Fueled by Lust: Cato (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Fueled by Lust: Cato (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 11

by Celeste Prater

  Cato burst out laughing and looked down to Luna. He bent low and whispered, “I have two ladies that are going to adore you, my sweet Luna. You’ll have friends for life.”

  Chapter 13

  “Geez!” Cassie exclaimed. “We leave you for a few days and you turn up with a gorgeous brunette passed out in your arms. Want to clue us in here?”

  Cato stared at the congregation that met him as soon as he stepped from the vortex. Cassie wore her trademarked, lopsided grin and threw him a wink. Lina’s smile stretched her cheeks as she stared adoringly at Luna, and Severus had a “what the fuck” look riding his puss. He guessed it would look a little strange from their point of view. When three sets of brows rose in expectation, he decided the truth probably wouldn’t hurt.

  “Her name’s Luna and she’s my Occasio. Her ex-boyfriend had her beaten for leaving him and I brought Kallon back with me to heal her brain trauma. She looked worse than this not more than five hours ago. That about covers it.”

  He had two females on him before he could blink. They immediately began fussing over Luna. Cassie’s husky voice came out contrite and hushed.

  “Ah shit, Cato. I’m sorry. I didn’t realize she was the trauma patient coming in. Poor baby! Did you kick the bastard’s ass that did this? Crap! Someone get her something to lie down on. Oh wait! Here’s the stretcher. Put her down, Cato. Her neck looks uncomfortable. Hey! This thing doesn’t have legs. How the hell is it hovering above the ground? Will that hold her?” Cato didn’t know which question to answer first.

  Kallon stepped out of the vortex, followed by Ulixes and Drusus. The doctor immediately went to the stretcher and pushed it in front of Luna. “Good, they did as I asked. Lay her down. Is the transport here?”

  Severus pulled Cassie back and kissed her lips. “Gods, I love you. Do you and Lina want to ride in the transport to the trauma center? I know Cato’s not going to have a moment of peace if you’re not in the thick of things.” He grinned at Cassie’s fast nod. “Kallon, the craft is ready when you are.”

  Lina stopped stroking Luna’s hair and grinned up at Cato. “She’s lovely, Cato. Do you mind if we come with you to the center? You might as well say yes. Severus knows what he’s talking about.” She leaned back against Drusus as he slid behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. She smiled when he whispered in her ear and kissed her neck.

  Cato snorted. “Like I’d have a choice. I knew you ladies would be all over her the second my boot hit the ground.” He expected Cassie’s smirk and wasn’t disappointed.

  “You got that right, buddy. She’s one of us now. We take care of our own.”

  Smiling at her protective stance, he laid Luna on the stretcher and helped Kallon strap her in. “I was counting on it, hotshot.”

  * * * *

  “There are twenty-seven steps to the hallway intersection. Forty-nine if you count the return trip. You have a longer stride when you come back.”

  Cato pulled his gaze away from the glass pane that kept him separated from Luna and stared quizzically at Ulixes. “What?”

  Sympathetic, brown eyes flicked up to meet his and the words finally sunk home. “Oh. Yeah. I guess I’m driving you crazy.”

  Ulixes chuckled and pushed away from the wall. He turned and stared at the large, gray cylinder that’d become the center of everyone’s attention for the last five hours. “No. On the contrary. It helped me relax. I had already counted the marbled tiles three times, so it was a nice distraction.”

  Cato pressed his forehead against the pane and released his breath. “The wait’s killing me. I can imagine the level of boredom you suffer. You don’t have to be here, Ulixes. You should be resting before the Senate calls you in tomorrow. They can get pretty longwinded. I’m surprised you didn’t catch a ride when Severus took Lina and Cassie back to the palace.” He glanced to the side, amazed to see Ulixes studying him with compassion.

  “You should rest as well. I know how long you have been awake. I am surprised you have not dropped to the floor. I suppose you believe I only stayed so I could converse with the physician again.”

  Before Cato could politely deny the thought had actually crossed his mind, Ulixes shrugged, turned, and leaned his shoulder against the wall.

