Princess to Pleasure Slave Collection: The Forbidden Book of Monstrous Pleasures

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Princess to Pleasure Slave Collection: The Forbidden Book of Monstrous Pleasures Page 41

by Amanda Clover

  "Sarrag breeds her," growled the orc with his face pressed against Aluna's neck. "The lucky fool will claim her first litter. That not stop Yokka."

  The orc fucking Sam's mouth suddenly pulled his cock free of her lips. Sam began coughing as the orc lifted her up from his comrade. Cum poured down her thighs out of her pussy and ass. He walked her over to a tree near where Sam and Aluna's weapons had been discarded, bent her forward against the trunk and spread her creamed quim with the fat ram of his cockhead. She took his savage thrust with a loud slurp. Her coughing became a hoarse warble of pleasure as the orc rutted into her fertilized fuckhole.

  The princess was in a daze of lust watching her traveling companion being fucked. The orc that held Aluna began to suck and lick her neck. He moved to the delicate jaw of the princess and turned her to him. She closed her eyes as he kissed her and pressed his thick, foul-tasting tongue into her mouth. Her lips touched his tusks. His tongue opened her mouth wider and he gave her a wet, sloppy kiss that revolted her as surely as it further inflamed her desire.

  "Mmmmm, like that, princess?" asked the orc. "I change mind. I think I fuck you. Get on knees."

  He slid the knife from Aluna's throat and pushed her down to the ground. Fallen leaves crunched beneath her hands. Her breath caught in her throat as another push from the orc drover her forward. He fell to his knees heavily behind her, caressing the full softness of her ass through her tight leathers. She moaned as she heard the clink of his belt and the soft drag of his cock as he lifted it out of his trousers.

  "Black Tooth have to get sec-GGGRRKK!!!"

  Something warm and wet splattered onto Aluna's legs. She looked behind her and was stunned to see the orc had three inches of bloody steel protruding from his chest. The tip of the sword pulled back out and he toppled to the side, revealing wild-eyed Sam with her short sword in hand. She was completely naked, covered in scrapes, red marks and blood. Behind her, the orc that had been fucking Sam was slumped and headless beside the tree.

  "Get up," panted Sam. "Get up and run!"

  "Sam, I--"

  "RRRRAaaaaaar!" The orcs charged at the diminutive elf warrior. She met their attack with her blade, knocking aside their blows with skill.

  "Go! Now!" shouted Sam. "I'll hold them for as long as I can!"

  Aluna did as Sam commanded her. She wanted to stay and fight, but the orcs were between her and her weapons. Her only possible escape was to run and hope that Sam's courage and skill bought her enough time to outrun the orcs.

  The princess felt sick that she had nearly given her virginity to one of the orcs. She was angry at herself, but there was no time to dwell on the matter. She leaped over a deep gulch and ran up one of the low foothills leading to the Darkwood. Behind her, the clang of steel on steel ended with a sudden cry of pain. The princess was not sure whether she hoped Sam had only been disarmed and captured or that death had spared the brave warrior a life of slavery.

  Whichever fate had befallen Sam, Aluna knew the orcs would soon be on her trail. She continued running, until her legs ached and the twisted trees of the Darkwood loomed ahead.

  Aluna at last paused at the sinister border between the final green of the dale and the foul blight of the Darkwood. Within this curse land, the trees became instantly black and twisted, with branches that seemed like claws reaching out to tear at Aluna. Thorny vines climbed up every trunk. Strange, fleshy flowers that gave off a sour smell bloomed from the undergrowth. Sickly pods of blue wept a pus-like liquid at their seems.

  It was not just the image of evil, it was the presence of it. Aluna felt it on her skin like cold, dead hands. She lost her sense of direction and even struggled to keep her balance. She paused to catch her breath and listen for any pursuers. She heard nothing, but the discordant songs of the Darkwood birds.

  Aluna looked down and very nearly screamed. A white centipede as big around as her thumb and as long as her arm had began to climb her boot. Its mandibles dripped with venom. Aluna kicked the insect away and checked her leaf compass. It still worked, at least. She tucked it in her belt pouch and continued in the direction of the distant human camps.

