Mad Dog (Angel’s Rebellion MC: #2) (Angel's Rebellion MC)

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Mad Dog (Angel’s Rebellion MC: #2) (Angel's Rebellion MC) Page 10

by Jeneveir Evans

  “As long as they do their jobs and pass a background check, I don't see why not.”

  He shot a quick smile at me.

  “If there's not anything else, let's vote, Brothers. Everyone who thinks we should buy the bar, let me see a raise of hands.” I glanced around to see every hand raised. “Looks like we're buying a bar.”

  I glanced over to make sure Seer was getting everything down.

  “Alright on to the next matter. Club girls. Anyone have any suggestions?”

  “A couple of the Friday night girls said they were interested,” Slaughter commented.

  “Who?” Doom asked.

  “Amy and Skye,” he replied.

  “They could work,” Doom remarked as he agreed with Slaughter.

  “Opinions on these two girls? Anyone?”

  “I'm fine with them myself,” Beau spoke up.

  “Agree with Beau, just as long as it's not that Shelley chick. Hate that fucking bitch,” Bane said.

  Murmurs of agreement went around the room agreeing with his comment.

  “Well if y'all don't like her, let's tell her not to come back. Blood, you take care of that.”

  Blood nodded.

  “I know of a couple girls, names are Reeanne and April. Met them a few months ago at The Watering Hole. Some of the others know them as well,” Brute said.

  Nods went around the room again from the single men.

  “C'mon motherfuckers. This is like pulling damn teeth. Y'all want girls or not?” I muttered.

  This was taking fucking forever. I was ready for this shit to be done with. I had a girl I wanted to talk to. I saw a couple of surprised looks at my impatience. Usually Church wasn't something I got impatient with.

  “Yeah, Prez. Those girls seem nice too,” Screw commented. “I've spent a little time with them. They don't seem like all they want is to be on the back of a bike. Reeanne's had a rough life. She works hard but is struggling, and she lives in this ratty little shit hole that I wouldn't put a dog in.”

  “Seems you know her pretty well. You gonna be okay with others being with her? You're not thinking of claiming her, are you?” I inquired of him.

  “Fuck no, Prez. Brute, BamBam, Cotton and Hatchet have all been with her as well. I don't have plans to ever claim a woman.”

  Laughter from the guys that had Old Ladies went around the table. I had to smile as well. Because when that certain one enters your life, it's pretty much over from that moment on.

  “Alright, so we have four names, anyone else?”

  Seer coughed. I glanced at him. Fuck, was he was blushing slightly?


  “Ah, well, I would like to put a name in the bucket. But this isn't a young girl like all these boys are talking about. She's in her mid-thirties. Fucking fine woman. To be honest with you, I get tired of the young girls sometimes. Their fucking talk of brainless shit drives me nuts.”

  I saw heads nodding in agreement with him.

  “Okay, so who is this woman?”

  “Her name is Clair.”

  “Seer, gonna ask you the same thing. You gonna be okay with others fucking her? You sure you don't want to claim her?”

  “Fuck no, too old to claim a woman now. And, I wouldn't have a problem with it. I guess the question is will the others want to fuck a woman in her mid-thirties.”

  Viper choked out a cough. I glanced at him to see disbelief on his face.

  “How could someone have a problem with fucking a woman in her thirties? Sorry, it's just my Old Ladies are almost forty, and, shit, never mind.”

  I laughed at him. He realized what he was about to say. But I had to agree with him. There was nothing like an experienced woman.

  “Fuck, Viper. Not all of us can be lucky like you and have two fucking gorgeous women for themselves. Your women still look like they're in their twenties,” Ranger commented, sounding slightly envious.

  Viper smirked at Ranger.

  “Well, I still say I want to be Viper when I grow up,” Nickel said, adding his two cents.

  “Me too,” I heard Ranger murmur. Hmm, appeared Ranger had a hankering for two women like Viper.

  “Fuck, Nickel. Your ass is never gonna grow up,” Slaughter commented as he laughed at Nickel.

  “Fuck you, cuz. I'm not that bad,” he muttered.

