Burn in Hell: A Jake Carrington Mystery (Volume 2) (Jake Carrington Mysteries)

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Burn in Hell: A Jake Carrington Mystery (Volume 2) (Jake Carrington Mysteries) Page 30

by Marian Lanouette

  “What room is Phil in?”

  “His office. That’s the third door on your left.” Jake loved a cooperative suspect. Passing him off to the waiting officer and watched while he was quietly handcuffed. Jake tilted his head in the direction of Phil’s office. MacDermid nodded. Together they proceeded down the hall, stopping on either side of the door. Guns raised, MacDermid knocked. When Phil called out, they entered the room. Jake went to the right. MacDermid left.

  “What the hell is this? Where are my men?” Phil screamed, as he dove for his desk drawer.

  Light glinted off the gun just before Phil fired it over the desk at him. Jake hit the floor and returned fire, while crawling to the front of the desk. The desk had a solid front, and for that Jake thanked the heavens as he reached it. Sitting with his back to the desk, Jake checked his gun, four bullets left. Looking across the room, he saw blood. MacDermid was hit. At the moment, Jake couldn’t get to him without exposing himself to Phil. He heard running. The other cops rushed down the hallway by passing the room. Jake ignored them. Right now, Phil was his priority. Pushing up to his knees, Jake crawled to the end of the desk and peered around it, hoping to catch Phil off-guard. The area was clear, so he proceeded to the short end of the desk. With his gun leading, Jake looked around to the back of the desk and there was Phil—reloading his gun and cursing.

  Leaping, Jake toppled Phil over while leading with his fist. Every ounce of strength in his body he put behind each punch and smashed them into Phil’s face. He cursed when Phil got one in under his guard. For a little guy he had quite the punch, Jake thought. Shaking his head and letting the pain lead Jake landed it dead center on Phil’s nose. A satisfying crunch under his fist he broke Phil’s nose, though it didn’t stop Phil. While they fought, they rolled around over the floor. Jake was finally able to roll on top of Phil again and sent his fist into Phil’s stomach. Phil pulled his hair and Jake was in shock. What a girlie thing to do, he thought. It seemed like the fight went on for an eternity, though it was only minutes later when Newton tried to pull Jake off Phil. Phil’s face was a bloody mess, his lip swollen, but still Jake felt he hadn’t done enough damage to him.

  “Jake, stand down,” Newton ordered.

  There was blood dripping into his eyes. Still sitting on Lucci, Jake turned to let Newton know he heard him. Still, Phil’d gotten a couple of punches in. Jake knew the pain would come later when the adrenaline ceased pumping. He moved his jaw from side-to-side to make sure it wasn’t broken and shook his hand. His knuckles were bruised. Jake didn’t think Lucci fared as well. There was blood in Phil’s eyes. Not the red kind, the kill kind. If Phil was ever let loose, Jake knew he’d come after him.

  “I’m fine, Newton. Go see about MacDermid. He was hit. I’ll take care of the prisoner.” Jake refused to acknowledge Phil by name.

  “Jake, I think I should take care of Lucci,” Newton said as Jake handcuffed Lucci.

  Jake stared Newton down. Turning back to Lucci, he pulled him up and sat him in his desk chair.

  Newton called over one of his agents to stand guard over Lucci then pulled Jake across the room to speak with him.

  “Jake, Epstein has gotten through one layer. I’ll show you.”

  A buzzing noise started in Jake’s head. It was as if hundreds of bees were swarming around his head and his gut knew—they found something connecting Kyra to Lucci.

  Jake walked into the small office. Epstein nodded to the screen. Jake looked over his shoulder and read the file. A sadness enveloped him. This would be the toughest arrest of his career.

  “Is this the first time she’s mentioned?”

  “Yes, so far, but I’ll dig deeper.”

  “Okay, Stew. Bring everything back. This is a priority,” Jake said.

  “Will do, Lieutenant.”

  “I think we should handle the evidence and Phil Lucci, Jake.” Newton said.

  “I don’t think so. I understand your concern, but I’m not involved; and I’ll get more information out of her than you will.”

