Packing Up Love

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Packing Up Love Page 5

by Haley Travis


  * Claire *

  * Four Months Later *

  Jason was incredibly sweet, and stuck to a few texts per day, and our Saturday night dates while I got my feet back under me. Once I had my home straightened out, and a few new friends, I found myself inviting him for dinner on a weeknight or two.

  It only took about two months of me having a bit of space before I was ready to officially declare us as a couple, and introduce him as my boyfriend to anyone who would listen.

  Everything had been amazing for the past few months, and I thought it was adorable that he wanted to make me dinner on our four-month anniversary. He was counting our relationship from the first time he kissed me, even though I was counting it from the point where he agreed to give me some space, but it really didn’t matter.

  It was weird that he asked me to come to dinner at his brother’s house. At first, I thought he wanted me to hang out with Mike and Lisa, to get to know them better since I’d only met them briefly twice.

  When he picked me up, he said that we were going to be alone, and he wanted me to take a good look at the house as we pulled into the driveway. It was absolutely beautiful, with dark red brick and black trim, mature trees across the lawn, and a huge front window. When we went inside, I admired the old-fashioned moldings, classic chandeliers, and an incredible open kitchen.

  “Claire,” he said gently, and there was something strange in his voice, “Is this the sort of house you could see yourself living in someday?”

  I laughed. “I wish! This would be my dream house. Are you kidding?”

  Jason flashed that absolutely devastating grin that made my stomach quiver. He took my hand and led me back into the foyer, dropping to one knee and holding up a silver key.

  “The paperwork is all signed and ready to go. I just have to call Mike and tell him to file everything.”

  I paused, thinking I must have missed something. “What are you talking about?”

  “Mike and Lisa are moving to the west end near their shop, so they are selling me this house for a very fair price. In my family, my parents pay for big houses, and small weddings. If that’s okay with you, this house is ours.”

  I absolutely froze. I couldn’t believe what he was saying.

  “Or,” he said quickly, holding up a hand, “If it’s too soon for you, I can live here and you can keep your own place for as long as you like until you’re ready.”

  “Wow,” I breathed. I closed my eyes for a moment and realized that above all else, I wanted to picture my life with Jason beside me as much as possible.

  I grinned at him, then took the key and placed it in my pocket. “I’ll move in with you whenever you like,” I said. “As long as you promise to help me pack.”

  He laughed, but his eyes were still tight. “Sweetie,” I said, leaning down to give him a kiss on the forehead. “Did you actually think I might say no?”

  His deep eyes sparkled up at me. “I thought you might want to wait a bit longer. I’m really glad you don’t. That’s going to make this a lot easier.”

  He pulled something out of his pocket, taking my hand, and sliding a crystal ladybug ring onto my finger. “Claire, will you marry me and let me take care of you, and love you forever?”

  My eyes welled up and he looked horrified for a split second. “Happy tears,” I squeaked. “Yes. Big yes.” He jumped up to hold me, kiss me, even though I was shaking and crying. Then he held me still against his firm, warm chest.

  “Obviously that isn’t the real ring,” he said quickly. “I know so much about you, but I don’t know anything about jewelry. I can’t have you stuck with a ring you don’t like for the rest of your life. Tomorrow we’ll go get anything you want.”

  “I do like ladybugs,” I giggled into his shirt.

  He chuckled. “I know. But maybe not for engagement rings.”

  I looked up at him, overwhelmed. “Thank you for giving me some space to breathe when I needed it.”

  Jason smiled, reaching up to tuck my hair behind my ear. “You know I’ll do anything for you. I love you, my gorgeous Claire.”

  “I love you,” I breathed, as I stretched up to kiss new fiancé again, with his ring on my finger, and a key to our new house in my pocket.

  *** The End ***


  Stay tuned for Snapping Up Love, Inking Up Love , and more in the Insta Love Shy Girl Romance series. If you’d like this series to continue, please help spread the word! More readers means more time can be spent writing, and more sweet romance books for you to enjoy.

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  When a rich man needs a fake wife and a broke woman needs a home fast, a marriage of convenience goes faster and farther than they expected.

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  Donuts & Handcuffs

  Bailey isn’t sure why Officer Daniel is constantly coming into her bakery to ask her about strange occurrences in their quiet Toronto neighborhood. Perhaps he likes her, or really loves her donuts. Even when he’s finally brave enough to ask her out, there’s no way he could have a clue that she knows more than she’s letting on.

  Damn Valentine

  Every year Kate meets a great guy on New Year’s Eve, but they never make it to Valentine’s Day. Is it the pressure of that silly forced holiday, or does she just pick the wrong men? This New Year’s she swears them off completely, but life certainly has a way of messing up a nice girl’s plans.


  Romance author Haley Travis is from Toronto, Ontario, even though her giant coffee mug is from Wawa. She enjoys writing quirky, sexy modern romance, and loves creating interesting female characters who are at a turning point in their lives. Women who need a life shake up, not a man. But these things never go as planned, do they?




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