The F-Word

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The F-Word Page 6

by Jesse Sheidlower

1966 Folk-Speech (Indiana University Folklore Archives): Denotes asking a friend for money. Buddy-fuck. 1968 C. Baker et al. College Undergraduate Slang Study 89: Buddy fucker, play. Take someone else’s date away. Buddy-fuck. Take someone else’s date away. 1970 College student, age 21: At Fort Gordon [Ga.] last year I kept hearing buddy-fucker. It’s a guy who turns around and shafts people. 1972 College student, age 25: You buddy-fuck a guy like if you start going out with his girl without telling him. Buddy-fucking means letting somebody down or ripping them off. 1986 D. Tate Bravo Burning 161: Wash your mouth out…buddyfucker. 1993 R. Shilts Conduct Unbecoming 201: Everybody talked about the “buddy-fuckers” as those who turned in their friends were called. 2003 D. Lipsky Absolutely American iii. 237: Blue Falcon is a polite way to invoke the initials BF—a buddy fuck. It’s about the lowest form of behavior Huck can imagine.

  BUFF noun [big ugly (fat) fuck(er)]

  U.S. Air Force. a Boeing B-52 Stratofortress. Also BUF.

  1968 J. Broughton Thud Ridge 32: BUF stands for big ugly fellows in polite conversation, but is suitably amplified in [fighter pilot] conversation.… The Strategic Air Command general… issued an edict that the B-52 “Stratofortress” was not to be referred to as a BUF. 1972 in J.C. Pratt Vietnam Voices 510: 6 “Bufs” came in and rippled that road. 1972 Bob Hope at U.S. Air Force base in Thailand, on CBS Evening News (Dec. 22): This is the home of the B-52s. Also known as BUFFs—big ugly friendly fellows [laughter]. 1981 Time (Mar. 16) 8: To air crews the B-52 is known as BUFF, a fairly loving acronym that stands for Big Ugly Fat Fellow. 1985 W. J. Boyne & S. L. Thompson Wild Blue 517: The BUFFs— Big Ugly Fat Fuckers to the crews, Big Ugly Fat Fellows to the press. 1990 D. Poyer Gulf 47: Got a wing of fifty Buffs movin’ in. 1991 Newsweek (Feb. 18) 46/3: B-52 navigator Lt. David Rey compares the feeling of riding in the BUFF to going over an endless series of speed bumps. “Flying it is very tiring.” 2007 Atlantic Monthly (Sept.) 91/2: This was in early 2002, during Operation Anaconda, and he was flying a B-52 Stratofortress—or BUFF (“Big Ugly Fat Fucker”), as pilots call that hall-of-fame bomber, which made its debut in Vietnam.

  buffy noun [respelling of BUFE, for big ugly fucking elephant or variants]

  Military. a large ceramic elephant, commonly sold in South Vietnam as a souvenir. Jocular.

  1973 N.Y. Post (Jan. 15) 29: A buffy (rhymes with stuffy) is an enormous, glazed ceramic elephant.… The name derives from the acronym b-u-f-e, for bloody useless foul-word elephant. 1980 D. J. Cragg Lexicon Militaris 55: Buffie. From the acronym BUFE, Big Ugly Fucking Elephants. Buffies were large ceramic elephants produced in vast quantities by South Vietnamese craftsmen for sale to Americans. 1982 J. Cain Commandos 343: He took the roll of bills stuffed inside the white, ceramic “buffy” elephant. 1991 L. Trotta Fighting for Air 98: Shipping Bufes home was as much a cliché as sending pink grapefruit from Florida.

  bufu noun [from butt-fucker (or butt-fucking)]

  1.a. a homosexual man. Also as adjective. [Pronounced “Boo-foo.”]

  1982 F. Zappa Valley Girl (pop. song): Like my English teacher…He’s like Mr. Bufu…He like flirts with all the guys in the class. 1982 L. Pond Valley Girls’ Guide 50: Any dude who’d wear designer jeans must be bu-fu, right? 1986 C. Eble Campus Slang (Oct.) 4: Mo—a homosexual or someone who acts like one.… Also Bufu. 1989 P. Munro U.C.L.A. Slang 25: He is so feminine, you can tell he’s a bufu. 2005 Homosexuality IS a Disease! on ADGBC Forums (Nov. 23) (online): I think you underestimate boofoos[’] wileyness.

  b. homosexual anal intercourse.