  “In truth, that is part of my reason. The other is that I want to be a friend to you. Maxim chose to stay and fight the trespassers of your land and the Trejani and his Legati have their females to consider. I would want someone to remain. Even if for nothing simpler than to watch me pace or allow me to tell them to get the hell out of the way while I did so.”

  The chest-rumbling laugh Cato released caught several miles of angst and spilled it into the air. It wasn’t even that funny, yet Ulixes’s delivery was priceless. He actually felt somewhat lighter from the unexpected purge.

  “Ah, Ulixes. You just accomplished in two seconds what would have taken Maxim an hour of fake sparring, innuendos, and bad jokes. I’d definitely say that you’ve crossed the line from acquaintance to friend. In fact, that happened the second you drove that van like a bat out of hell from the hospital parking lot.”

  Ulixes’s grin was a welcome sight. Cato reached out and clapped him on the arm. “Come on. Let’s go find the physician. I’m sure we both could use some good news.”

  “Perhaps sooner than later.” At Ulixes’s chin raise, Cato glanced over his shoulder. Kallon was striding down the corridor and trying not to make eye contact with his new admirer. He looked different in his green hospital scrubs. Despite being galaxies away, the medical staff wore attire similar to their Earth counterparts. Cato surmised comfort and quick changes were universal.

  “Good, you’re still here. I’d thought you’d left with Severus.” He made a quick glance to Ulixes then quickly turned his attention to the small device cradled in his palm.

  Cato wondered if the doctor really needed to stare that diligently at the equipment or if he was trying to mask the flush of red crawling up his neck. These two males needed to get in a room together and have a long talk. Kallon’s voice rang of professionalism when he finally looked up.

  “The surgery was successful. She tried to wake, so I placed her in stasis. She’ll need to stay in the chamber for the rest of the night for the spleen growth to finalize. We’ll remove her tomorrow morning and settle her in a room until you can come for her.”

  Cato zoned out at the word “successful” and only snapped from the inner chatter loop of I can’t believe it, I can’t believe it, I can’t believe it when Ulixes nudged him with his elbow. He focused on the physician’s amused green eyes.

  “Uh. Yeah. Okay. What?”

  Kallon flashed even, white teeth and placed a comforting hand to his forearm. His demeanor had morphed back to the guy he knew from the hospital room.

  “She’s good, Cato. She’ll be in stasis for several days. Go rest. You can take her home tomorrow. I’ll return with you to see her through the transition.”

  Cato nodded. He felt lightheaded with relief. He grasped Kallon’s strong hand and squeezed. “Thank you, amici. I have no words. I owe you.”

  “Fun. You promised me fun. I’ll call in my marker when the time presents. Just assure me that you’ll not take me close to any more gun-wielding humans. That’s all I ask.”

  “You got it. Safe fun. I think I can handle that.” Cato felt a large hand land on his shoulder and glanced back to Ulixes. The Protonecian was extremely handsome when he allowed himself to smile. Cato could understand Kallon’s attraction to the big warrior. Those smiles were rare according to Maxim, and he’d seen two today. It made him look younger.

  “I am glad your female will be okay. You can rest now. Are you ready to go?”

  Cato nodded and reached for his pack. “Severus said to call and a palace transport would come for us. Shouldn’t take long.” Kallon surprised him when he stepped forward and blocked their path.

  “No. I’ll take you.” He appeared to be struggling with his next words before taking a deep breath and
looking directly at Ulixes.

  “Ulixes. If you’re not too tired, I’d like to take you up on that chess game. This day has been extremely tense and it relaxes me. I don’t live far from the palace. I’ll have you back at a decent hour. If you say no, I’ll understand.”

  A third rare smile graced Ulixes’s lips. “I would love that. It relaxes me as well. Lead on, physician.”

  Cato followed the two from the building and internally congratulated Kallon for his ability to cut through the awkwardness and go after something he obviously wanted. At least the two males knew each other’s basic story and appeared to have a mutual attraction. Glancing one last time to the dimly lit room, he was reluctant to leave. Cato sent a silent thank-you to the gods for the chance to even have an awkwardness to muddle through. It was now his to royally screw up, or win.