  Jake looked across the room as his captain entered. Jake approached him. “Captain, can I speak to you outside for a moment?”

  Jake filled in him in and McGuire agreed that the WPD would handle the case. Jake walked into Phil’s office. Phil was still screaming like a banshee.

  Looking around the room, it irked Jake the way criminals lived. This house, heck, this room cost big bucks to put together. Why did Phil’s activities go on for so long without detection? Jake knew the answer, and that, more than anything else bothered him. Phil Lucci had the police in his pocket.

  “You’re going to regret the day you were born, Carrington,” Phil spat.

  Jake ignored him and read him his rights. “Do you understand your rights, Mr. Lucci?”

  “What am I, an idiot? Of course I understand. But you don’t understand anything, and you’re going down Carrington, you and your little girlfriend. We’ll see who comes out of this clean.”

  Jake couldn’t resist the opportunity. Leaning down he whispered in Phil’s ear. “She had nothing to do with this bust. She doesn’t even know we’re here. You got sloppy with Stack.”

  Jake enjoyed watching his words land and the shocked look on Phil’s face was worth it. Phil continued to rant. Jake refused to be baited. Walking around the desk, Jake pushed Phil out of the way, searching the desk for more weapons and information.

  Jake turned to a uniform and said, “Put him in my car. I don’t want him in with his men. I want the electronics division in here next, and I want all the computers, phones, answering machines, and cellphones confiscated.” Jake looked around the room and saw Newton standing quietly in the corner.

  Jake called out to Epstein.


  “Stew, I want you to search specifically for direct orders or records of jobs that Lucci or Rainford ordered. I want names of known associates, to begin with. And I need that fast, before word of this raid gets out.”

  “Can do,” Epstein said, walking over to Phil’s computer.

  “Thanks. I’ll be here for another half hour then I’m transporting the prisoner.”

  Jake’s cellphone rang looking down at the number he shook his head. Weird, just the person he wanted to speak with, but now wasn’t a good time. He hit the ignore button and let it go to voice mail.

  “Jake, I already looked at this computer, it’s pretty clean. None of the files are password coded. It doesn’t make any sense.” Newton scratched his head.

  “The one in the other office seems to be the operational one. All of those files are password coded. Epstein’s good. He’ll break the codes,” Jake said, sure of his guy.

  Chapter Thirty-Nine

  Jake pulled his cellphone from his pocket and dialed Louie. “What have you got there?”

  “I’ve got an empty house. It looks like it was picked clean. The electronics guy, Todd Sweeny, said there’s a virus uploaded in the computers here.”

  “Rainford was smarter than Lucci.”

  “Looks that way. How’d he know, Jake?”

  “I don’t know. When did they leave?”

  “Last night. The next-door neighbor said Rainford told him his mother was ill and they’d be gone for about a week.”

  “Bring everything in anyway. I’m sure electronics division can pull something off of those computers.”

  Jake walked out to his car. “Give me a few minutes here, Officer.”

  Jake climbed into the back of his car with Lucci. It was his turn to bait Phil. “Looks like your friend and associate, Angelo Rainford, and his family have vanished into thin air, leaving you to hold the bag,” Jake smirked at Lucci.

  “Fuck off, Carrington. I have nothing to say to you until I see my lawyer.” Lucci turned his head and looked out the side window.

  “If that’s the way you want to play it, Phil.” Jake got out of the car, nodded to the officer, and walked back into the house to update Newton.

  “I’ll put out a BOLO
for Rainford and his family. I’ll notify Homeland Security also,” Newton said.

  “Great, but I think we’re a day late. He’s out of the country by now.”

  “I agree, but it has to be done.”

  Newton grabbed his cell and issued the orders. When Newton finished on his phone, Jake observed how he interacted with his agents. They all seemed to jump to attention when he spoke. Shaking his head, Jake took a last walk through the house and headed to his car. He put a uniform in the front seat and one in back with Phil. He wasn’t taking any chances with him. Jake heard the knock on his window before he saw Newton.

  “What?” Jake asked, impatiently.

  “I think we need to take Lucci to my office, what with the leaks at your place.”

  Jake noticed Captain McGuire behind Newton.