  Throughout the morning and into the afternoon, the princess navigated the increasingly difficult terrain. Thorns tore at her leathers. Rotted trees gave way and caused her to fall more than once. When she did slip and fall, she found that deadly chasms split the earth, plunging into darkness and nearly claiming her life. She pulled herself back from the edge of darkness again and again. The sickly brown birds in the trees seemed to laugh at her.

  It was well into afternoon when Aluna encountered her first man-eater. She had always heard of such things, but she had never seen one and it nearly cost her. She smelled it first. A lilac aroma that was sweet and at odds with the earthy musk of the Darkwood. She followed the perfumed air to a clearing. It was her naturally light feet that saved her.

  The ground began to move, horizontally, dragging her into the clearing. There was something sticky holding her in place, but she forced her boots free and leaped aside just as the "tongue" of the man-eating plant recoiled into the veined hemispheres of the feeding pod.

  The "tongue" was a long, narrow carpet, only an inch or so thick and covered in a sticky surface. It was well-concealed by a dark blue-green coloration that matched the shadowed forest floor. The tongue rolled up between the hemispheres and the halves of the feeding pod slammed shut. There was a hollow finality to the sound. Aluna knew it would have been the sound of her doom if she had not leaped off the plant's tongue trap.

  Aluna became familiar with the flowery smell of the man-eaters and grew quite good at spotting their tongue traps. She passed the next three without even triggering them and was able to see the inside of the pods with a pool of digestive fluid and hundreds of finger-like appendages lining the velvety inner walls. She was admiring the fleshy beauty of one of these plants when she walked directly into the woman.

  The woman had her back turned and Aluna collided with her soft, naked body, sending them both tumbling to the ground. The woman was voluptuous, with wide hips, a plump bottom and big, soft breasts that were wide on her chest, with fat areolas and thick nipples. The woman's skin was pale, but tinged un unusual shade of purple that carried from her chalky skin to the deeper purple of the long hair on her head and the thatch between her thighs.

  "By the Huntress," cried Aluna as she disentangled her legs. "Are you alright? Are you hurt?"

  She sat up as the woman rose steadily onto her feet again and turned towards Aluna, her eyes shadowed beneath her overhanging hair. The woman's mouth fell open and a low, strange moan escaped her lips. A moment later, that moan was answered by several more from the surrounding trees. The woman started to walk towards Aluna. She was not very fast, but she was steady-footed and intent. Her arms came up and she reached for Aluna as she came closer.

  "What are you...what do you want?" asked the princess, backing away.

  A cold breeze stirred the hair on the woman's face, revealing her eyes. They were pure white without a hint of pupils as if covered with cataracts. The woman moaned again and cold fear worked its way up Aluna's spine.

  The Dalish princess turned and ran. She stumbled through the thorny undergrowth as the purple woman followed behind her. Aluna did not make it far before she collided with another of these woman. This one was taller and short-haired, but had a very similar body type and the same lifeless white eyes. The woman moaned and purple drool spilled down her lips. The woman reached out her hands and tried to grasp the princess. Aluna turned to run again and found a third woman, her hair lighter, but still tinged purple, otherwise the same voluptuous figure as the first two.

  The three women closed in on her from three different directions, leaving only one way for her to run. Worse, as she fled she heard more moans answering from the surrounding trees, suggesting even more of them being drawn to pursuit. It was as if the whole blighted forest had come alive to chase Aluna and the princess realized, far too late, that thes
e women were herding her in a direction.

  She emerged into a small valley between two hills. It dead-ended in a dense tangle of vines that supported a single plant with a single, fleshy violet flower. A long pistil extended from the pedals of this gruesome plant, phallic and dripping with a purple liquid.

  "This...this must be..."

  The flower slowly turned to face its petals towards Aluna. It puffed out a sweet-smelling cloud that rolled over the vines and caressed a powdery pollen over Aluna's body. Her fear began to subside. She felt calm and relaxed despite the moaning women closing in behind her.

  She did not even move as several vines began to unwind from beneath the flower like snakes and crawl towards her across the ground. She giggled as these fleshy lavender tendrils crept towards her and slithered up her boots and into the legs of her trousers. Tiny thorns pricked her skin. Warmth spread from wherever the tendrils touched as they split her leathers open and climbed up her calves to her thighs and hips.