  I shook my head. Sometimes I swear having a MC full of related family members was enough to drive a person insane. Thank goodness we were adding more men that weren't blood related to anyone in the club.

  “So, would you young bucks have an issue with her?” I asked the group at large, forcing the discussion where it needed to be.

  “Fuck, no. One of the best nights of my life was with a woman in her forties. She fucking showed me things I didn't even know existed,” piped up Hatchet, who promptly blushed when all eyes hit him.

  Damn, what was with all the guys tonight. You'd think these fuckers had never had sex before. Unfortunately, at one point or another, I had seen the majority of the men here getting sucked off and a few of them fucking in the Great Room.

  “Ah man, you didn't get in Ms. Robbins pants did you, Hatchet?” Cotton asked disbelievingly.

  Hatchet grinned wickedly at Cotton.

  “You motherfucker, you never said anything.”

  “Unlike you, I know when to keep my mouth shut, you little asshole. You would have shouted it from the rooftops and destroyed her reputation.”

  A disgruntled look came over Cotton's face as the men laughed at him. The boy did have a tendency to talk about his sexual exploits. He also didn't mind if anyone watched him having sex either. He didn’t have a shy bone in his body.

  “I take it that Clair is a go?” I asked.

  All the single guy’s heads nodded.

  “Good deal, so we have five women. I'd like to have a couple more names. Because I'm sure not all of these will work out.”

  “Got a name. Sydney,” Beau threw out.

  “Holy fuck, Brother. Are you talking about that girl from the strip club? She wouldn't come here. She is fucking finnnneeee,” Slaughter said.

  “Already talked to her. She's not wanting to strip anymore. She really never did. Her grandma raised her but died when she was nineteen, she lied about her age and told them she was twenty-one when she started stripping. Says she hates it. She wants to go to college and said this would allow her to be able to go.”

  “I take it there are no objections to Sydney?”

  I heard several fuck no's go around the room.

  “Well, it looks like we have six names. Get with Seer and give him their info after Church. He's gonna call them tonight and set up appointments for them to be here tomorrow. Seer, give their info to Doom so he can call KJ with their details. I've already called and warned KJ we would be sending him some names to run and to get back with me first thing in the morning.”

  “Will do, Dog.”

  “Is there anything else?”

  “Prez,” Ranger spoke up. “I have a couple friends who just got out of the Army a few months ago. They were wondering if we had any spots open for Prospects.”

  “How old are these men, Ranger?” I inquired.

  It was extremely unusual for an older guy to want to prospect. It was hard to be subjected to shit from younger men.

  “They're both thirty-ish. I told them what prospecting would be like. Warned them that there were Brothers here ten years younger than them and if they were told to do something, they would have to do it. Both said they would like to meet with us and asked if we would consider doing that for them. They've been out about six months and can't seem to settle.”

  He sighed.

  “Prez, gonna be honest with you. It's hard for some men to adjust when they get out. You're so used to the routine and orders, that when it's not around anymore you end up feeling kinda lost. And you fucking miss the brotherhood.”

  I nodded at him. I hadn't ever served, but Sarge had and so had several others here. I could understand
missing those things.

  “Anyone have any objections to Ranger inviting his buddies for a visit?”

  Every head shook no.

  “Call and invite them. Let me know when they'll be here.”

  “They're actually not far away right now, I think they’re at a casino over in Oklahoma.”

  “Call and get them here,” I told him. “Is there anything else?”

  “Yeah, got something Prez,” Maul murmured.

  “What's on your mind, Brother?” Fuck, it felt like I was never gonna get out of here.

  “Think we need to add a small building to use as a workout room. I'd seriously like to have it set up where I could workout anytime I wanted. Viper might not always be available.”

  “Agree with Maul,” Beau said. “Ever since Viper put us all to shame,” he said as he glared down at Viper, “a lot of us have talked about it and would like a place to work out, maybe have some weights, treadmills, stationary bikes, maybe even a boxing ring.”

  I listened as Brothers voiced their agreements. As my gaze went across to Viper, I saw him smirking at Beau. Fucker. I needed to work out too. His damn abs had looked seriously bad ass.