  “What do you think, Captain?”

  “I agree, Jake. Until we can round up the others listed in Phil’s file.” Jake looked in his rearview mirror and saw panic on Lucci’s face. “That’s okay with me. I’ll follow you, Newton.”

  Once they placed Phil Lucci in federal custody, Jake met up with Captain McGuire and Newton in one of the conference rooms. Surprised when he walked in and saw Lieutenant Rinaldi from Internal Affairs in the room also. He looked up at Captain McGuire. McGuire nodded his head, but didn’t say a word.

  “Jake, I’m going to get right to this. What we’ve found so far in Lucci’s files implicates the Russell woman. You know that from what you saw at the scene. I…we…think it’s best that you leave her to Special Agent Newton here and continue your investigation into Stack’s death.”

  “That’s not going to happen, Lieutenant. Captain…Shamus, you know I’m not involved. I can get more information from her to bury Lucci. Right now all we have is her name in his file. Send Louie with me if you don’t trust me, but I have to finish this. If she was involved with Lucci, she played me for a fool.” Jake looked at his captain—his friend—with frustration.

  “I understand why you need to do it, Jake. I’m not sure it’s wise. Why don’t you step out for a few minutes while I speak with Newton and Rinaldi?”

  Pacing the floor outside the conference room, his frustration built to a feverous pitch so he decided to act on it. Screw them. He pulled out his cellphone and returned Kyra’s call.

  “Kyra, it’s Jake. You left a message to meet. Why don’t I meet you at my house in say an hour? The key’s around back, under the planter.”

  “Really safe, Jake. Okay. I have something to tell you and I need your help,” Kyra said.

  “I’ll be there in about an hour. If I’m late, I’ll call.”

  As he hung up, the conference room door opened and McGuire motioned him in. Jake took a deep breath and walked into the room. I should have called Louie. He didn’t want Newton near Kyra.

  “Jake, we’re going to let you go after the Russell woman, but one of Newton’s men will accompany you,” McGuire said.

  “No, Shamus. I called Mrs. Russell while I was outside the conference room awaiting your decision. I told her to wait for me and only me. I gave her no information, except where to wait.”

  “You bastard,” Newton shouted. “You’re interfering in a federal investigation, and I’ll have your badge.”

  “No you won’t, Newton. Because I also received a text while out in the waiting area and your department also has a leak.” Jake pulled his cellphone out and showed Newton the text.

  “This is a smear tactic. I know this man, he’d never betray my trust,” Newton said, indignantly.

  “It’s all in the file and I’ve requested warrants on him too.” Jake showed McGuire the text. “I’m going after Mrs. Russell, and I’m taking my partner, Louie Romanelli, with me. Any objections, Shamus?”

  “No, none. And Jake, make sure everything is detailed and recorded.”

  “Rinaldi, you have any problems in this area?”

  “No, Jake.” Rinaldi smiled. Jake had worked several cases with Rinaldi before he took the IA position. Jake respected Rinaldi, knew he was an honest cop. Rinaldi knew Jake was an honest cop also, or he should. Jake nodded to him and left the room.

  “I’m going to ask you for a solid here, Louie. I want to go into the house alone and speak with Kyra.”

  “Jake, you’re putting me on the spot here. It’s not procedure.”

  “I know, Louie, but I need to do this alone. I’ll leave the front door open and call you when I need you.” Louie nodded and Jake walked into his house.

  “Kyra?” Jake called out.

  “I’m in the bedroom, Jake.”

  Jake walked in. Kyra was stretched out on the bed, the covers pulled up to her chin. This wasn’t how he wanted to do this.

  “Kyra, I need you to get dressed and come into the living room.”

  She tossed the covers and Jake saw she was dressed. Well hell, he thought, and walked over to the bed to sit down next to her.

  “Kyra, we arrested Phil Lucci for the murder of Detective Carl Stack.” Jake watched her face as he continued. “His files implicate you in the disposal of several bodies.” Kyra looked down and Jake took her chin, tilting it up to look into her eyes.

  “Why?” It was all he could think to ask.

  “Why, Jake? Because I was desperate. My ex-husband left me with nothing. I had no money to fight for custody of my son. A son I love very much. This arrangement happened before I met you.”