  * * * *

  “Ahhh…I forgot how good you felt. That’s it. Come on in. I need you.” Cato rolled over and buried his head in the soft pillow. He was comfortable and didn’t want to move. He’d been pulling in smoke-scented energy for five years and the pure juice of Insedivertus wafting through his body was a welcome relief. He’d been so focused on getting Luna to the center and the mindless hours of wait, he’d forgotten to open his grid to home. Like a trusted friend, it had waited patiently for him, content to bide its time until he opened his senses and reached out. Gradually, his core stabilized and the soft fingers of vitality backed away and returned to the land.

  Cato pulled the pillow away from his eyes and blinked at the streams of light filtering through the window. His stomach growled and reminded him that he’d promised Maxim he’d wake him up for breakfast. The crazy bastard had staggered into the guest quarters in the early morning hours covered in dirt, favoring his side, and sporting a few new scrapes. He promised to give an update on what happened with the trespassers. Judging by his wicked smile, they were probably toast. He’d face-planted on the couch and was dead asleep within seconds.

  One quick shower later, Cato wandered into the common living area. Maxim wasn’t on the couch, but Severus was sprawled out with a very contented Cassie leaning up against him. Their faces lit up as soon as they saw him. Cassie sat up and motioned to the chair across from them.

  “I’d invite you to sit on the couch with us, but Barney’s liable to lose his freaking mind.” Just as the last word left her lips, a little, purple head with big, golden eyes peeked over Cassie’s shoulder. A soft trill sounded and it popped back out of sight.

  Cato plopped into the overstuffed chair, leaned forward, and grinned. “The Trejani told me of the claiming. This is remarkable. I’m impressed, Cassie. You both must be the talk of Urbis.”

  Severus snorted. “Urbis? Hell, she and Lina are the talk of Insedivertus. All the outlying cities know. Some have traveled in to meet them. They’ve needed something to get their minds off the last six years. This certainly did the trick. Well, that and having a new Filia has brought much hope to those that thought it lost. It’s nice to see the citizens smiling again.” Severus straightened and paused for several seconds. He stood and tilted his head toward the hallway.

  “The Trejani claims we’re late for breakfast.” He pulled Barney off Cassie’s back, walked over to their suite, and set the squirming ball of purple on the floor inside the doorway. He pointed his finger at him.

  “Stay here, Barney. You caused too much trouble yesterday, so you’ve been banned from breakfast. No, don’t look at me like that. You know what you did. Now deal with it.”

  Barney lowered his head, issued a few soft clicks, turned, and walked slowly into the suite. His whip-thin tail trailed along the floor in defeat.

  Cato chuckled and reached forward to help Cassie up from the couch. “What the hell did he do?”

  With an exaggerated eye roll, Cassie glared at Severus and headed toward the hallway. “It wasn’t just him. His brother started it.”

  Severus caught up with her and pinched her on the ass, which got him a slight slap on the hand followed by a lopsided grin.

  “I beg to differ, my love. He could’ve stayed out of it and he appeared to be enjoying the hell out of himself.” Severus glanced back over his shoulder and gave Cato a wink.

  “You missed out. The little devils decided it was a good idea to steal the fugol eggs. That wouldn’t have been so bad if the bowl hadn’t been attached to the emperor’s hand at the time. He didn’t appreciate the lap full of eggs and certainly not the juice that followed when Barney’s ass knocked it over in his haste to escape. So, yep, they’re banned for a while.”

  Cato laughed until his sides hurt. He thought of Donk and knew the fastidious feline would have turned his nose up at the nonsense. He might sound like a banshee when he didn’t get his way, but he was nothing except polite and discreet with his food. He wondered if Petrus had been allowed in the house to feed him. As soon as he walked into the dining room, he halted. “Did anyone see Maxim? I was supposed to wake him for breakfast.” He felt a slight nudge on his back.

  “Behind you. I’m starving. I could smell the canhion meat even in the shower, so get out of my way, dude.” He glanced around the room. “Anyone know if Kallon will be at breakfast? I need him to check my side. I’ve got some wicked pain when I breathe. How’s your female, Cato? I forgot to ask this morning.”