  “So, y'all seriously want this? If so, make a show of hands.”

  Every hand raised in the room to answer my question.

  “Since I saw every fucking one of you raise your hand, then let’s build a workout area. Hoss want you on that. Let's get it done in a week, okay?”

  Hoss lifted his chin at me in confirmation.

  “If that's all, meeting over.”

  I didn't give anyone time to say anything else. I was ready to talk to this woman. I wanted to know why she asked for me specifically. I signaled to Blood.

  “Possum, Seer, Viper, Blood would you all mind stopping by my office?” I asked on my way out the door.

  All of them nodded.



  I watched as about twenty-five men came out of the hallway, one of those being Blood. My eyes stayed on him as he made his way over to me. He had on his game face today, not one single emotion was showing.

  “You guys search her?” he asked Reb and Pred.

  “Not exactly,” Reb said. “But she gave me two guns and pulled her shirt and pants legs up to show me she didn’t have any more strapped to her.”

  Blood lifted his chin at Reb and held his hand out. Reb put the holstered guns in his hand. Blood glanced at me quickly. I carried a Glock 17 and S&W 5906. They carried more rounds. As far as I was concerned, if I was going to have to shoot my gun, that meant I was in a situation where I needed as many shots as possible.

  “Let's go,” he murmured and indicated the hallway that everyone had just come out of.

  “Blood,” Reb called out.

  Blood paused and glanced toward Reb.

  “Let the Prez know that Pred and I are heading back.”

  “Will do.”

  As Blood and I started walking toward the hallway, I could see several men looking at me with curiosity. As we approached the end of the hall, I stopped and waited for him to tell me where to go.

  “Gotta pat you down,” he muttered.

  I bobbed my head and held my arms straight out from my sides. He kept it strictly professional and did it fast. Then he knocked on the last door on the right. I heard someone say 'enter' and he opened the door.

  “Here she is Prez,” he said as he walked over and laid my guns on a desk. “Reb wanted me to let you know he and Pred are heading back.”

  As I glanced at the man acknowledging Blood’s words, I almost passed out.

  Holy. Fuck.

  My biker hero was none other than the President of the MC himself. I pulled my eyes off him fast. I had to give myself time to process it all. I wasn't sure if this was a good thing or a bad thing.

  As I looked around, I noticed three other men in the room, not counting Blood or my biker hero, two older men and Holy. Mother. Of. God. that had to be Pred's dad. Damn Pred was gonna be a sexy fucking walking talking dream machine when he got older. I couldn't drag my eyes off him.

  “Fuck, at least I told Pred the truth,” I muttered, not thinking about what I was saying.

  The man smirked at me and asked, “What's that?”

  “I told him he was gonna be hotter than hell when he got older,” I shook my head. “Sorry, you had to be there. But I wasn't fucking lying at least,” I said as I blinked at him. I had to close my eyes and open them again just to make sure he was real.

  “Fuck, Viper. That shit could seriously piss off a man. It's a fucking good thing you have two Old Ladies you're devoted to, if not, the rest of us bastards would never get laid.” I glanced quickly at the President as he said that to Viper.

  I glanced back at Viper just as fast. “Sorry, I wasn't coming on to you. I don't have time for that shit. I'm Ava,” I said as I held my hand out to him.

  He reached out and shook it. Thank fuck. I didn't feel a thing when he did that. Whew, I would have hated being attracted to a taken man. Then I turned to one of the older men, “Ava,” I said as I held out my hand to him.

  “Seer,” he replied as he shook my hand.

  He studied my face like he was cataloging the differences since he had last seen me. Huh, surely there was no way he had figured out who I was.

  I then turned to the other man, “Ava.”

  “Possum, VP here,” he said as he shook my hand.

  “Nice to meet you all,” I said as I took a deep breath and let it out.

  I turned slowly to face my biker hero. God, he looked exactly the same. I felt the blood leave my face and thought I was going to pass out. 'Here' I vaguely heard behind me, as someone gently guided me to a chair. Thank God they did. I wasn't sure if I could have continued standing.