  1982 The Tech (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) (Oct. 8) 4/2: It talked about bufu and mayonnaise and cock rings and all sorts of neat stuff. 1995 “Impotent Sea Snakes” Chicks with Dicks (pop. song): A penis-totin’ homo/With some bufu on the mind. 2002 D. Anderson Sex Tips For Gay Guys 103: A bufu buddy is your basic steady lay. 2008 Death or Boofoo on eBaum’s World (online): “You may pick one of two things death, or boofoo.” The first guy not knowing what boofoo is says “okay I pick boofoo.” The next thing he knows he is taken into a tent and is raped by a male indian.

  2.= BUMFUCK.

  1995 Help Finding Chicago Area Shows on Usenet newsgroup rec. (Oct. 14): I’m down here in Bufu, Missouri going to school. 2000 Re: Spam help on Usenet newsgroup 24hoursupport.helpdesk (July 7): I’m sure they’re forging headers and bouncing off some inept admin’s server in bufu someplace. 2007 Appliance repair????? on Midwest F-Body Association Forum (June 18): If you all…moved close to where I live you wouldn’t have these problems but when you live in bufu I can’t help ya.

  bugfuck adjective

  Chiefly Military. insane; crazy.

  1970 D. Ponicsan Last Detail 74: You two bastards are trying to drive me bug-fuck in the head, right? 1971 T. Mayer Weary Falcon 11: If Charles doesn’t get you, you stand a fine chance of going bug-fuck. 1973 U.S. Navy veteran, age ca28: When you go nuts you go bugfuck. 1975 S.P. Smith American Boys 130 [refers to ca1968]: May dead, Irwin dead, Brady bugfuck. 1979 J. Morris War Story 161: My team would go bugfuck when I came back suggesting that we start bayonet drill. 1983 W. D. Ehrhart Vietnam to Perkasie 199 [refers to Vietnam War]: I was gettin’ bug-fuck sittin’ around the CP all the time. 1987 D. Sherman Main Force 83 [refers to 1966]: We figured you must be going bug-fuck by now, so I came to give you a ride back to Camp Apache. 1991 H. Nelson & M. A. Gonzales Bring Noise 167: Law enforcement officials across the country went bug-fuck. 1993 W. Gibson Virtual Light 25: Then Sgt. Valdez went post-traumatic in stone bugfuck fashion, walking into a downtown tavern and clipping both kneecaps off a known pedophile. 2007 A. Theroux Laura Warholic xlvii. 790: But now she seemed utterly bugfuck, bewildered and unhinged.

  bugfucker noun

  a man with a ridiculously small penis; (hence) a contemptible person.

  1973 Zap Comix (No. 6) (unpaged): Needle Dick the Bug Fucker. 1977 J. Sayles Union Dues 20: “Hey, Needledick, check anybody’s oil lately?” “Needledick the Bug-Fucker!” 1966–80 J. McAleer & B. Dickson Unit Pride 345: Then that dirty bohemian bug-fucker…puts the screws to us. 1990 A. Steele Clarke County, Space 102: Screw that…I’m the only judge and jury you’re getting here, bugfucker.

  bull fuck noun

  cream gravy (sometimes as a thick stew) or custard, fancied to resemble the semen of a bull.

  [1942 L. V. Berrey & M. Van den Bark American Thesaurus of Slang 100: Gravy: Bull shit, come,…gism]. 1961 E. Partridge Dictionary of Slang & Unconventional English (ed. 5) 1019: Bull-fuck. Custard: Canadian railroad-construction crews: since ca1910. 1966–67 in Dictionary of American Regional English I 445 [in sense “cream gravy”]. 1971 C. C. Adams Boontling 180: Bull fuck…A thick gravy containing chopped meat. 1991 A. R. Killingbeck U.S. Army Privates, Sergeants, Fire & Smoke 40 [refers to 1953]: “Make a bullfuck.”…I watched the stew become thicker. “Soldier, that is what is known as a bullfuck.”

  Bumblefuck noun [alteration of BUMFUCK]

  a very remote place. Jocular.

