Mad Dog (Angel’s Rebellion MC: #2) (Angel's Rebellion MC)

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Mad Dog (Angel’s Rebellion MC: #2) (Angel's Rebellion MC) Page 31

by Jeneveir Evans

  “Appreciate it, Gunny. Means the world that you're okay with Ava and me.”

  “Fuck, Dog. Why wouldn't I be? Everyone knew you loved Beth, and no one expected you to go without an Old Lady forever. I'm just glad you finally found who you were looking for. Life's too short not to live it, son,” he commented.

  “Ava and I have some news. As you can see, she's wearing my colors and even though she and I haven't talked about it yet, one day soon she'll be wearing my ring too,” I informed them as I gazed down at Ava.

  “If that's a proposal, it needs work,” Ava muttered much to the amusement of the men at my table.

  “Nah, babe. You'll know when I'm proposing,” I said amid the laughter.

  “Beau, I probably should have had this discussion with you alone, son, but I think you're man enough to handle it with everyone being here. You're gonna be a big brother in about six months.”

  I watched as Beau processed my words, an expression of pure joy crossed his face. “Well, fuck me. Finally, I get to have siblings,” he exclaimed.

  “You okay with this, Beau?” Ava asked him anxiously.

  “Fuck, yeah, I am. Like Gunny, I'm glad you and Dad found each other. He's due some happiness and so are you. Should I call you Mommy now?” he asked as he grinned wickedly at Ava.

  “Oh Lord, he has your sense of humor, Dog. Heaven help us,” she declared as we all busted out laughing at her words.

  Viper walked into the room amid our laughter, briefly hesitated when he saw who was at the table with me, but, fuck, he was my family too. I motioned him to come over. He stopped at the bar for a beer, then joined us.

  “Private party?” he asked as he sat down.

  “Nah, Brother. Beau's ragging on Ava. But I'm pretty sure she can hold her own against him.”

  Ava stuck her tongue out at Beau and the snickering continued. It felt fucking great to be laughing. I hadn't realized that I didn't do much of it until Ava came into my life. I watched as Viper studied Ava then me, then with a smile on his face he opened his beer and took a drink.

  “You're not gonna fucking tell me you already knew,” I growled at him.

  And damn him, the fucker smirked at me. I looked down at Ava to see she was shaking her head.

  “The shit you told me about him is true, Dog. I'm pretty sure he knew as soon as I walked out of Doc's office,” she stated. “He truly is a woman whisperer.”

  At which, the asshole laughed. Damn the man.

  “One of these days, I'm gonna learn how you do this shit, if it's the last thing I do.” I told him as I glared at him. I fucking loved finally being able to joke with a Brother. Someone who I knew understood the responsibilities of a Prez and offered me the chance to relieve stress, kidding around instead of me blowing my top.

  “Dream on, Brother. Not gonna happen,” he replied, at which Sarge and Gunny started laughing their asses off again.

  I shook my head, nothing else I could do. We sat around the table shooting the shit for another forty-five minutes or so, then it was time for Church. I stood up with Ava in my arms, then turned and sat her back down. I cupped her face in my hands, leaned down and kissed her softly on the lips.

  “Not sure how long we'll be, babe. If you're not down here when we get through, I'll come to our room to find you and let you know what's going on. But I want you to dress in the black clothing you picked out.”

  She smiled at me, “All right, Dog.”

  With that, we made our way down the hallway and into Church.


  Once the last person was through the door and everyone was settled, I started speaking.

  “I know you're all wanting to know why I called Church today. And, truthfully, it's for a personal and selfish reason. It's been three months and we haven't learned anything about the drug and sex trafficking. Basically, all we know is that Miller has a playroom in his house, and we only know that because of scoping out the house when the bugs were planted. It was agreed that we would hold off killing Miller until we had something on him and the judge, but plans have changed for Ava and me. Ava's pregnant and there is no way in hell that I will allow Miller to live any longer now.”

  Exclamations of congrats rose around the room.

