Book Read Free


Page 12

by Kelsie Rae

  I’m not sure how I feel about this new Susan. I knew how to handle the old one, and I decide this one makes me a little uncomfortable. I liked the predictability, even if I didn’t like the woman herself.

  My back is rim-rod straight as I continue to stare at my menu, afraid to put it down. The waitress drops off two glasses of orange juice before pulling out her pad and pen to take our order.

  I lick my lips hesitantly, placing the menu on the table. “I’ll have the short stack, please. Bacon on the side.” The waitress nods her head and turns to Susan.

  “I’ll have the same. Thank you,” she states politely.

  My jaw hits the floor. Again. Apparently, this is going to happen a lot with the new Susan. I’ve never seen her order anything other than an egg white veggie omelet and coffee.

  The waitress leaves, and silence encompasses our table.

  I tap my foot anxiously against the tile floor.

  This is awkward.

  Susan clears her throat. “It’s interesting not having Adam here, isn’t it? He was always the mediator between you and I.” She takes a sip of her tart juice. “I’m not sure I’ve ever had a one-on-one conversation with you,” she confesses.

  I snort. Nope. Pretty sure we haven’t. And now that I’m sitting in this little café, I can remember why.

  “I take full responsibility for that,” she continues. “I guess I was always a little protective of my baby boy and wasn’t ready to give up being the only woman in his life at such a young age.”

  I remain silent, having nothing to contribute to the current topic. We did get married young. I won’t deny that. We were nineteen. Practically babies. But we were in love. He proposed, and I couldn’t say no.

  “I apologize for that. I hope you understand that it was nothing personal. No one would have ever been good enough for Adam in my eyes. He was my entire world. I’m sure you’ll understand that someday soon,” she says, glancing toward my stomach.

  I stay quiet.

  “Is it a girl, or a boy? Do you know?” she asks, kindly. I can tell she’s a little nervous to bring up the baby.

  “It’s a little boy.” I smile shyly. Little Man has a habit of bringing a smile to my face every time I think about him.

  She sighs, happily. “I’m glad. You would’ve made beautiful girls, too. But I’m excited that Adam left a little piece of himself with you. He was quite the handful as a child.” She smiles wistfully, remembering a tiny Adam running around.

  I laugh at her comment. “I can only imagine.”

  He was a handful as an adult.

  “When are you due?”

  “January 27th,” I say, grinning. I’m not sure I’ve ever smiled this much in Susan’s presence. Apparently, Little Man is taking on his father’s role of mediator.

  “That’s wonderful.” She grabs my hand delicately from across the table. It’s kind of awkward, but I appreciate her effort. “I know I don’t deserve this, considering how awful I was to you for all those years, but I would love to be part of this baby’s life. If you’d let me.” Her eyes are glassy as she stares at me earnestly.

  I give her a non-committal shrug, still hesitant to trust someone who was so horrible for so many years.

  “We’ll see,” I reply, squeezing her hand lightly, trying to soften the blow.

  She nods slightly, trying to hide her disappointment. “I understand. I would be hesitant to trust me, too.” She laughs sarcastically before releasing my hand.

  “So where are you living? You disappeared after….” A tear slides down her face before she grabs her cloth napkin and dabs at it quickly.

  “I’m actually roommates with Luke right now. We reconnected after the funeral and he offered me a place to stay.” I’m unsure if mentioning Luke will bring back the Mama Bear or not.

  “Of course he did,” she replies haughtily. Yup, Mama Bear’s back.

  I find myself chuckling at her reply, secretly grateful Susan hasn’t lost her spark. She was starting to scare me with her humility and meekness. It almost feels good to see a glimpse of the old Susan. The one with a backbone, even if it’s at Luke’s expense.

  The waitress appears with our meals, and we dig in. The pancakes seem to melt on my tongue, and I moan in appreciation.

  There’s nothing like a good pancake smothered in maple syrup and butter.

  “You know, you could’ve come to me,” she states, her posture reminding me of the Queen of England. She dabs the corner of her mouth with the cloth napkin and takes another sip of her juice.

