himself. Since waking, she’d found herself fearing more than a few things. Firstly, she was afraid that Lady Winthrop would forget her insistence that Daisy accompany Daniel to Hawksfell Manor. Secondly, that Daniel would indeed somehow manage to leave without her. And to add to that, she feared that last night had been nothing more than an extraordinary dream.

  Thankfully, Lady Winthrop was firm in her decision. Daniel hadn’t yet called for his motor car, so her second fear proved unfounded. The third, however? That remained to be seen, didn’t it? He had been absent from the breakfast room when she’d entered it earlier. She’d been relieved in a fashion, since how was she to face him in front of his mother after what they’d shared?

  To think that Daniel would ever kiss her like that, like a man possessed! True, she’d never been kissed before, save for chaste pecks on the cheek from one dull suitor or another. But Daniel’s kisses! They were hot and wild and full of his spicy taste. His body was as beautiful as she’d imagined, sculpted and ridged and powerful. She couldn’t think of his manhood without blushing to the roots of her hair.

  “Good, you’re ready.”

  She gasped as the object of her recent mental wanderings strode purposefully into the hall. He was dressed impeccably, as usual, in dark browns and tweeds, and quite fit for a visit to the grandest country house in the county.

  “Daniel.” His name came out like a whisper. “Good morning.”

  “Your bags will be attended to.” His tone was brusque and his manner cold. “Go to the motor car. I shall be out directly.”

  With that, he left, no doubt to bid his mother farewell. Footmen began to move with haste to take her portmanteaux out to Daniel’s favorite Daimler. It was shiny and bright and she could scarcely believe she would be alone in the vehicle with him. He would be occupied navigating the thing and she would be banished to the backseat. Of that, she was certain, although he had voiced his desire to put her in the boot last night. That thought lifted her mood a fraction.

  One of the footmen held the door open for her and she settled herself. Before she could begin to worry, Daniel joined her and slid behind the steering wheel.

  “The drive shouldn’t take overlong,” he said in that same clipped voice. “Hawksfell Manor is set to the east, on the moors.”

  “Ooh, how romantically atmospheric.”

  If she hadn’t been watching him so intently, she would have missed the way his shoulders stiffened. She’d seen it, darn him. He could deny it and play the cold guardian today, but she hadn’t missed the tenderness in his eyes after he’d driven her mad with his mouth and hands, after she’d brought him to his pleasure as well. If he thought he was going to swiftly return to the distant guardian he fancied himself, he had another thing coming. She would break through to him. That was certain.

  And for longer than the space of one heated encounter in his bed.

  Chapter 3

  Vincent stood in the long line of servants outside Hawksfell Manor, ready to greet the newly-arriving Hawk relative with all the respect due him. The day was damp and gray in typical fashion for the time of year. A brisk wind blew from the east, and he could feel it biting his cheeks.

  In his customary place, toward the top of the line right be
neath Lady Hawksfell’s lady’s maid, he held his position. He knew he fit the bill. He was tall and handsome, like a proper footman should be. He would contribute to the fine impression the great house would make on their visitor.

  A shining motorcar appeared on the drive, coming closer until the meager sunlight glinted off its bonnet. The gravel crunched beneath the tires as the vehicle rolled to a smooth stop. The driver’s door opened and a tall, broad man stepped out. To his amazement, it was the Hawk himself. There was no other possibility. The man was strikingly handsome, with his sun-streaked hair brushed back from his finely-chiseled face. There was also no mistaking those eyes of his. They were dark and compelling, and when he turned his gaze over the servants, Vincent felt the pull of them.

  He mentally shook himself and stepped forward to open the backseat passenger’s door. A very shapely ankle appeared, followed by a slight figure wrapped in a fine wool coat of dark blue. Out of habit, he held out a hand and her gloved one slid into his.

  “Thank you.” Her voice was soft and a little bit husky.

  “You’re very welcome to Hawksfell, miss.”

  She flashed a smile at him and a jolt struck him. She was quite lovely, with smooth skin and lustrous golden hair. He caught her scent as he leaned in to close her door after her. It was sweet and captivating.

  She stood very close to the new Hawk, or Lord Winthrop, as he introduced himself to Mr. Carstairs, with her hands clasped before her.

  “This is my ward, Miss Daisy Jensen,” he told the butler, indicating his pretty companion.

  “Welcome to Hawksfell Manor, miss.” Mr. Carstairs dipped his head with a smile. “Lord Winthrop, Lord Hawksfell is awaiting you in his study. I’m happy to show you the way.”

  Lord Winthrop nodded his thanks. He then waved her ahead of him as they made their way into the manor and the look they quickly exchanged might have been missed if Vincent hadn’t had such sharp eyes. The lady wore a curious expression and the gentleman gave her a quelling look. She immediately dropped her gaze, her long lashes brushing her cheeks as she studied the ground.


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