Daniel's Duty [Lords of Hawksfell Manor 10] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Daniel's Duty [Lords of Hawksfell Manor 10] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 8

by Josie Dennis

  But to learn that she loved both him and Vincent? She hadn’t named her second lover, but it was clear to Daniel, if not to Lady Hawksfell. Thank God for that. He wouldn’t want Vincent to lose his position due to what they’d been about over the past weeks.

  “It’s a bit cold for a walk, Lord Winthrop.”

  He froze as Vincent’s voice reached him. He leaned against a back wall, his hands stuffed in the pockets of his overcoat. Making his way over, Daniel kept an eye and ear out for anyone who might catch them together and guess that more was going on than gentleman and valet.

  “It is brisk, yes,” he said.

  “There are warmer places to be.”

  Daniel studied his face, catching the laughter in the man’s blue eyes. “Is that so?”

  “Seems to me you might want to keep to your guest room.”

  Daniel nodded as he stepped closer. “Yes. Seems to me the room was quite warm just two days’ past.”

  Vincent’s eyes darkened. “I’ll see that your fireplace is well stoked, then.”

  “Can we take this conversation to my room, Vincent?” He looked about, seeing no one but knowing that in a great house, that could be quite deceptive. “I have need to change for tea.”

  Vincent cocked a brow. Tea was not for a couple of hours and they both knew Daniel was outfitted just fine for it in any event. Vincent must realize he’d dressed Daniel himself that morning.

  “As you wish, my lord.”

  Daniel studied him a moment longer. “I shall see you directly.”

  And with that, he left Vincent and headed for his guest room. They had to talk. Daisy believing herself in love with him was one thing. As for giving her heart to Vincent, that was another matter altogether.

  He managed to gain his room without encountering another living soul. This was something he’d noticed since coming to Hawksfell nearly two weeks ago. The staff was most attuned to the family and the guests, and never intruded on solitude or space. As for the family themselves, they kept to their rooms or the common spaces and never pressed their company on Daniel.

  Both Gabriel and Michael Crowley had been quite welcoming. That was not in question. Daniel was far too used to keeping his own company for the whole of his life, however. While passing mealtime with his hosts and the occasional shooting morning with Michael was pleasant, he still felt removed. The exception to that remoteness was Vincent.

  He paced his room as he had that night after Vincent had taken Daisy from behind. He’d seen the love on her face and couldn’t ignore it any longer. Vincent’s words had stayed with him as well.

  “Have you come to your senses?”

  He turned to find Vincent standing in his room. Again.

  “How do you move so quietly?”

  He shrugged. “I’m a servant, Daniel. I’ve been trained to keep my movements to myself.”

  Daniel nodded absently. “Close the door.”

  Vincent arched a blond brow, and then did as Daniel bade him. “May I ask why you’ve summoned me?”

  “I need your help.”

  Vincent’s eyes clouded. “To pack, I assume. You’re leaving Hawksfell.”

  Daniel gaped at him. “No! Christ, that’s not what I meant.”

  Vincent smiled. “Good.”

  Daniel tilted his head. “You enjoy my company.”

  It wasn’t a question and Vincent didn’t treat it as such. “I should think that’s obvious.”

  Daniel nodded again and sat near the hearth. It was already burning quite cheerily. “Sit, Vincent. We have to talk about Daisy.”

  Vincent sat across from him. “What is this about Daisy?”

  “She loves you.”

  Apparently it was Vincent’s turn to gape at him in surprise. “What?”

  “I overheard her talking with Lady Hawksfell.” He held up a hand. “Don’t worry. Your name wasn’t mentioned, but she stated that she loved both her lovers. I can only assume that means you and me.”

  A smile broke across Vincent’s face. “She loves me?”

  “You’re not troubled by that?”

  “How could I be?” He studied Daniel for a moment. “I’m not you, Daniel. I’m not afraid to be loved.”

  “But you are afraid to love in return.”

  Vincent sobered. “I admit I used to believe that. Up until this moment, actually.”

