Stripped - Complete Series

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Stripped - Complete Series Page 7

by Lucia Jordan

  Rebecca drew in a long breath, the written words reviving a strange excitement in her. She didn’t want to give herself time to think, so she left the room quickly. Thanks to her tour from last night she knew her way around the house, though all she needed to do was follow the gorgeous smells coming from the kitchen to discover where Alec and Tristan were.

  Rebecca couldn’t hide her shyness as she walked into the kitchen that morning – though it was probably closer to noon by now. She’d truly slept deeply, waking up reinvigorated with not much of the after-effects she’d have dreaded after an unplanned night of sexual decadence.

  Catching sight of Alec and Tristan dressed casually in jeans and open-necked shirts, it was almost difficult to imagine them last night and in the early hours of the morning, doing things to her body that would have been deemed illicit in certain circles.

  They seemed laid back and carefree right then as they busied themselves around the oven and kitchen counter. Rebecca’s stomach rumbled at the sight of muffins, eggs and bacon. She felt like she could eat a house. So why was she all up in knots as she tried to meet their appraising gaze?

  They turned to her with grins of appreciation. “Nice to see you this morning, Rebecca. Ready for breakfast?” Alec asked.

  Rebecca blushed for simply no reason. Or maybe it was Alec and Tristan’s identical teasing looks and rakish smiles. Brushing her damp palms down her thighs she confessed, “I actually find myself feeling quite starved. It’s not a feeling I’m used to in the morning.”

  “After a night like last night it’s no surprise your fuel reserves are drained, so to speak,” Tristan put in, as he poured out amazingly fragrant coffee. Now when she blushed, Rebecca had a good enough reason – being reminded of the many hours of sex and sin that had her aching sweetly in places that had nothing to do with an empty stomach.

  “Come on, there’s plenty to eat,” added Tristan.

  “I really should just go,” she said hesitantly; thumb indicating the front door which seemed to be calling for her. “Thanks for um…last night and everything, but I think it’s time I take my leave.”

  “We promised last that you could leave any time you want. But first, food,” Alec said firmly. He came to her side and then all but herded her to the waiting kitchen dining table.

  Rebecca bit on her lip, conscious that appearance wise she wasn’t feeling she looked her best. She’d found a new toothbrush in the bathroom, and the sumptuous bath had been welcome but she wasn’t so happy to be right back into her – at least thankfully clean - black dress. She wished she had on something more exciting to face her gorgeous duo again.

  Yet the way the brothers looked her way it would seem she was wearing the sexiest get-up. Even now, they seemed ready to whisk her back into bed given half the chance.

  Rebecca gulped; getting that trapped gazelle feeling once more.

  “Would you like to talk about last night?” Alec asked lightly, right after Rebecca’s first bite of the delicious-tasting banana nut muffin. Which relatively stuck in her throat at Alec’s words.

  “Uh…no,” Rebecca said, and grabbed her coffee, taking a much needed swallow.

  She caught Tristan’s smile. “How predictable,” he murmured, all innocence as he handed her a plate of what looked like bacon-wrapped potato spears. They smelled divine and had Rebecca’s mouth watering again. “Try some,” Tristan offered.

  Rebecca was scowling even as she grabbed one of the fingerlings and took her first bite. She bit down her hum of enjoyment as she said to Tristan with barely concealed annoyance, “What did you mean, predictable?”

  Tristan shrugged, glancing at Alec who had a tilted smile on his lips. Ugh. Rebecca definitely didn’t like the thought they could be having a joke at her expense. Just what was so freaking funny?

  “I meant you, Rebecca. We knew you wouldn’t agree so easily to our plans. Even when you fit into them so perfectly,” Tristan said, holding her gaze calmly.

  “Oh,” she said, looking quickly down at her plate. Then she let out a jagged sigh. “Look…Alec, Tristan. I can tell you get your pick of women….”