  “I told you I’d help you. Why didn’t you ask?”

  “I’d only just met you, Jake. What was I going to ask you for? Plus, Lucci threatened bodily harm to my son. And Trevor’s all that matters. I would not put him in harm’s way. You’re a cop, Jake. I didn’t want to involve you.”

  “Involve me? Well, Kyra, you did involve me, by dating me. This might be the end of my career,” he hissed.

  “I’m sorry, Jake, but I needed to protect my son.”

  “I would’ve helped you.”

  “I couldn’t chance it.”

  “What now?”

  “I expect that you’re here to arrest me and take me in.”

  “Yes, you left me no other choice.”

  “I know. Will you promise me that Trevor will be protected?”

  “I will, Kyra. Get up.”

  “No last one for the road, Jake?” She tried to joke.


  Jake turned and walked out of the room. Dread, pain and betrayal filled his heart. Though he never openly acknowledge it aloud or to her, he’d fallen in love with Kyra. Not the deep down, all-consuming, forever love he felt for Mia, but love just the same. And more, he had respected her.

  What was wrong with him? His choice of women lately left a hole in him. Was there really such a thing as love, and could it last? Did he pick these women on purpose? Boy, the shrinks would have a field day with him on the couch. A knock on the front door before the door swung open pulled him from his thoughts. Louie walk in nodded then scanned the room for Kyra.

  “Where is she?” Louie demanded.

  “In the bedroom.”

  “This is a mess, Jake. I just spoke with the captain…”

  “I know, Louie, but I didn’t know.”

  “I know that, for God’s sake…but people have been looking for a reason for years to put you down, and this might be the one that pushes you out.”

  “I’m clean, Louie, and always have been, you know that. I’ll survive, don’t worry about me.”

  “I have no doubts about you, Jake, but we’re going to have to work hard and put the right spin on this.”


  Kyra walked into the room.

  “I’m ready, Jake.”

  “Kyra, you know Louie. Sergeant Romanelli’s going to take you in. He’s the arresting officer on record. I can’t be—” Kyra interrupted him.

  “You’re not going with me, Jake?” Tears washed down her face and broke his heart.

  “I’ll be there to walk you through, but I can’t be part of the team. I’m a susp
ect.” It pained him to say it aloud.

  “Oh my God. Jake, I’m so sorry, I never meant—”

  Jake cut her off, “Louie, are you ready?”

  “Yes. Kyra Russell, you’re under arrest for the unlawful disposal of a dead body, other charges including accessory after the fact to murder or conspiracy to commit murder might be leveled against you at a later time. I’m going to read you your rights.” Louie read her the Miranda Act then pulled his handcuffs off his belt.

  “Do you understand your rights as they have been read to you?”

  “Louie, no handcuffs,” Jake said, firmly cutting off Kyra’s reply.

  Louie looked at Jake, shrugged and clipped them back on his belt. “Do you understand your rights, Ms. Russell?”

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  “I need your purse. Where is it?” Louie said.

  “It’s over on the couch.” She pointed.

  Louie went over and picked up the purse and emptied the contents on the coffee table. Jake inspect the contents along with Louie. Jesus, he was losing it. It never occurred to him to search her bag.

  “Jake, do you have an evidence bag here?”

  “Yes.” He went into the hall closet and pulled out an extra field kit and removed an evidence bag, handing it to Louie. “Do you need anything else?”


  “Jake, there’s two thousand dollars in my purse. can you make sure Trevor gets it?” she pleaded.

  “I can’t, Kyra. It’s all part of your belongings and it’ll be part of the arrest record.”

  “Jake, it’s not from Phil, honest. I won it last night at the casino…please, Jake?”

  Jake ignored her. “Louie, are you all set?”


  Kyra leaned in and whispered into Jake’s ear. Louie watched him wince and saw the pain on his face. For that alone, Louie wanted to hang her.

  “There’s a letter in my purse Jake, detailing the dates and times I met with Phil Lucci and the times Angelo Rainford came to the cemetery with a funeral director and a body. It also details the amounts I received for each.”


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