  1989 P. Munro U.C.L.A. Slang 26: Bumblefuck…any faraway little town. 1990 U.S. student slang survey: Bumblefuck—a word used to describe a location that is very far away or out in the country. “I can’t believe we drove all the way to Bumblefuck to go to this party.” 1991 R. Spears Slang & Euphemism (abridged edition 2) 62: Bumblefuck…a primitive and rural place; podunk. 1999 S. Turow Personal Injuries 23: Like two goofs from East Bumblefuck, Mort and I put all the pieces together. 2005 J. Mitchard Breakdown Lane 63: He can’t spend too much, because, though he practices law where he lives now, he doesn’t make a lot because he basically lives in Bumblefuck, Egypt.

  bumblefuck noun

  a bumbling person; a fool.

  1997 S. Shem Mount Misery vii. 204: “My two older kids always called me a ‘bumblefuck’.” “What’s a bumblefuck?” “A slow, overly cautious driver.” 2004 S. Grafton R is for Ricochet xiii. 139: “I can help with that,” I said, mentally cursing the bumblefuck FBI agent who jumped the gun on us. 2008 A. Davies
Mine All Mine 217: I can get you past the primary systems, but then what are you two bumblefucks going to do?

  Bumfuck noun

  Military & Students. a very remote place.—used with a placename, esp. in Bumfuck, Egypt. Also Bumfuckistan. Jocular. See also BFE, BUMBLEFUCK.

  1972 Sgt. E-6, U.S. Army: They probably sent those records out to Bumfuck, Egypt. 1974 P. Kingry Monk & Marines 31: When they asked… whether he would…volunteer for Vietnam, he said he would volunteer for Bumfuk, Egypt, first! 1983 C. Eble Campus Slang (Nov.) 1: Bumfuck—the worst place: We had to park in Bumfuck, Egypt. 1986 J. Cain Suicide Squad 20: Together, they’ll come up with some place beyond Bumfuck, Egypt, to send my sorry ass. 1999 N. Roberts Inner Harbor xx. 319: I don’t have all day to hang around this bumfuck town. 2001 T. H. Culley Immortal Class iv. 84: I could see five or six enormous radio towers…like the antennae of the Death Star—very bizarre, very bum-fuck Florida, really. 2006 C. Langston Bicoastal Babe vi. 46: It’s one thing to smoke the house in a white Chanel pantsuit, but it’s another thing to imagine the housewives in Bumfuck, Ohio, trying to copy the same look at their local Wal-Mart. 2006 J. P. Othmer Futurist 12: Eastern Bumfuckistan. 2008 New York Magazine (June 2) 40/1: I am from Bumfuck, France, okay?…I wanted to kill myself…because nothing happened. So I moved to Paris.

  bumfuck noun

  1. an act of anal intercourse.

  1879 Harlequin Prince Cherrytop 4: Crumb fuck, bum fuck, not another peaceful minute. 1996 Face (Apr.) 3/3 (table): Fancy a blow-job in Zaire or a bum-fuck in Bangladesh? Tough. As our guide to prohibited sexual practices shows, what turns you on can turn off the authorities and land you in a rather unpleasant prison cell. 2002 R. Coover Adventures of Lucky Pierre 145: A rush of speeded-up highlights from old movies—rapes and seductions, birchings, bumfucks, facials, and fistings.

  2. a despicable person; an idiot; wretch.

  1979 Easyriders (Dec.) 6: A pretty crafty way…to get us bumfucks to read your rag cover to cover. 1981 Easyriders (Oct.) 47: Cut loose some of those bumfuck, hardluck losers. 2000 R. Bingham Lightning on Sun 116: Dwayne grew more agitated. He didn’t like the sound of this bum-fuck country cracker knocking his vehicle. 2005 S. Amick Lake, River & Other Lake viii. 42: As far as Mark could tell, there were three types of outsiders you could be if you didn’t happen to get born and die in Weneshkeen, like the rest of these bumfucks his dad seemed to want to fit in with.

  bumfuck verb

  to have anal intercourse with. Hence bumfucker, noun.