  “Who are you, and what have you done with my mother-in-law?” I tease. “You do remember who I am, right?”

  She rolls her eyes (she never rolls her eyes) before relaxing into her chair and replying. “Well, maybe you couldn’t have come to me right after the funeral. But if you had given me a few days, I would’ve come around. I was a mess afterwards. I felt like my whole world was falling apart. And I realized how alone I felt. None of the parties, none of the charities…none of it mattered. And the only family I had left, you, I had scared away. I wanted to reach out to you, but I was too ashamed of how badly I had treated you beforehand. I couldn’t blame you for running away.”

  Her confession leaves me speechless. Again.

  That seems to happen a lot around the new Susan.

  “If I had known about the baby, how helpless you were, I would have swallowed my pride much sooner and offered to help. To do anything in my power to make sure you and your baby were taken care of. That’s why I asked to meet you here.” Susan looks at me contritely. “I want to offer my help. Anything you need. Support. Money. Someone to babysit. Anything.” She grabs my hands, again, around the syrup and bacon, but this time it feels a little less awkward than the last.

  “I’ll have to let you know,” I respond, squeezing her hands in return.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  I pull my phone out of my purse and check for any messages while I walk to Luke’s car. I know Luke was a little worried about me meeting the Wicked Witch of the West by myself. Little does he know that it wasn’t half as bad as I was expecting. She was actually quite pleasant.

  Luke: Hey Sanka, ya dead?

  I laugh at his Cool Runnings reference.

  Liv: Yeah, mon.

  Luke: Ha ha. I’m glad you survived. How was it?

  I lean against Luke’s car and contemplate my answer.

  Liv: Good? I think?

  Liv: It was very enlightening.

  Liv: She apologized for being an awful person.

  Liv: She would love to help with Little Man in any way she can.

  I see the little bubble with dots and wait for his reply. Opening the car door, I throw my purse into the passenger seat before sliding into the driver’s side. I immediately start the car and turn the heater on full blast, wiggling my bottom in hopes of making the seat-heater work faster.

  My phone buzzes again.

  Luke: Good! As long as you trust her, then I think that’s great.

  Luke: Just make sure you’re careful.

  Liv: I will, Mr. Bossy Pants! Don’t worry!

  Luke: I always worry about you.

  Luke: BTW- Bree is driving me nuts! She keeps giving me mischievous looks and even gave me a chapstick. Did you tell her about last night?

  Luke: Were my lips chapped?

  I close my eyes as I relive last night, giggling lightly and sighing dreamily.

  Liv: Maybe….

  Luke: Maybe my lips were chapped? Or maybe you told her?

  Luke: I don’t want to be your dirty little secret.

  Luke: But I’m cool getting dirty every once in a while. ;)

  I laugh out loud at his ridiculous text.

  Liv: Ha ha. Whatever, weirdo. Your lips weren’t chapped.

  Liv: They were delicious.

  Liv: Now stop texting me! I need to drive home!

  Luke: Friends don’t let friends text and drive.

  Luke: Buckle up!

/>   Luke: And be safe!

  Luke: But drive fast ‘cause I may or may not strangle Bree before you get here.

  Luke: Ps- She says Hi.

  Luke: Okay, now I’m done.

  Luke: See you soon!

  Liv: You’re not my dirty little secret. See you soon!

  I roll my eyes before tossing my phone into my purse and backing out of the parking lot, a grin pasted on my face the entire ride home.

  I get to the house just in time to see Bree throw a snowball at Luke’s head, and a partially built snowman is under the tree where Luke and I kissed last night. I burst out laughing as he takes off after her and tackles her into the snow. I’m not sure what they’re doing outside, but I’m suddenly very glad I ran that nearly red light a few minutes ago, or I would’ve missed the epic snow fight.

  Stepping out of the car, I hear Breezy scream bloody murder and see Jake with his iPhone in the doorway, recording the whole thing. Sharon and Jim are laughing hysterically behind him, watching the chaos ensue.

  This family is crazy. And I love every minute of it.