  “But we want you,” Alec cut in, his tone ever mild. He forked some of his eggs and held the mouthful to her lips. “Here. Have a bit of our broccoli egg bake. Tristan and I cooked up a storm for you this morning. The least you could do is enjoy it.”

  “I am,” she assured him, devouring the morsel his fork offered, while blushing at the intimacy of being fed by him. She averted her gaze, only to meet Tristan’s head on. His devilish smile sent her back a few hours to when he had his lips sealed over her slit in between her legs. A part of her anatomy that was growing suspiciously moist just being around them again. Almost like her pussy had a radar that sensed the presence of the two undeniably gorgeous and sinful hotties.

  This morning, they caught her breath with their masculine beauty. Rebecca didn’t want to think of how well they’d pulled all her strings in that bedroom. How they’d had her casting off inhibitions she’d clung to all her adult life, by giving in to their carnal whims without a thought to deny them.

  Rebecca had a feeling they knew how easily they could make her do whatever they wished. She couldn’t think straight around them; somehow her pussy went on auto-pilot the moment either of them opened their mouths.

  Spread those legs for me. Open your mouth to take my cock. Come, Rebecca – now.

  Rebecca’s body quivered inside just from the memory of their commands. And the way her body instantly responded, like to a snake-charmer’s flute.

  I’m in deep trouble, thought Rebecca, quickly biting into her buttered toast to mask her inner turmoil. Even when she didn’t fully understand what more they expected from her, she still shivered with anticipation. I know they’re bad for me. I know that somehow, I’m going to get hurt. Why can’t I just walk away?

  They could have any woman they wanted. She wasn’t blind; they looked like they could easily be mistaken for Calvin Klein models yet she was just…Rebecca.

  We want you.

  Alec’s earlier words seared her skin like the burning strokes of a whip. Yes; crazily, incomprehensibly, they wanted her. Just not exactly in the way she’d have envisioned…

  Rebecca had never really been interested in any of that 50 Shades stuff that seemed so popular at present. So she’d been blind-sided by the happenings of last night, starting with both the brothers wanting to take her to bed – and then culminating with her being tied and teased to mindless orgasms in that bedroom supposedly meant for her.

  Then all the switching her between them, sliding into her in turns…right now her pussy walls quivered in remembrance. Would she ever be the same again?

  Probably not. Alec and Tristan had awoken a side to her sexuality she’d never known was there. Turning her back on it, so soon after its discovery seemed ill-advised.

  Now all she had to do was tell them she’d give them anything they desired.

  Yet the capitulation stayed lodged in her throat. “Last night, what happened…I don’t usually act like that. In fact, never.” Slowly, she looked up to meet the silver-dollar gleam of their eyes. “It was really eye-opening for me, but…”

  “You think you were the only one who was blown away?” Alec asked, and stretched out a hand to brush a crumb from below her lips. Rebecca’s whole flesh was suffused with heat at that slight, innocent touch, reminiscent of so many others not so innocent.

  “Last night was a revelation for us, too. That’s why we don’t want it to end just yet. Why don’t you hear what we propose?” Alec asked.

  “I think you made your intentions clear last night,” Rebecca murmured while deep inside, her heart raced. Lust coursed through her veins and her palms turned sweaty just thinking of their words just hours before. Our little sex doll. Whenever we want. Say yes, Rebecca.

  Rebecca could just see herself making the wrong move and regretting it later. She’d already acted so out of character with each impulsive decision she’d made sinc
e she met them. Only heaven knew what else they could get her to do if she let them have their way even further.

  “Then you know we can give each other what we want,” Alec said calmly. There they sat, the epitome of raw sexuality; unapologetically male and sensual. Rebecca’s inner thighs felt a molten heat. She hadn’t even realized what she’d wanted until now. Their strength, their passion; the sensuality of each kiss, each touch.

  “For some time now, Alec and I have wanted a threesome submissive arrangement with the right woman,” Tristan said. “It’s pretty much the same as what happened last night. You; yielding to our sexual demands yet always in a safe, sane and consensual setting. Simply no strings attached; just an opportunity to share this part of our lifestyle with you in a manner that can be ended whenever you or we decide. While it lasts though, it will be the most titillating experience you’ll ever share with anyone; that we can promise you.”