  ca1866 Romance of Lust 269: The very fine bum-fucking his adorable wife had the art of giving him. 1880 Pearl (May): My ridicule of his ignorance made him quite ashamed of his want of knowledge, especially when I introduced him to the delights of bum-fucking, and he faithfully promised me that when Her Ladyship returned, he would insist upon his marital rights over every part of her person. ca1890 My Secret Life VIII. iv.: She didn’t hesitate to say she should like to be bum-fucked again. “Just to try if there is any real pleasure in it.” ca1890 My Secret Life VIII. xi.: In after years she was the most complacent creature, and did with me everything excepting bum fucking. 1967 N. Mailer Why Are We in Vietnam?: You… been bum fucking the wrong cunt. 1969 P. Louÿs Mother’s Three Daughters 77: You can bum-fuck her in any posture of your choice; you can come in her mouth. 1973 T. Pynchon Gravity’s Rainbow 547: His name was Frank, his hair curled away from his face, his eyes were rather sharp but pleasant, he stole from American Army depots, he bum-fucked me and when he came inside me, so did I. 1975 Ribald (Sydney, Australia) (May 29) 10: Titles included “Tongue Teacher”; “The Bumfuckers”; “The House of the Golden Showers.” 1993 Saturday Night (Toronto) (July–Aug.) 35/2: He says he remembers being “bum-fucked” by an “uncle” when he was four “but it was no big deal, the sort of thing all kids go through.” 1996 Vertigo (Sydney, Australia) (No. 3) 12: Anal intercourse: buggery, sodomy, arse-fucking, bum-fucking. 2002 J. W. Nichol Midnight Cab 112: Did you pull out your wee-wee? Did you go all wet? Did you try to bum-fuck that boy?

  Buttfuck noun

  a very remote place.—usually used with a placename. Jocular. See also BFE, BUMBLEFUCK.

  1999 Independent (London) (May 2): All Americans will tell you at first meeting where they come from and who their parents were, even if it’s (a) Buttfuck, South Dakota and (b) brothel-keepers. 2005 The Pitch (Kansas City) (Nov. 3): The 80-second commute from his manse in West, West Buttfuck, Missouri, to downtown St. Louis. 2006 Observer (July 16) (Music Mag.) 29: If Timberlake stood on a musical precipice last time around, trying to convince the world he was more than some Buttfuck, Tennessee boy-band soon-to-be-has-been, he stands on even more of one now with FutureSex.

  butt-fuck noun

  1. an act of anal copulation.

  1971 H. Dahlskog Dictionary of Contemporary & Colloquial Usage 11: Butt fuck, v.… To engage in anal intercourse.—[also] n. 1981 National Lampoon (Apr.) 39: Let’s go to my place for brunch and a buttfuck. 1997 N.Y. Press (Aug. 27) 18: “I need a buttfuck now!” screamed an overpierced male in fluorescent green Speedos. 2002 I. Welsh Porno 374: It hits me like an iron fist in the chest that in this global communications village somehow, in some way, my father’s going to see me getting a butt-fuck.

  2. an instance of victimization; an unfortunate event.

  1986 L. Heinemann Paco’s Story 128: Iwo Jima was a sloppy, bloody butt-fuck. 2000 R. Meltzer Whore Just Like Rest 136: At times it was like being the lone mocker in a room full of newsfolks cheerleading Reagan’s buttfuck of Grenada. 2004 C. Hiaasen Skinny Dip 256: He…could smell a butt fuck coming a mile away, and he’d never stand still for it.

  butt-fuck verb

  1. to copulate with anally. Also in extended use. Compare earlier BUTTFUCKER.

  1971 D. Rader Government Inspected Meat 72: I liked to get buttfucked. 1975 J. Wambaugh Choirboys xii. 296: I hear when Carolina was living with that Greek bartender he used to butt-fuck her all the time. 1976 J. Vasco Three-Hole Girl 186: It hurts so good. Oh, you butt-fuck me so good! 1979 H. Crews Blood & Grits 122: Said if I’d butt-fuck him, he’d take me out there on the train and innerduce me. 1983 R. Eilert For Self & Country 272 [refers to 1968]: You’re butt-fucking each other then. 1985 D. Dye Run Between the Raindrops 129: Their…buddy has just been butt-fucked by a B-40 [rocket] or some such nonsense. 1990 D. Poyer Gulf 186: The warriors grab the first missionary…[and] butt-fuck him. 1997 A. Bourdain Chef’s Night Out in K. Williamson Rovers Return (1998) 134: I felt like I had suddenly and inexplicably, put on a fluppy crepe and organza cocktail dress, a rubber clown nose, roller skates, wheeled out into the center of Times Square, and allowed myself to get butt-fucked by a procession of crack-heads and circus freaks. 2001 M. Spitz We Got the Neutron Bomb 112: I have gotten butt-fucked, but never in jail. I did it on the street for the money. 2004 T. Bentley Surrender 13: Butt-fucking is more intimate than pussy-fucking.