  I’m sad when I think about going back with Luke in just a few short days. I love Luke’s condo, but I’ll miss his awesome family. They’ve kind of adopted me, and I kind of love them for it.

  “What in the world are you guys doing?” I yell across the yard.

  Luke is straddling Bree and shoving snow in her coat as she kicks and screams wildly. He looks over his shoulder at me and grins like the Cheshire cat.

  “Bree kept asking me if I wanted to build a snowman. You know, like in Frozen? Anyway, I got so sick of her singing I finally dragged her outside to actually build one. And guess what the little brat does? She throws a snowball at me!” he yells, pretending to be annoyed.

  Luke turns back toward his sister. “Jokes on you, little girl, ‘cause I never lose a snowball fight.” He throws his head back, laughing maniacally, making her admit defeat, then jumps up and runs toward me.

  I laugh at his childlike playfulness, loving how carefree he is with his family.

  He picks me up in a whirlwind and spins me around enthusiastically. I squeal with delight, shocked he can still lift me with a 20-pound basketball in the way. My arms are wrapped around his broad shoulders and I tuck my face into his neck as he gently sets me down. He leans forward so I can nuzzle him further. I breathe in his fresh scent, his cool skin tickling my nose. They must’ve been outside for a while.

  “Hey you,” he whispers into my hair.

  I pull back slightly and stare at his piercing green eyes, a shy smile touching my lips.


  He tucks a piece of my wavy hair behind my ear before placing a light kiss on my lips, his arms still holding me close.

  I gasp at his familiarity, surprised he just kissed me in front of his family.

  Even if it was just a peck.

  “I’ve been wanting to do that for years, and since you gave me permission last night, I’m going to take full advantage of every opportunity from now on.” He smirks, devilishly.

  My shy smile turns into a full-on grin, and I shake my head back and forth.

  “Well then, you better get to work.”

  I should’ve known better than to throw down the gauntlet like that. Especially to a man like Luke. I’m definitely not going to say I regret it though, because he immediately tangles his fingers in my hair with one hand, grabs my lower back with the other, and kisses me as if the world is ending. Hell, even if the world was ending, I would have no idea because every inch of my skin is already on fire from the heat of this kiss. His tongue tangles with mine, tasting every inch of me. I’m grateful for his firm grip, because I’m pretty sure I’d be a puddle on the pavement if he weren’t holding me so tightly.

  It’s mind blowing. Incredible. All encompassing. Unforgettable. I would think of more adjectives, but I’m too busy experiencing the best kiss of my entire life.

  He pulls back, a cocky grin on his face as I try to catch my breath.

  “Whoa.” I swallow thickly.

  Talk about knocking a girl’s socks off.

  Or panties.

  He chuckles before leaning in slowly and placing one more kiss on my lips. This one is sweeter. Softer. Less aggressive. More Luke. He lightly nibbles my lower lip before I feel his smile against my own.

  Luke pulls back with the sweetest look on his face. Like he worships the ground I walk on. Like he adores me. Cherishes me. Maybe even loves me.

  I hear hooting from the front porch, and I am quickly brought back to reality.

  Did I really just make out with my not-boyfriend in front of his entire family?

  I peek over Luke’s shoulder and see Breezy proudly giving me the thumbs up and making kissy noises, while her parents cover Jake’s eyes and laugh hysterically.

  My cheeks immediately burst into flames.

  Yup. I definitely did.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  After our little impromptu make-out session, I decide to take a nap in Bree’s room. I’m exhausted from my eventful day and need a solid hour to recuperate. Or three.

  Once I wake up, I look at the clock and see I’m late for dinner.

  I rush to the bathroom, run a comb through my hair, and stumble down the stairs toward the dining room.

  We eat a delicious traditional dinner with turkey and all the fixings. It is amazing, and I’m officially stuffed.

  No one mentions the make-out session, thankfully. I’m able to pretend nothing is out of the ordinary, except for Luke’s hand when he casually brushes it against my thigh underneath the table every few minutes.

