Princess to Pleasure Slave Collection: The Forbidden Book of Monstrous Pleasures

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Princess to Pleasure Slave Collection: The Forbidden Book of Monstrous Pleasures Page 6

by Amanda Clover

  Livia had never seen a man's cock in person, but she had seen depictions in books. This was nothing like it. The alien appendage was smooth one moment and covered in ridges the next. It stretched and shifted like a mollusk reaching out of its shell.

  He reached out for her. She flinched away as his claw caressed her cheek. He pressed his fingers beneath her chin and lifted her face so that she was forced to look into the black spheres of his eyes. She felt the cool wetness of his strange phallus against her leg. It squirmed towards the warm crescent of her maiden's cove. She shuddered with revulsion.


  He stopped. Membranes blinked over his black eyes. The probing blue appendage slowly retreated from Livia's clenched thighs. He reached into a pouch on his discarded belt and retrieved a white quill as long as Livia's pointer finger. At one end was a needle-point and at the other was a translucent bulb containing a few drops of dark red liquid.

  "What is it?" asked the princess.

  He answered in his whispering language. He took her hand and turned her arm to expose the vein of her wrist. Before she could speak or even react the fish-headed man plunged his quill into her vein and squeezed the bulb. She gasped at the sharp pinch of the quill. Heat and pleasure flooded her body. He released his hold on her arm and Livia slid down the wall and to her knees.

  "Oh gods of the deep," she moaned. "What is...ohhh my...what was that?"

  She looked up at him through fluttering lashes. Each throb of her heart sent the poison racing through her body. The heat grew and grew and every nerve in her body became twice as sensitive. The warmth concentrated in her face, which flushed red, and between her thighs. She had marveled at handsome sailors before, at their long limbs and muscular bodies, but the lust she felt in those moments was nothing compared to the lust as she gazed at the fish-headed man.

  "Yes," she gasped, "yes, give it to me. I need it."

  She reached for him and he stood, still as a statue, as her hands caressed the smooth flesh of his thighs. She inhaled the ocean smell of his body and it sparked the fire ever brighter between her legs. She had never needed anything more than his lovely blue cock. It was so different and wonderful, nothing like those simple tubes and stones that men carried between their legs.

  Some part of Livia's mind was repelled but what was happening. This tiny voice of outrage was increasingly stifled by the toxic lust that clouded her mind and filled set her hot furrow to boiling. The fish-headed man watched with his black eyes as the fair-skinned human princess wrapped both hands around the prehensile wedge of his cock.

  Livia's ran her tongue over the tip and tasted the salty-sweet of his flesh. She parted her full lips and took him into her mouth. The strange cock shifted and extended into her mouth and she sucked. A thin, oily liquid discharged across her tongue. It was sweet and reminded her of the fresh scent of a beach. She stroked his shifting cock with both hands, stretching it into a long tube of blue flesh that she bobbed her mouth upon.

  "Mmmmmmm," she moaned, releasing one hand from his cock to play the other between her thighs. Her cunt was on fire with lust. Her clit had swollen to an unusual size and when she touched it a tremor rocked her body. Sucking the fish-headed man's blue cock was the realization of a deep fantasy she never knew she had held. Livia wanted more. She wanted it in her swallowing throat and reaching down in her belly. She wanted to taste his cum and fill herself with it.

  As she sucked, almost desperate to pleasure the cock in her mouth, the fish-headed man's whispered words became a crash of pleasure. He held the seaweed of Livia's dark hair beneath his webbed claw and guided her mouth on his cock. At last, the princess could stand no more, she could not satisfy the ache between her legs with her mouth on his cock. She popped her lips free of his bulging, spit-slick cock.

  "Please," she moaned between gasps for air, "I need it. Put it inside me."

  That tiny rational place inside her mind let out one last silent scream as the fish-headed man lifted her up from her knees and pressed her back against the wall. She opened her thighs to him and laced her arms around his muscular neck. His needle-teeth and the anglerfish details of his face were beautiful to her. He was as handsome as any sailor she had watched working in the rigging of one of her father's ships. She was not surrendering her virginity to him, she was yearning to have it claimed. She wanted this beautiful man to be her precious first.