  Daniel’s heart twisted as the truth struck him. “You love her.”

  “I do.” Vincent’s gaze was clear and his face open. “And I love you.”

  Daniel swiftly came to his feet. “You cannot mean that. You and Daisy, you’re struck by passion. That’s all.”

  Vincent stood and reached for him. “And you cannot mean that, Daniel. It’s clear she loves you. You have to see that.”

  He stared into Vincent’s blue eyes and couldn’t ignore the truth. “I do.”

  Vincent gave a curt nod. “Then why can’t you believe I love you?”

  Daniel was at a loss. “I don’t know.”

  “You love Daisy, too, don’t you?” When Daniel said nothing, Vincent blew out a breath. “Admit it, man. You love her.”

  “Yes. All right? Yes, I love her.”

  “Then that’s almost perfect.”

  “What do you mean?”

  Vincent smiled, but the expression was tinged with sadness. “I love you both and you love each other.”

  “Daisy loves you,” Daniel pointed out.

  Vincent slowly nodded. “Yes.”

  It hung in the air. The question Daniel knew Vincent wouldn’t ask. Did he love Vincent? He wasn’t certain.

  “Vincent, I don’t know what to say to you.”

  “You don’t have to say anything. To me, in any event. I do believe you have to tell our girl.”

  For the first time all day, the first time in forever, Daniel felt the rightness of loving Daisy.

  “I’m a dolt. She’d been in front of me for years and I nearly let her slip away.”

  “There’s still a danger of that, you know.”

  Alarm trilled through Daniel. “What do you mean?”

  “You have yet to declare for her. What else is the girl to think but that you don’t love her?”

  “Have you told her you love her?”

  Vincent shook his head. “I haven’t. I plan to, however. If only to hear the sweet words said back to me.”

  “And what of the future? Will you take her from me?”

  “From you?” A smile teased his full lips. “That is quite telling.”

  “As you say. You haven’t answered my question.”

  “I think we should put that particular question to the lady, don’t you? As to the future, that remains to be seen.”

  “How can you be so easy about this?”

  Vincent snorted. “Easy? Hardly. But I’ve loved before. I know how wonderful it can be when it’s returned. I long for forever, Daniel. I don’t know if I’ll have it, but I have to try to catch it.”

  Determination filled Daniel in that moment. “Go fetch Daisy.”

  Vincent stared at him. “Right now?”

  “Do you want to wait to ask her?”


  “Neither do I. Look, Vincent. I don’t know where this will lead in the future, but I know that this afternoon, you and I are going to have our girl between us.”

  “We’re both going to take her.” There was hunger in Vincent’s voice. “Finally?”

  “God, yes. For she loves us both.”

  Vincent grinned and left Daniel to ready for what he suspected would surpass everything they’d shared thus far. His body was ready, but what of his mind? His heart? He’d worry through it after he and Vincent had finally been inside Daisy together.

  * * * *

  Daisy sat in her room, hiding from all and sundry at the manor. She couldn’t risk another person seeing her tears, not after her run-in with the countess. True, Millicent had been kind and most forthcoming. And illuminating, truth be told. If only Daisy could
be fortunate to gain the love of both her men.

  A knock at her door startled a gasp out of her. “Yes?”

  To her astonishment, Vincent opened the door with a wide smile. “Hello, sweetheart.”


  “I believe you’ve been keeping a secret from me?”

  She pressed a hand to her belly. “Never say you overheard what I told Lady Hawksfell.”

  “I didn’t.”

  “Then, what?”

  He beamed a beautiful smile at her. “You love me.”

  She bit her lip, and then nodded. “I do.”

  “That’s good. Because I love you, too.”

  Tears pricked her eyes. “You love me? Truly?”

  “Daisy, sweetheart, how could I not?”

  Her heart tripped at his sweet words.

  “Now, do hurry,” he went on. “Your presence is needed.”

  Her heart tripped and her breath caught. “In Daniel’s room?”