  2. to victimize.

  1979 Maledicta III 55: Males in particular…who have been denied promotion, given low grades…been fired, jilted [etc.]…commonly relate that they have been screwed, fucked,…butt-fucked…and so on. 1981 J. Wambaugh Glitter Dome 240: He’ll be back to being butt-fucked by those bogus producers. 1982 J. M. Del Vecchio 13th Valley 491: Gettin butt-fucked. 1988 J. Stuart Die Hard (film): I’m not the one who just got buttfucked on national TV. 1999 D. Mitchell Ghostwritten 221: If he… chooses to sell us up the river, we will be royally butt-fucked from here to Windsor. 2007 R. N. Patterson Exile 177: The Zionists have been butt-fucking the Palestinians for the last three generations.

  buttfucker noun

  1. a person who engages in anal copulation.

  1962–68 B. Jackson In the Life 324: Everybody was “Old Butt-Fucker” to him. 1990 A. Parfrey Apocalypse Culture (revised edition) 203: With all the buttfuckers and drug addics having cival rights when they have aids; this makes the other 50% of the country half a citizen; we have no rights. 1995 New York Press (Mar. 8) 67: Dr. Jack Morin, author of the Buttfucker’s Bible, Anal P
leasure and Health. 2005 Exit (South Africa) (Feb.) 26/2 (advt.): Primrose Wanted: Active butt-fucker 18–40 GM/Bi VWE no hang-ups for 3somes with GWMs 35/45 our place.

  2. a despicable person.

  1973 H. S. Thompson Letter (Oct. 19) in Fear & Loathing in America (2000) 552: How many more mesas will you have to sell to those corporate butt-fuckers at The Institute? 1999 T. Parker et al. South Park (film script) 137: Ay! Don’t call me fat, buttfucker. 2008 J. Strong Drawn from Life 90: “Well, what would you know, buttfucker?” Mac said. It was one of their routines. Pete came back with, “Well, what would you know, muffdiver?” “Well, what would you know, horsedick?”


  celebrity-fucker noun

  a person, typically a young woman, who engages in promiscuous sexual intercourse with filmstars or other celebrities; (broadly) a hanger-on among celebrities. Compare STARFUCKER.

  1968 T. Wolfe Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test 224: “You need all the big names you can get, to get the crowd out.” “Well, that’s what you get for being celebrity fuckers.” 1969 J. Susann Love Machine 124: Falling all over the guest star. She’s living up to her title: the Celebrity Fucker. 1970 J. Bouton Ball Four 218: A stew [i.e. stewardess] can come under the heading of class stuff, or table pussy, in comparison with some of the other creatures who are camp-followers or celebrity-fuckers. 1972 R. A. Wilson Playboy’s Book of Forbidden Words s.v. plaster-casters: A celebrity-fucker (the word was coined by writer-editor John Wilcock) is a young woman who will fuck anybody as long as he’s famous. 1974 P. K. Dick Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said 53: Do you think I slept with them because they were famous? Do you think I’m a CF, a celebrity fucker? 1986 R. Campbell In La-La Land 232: I thought he was just a celebrity fucker, you know. 1993 R. Watson Niagara 22: Not women on the rebound, not women punishing their husbands, not women trying to make their boyfriends jealous, not celebrity fuckers, not women seeking publicity. 1997 G. Plimpton Truman Capote 269: She [sc. Lillian Hellman] was always such a celebrity fucker. 2004 New York Observer (Nov. 24) 1: I’d hate to see it go in for more interviews, author photographs, publishing news, even the gossip—anything that cuts down on anything devoted to the review of books.… I hope it won’t go that way, but the whole culture is going that way, in a celebrity-fucker direction.


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