  “Ah,” Rebecca said, chewing slowly on her food while her mind whirled faster and faster. “Do I get time to think about it first?”

  “How much time do you need?” Tristan asked.

  “A week or two? That will give me the chance to get my head right,” Rebecca said with a nervous laugh. “I know next to nothing about this stuff. I might need to do some research.”

  “We’ll teach you all you need to know,” said Alec, and just the timbre of sexiness in his voice had her pussy fluttering.

  Mmm hmmm. The things it did to her hearing those words. Oh, how well they would teach. She had no doubt the brothers would keep to their end of the bargain admirably.

  “I need to know something. Why me?” She just had to ask.

  “Two words, Rebecca. Last night,” Alec said simply.

  “I don’t understand,” Rebecca murmured as her head tipped with interested.

  “It’s going to be hard to explain,” Alec went on. “But the fact is, last night gave us the inkling that we’ve found what Tristan and I were looking for in a submissive we wanted to share.”

  Submissive. Share. Words that had been so alien to her before last night. She’d never known about her fantasy to be taken by two men at the same time; to be shared between them in the most carnal of ways. Neither had she known about her submissive side; the part of her that enjoyed the loss of control over what happened to her; that part that reveled in the art of giving in to her dominant lover – or in this case lovers. Alec and Tristan; two brothers who had everything she’d ever dreamed to find in the male species.

  Sex appeal. In droves. Drowning her. Even frightening her with the intensity of the way she responded to it. With nipples taut and a jelly-like consistency overtaking her lower half.

  What were the odds; her: Rebecca Walters, catching the fancy of men like them? The first night had seemed like a fluke. Turning round, finding them standing there and realizing she was the one they’d come to meet.

  She’d always felt so girl-next-door; now she had to think of the possibility of belonging to two of the hottest men she’d ever met. It wasn’t romance, wasn’t anything close to a normal relationship, but it was something. That was better than nothing, right?

  Just stop analyzing and leave before you actually do something crazy and accept, said her inner warning voice.

  A deep breath escaped her in a rush. “So this gets to extend past one night. One night that I never planned on happening. Now I’m being offered a role I’m not sure I understand. Submissive – what does it even entail?”

  “There’s no blueprint to what a submissive stands for. It can be whatever we want it to be. You included. Alec and I don’t get to make all the rules, Rebecca,” said Tristan, lips tilted in that trademark sex-devil smile.

  “I see.” Well, that lifted some weight off her mind, knowing she had a say in this – whatever ‘this’ was; she still hadn’t decided. “So, tell me more. My curiosity is duly whetted.”

  “As a first time submissive, and since we’ll be on a trial run, we’ll try not to take things too hardcore,” Alec began.

  Rebecca suddenly recalled the memory of being tied up, spanked and thoroughly fucked until she was totally spent…that was definitely more hardcore than she’d ever experienced. She could only imagine what lay in store. Much as she was fearful of the prospect, she secretly admitted to a deepening excitement.

  And yet an inner voice cried, had she learned nothing from the unexpected turn of last night’s events? These two hunks had no qualms getting an unsuspecting female into their clutches. Rebecca never expected to be seduced into all the deviant acts that had taken place.

  She’d certainly never have envisioned her body being used to its fullest potential, pleasing these two brothers. And she’d given in to every minute of it. But what type of girl wanted to be used like that on a continuous basis?

  Shrugging off her shoulder at the question, Rebecca realized she yearned to find out more about this forbidden side of her. And Alec and Tristan could show her how.

  Rebecca wondered if she’d had submissive tendencies all along. She was undoubtedly a ‘people pleaser’; she already had been described as such by friends. But did that mean she needed to be dominated sexually to feel complete?

  At her core, she realized she did enjoy giving up control to Alec and Tristan sexually. She wanted to be used for their pleasure; whatever their pleasure might entail. Which in turn, would please her.