  Vincent nodded and held out his hand. “Come, Daisy.”

  She didn’t hesitate before putting her hand in his. His grip was warm and sure, and while she wasn’t quite certain what would happen in Daniel’s room, she knew she had this man’s heart.

  “Did Daniel say anything of love, Vincent?”

  “Not precisely. Let us worry over that after, Daisy. I can hardly wait to get inside you.”

  His words were scandalous and thrilled her to her toes. By the time they crossed the short distance to Daniel’s room, she was tingling with anticipation. When they arrived to find Daniel stripped and standing in the center of the room, legs braced apart, she couldn’t believe her great fortune to have two such men.

  “Hurry, Vincent,” she said, tugging at her dress as she stepped out of her shoes. “We mustn’t make Daniel wait.”

  “Yes, he’s the one in a hurry,” Vincent teased.

  She pushed at his shoulder, and then came up on her toes to kiss him. He tasted so fresh and sweet, and when he wrapped an arm around her waist, she longed to scream out her love for him. She couldn’t, though, not while her emotions were so tied up in Daniel’s heart.

  Being a valet was a great advantage when one wished to be naked quickly. She learned that when she was stripped and joined by Vincent and Daniel on the bed. Daniel drew her to him, catching her lips in a searing kiss like the first they’d ever shared. They’d shared so much since then, however. She knew what pleasure could be between them, among all three of them, and could scarcely wait.

  “I’m going to take your pussy, love,” he said, pulling her onto his lap and settling against the headboard. “Can you take Vincent as well?”

  His thighs were rock-hard beneath her and she couldn’t help but wriggle against him. “In my bottom?”

  He nodded, bringing one hand to her face. “You’re amazing, Daisy. I can’t wait to love you with Vincent.”

  “And I can’t wait to feel you loving Daniel as I take you,” Vincent said from behind her.

  His body pressed against her and she shivered. His muscles were hard and smooth and his cock brushed over her bottom. Daniel kissed her then, using his strong hands to spread her thighs. Long fingers stroked her pussy and her flesh swelled. Vincent held her breasts in his hands as Daniel licked and sucked first one nipple, then the other. She felt the desire rising within her, and when Vincent stroked her bottom as he had before, she ached for him.

  “I’ll be gentle, sweetheart,” he whispered, kissing the side of her neck.

  “Yes, Vincent,” she answered, moving toward him as Daniel continued to move his fingers in and out of her.

  Daniel placed his hands on her hips to hold her still. She lifted her head to ask him why when she felt Vincent ease a finger inside her secret hole. There was some kind of cream on his finger, which was cool but soon warmed inside of her. She tightened painfully, then relaxed a bit as he placed kisses along her spine.

  “I’ll get you ready for me,” Vincent went on. “You’ll love it.”

  She felt the head of his cock slide between her buttocks, and to her astonishment, he pushed inside of her. It was like when he took her from behind, but different. Tighter. Hotter. He moved very gently, murmuring words of encouragement as Daniel continued to make her burn. She could feel herself dripping but couldn’t rouse a modicum of embarrassment. Vincent was inside of her and soon Daniel would be, too.

  Rising just a bit, she tried to climb onto Daniel’s cock. It was hard and ready, and she ached for it. Vincent continued to move within her, making her shiver as a fine sheen of sweat covered her in a rush. Vincent was slick and slippery behind her and Daniel’s chest was salty when she licked him.

  “I need,” she breathed, moving ever so slightly to meet Vincent’s even thrusts. “I need you in my pussy, Daniel!”

  Daniel made a sound of agreement and shifted until he was just at her entrance. Her flesh seemed to swell further, aching to have him.

  “I’m coming inside her, Vincent,” he said, tickling her pussy with the head of his cock. “Ease back.”

  Vincent withdrew just a bit as Daniel slid up inside of her. It was astounding. She felt full and stretched and about to crest on a wave of pleasure.