  “I know the MC doesn't revolve around me, but if he ever found out that Ava was in town, I'm afraid he’ll try to finish what was started seven years ago. My reasoning is this, Ava was gone for all those years and I'm pretty sure Miller looked for her then. Once she wasn't found, any intelligent person would assume she was gone and the longer she stayed gone, he would have quit worrying about her. He couldn’t have known for sure if her husband had told her anything anyway.

  “But if he found out she's back after all these years, he would assume she did know something and was here for payback of some kind. Granted as far as we know, he doesn't know she's back in the state. But with her being pregnant, she's going to have to start going out more often for doctor visits and things. That raises the chances of him finding out she's in town.”

  I paused a moment to collect my thoughts and before I could say anything else, Viper spoke up, “Brother, you don't have to justify anything to any of us. We stand behind you.”

  All around the room heads nodded in agreement.

  “Prez, you tell us what you want done and we'll do it,” Blood spoke up.

  “Thanks, appreciate it.”

  “Son, every single man in this room has your back and we always will,” Sarge commented.

  Gunny called out, “Our Own We Protect.”

  And the room erupted in a loud chorus of male voices shouting, “We Protect Our Own.”

  I gazed out at all the men surrounding me and sent a brief prayer to the Lord for putting these men in my life. Knowing that these men, my Brothers, had my back regardless of what the situation was, inspired me to want to be the very best President that they could have.

  I took a deep breath and began, “Viper and I have been devising a plan that I think will work and there shouldn't be any blow back onto the club whatsoever. I want to put the plan into play tonight,” I stated.

  “Sounds good, Brother. Let's get it hashed out,” Slaughter commented as others spoke up, wanting in on the action.

  As Viper and I started explaining the plan, I saw heads start nodding and smiles cross the faces of the men.


  It was decided that everyone would ride in a cage. Because every Brother wanted in on the action so Hatchet, BamBam, Cotton and Screw were going to follow Miller home from work. From Miller's house, Hoss and Trooper were following him to the country club. Karma and Maul would follow him when he left the club and make sure he was going home. Ranger and Rogue were going to stake out the front entrance to the gated community, while Bane, Eagle and Nickel were watching the rear exit.

  They would let us know if, God forbid, the police showed up. KJ was informed of the plan and told us he would listen to the police scanner and let us know if he heard anything that might interrupt our plans. Beau, Reb and Pred were going to hide in the trees outside the brick fence that surrounded the subdivision and keep watch on his house and the surrounding area, plus they would let us know if anyone else came up to the house and tried to get in. We had no way of knowing if Miller had given a key to his house to someone in the neighborhood.

  Viper wanted to be in on it as well, but I told him that if shit backfired, I’d need him to take care of things. He would need to be there to take over the MC, or heaven forbid, get us a lawyer and post bail if we ended up needing that. It was decided that our older members along with Viper, Slade and the Prospects would stay at the club to provide protection and be on hand if anything went sideways.

  Blood, Slaughter, Doom, Ava and I were the only ones going into Miller’s house. I knew we were probably over doing it, but we had decided to wear rain gear over our clothes so we wouldn't pick up any fibers from the truck and transfer them to the house. Once we arrived at where we would hide the vehicle, we'd remove the g

  We would be entering the house completely clothed top to bottom in black. We were even putting booties on over our shoes once inside, but we were taking our balaclava off. Ava wanted the bastard to be looking at all our faces when he died. So we’d decided to take the chance and use hairspray to keep any hair from possibly falling out.

  Blood and Slaughter wore their hair in a buzz cut already and shaved before we left. I had trimmed my facial hair and made sure my head was shaved good. Doom normally wore his hair cut short on the sides and long on top. But since the decision had been made to go into Miller’s house and plant the bugs, he’d been keeping the same cut that Blood and Slaughter wore. Ava’s hair was the odd man out, hers was about two inches on top and shorter on the sides.

  “Ready for this, babe?” I asked Ava as I cupped her face in my hands, tilted her head back and looked at her.

  “Yeah, let's get this done and over with.”