  She looked down at the narrow space between their bodies. His blue cock was velvet against her thigh. It glistened and he pressed it against her furrow. She was so wet there was no resistance. Her royal quim yielded to his cock and he pressed into her, spreading her virginal folds, opening her body for the first time as his fishy fuckwedge pierced her maidenhead. She came in that moment. Her orgasm radiating out from the pain of the penetration, shuddering from her inner muscles and buzzing like electricity over her slender body.

  For a moment she was back home, in her father's court on the Iron Coast. The emissary from Shaddobar, with his scarlet headdress, lifted the veil from the portrait of the Prince of the Great House Sulanti.

  Prince Aluvashi bis Sulanti was dark-eyed and handsome, tan of flesh like all men of Shaddobar and possessing an aquiline nose and a chin covered with a pointed beard that combined to give him a regal appearance. He reminded her of a wizard and she thought his portrait might have cast a spell over her as she nodded slightly and agreed to the wedding. Her father had not needed her approval, but he had sought it out of love for his daughter. What would he have thought to see her giving herself so readily to an overgrown murkling?

  The question was swallowed up by the pleasure of the moment. She thrust herself against the cock invading her tight channel. She speared herself on him as his cock stretched into her depth, squirming into her cervix and thrusting into her womb. Her body shook with the orgasmic waves that broke upon her mind. Her mouth hung open and her eyes rolled back into her head with the maddening pleasure.

  "Yes! Yes! More!" she wailed and fucked against his cock. He did not even need to move, simply hold her against the wall as she split her boiling cunt against his blue ram. Her small breasts jiggled with her wild, arching thrusts. She flung sweat from her body and squeezed his cock with her inner muscles. She wanted his hardness to reach up to her chest inside her and swallow up her pounding heart.

  The soft word-song of Livia's fish-headed lover rose to a crescendo, like a storm tide breaking over a flood wall. She felt his deceptive muscularity. That strength that had allowed him to plunge his trident into the kraken again and again.

  "Cum for me," cried the princess. "Fill me with your seed!"

  He slammed his body against her and drove the flexing mollusk of his cock so deep its hot length opened her from her delicate folds to the cusp of her womb. She gasped at the depth of his invasion, a gasp that became a wail of ecstasy as his hardness throbbed and hot cum flooded her fertile cove.

  Livia's cunt tightened around his spurting cock, involuntarily milking him with her orgasm, drawing out squirt after squirt of his potent seed. As his cum erupted into Livia's virginal womb there was no more voice to question the act, only the hot madness of her pleasure. Princess Livia Madeline Airnhulm succumbed to the madness of her unending orgasm and collapsed into her lover's arms.

  The princess dreamed once again of the sea. Her body was adrift and currents pulled and pushed her from every direction. Although the darkness of the deep yawned below her, she was not afraid. She felt only love for the sea beneath her. She knew it would never hurt her.

  Livia awoke in the arms of the fish-headed man. They were moving. He was taking here somewhere. She could feel his seed in her cove and in her belly. Although the effect of the quill was not so overwhelming as before, she still knew great affection for her captor. She reached up and stroked his chest. He stole a glance at her, like a babe in his powerful arms, and she thought his incomprehensible words became tender.

  He was carrying her through a tunnel that sloped up and into a
larger cavern. The sight of this larger space stole her breath away. It was a chamber as seemingly vast as the world itself and a pale green sun hung high above a city of strange buildings. At the center of this space, beneath the glowing sphere, was a stone colossus of a massive creature like a man and a fish combined. This figure was not simply fish-headed, it was a perfect fusion, with fins covering its limbs and webbed hands that ended in talons.

  All around them were crowds of fish-headed creatures like Livia's lover. Some wore belts and loincloths like her captor, others wore elaborate head-pieces, amulets, and carried rods of authority.

  Livia was surprised to see these signs of true civilization, but more surprised still that among all these fish-headed men, these murkmen, were humans. All of them were women and many of them were heavy with child. They wore simple loincloths and kept their breasts bare. They walked alongside the murkmen without apparent fear. Some even wore jewelry that dangled onto their breasts or threaded into the braids in their hair.