  My eyes traced his features, I honestly couldn't tell that he had aged at all. And his eyes were still as magnetic as they had been that day. Like molten silver ice, I shivered slightly. I was aware they were all staring at me puzzled by my reaction to their President. But I couldn't help it. I hadn't realized seeing him again would affect me this way.

  “Ava, you okay?” I heard Blood ask.

  I nodded but my eyes never left my protector's face. He had saved me that day. Sometimes I had hated him for it, other times I was so thankful he did. I wanted justice for Brian and Mason, but I wasn't going to go nuts and kill myself once that happened. Brian wouldn't have wanted that for me. He would have wanted me to be happy, find a new man, have more children. That, I didn't know if I would ever be able to do. A man maybe, kids, I just wasn’t sure about.

  I heard his voice say something to me and it sounded like it was coming down a tunnel. Things started to get fuzzy and black. Then Blood's face was in front of me. He was kneeling down looking at me in the eyes.

  “Breathe, Ava, breathe,” he murmured.

  I realized I hadn't taken a breath since I had looked at my savior. I drew in a deep breath and everything came back into focus. I should feel ashamed that I had almost completely lost it and passed out, but I didn't. There were just some things in life that could literally take a person's breath away and for me, he was one of them.


  Chapter 6

  The first step to be a good man is this: You must deeply feel the burden of the stones someone else is carrying.

  ~Mehmet Murat ildan~

  Mad Dog

  May 29th, 1998

  As I watched the woman walk into the room, something stirred down deep inside me. A feeling that I hadn't felt in years. I was fucking attracted to her. Son of a bitch. I didn't even know this woman. Like Blood said, she was hot as hell and not someone a man would forget. She glanced at me briefly then jerked her gaze away. Fuck, that was weird. It was like she was scared to face me. I just fucking wished I knew what her deal was.

  I watched as she looked at Seer and Possum, then her gaze landed on Viper. And. Fuck. Me. Her damn eyes about popped out of her head. I didn't know what that motherfucker had, but
he could be a woman whisperer. It's like they all fell into instant lust when they looked at him. I listened to their conversation. Damn, that shit could seriously make a motherfucker madder than hell.

  “Fuck, Viper. That shit could seriously piss off a man. It's a fucking good thing you have two Old Ladies you're devoted to, if not, the rest of us bastards would never get laid,” I growled my discontentment.

  Viper sent one of his trademark smirks my way. Bastard, I thought as I glared at him. I listened to her response to him. I was curious when she said she didn't have time for that shit. What the fuck did she mean by that? She never had sex? I watched as she got up the nerve to face me, and once she did, I was mesmerized as soon as our eyes met.

  Damn. Now I know what Blood meant. I knew her from somewhere, but for the life of me I didn't recognize her at all. My eyes traveled over her face. Hell, where had I seen her before? As I looked at her, I saw the blood leave her face and she staggered. Seer grabbed a chair, sat it down behind her, pushed gently on her shoulder and told her to sit down.

  “Are you okay?” I asked her, only to see her body start swaying back and forth. Fuck, she was gonna pass out. Before I could do anything, Blood dropped down on his knees and got in her face.

  “Breathe, Ava, breathe,” he said.

  I watched as she took a deep breath. I could tell the moment she came back to herself.

  “Are you okay?” I asked again.

  “Yeah, sorry about that. I, umm, you umm, yeah sorry,” she stammered in a husky voice.

  Christ, hearing the husky tone of her voice went straight to my dick and it got harder than a damn steel pike. Thank fuck, I was behind my desk. I glanced at the guys; they were all still standing up.

  “You fuckers get a chair and pull it up,” I told them.

  I gave them the chance to sit down and this woman, Ava, a chance to get settled some before I spoke.

  “So, you told Blood that you wanted to know if there was a tall, huge, bearded, bald man in our MC. Well, you're looking at him, darlin'. What can I do for you?”

  I asked her as she continued to stare at me. It was starting to get a little unnerving. She didn't answer me. Fuck. If I couldn't get her to talk, this was gonna take all night.


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