  I nodded at her, leaned down and brushed my lips softly against hers, then we were out the door, into our gear and on our way.

  We didn't arrive till ten. As planned, once we were parked, we removed our gear, stuffed it into the truck and headed toward the fence. It was easy to climb and I wanted to laugh because on top it had a flat surface about sixteen inches wide. Slaughter and Doom went first and dropped down to the other side. Blood followed next and sat on top of the fence, then I picked up Ava and handed her to him. He made sure she was sitting down on it before he jumped down, then I climbed up and over and lifted Ava down.

  We were in a drainage ditch that had fences blocking it from view of the houses surrounding it all the way up to the road. Since Miller's house sat catty-corner to the ditch, it had been decided that we would take turns crossing the road and work our way to where his fence butted up against his house. The positioning of the ditch and his house made it harder for someone to catch us, but it wasn't a guarantee.

  After we had all safely made that trek, I realized the attached gate to the fence was locked from the inside. Slaughter, having already made this trip twice before, easily reached over the gate and flipped the lock on it and we all entered Miller’s backyard. It has always amazed me how people think something like that gate was going to keep someone out. Once through the gate, I finally started breathing easier. Doom did his magic with his computer and blocked the circuit for the alarm on the back door, then Blood picked the dead bolt and, as simple as that, we were in.

  Doom, Ava and I waited in the kitchen while Blood and Slaughter cleared the house using penlights. Once the all clear was given, Doom immediately started removing the bugs he had planted three months earlier with Blood and Slaughter's help. Blood showed us the spare room we were going to wait in, then led us to where the action was going to take place. Miller's sexual playroom. He pointed out where our plan to assist Miller into the afterlife was going to happen. A playroom bed that was approximately two feet off the floor. I shook my head, the things some fuckers would do to increase their orgasms never failed to amaze me. Fuck, if mine got any better I'd die of a heart attack.

  After the guys had told us about the room, Viper had asked them all kinds of questions and on hearing one certain detail he had asked if they would go back and install a camera so he could make sure what he was thinking was correct. And sure enough, it was, and from that one detail our plan was born. Doom and Slaughter entered the room and Doom removed the camera from the top of the TV entertainment center.

  “Got it all removed?” I inquired.

  “Yeah, Prez. All done,” Doom replied, and I nodded at him.

  “What's the time?”

  “Ten thirty,” murmured Doom.

  “If y'all are done, let's go get settled, we have no idea when he will get here,” I stated as Ava and I turned toward the doorway.

  “I'll be a moment, Prez. Wanna check something,” Blood responded to my directive.

  “Sure thing, Brother,” I replied.

  Once in the spare room, other than the use of penlights, we didn't turn on any lights as we waited. We got as comfortable as we could as we sat on the floor. I had Ava sitting between my legs, her back against my chest. I kept my arms around her with my hands resting over our baby and she laid hers on top of mine. The decision to stay hidden was just in case something unforeseen happened, and he managed to get home without anyone knowing.

  Blood came into the room with Miller's own slip knot rope. I smiled. That would be even better to use than the one we had brought with us.

  “We'll use his,” he said, and we all agreed with him.

  All the Brothers had been instrumental in forming this plan, but Viper taught me the most. I'd learned a lot on how to think outside the box listening to him as he went over the things that needed to be done. Shit that I wouldn't have thought of. But he was right, it was better to be safe than sorry on all aspects of this or any type of situation.

  Eleven-thirty a text came in that Miller had left the country club and was headed our way. Eleven-fifty a text came in stating he was driving all over the road. Fuck. I hoped his ass didn't get pulled over before he ever got home. Twelve-ten, he was at the gate to the gated community. Twelve-thirteen, he pulled into his driveway. Show time.

  We had talked this out earlier and had agreed to look at each other often as we followed his progress through the house, we all wanted to be on the same page with our thoughts. We heard him come in, then we heard a crash and cussing as he made his way down the hallway toward his room. A door shut and it was quiet for about fifteen minutes which we figured he was spending in the bathroom.

