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Z Day: Survival of the Fittest

Page 8

by Newton, Reece

  I dodged the zombies on the way there, I knew now that there was hope for them. I struggled to swallow on the way back, I hadn't had any water in a day and hadn't eaten in two. I was exhausted, I got into the hospital, the soldiers secured Dexter and took him and me inside. They took Dexter away to do some tests and inject the cure. They gave me a room in one of the cells where the patients stayed.

  I walked past a few other survivors and asked them if they knew James Treadmore, a blonde girl in blue jeans and a tank top told me he was in room 314 being treated with the cure. She asked who I was and why I wanted to know I told her what had happened and she told me her name was Gina and that both James and Dexter were her friends and that they had both helped her through the apocalypse. After chatting for about an hour sharing each other stories about Dexter and James we were taken off by two soldiers and strapped down in a room with Dexter and James. Neither of them were zombies they had both been cured!

  But why were they strapped down in beds in a huge white clinical room with nothing but a door at the back of it? The microphone buzzed for a second then a deep voice came through saying “welcome back Gina, James, Dexter and the sheriff as you like to be called, you have a choice, you can be injected with virus A or virus Z. Neither have been tested but the experiments must go on, we need to find a cure that will let us get back to some kind of civilization.

  A woman came in and gave us two drugs A and Z then we were unstrapped, Gina gave both Dexter and James a hug then we heard the moans and footsteps which had frightened us for nearly a year now. The doors opened and the room flooded with zombies, Gina took James’ hand. The zombies charged toward us, I don't remember anything else, nothing at all but waking up in a hospital with Gina, Dexter and James. We were told that we had been involved in a car crash, we were all confused. We were released from the hospital a few days later and the world was normal, there were people walking the streets and ordinary corner shops were open again there was children laughing and playing on the street. We stood outside the hospital and we were all greeted by our loved one’s me by my wife, Dexter by his wife and children, Gina by her mum and James by his father and son. We went our separate ways myself, Dexter and James got together every weekend, we wrote this book about what had happened.

  Gina joined the Army but she was scared by the dreams we’d all had, that Z day was upon us for a while, we believed it was real and that this place was a dream though we could never be sure. If this life is a dream, if it is I just hope it will last ...

  James : this isn’t a dream, somebody help us I’m gonna turn into one of them, please anybody help us they've invented a new virus, it’s mutated, it’s stronger, hungrier and faster but worse still it makes you conscious of what you're doing but you can't stop it. They injected me with the wrong virus it’s like a super strain of the zombie virus, the others were drugged with a dream drug that makes them stuck in a fantasy world they’re living out in their heads. I’ve got to get out of here or I'll eat them please I haven't got any more time to explain help yourselves, kill me, KILL ME!!!




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