  They’d already lit a flame of desire within her, intoxicating her with their strength and awareness of what she deeply wanted, absolutely needed.

  Undoubtedly, they read her accurately inside out. Knew she was an everyday, repressed and shy woman hiding the wanton beneath. In the past, she’d had to make do with her basic sexual needs barely being fulfilled. Now here were two lovers who could frame her into anything they wanted. She could try all she wanted to repress her urges as much as possible, but the brothers seemed determined to discover all of her buttons and push them accordingly.

  Their confidence and control were an absolute turn on for her. It amazed her how quickly she had willingly submitted her mind and body to them. She was secretly looking forward to discovering her limits. Just how far was she willing to go?

  She listened raptly as Alec and Tristan went on to explain potential scenes and limits that they wanted to explore and discern with her.

  All Rebecca could do was quell her throbbing pussy as anticipation rose deep within. By some stroke of fortune, she’d found men who knew her inner desires, wants and needs. All she wished she could do was please them for as long as possible.

  Even now, their words left phantom caresses on her skin, causing shivers down her spine. Their passion was an itch she could not scratch, and she was undeniably getting addicted to them so soon. To their touch and kiss.

  Her body yearned for them to touch her leaving a trail of flames on her skin. For them to manipulate her body while forcing her to cum for them; pleasing them.

  Was it so wrong to hunger for more?

  “We’ll only expect you to be our submissive a few times a week at most. We understand about your life and work commitments, as we have those of our own. But with careful deliberation we’re sure we can make out time that’s convenient for all concerned,” Alec added.

  Rebecca was deep in consideration once Alec had finished speaking. So…a few times a week or so of fun and games till these two get bored with it all. How am I supposed to agree to that?

  But maybe it was exactly what she needed right now.

  No promises, no expectations; just a clear-cut interaction that was on a purely physical level.

  “It feels like last night you didn’t get much of a choice,” Tristan said. “Now’s the chance to walk in with your eyes wide open.” He smiled and reached out to tuck a wayward strand behind her ear.

  Rebecca bit on her lip and willed the thrumming in her pussy to subside. Whenever they so much as brushed their fingertips on her, she melted. Was it a wonder her legs found it impossible to get up and run like her mind was tel
ling her to do?

  She’d never have thought herself the type to succumb to casual sex with two strangers on the first night. Now she was far too comfortable thinking about enjoying a purely physical connection with the two brothers for the duration of their proposed ‘arrangement’.

  Had this side of her been lurking beneath the surface all along, waiting for the right moment to emerge from those dark, unchaste depths?

  “We were hoping you’ll choose to stay on with us – spend the weekend. We’ll get you home Monday morning in time to prepare for work,” Tristan suggested silkily.

  Rebecca gulped. That would be say, two more nights of the bliss similar to last night. Christ above, that was enough incentive right there to say an emphatic YES!

  But Rebecca had to brush back her inner voice and let common sense prevail.

  “If I’m going to consider this whole um, threeway submissive arrangement, I’ll need to gain some…perspective. If I stay, I’m not going to get that,” she breathed, shaking her head.

  “If you stay, you’ll get to know us better,” Alec suggested. “I’m sure there’re a lot of questions in your mind about us.”

  Oh sure. Like why the hell they were so comfortable with the idea of sharing the same woman on a regular basis. Like what made them tick; their history, their everyday lives. They’d got to talk over dinner last night but there were still too many blanks that Rebecca found herself wondering about.

  “You don’t have to leave,” Tristan murmured, in that same silky tone that dripped down the length of her spine like hot wax.

  “But…my things. I only have what I’m putting on,” Rebecca said somewhat frantically as the pulse that was planted in her pussy started to pound in alarming insistence for her to consent now.

  “We can get you anything you need,” Alec said. “Already, we took the liberty of making some purchases based on your dress and lingerie size while you slept in the hope that you’d agree to stay the weekend and get to know us better. You don’t even need to leave the house or go back to your apartment.”


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