  I catch myself sighing every time he does it, which seems to spur him on. Before long, his hand is gently resting on my thigh. His thumb lightly rubbing back and forth rhythmically across my yoga pants.

  Yes, I changed back into yoga pants. So sue me.

  I keep wondering if we’re just playing an epic game of chicken, but then I catch glimpses of Breezy smiling wistfully in our direction, and I am reminded that these feelings are real and definitely not one-sided.

  The only question I have now is, Are we moving too fast?

  I still have so much to think about, and so many things to consider. I can’t help but feel a little overwhelmed. Until I look at Luke. He must see all my emotions written across my face, because he gives my thigh a slight squeeze and smiles at me reassuringly, silencing all my chaotic thoughts.

  “Want to go for a little drive? Or maybe watch a movie? I would ask you to go on a walk with me, but someone complained it was a little chilly last night.” He nudges my shoulder playfully.

  I laugh at his teasing before grabbing his hand and pulling him toward the couch. Christmas is tomorrow and I’m in the mood for another cheesy holiday movie.

  Luke sits first, and I plop down next to him, throwing my legs into his lap and snuggling into the upholstery. He throws a fluffy blanket over us then grabs the controller and selects the Hallmark Channel. A grin tugs my lips as Luke rubs my feet and coos at Little Man.

  The Liv Whisperer strikes again.


  I wake up to find Luke snuggled behind me on the couch. By some miracle we both seem to fit while spooning.

  The room is dark except for the twinkling Christmas lights hanging on the tree. I’d say it was “magical” if that wasn’t such a cheesy description. Eh, we did just watch a Hallmark Movie, so…yup. The twinkling lights are definitely casting a magical glow around the empty room.

  I smile at my wittiness, knowing no one would appreciate my lame humor except Luke, and maybe Bree.

  I peek at the glowing display on the blu-ray player informing me that it’s well past midnight, and officially Christmas. I turn onto my back, causing Luke to stir before placing a gentle kiss on his lips and whispering, “Merry Christmas.”

  His sleepy green eyes flutter open before he smiles warmly, our faces mere inches away from each other. “Merry Christmas, Liv. I’m not gonna lie,
I think I could get used to waking up with your lips on mine.” He leans in and gives me a peck before lightly scrubbing his scruff against my cheek, teasingly.

  I giggle at his affection and lift my hand, scratching his face like a puppy. “Well aren’t you just the sweetest thing I’ve ever met? Yes you are! Yes you are!” I coo, using the same voice I usually reserve for cute little babies and cuddly animals.

  He pretends to pant with his tongue out before licking my chin, causing me to push his face away and laugh even louder at his playfulness.

  Luke has always been friendly and playful; but it feels like since our first kiss, a weight has been lifted from his shoulders. It’s almost like he was holding himself back before. He’s more carefree and open with his feelings now. I feel like, even though I’ve known Luke for forever, I’m getting a glimpse of a different side of him.

  It’s only making me fall for him more.

  Before I can focus on my heart any longer, a Braxton Hicks contraction hits me like a freight train. I immediately curl into my belly and squeeze my eyes shut, attempting to breathe evenly as I wait for it to pass. It feels like a boa constrictor is tightening its grip across my midsection.

  I open my eyes to see Luke’s concerned gaze. “You okay, Sweetheart?”

  I breathe deeply as the pain subsides and nod, expressing that I am, indeed, okay.

  Whoever said Braxton Hicks don’t hurt is full of shit. I can only imagine what real labor will feel like.


  “Let’s get you up to bed, Liv. I’m sure Little Man isn’t too happy about hanging off the couch half the night,” he smirks while helping me sit up and pulling me to my feet.

  Have I mentioned how I feel like a beached whale half the time?


  He shrugs off my gratitude, leading me up the stairs toward Bree’s bedroom.

  Once we reach the top, Luke places his hands on my stomach before giving me a stern warning. “If you keep having those contractions, you better tell me. I want to make sure we track how often and how painful they are. Dr. Fellows gave me strict orders.” I can’t help but grin at his bossy attitude.


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