  Her lover began to ascend a staircase to another level within the tiered city. She stared up at the globe high above and marveled at the magic that must have been used to create such a thing. Soon enough, they passed directly beneath it and into the shadow of the massive statue.

  "Where are you taking me?" asked Livia.

  They climbed another staircase alongside other fish-headed men and human women. Livia was taken into a squat building constructed between the standing legs of the colossus she had seen from afar. The princess was carried through winding halls and through bright, blue-lit corridors and into a room with smooth walls and a table of cold, white stone. Her lover placed her onto the table on her back.

  She tried to sit up and he gently pushed her back down onto the table. She understood and tried to relax. The sounds and smells of this place were distorted by the odd, white stone from which the room was built. After only a moment, her lover stepped away from the table and two more of the fish-headed murkmen entered the chamber.

  The first was very similar to Livia's fishy lover, with a savage face and large black eyes, although his body was mottled with green splotches of color and he wore a silver amulet around his neck. This newcomer was accompanied by a murkman with a reddish hue to his flesh and a much less menacing head with a long snout and smooth flesh. He wore an elaborate headdress of woven silver bands. His blue eyes were smaller than the other two murkmen and flicked over Livia's naked body with interest.

  "Are you going to fuck me now too?" wondered the smitten princess.

  The red murkman opened a jar and took out a translucent creature that reminded Livia of a small octopus. The sort her family's cooks would fry in a skillet and serve with vinegar and pepper. This one was alive and squirming as the murkman dropped it onto Livia's breasts.

  "Oooh," she cried, as the tiny tentacles wrapped around her pert breasts, caressed her nipples, and reached all the way to her navel. Livia looked up at the red murkman and asked, "What's this for?"

  It reached into the jar and brought out another small octopus-like creature. It dropped this beside the first. The squirming creatures explored the princess's breasts and reached their tentacles from her armpits to her throat. Livia cooed and wiggled from their tickling touch. They crawled over her breasts and she felt a firm suction on each tender nipple.

  "What are they...ohhh...ohhhh my!" she tucked her chin against her chest to watch as the octopi sucked her nipples into the translucent bells of their bodies. She could see her nipples flexed by the suction and watched as internal cilia lashed her sensitive buds. "It feel so good...I...think I might..."

  The double bite of the octopi triggered her climax. She arched her back off the table as invisible rows of teeth inside the creatures lacerated her straining nipples. It was as if they were biting and sucking on her nipples and her clit as waves of pleasure rippled through her. Blood began to drain from the injuries and filled the thumb-sized bodies of the creatures.

  "What are they doing to me?" cried Livia, still in the throes of her orgasm.

  She searched for the gruesome face of her lover from before. She tried to lift her arms to throw off the creatures suckling and biting at her nipples. The other murkman, the one with the angler's head, grabbed her biceps and pinned her arms down to the table. She was near to the point of panic. She stole another look at the octopi suckling at her aching nipples and she saw the translucent bulbs of their bodies had filled with a fair measure of her blood.

  "Pleeeeease!" she cried. "It hurts!"

  The red-hued murkman reached his smooth fingers around the bodies of the creatures attached to Livia's breasts. He twisted and each popped free and curled its tentacles up defensively around its blood-fat body. Livia gasped as the pressure and sharp bite lifted from her tortured breasts. Her nipples were red, swollen to three times their size, and marked with a ring of suction around the base. At least the tiny bites did not bleed and the cool air of the room soothed her swollen flesh.

  Worse than the bizarre torture was the fact that Livia was beginning to understand her predicament. She had been inseminated by an overgrown murkling and carried into some impossibly huge underwater city populated by the vile creatures. This red one, tucking the blood-filled octopi back into his jar, was obviously some sort of healer or torturer. She could not be certain which. Perhaps he was even a religious functionary.

  Livia moaned, because worst of all, the effect of the poison was still lingering, and despite the return of her rational mind, her desire for more blasphemous mating heated her loins. Even the terrifying octopi had stimulated her to orgasm. She almost wished they would be put back, to gnaw and suckle her swollen nipples.