  One of the purple-tinged women moaned beside Aluna. The woman reached out her hands and embraced the princess as the fuzzy-minded elf turned her head. Soft, smooth skin touched her. Plump lips parted as they kissed her and the purple woman slid a syrupy tongue into the mouth of the princess. Lust stirred inside her. She had never kissed and not a woman for certain. There was no prohibition on such things, but Aluna was sheltered by her position within the Dalish. Kissing this strange woman was like kissing a sugared plump, so wet and succulent, the woman's fat breasts mashing against her.

  A second woman embraced her from the other side, kissing Aluna's neck and cheek, squirming her wet tongue over Aluna's ear. The hands of the purple women began to unlace the corseted leathers that held back the soft bosom of the princess. Her breasts spilled free of confinement and she moaned into the syrupy kiss as a third pair of hands reached around her from behind and began to fondle the warm mounds of her tits. Purple fingers plucked at her pink nipples, stretching them out as the hands roughly massaged her breasts.

  While the three women held her in their arms, kissing and caressing her, the tendrils snaking out from the flower were not idle either. They finally destroyed her trousers and tore away the soft fabric of her under wrap. The dark trim of her mound was exposed. The tendrils wound around her thighs and lifted her weight off the ground as they spread her legs wide.

  "Yesss," cried the princess, thrusting her hips with lust, eager to surrender her maidenhead to whoever sought it.

  One of the women, Aluna believed it was the one she first bumped into, dropped to her knees beside the princess and began caressing Aluna's thighs. Her hand found the dark triangle of Aluna's hair and purple-tinted fingers caressed Aluna's virginal groove. The princess squirmed as her juices slicked the fingers of the white-eyed woman. A tentacle rose between Aluna's thighs, slick as an eel and dripping with purple-tinged mucus. The woman's fingers pressed and opened Aluna's inner pink.

  "Fuck me," cried the princess, her mind retreating into the haze of her lust. "Take my quim!"

  Vines slithered up Aluna's body and wrapped around her breasts, squeezed them tight and pricking her soft mounds with tiny thorns the injected her with more of the flower's potent aphrodisiac venom. The tips of the vines reared up like snakes above her constricted tits and they split open like tiny, wet mouths. These fell upon her jutting nipples, sealing tight against her areolas and applying strong, rhythmic suction that pinched her tender flesh. Each suck sent another jolt of pleasure through her body.

  She cried out and turned her head as the woman beside her leaned over and dropped the weight of her breasts into Aluna's face. It only seemed natural to the princess, smothered in the woman's perfumed bosom, to lick and kiss the soft weight against her face. The woman dragged her breasts to one side and fed a fat, lavender nipple into Aluna's mouth. She could not resist the urge to suck and was rewarded a moment later with a cool, thick gush of creamy syrup into her mouth. She swallowed greedily, each new suck producing another spray of the delicious liquid.

  Aluna only stopped suckling from the sweet bosom of the woman when she felt the slick vine pressing at her folds. She raised her head, creamy purple milksap dripping from her lips as she watched the vine's bulbous head slipping past her parted folds. The giant flower, seeming closer than before, rose above her, its pistil twitching with its apparent desire.

  "Yesssssss!" she cried. She had never wanted anything so much in her life as she wanted to be fucked by the flower's dripping vine.

  The vine plunged into Aluna's virginal pussy. She was dripping with lust and the vine was slicked with its own excretions. Her tightness was no match for the force of its thrust as it drove through the membrane of her virginity and claimed her for its perverse desire. The flower's pistil vibrated with an audible hum as it began to fuck the Dalish princess.

  Aluna's mind reeled. What was left of her sanity recoiled from the scene as the vine slid in and out, plunging to her body's limit inside her, withdrawing, and slamming its way back into her clutching tunnel. The pleasure was finer than any ever felt by her own hand, alone in a stream, and the force with which the vine drove into her caused her breasts to shake in their bondage. Her eyes rolled in her head and she saw the breasts against her shoulder. She looked up at the blank-eyed woman and she realized that this was her fate. The flower would turn her into one of these purple zombies or, worse, devour her and create something that looked like her.