  Nodding to Drusus and Lina sitting close together at the head of the table, he slid into a chair opposite Cassie’s and waited for Maxim to park it next to him. “Kallon said she’s going to be okay. I can take her home today as soon as we’re through with the Senate. I don’t want her waking up here. She’ll already be freaked about the attack and seeing me for the first time, so no need to throw this place at her, too.”

  Maxim smiled and patted him on the forearm. “I’d make a joke about your face, but the news is too good to ruin. I’m happy for you, Cato.”

  Lina’s eyes lit up. “Yes, that goes for all of us. We’re all excited that you have a chance to know her. It’s rather romantic when you think about it. It’s like she’s Sleeping Beauty and your kiss will bring her awake. I love that story. They made it into a movie, you know.”

  Drusus grabbed Lina’s hand and pulled it up for a kiss. “I didn’t know that. I’ll get you a DVD as soon as we get back home.”

  Lina rolled her eyes. “Drusus! You spoil me rotten. What if I said I liked Ferraris? Would one be parked in the garage before the day was out?”

  Drusus’s eyebrows rose. “You like Ferraris? Of course I’ll get one for you. What color?”

  Lina laughed and bent to kiss him on the cheek. “Silly man, I don’t need a Ferrari. I like my pretty blue car just fine. I just need you. Now stop buying me things. You’re going to give me a complex.”

  Cato could tell the Trejani had it bad for his female. He knew the feeling. He watched in fascination as their heads tilted toward each other and they shared a soft kiss. Drusus nuzzled Lina’s face with his own and they didn’t come up for air until Kallon and Ulixes walked through the doorway. All heads swiveled in their direction and Kallon’s smile lit the room.

  “Good morning.” He nodded to Drusus. “Thank you for the invitation, Trejani. It’s an honor.”

  Drusus smiled and motioned to the table. “It’s the least I could do. Once again, you’ve shown why you were chosen as Master Surgeon. I hear that your charge has recovered. This is very good news.”

  Kallon nodded and sat next to Severus. He glanced up to Ulixes standing at the end of the table and looking torn between taking the seat next to him or the one opposite and next to Maxim. Kallon chuckled and patted the tabletop.

  “Don’t be shy, Ulixes. You can sit next to me. They all know I like you. It’s not as if I’m capable of hiding it. While we have everyone’s attention, I’ll also confess to bringing you back to the palace right after the chess match. Your reputation should still be intact. However, I will admit to kicking my own ass all night for not kissing you good-bye. Despite your reservations at learning my age, you are de
finitely not too old for me. So, get over it.”

  Chapter 14

  Ulixes stood frozen in place. His mouth hung open for several beats before his rush of laughter filled the quiet room. “I will never lose my astonishment at the tolerance of the Insedi race. Deception and diversion has plagued my life for years. Forgive me, Kallon. Of course, I would like to sit next to you and I promise to reevaluate my initial discomfort at our age difference. Ten years does not seem as daunting as I first perceived, especially with your depth of wisdom.”

  With a quick nod at his win, Kallon smiled and pulled the chair out for Ulixes. “I’m not sure if you prefer your canhion meat roasted or fried, so which platter should I pass?”

  Raising his eyebrows, Ulixes looked at both and shrugged. “Seeing as I’ve never eaten canhion, I’ll let you choose.”

  At Kallon’s smile and the ease at which both males quietly continued their polite conversation, the atmosphere returned to normal.

  Cato glanced to the end of the long table and chuckled. “Trejani, will the emperor be joining us? I’m sure he’s safe from Barney.”

  Drusus laughed. “You heard? It was quite the spectacle. No, he’s aware that Barney and Cedric are banned. He ate earlier and said he looked forward to seeing you in Senate chambers.”

  Looking over to Lina, Cato raised his brows. “Cedric?”

  Lina practically beamed. “You know. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire?” At Cato’s confused looked, she tilted her head. “He was a Seeker. Ring any bells?”

  Cato looked to Drusus. “Help me out here.”

  Drusus shrugged. “No clue. You’re on your own. I don’t know of any Seekers named Harry or Cedric.”


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