  She turned her head and realized her face was almost perfectly even with the loincloth of the murkman holding her pinned to the table. She could smell the seaside scent of him and it stoked the embers of her lust. While he was speaking in whispers to the red murkman, Livia wriggled her arm free of his grasp. She reached out and stroked him through this loincloth.

  Both murkmen stopped conversing and seemed to gape in surprise at what the princess was doing. She did not care. She caressed the strange mollusk that hid beneath the loincloth and felt it shift against her fingers.

  Whatever surprise her behavior had caused was quickly overcome by the bestial lust of the murkmen. The red murkman set aside his jar and untied his loincloth. The other one, posed beside Livia's head, allowed the prostrate princess to free both arms so she could roll onto her side. She untied the murkman's loincloth herself and moaned with lust as she saw the squirming blue cock beneath.

  "Yessss," she moaned, cradling it in her fingers.

  Her mind was screaming at her to stop, but her body would not respond to anything but her primal lust. She slid onto her belly on the cold stone slab so that she could offer her mouth to the angler-headed brute that held her down. He took hold of her golden locks and stuffed his dripping mollusk cock between her full lips. She sucked as he slid to the back of her throat and back out again, coating her tongue with his briny ooze and driving her wild with his touch.

  The red murkman moved quickly behind her, climbing onto the table and grabbing her by her hips to lift the pale peach of her ass. She was too busy slurping lustily on the other murkman to look up, but she could feel him behind her and she wiggled her bottom invitingly. The red murkman took advantage of the invitation, drizzling some sort of slime down her crack before stuffing the muscular mollusk of his cock up her little princess asshole.

  "Mmmmmmmmm!" she cried out around the cock in her mouth.

  The pain of the intrusion was momentary, soon replaced with the warm fullness of his plunging cock as it stretched her virgin hole and invaded the clutching depths of her ass. She rocked back against the murkman's smooth hips and took him even deeper into her tight asshole.

  Moaning, drooling, and nearly mad with lust, the princess sucked harder and bobbed her mouth over the mollusk between her lips. The murkman's blue fuckprod drilled into her throat and rea
ched deep, bulging her neck with its tantalizing caress. She felt that same sick desire for the murkman's cum, only this time enough of her mind was present in the moment to feel the shame of giving herself so freely to these fish-headed horrors.

  While the lusty princess sucked, her pale bottom was roughly rooted by the smooth red of the other murkman's cock. It moved faster and faster, cool flesh colliding with her warm human curve in loud slaps that joined the slurping sounds to create a lewd symphony within the chamber. The red murkman's clawed fingers tightened their hold on Livia's waist. She cried out around in the cock in her mouth as she felt the cock in her ass begin to throb.

  Hot murkman spunk flooded the princess's stretched hole. It poured deep into her bowels, a hot pressure that bubbled out of her speared clench around the murkman's spurting tool. She wailed her muffled pleasure against the cock in her mouth and wildly fucked back against the murkman. If she had been able to speak she would have begged for every drop.

  The murkman withdrew his spent spunk spewer with a raunchy slurp of cum draining from the princess's creamed crack. An oozing stream of murkman seed dripped from her gaped pink pucker and drained across her swollen cunt to drip, drip, drip upon the table beneath her. She kept her ass raised, lest a great quantity of the murkman's seed spill out all at once before her stretched hole managed to close tight again.

  Aware of the depravity of the situation, Livia was still unable to resist the lure of her own pleasure. She reached beneath her body and pressed her hand between her thighs. Her fingers stroked her aching cunt and the hard bullet of her clit. She worked the dripping murkman spunk into her hot folds and diddled her throbbing clit. She closed her eyes against the growing pleasure as the murkman fucked into her mouth and drove his cock into her gulping throat.

  "AAaaaaggghhhhhggllkkk!" came the strangled cry of orgasm from Livia's stuffed throat. Waves of pleasure rolled through her body and she worked her hips against her fingers as her climax shuddered through her fucked holes. Her uncontrolled swallowing around the murkman's throbbing cock drove the creature over the edge and he cried out in his own strange voice.


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