  She was beyond caring. She opened her mouth and the zombie bride of the flower dropped her breasts back into Aluna's face. The princess sucked greedily and gulped the syrupy cream that spurted across her tongue. She rolled her hips as the vine plunged in and out of her pussy. She wailed with pleasure as the purple slaves of the flower massaged her clit and reached beneath her to stroke their fingers against her clenched anus. The vine's syrup dripped steadily from Aluna's stuffed channel, pattering onto the dark leaves beneath her.

  She succumbed wantonly to her first of many orgasms. Her head fell back. Milky syrup dripped from the breasts she had been sucking onto her face and tongue as her body convulsed with pleasure. Aluna wailed. She renounced the Huntress and devoted her body and soul to the pleasure granted to her by this obscene creature. Her eyes rolled back, showing only white, and her breasts began to swell. She could feel it draining the life from within her orgasm.

  Vines claimed Aluna's anus. They squirmed between the breasts of the slaves that surrounded her and plunged into her open mouth. Thick streams of sap gushed into her womb and spurted into her ass. Her belly bulged with the lusty syrup of the flower. Her throat was sticky with its floral fuckspew.

  The shapely elf writhed atop the thrusting tendrils that squirmed two and three thick into her ass and stretched pussy. Her nipples were swollen by the venom of the vines and her breasts seemed to have nearly doubled in size, bulging out from between the coils of the constricting vines. Syrupy spunk dripped constantly from the shuddering depths of her body. Sweetened sap-cream dripped from the nipples of the slaves surrounding her and slicked Aluna's flexing body.

  The world began to recede around her and Aluna found herself in fog of pleasure. She was still aware of each orgasm, each thrust and spurt inside her, but it was is if she watched these things happening to someone else. Her body was changing, she realized, hour upon hour of sex was draining her life essence and turning her into one of the purple-tinted flower fuckslaves. The flowers glistening pistol began to shake and the flower bent its body down, taking aim at the princess and her tender pussy. The vines had fully lubed her and prepared her for her transformation. One final fucking would turn her over to the flower's alien will.

  "Is this how you want your life to end?"

  The voice seemed to drift out from the white nothingness that clouded the edges of the dream apart from her body. A figure emerged from this whiteness, clad in the garments of the Huntress, but dark-haired and much more buxom. The figure revealed her pretty face and glowing, emerald eyes.

  "Mother!" crie
d Aluna.

  "It saddens me to see you like this," said Mother, stroking her daughter's hair. "Your body is a gift from me. Your soul a gift from the goddess. Will you surrender yourself to this...thing?"

  "Please, mother, I cannot save myself. Forgive me."

  "I do forgive you," smiled Aluna's beautiful mother. "But you are wrong. Find the strength within yourself. Break free of this creature. The goddess will give you the strength you need."

  Aluna's mother faded into the whiteness. The princess returned to full consciousness. The purple hued slave girls had retreated, leaving her suspended in the bondage of the vines. Her body was sore and felt weak. The flower bent over her, its huge pistil descending towards Aluna's goo-stuffed quim.

  Vigor surged into the limbs of the bound princess. She shook off the despair and fear and let out a mighty cry of defiance. She pulled her arms and the vines tore loose. Her weight shifted in the slippery cradle of appendages. She kicked her legs and snapped the vines that wrapped her thighs. The monstrous plant finally lost its hold completely and she fell onto her back. Only the vines constricting her swollen breasts and sucking at her nipples remained. She gripped the slurping vines, one in each hand, and with a cry of pain she pulled them off her raw, stretched nipples.

  The plant seemed to finally sense how dangerous the princess had become. It retreated from her, drawing its fragile flower back as its purple-tinged slave girls moved in to capture Aluna once again. The princess did not know how long her strength would last so she decided to use it to escape rather than fight off the slaves.

  She shoved one to the ground and ran past them. She fled deeper into the Darkwood, hoping that she was going towards the human settlement. Thorns slashed at her naked body. She struggled to keep ahead of her tireless pursuers. In fact, as her strength began to ebb, the white-eyed women began to gain ground. If they captured her again, Aluna knew there would be no more chances. The flower would subdue her and turn her into one of its slaves.


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