  Then the door opened up and he was talking, Blood raised his hand with his phone in it and we all nodded, thinking Miller was on his phone. But the more we listened, we could tell he was drunkenly talking to himself. We heard a bang, more cussing, then it sounded like he settled into bed. We had decided to wait thirty minutes before approaching him. Ten minutes later and the man was snoring so loud that the neighbors could have heard him.

  Blood and Slaughter got up and we followed suit. When we entered the room, Blood and Slaughter worked together in complete unison, it was a thing of beauty to watch. I had no idea that they could do the shit they were doing so quietly and so fast. Yes, I knew they were trained SEALS, but since I'd never been in the military or around to see anything like this, I'd had no clue that they could work so seamlessly in total silence. My respect for them grew in leaps and bounds.

  They had the ball gag and the leather bondage choke collar on him in less than two minutes, if that. He never stirred. They swung his legs off the side of the bed, pulled him up by his arms into a sitting position and the fucker still didn't wake up.

  “Fuck,” whispered Slaughter. “Bastard must have taken a sleeping pill. He's out cold.”

  They leaned down and each put one of Miller’s arms around their shoulders and dragged the bastard down to the playroom. While Doom put a porn video into the DVD player and got it going on the TV, Slaughter and Blood got him on his playroom bed, hooked the collar to the rope then the rope to the mechanism on the canopy hoist. He was so out of it that Slaughter had to stay behind him to hold him up. We wanted the motherfucker to know he was meeting his maker, or we could have ended it right then.

  “Damn, Prez. Not sure if he's even gonna wake up,” Blood muttered.

  I didn’t want to hear that. “Wake the fucker,” I ordered.

  Blood looked around, found a whip spanking paddle and tapped Miller on the face with it. He stirred but didn't wake. He then used it to slap Miller on the sides fairly hard but not hard enough to bruise. Finally, Miller's eyes opened.

  “Take the gag off,” I said as I looked at Blood. Since the fucker was so out of it, I wasn’t worried about him hollering and screaming, stopping that had been the original purpose of the gag. He nodded and removed it.

  “What… what’s going on, who are you?” Miller slurred out as he looked in my direction.

  “I'm a fucking angel who is rebelling against your fathe
r in hell. Today, you are going to meet your maker, Mr. Anson Miller,” I growled.

  “What... what do you want?” he asked, a little clearer.

  “You could answer some questions for me if you'd like. That might possibly make us go easier on you,” I commented.

  “What... you want to know?”

  “Besides Courtway, who else is involved in your drug and sex trafficking ring?”

  “Fuck you,” he mumbled.

  “Ah, you don't have to be like that now do you?” Blood asked him.

  “How about you tell me the name of your supplier.”

  He didn't even respond, just grinned lopsided at us.

  “So you're not gonna do anything to help yourself out at all?” I asked him.

  “I’m not telling you shit. You all better leave before the police get here,” he stammered out.

  I threw back my head and laughed at the fucker.

  “Yeah, like the police are going to come save your sorry ass. They'll be cheering once they find your body,” I sneered at him. “Enough of this shit, without torturing him he's not going to tell us anything.”

  Ava stepped forward until she was roughly four feet in front of him.

  “Do you know who I am, asshole?” she snarled.

  He shook his head, then realized someone was behind him, turned his head and saw Slaughter behind him.

  “The lady's talking to you, asshole, don't look at me, look at her,” he said mockingly.

  “Hey, what are y'all doing, why is the collar around my neck?” he threw his head back and looked upward and saw the rope attached to the mechanism. “Why's the rope on there?” he cried out.

  Slaughter laughed, “Guess, fucker.”

  “What are you planning on doing to me? I haven't done anything to you,” he whined.

  Ava lunged at him, luckily, I was close enough to grab her.

  “Think of the baby,” I whispered into her ear and she calmed down a little.

  “I'll repeat myself, do you know who I am?”

  “I don't know who you are,” he muttered.

  “Then let me tell you who I am. I'm the woman who's come back for vengeance and justice. You took two lives from me, so I'm taking yours.”


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