  “I’m in,” Daniel said. He moved out as Vincent surged forward. “God, I feel you.”

  “I feel you,” Vincent bit out.

  The two of them began to work her, their cocks moving with a rhythm she’d never before imagined. Their bodies were slick and she fought to hold onto Daniel as Vincent moaned behind her.

  “I love you, Daisy,” he said.

  “Oh, Vincent,” she sobbed, so close now. “I love you.”

  “You feel so good,” he said. “I won’t last much longer.”

  Daniel said nothing, but he increased his thrusts. She felt her orgasm start, and threw her head back. They didn’t cease. She knew Vincent was as close as he’d said. His movements were rougher now and that was just enough to send her over the edge into bliss.

  Crying out, she came hard as they moved as one. Vincent shouted as he began to climax, gripping her hips as he poured himself inside of her in long strokes. Before she could recover, she began to climb again as Daniel pounded harder into her. Coming again, she held on tight as he pumped his seed high up into her.

  “God,” Daniel groaned. He held her close. “God, Daisy.”

  She fell against him, taking in a deep breath as she breathed in the combined scents of her men. “I love you, Daniel.”

  A chill settled over her as her words registered in her own mind. Vincent soothed her as he slowly withdrew with a satisfied sigh.

  “It’s all right, sweetheart. He loves you, too.”

  She opened one eye and glanced at Vincent. He was smiling, but Daniel was rigid beneath her. Turning, she fixed a gaze on Daniel’s beloved face. Her heart nearly broke at the stern expression on his face. His brows were drawn together and his lips set.

  “I’m sorry I love you, Daniel.” She hiccupped. “I love you and Vincent both.”

  Daniel stared long and hard at her. Then he smiled. God, he smiled and the bed seemed to tip beneath her!

  “I love you, Daisy.”

  His voice was gruff, but the words were music to her ears. She hugged him to her.

  Vincent kissed her cheek and then touched Daniel’s face. “Where does this leave us?”

  “You and me?” Daniel asked. “Or you and Daisy?”

  “All three of us,” Vincent said.

  There was an authoritative tone she’d never heard in his voice and she used her hands to brace herself on Daniel’s chest. It was hard to make a unified front with Vincent when she was still straddling Daniel and he was still inside of her, but she would try.

  “Vincent loves you, Daniel.”

  “He knows that, Daisy.”

  She whipped her head over to Vincent. “And, what? He doesn’t return the sentiment? How dare he?”

  * * * *

  “I do,” Daniel said.

� she asked pointedly.

  “I do love Vincent,” he admitted. “I love you both.”

  Her delicate brows snapped together. “You had better tell me what the future holds, Daniel.”

  He kissed her and eased himself out of her, bringing her to his side as Vincent hugged her from behind. This felt so right. Why the hell had he been fighting this for so long?

  “Marry me, Daisy. Marry me, and Vincent will be a part of our union.”

  “What of your curse?” she asked.

  “My curse has nothing to do with loving the two of you.”


  He nodded, and she beamed a bright smile. “Oh, yes!”

  “I don’t know,” Vincent said, his voice thick.

  Daniel could see the worry on Vincent’s face and knew the cause. His former lover had put everything else before him, and Vincent feared that would happen again.

  “Let go of the past,” Daniel told him. “You’ll always have a place, I promise you. You’re equal in our hearts. Please share your future with us.”

  “Oh, yes, please do!” Daisy said, nodding her head so her tousled curls tumbled around them.

  Daniel held his breath as he waited for Vincent to make his happiness complete.

  Then Vincent smiled, the expression as beautiful as Daisy’s. “Yes.”

  Daisy squealed with obvious delight. “And you are no longer my guardian, Daniel.”

  “No, love. I’m to be your husband. You are no longer my duty. You are my love. You and Vincent both.”

  With those words, the burden lifted off of his shoulders, the burden he’d endured and hidden beneath for far too long. Love would be his sole duty now, love for the two people most important in his passion and his affection.

  And he would happily take this duty on forever.





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