Princess to Pleasure Slave Collection: The Forbidden Book of Monstrous Pleasures

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Princess to Pleasure Slave Collection: The Forbidden Book of Monstrous Pleasures Page 46

by Amanda Clover

  The dragon's cry came from high above. Melinda sat up and watched the red dragon, scales glittering in the sunlight, swoop down through the clouds and launch back upwards again. He was huge and glorious. His muscles rippled as his huge body devoured the sky. He circled slowly, dipping lower and lower. Fear surged in Melinda's breast as she realized he was approaching the ledge. She was frozen, by fear and by awe, as he swooped down and landed above her.

  Myxus bent his long neck down to regard the princess with his golden eyes. His breath stroked her body. That same alchemical stink tickled her nostrils.

  "I'm trying," said Melinda. "I know what you will do. I...I did what you asked of me."

  Myxus grumbled. She could not tell if he was pleased or angry. He leaped straight up and his wings caught the wind and carried him away from the mountain in a wheeling turn. She watched him go, as majestic as any bird she had ever seen, turning and swooping until he was beyond the far mountains.

  She remained on the ledge for a while longer. The dragon did not return. She dressed in the silk robe and went back into the cave. She wandered the inner sanctum of the cave with a torch. She found the study and an alchemy laboratory. The books that lined the walls of the study were mostly in languages she could not understand. She picked one up, idly, and paged through it until she saw blood-curdling images of a huge white dragon literally bursting apart women with its huge cock. The paintings were so vivid and detailed that had to have been based on real events. She quickly snapped the book shut and went back to the bedchamber.

  She found fresh wine and a pot of ointment set hopefully upon the table.

  "Are you there, Quyxus?" she called. "Quyxus?"

  When he did not answer, she drank the wine and carried the pot over to the bed. The robe slipped easily from her shoulders and caressed her slender body as it dropped to the floor. She opened the ointment and began by applying it to her tender mound. It seemed no larger than the day before, but she felt more confident.

  She soon realized the folly of that confidence. For although she had proved her body could accommodate the hotstone cock the day before, it had doubled in size. She climbed atop the carved dragon and smeared the cock with the rest of the pot of ointment. The cock once again awoke in her hands. It throbbed with life and she climbed higher, almost on the dragon's leering face, and pressed the greased cleft of her quim against the huge, fleshy head of the cock.

  She bit her lip and grunted as she pushed down, spreading her slick groove with her fingers, feeling the fleshy barbs against her sensitive folds. Her tender pussy opened just as slowly as before. The pain came just as strong. She pushed again, crying out, stretching herself until she felt as if she would burst. She pushed again, sinking inch-by-hot-inch down onto the huge cock. Her belly bulged. Her hymen, somehow restored, burst again and another trickle of blood warmed her inner thigh.

  "Gods, please, grant me strength," she panted. She looked back and moaned with anguish, for scarcely half of the hotstone cock was buried in her pussy and already she felt full beyond taking any more. She closed her eyes and pictured Myxus, soaring through the clouds, and his huge, pink cock ready to burst her apart like the poor woman in the book. She cried aloud, "Not me!"

  With a desperate thrust of her body, she pushed herself down onto the cock, taking another few inches. The hot tip wedged against her cervix. She pushed again and her body began to stretch. The pleasure of the ointment-slicked cock was equal to the pain of her overstuffed channel. The two sensations became inseparable as she cried out again and forced herself even lower.

  It was becoming hard for her to breathe as her cock-stretched tunnel displaced her internal organs. She knew, one last push, one final effort, and she would either stab this monstrous member into her heart or managed to survive every inch of it. She took a deep, unsteady breath, closed her eyes tight and pushed. The pain was exquisite. It might have been accompanied by a sharp, short orgasm. She could not be sure. What was certain was that her small bottom now rested against the back curve of the leering dragon's lap and every inch of the hotstone was filling her stretched quim.

  "I...I've done it," she gasped.

  The pain of it began to fade and Melinda began to move atop the throbbing cock, reveling in its heat and in the way it utterly filled her body. It was as if it occupied her in the way an army might occupy a fort. She was a meaningless shell without it, but with it, she was warmth and pleasure and happiness. She laughed as she began to slide up and down. Some mechanism within the wooden dragon rocked it like a cradle beneath her.

  "It feels so good," she cried. "Yessss!"

  When she opened her eyes, she peered into the darkness beyond the doorway and she saw Quyxus there. His golden eyes bored into her. He did not move and did not look away.

  The princess slowed atop the rocking dragon for only a moment. She locked eyes with Quyxus and began to thrust again, throwing her slender body against the dragon and impaling her pussy - her entire body - on the huge hotstone cock. Sweat slicked her black hair into a dripping pelt. It glistened on her limbs and back. Jiggling droplets fell from her face and poured between her quivering breasts.

  "Nnnnnnnnn!" She cried her pleasure through clenched teeth until she could no longer repress her ecstasy. Her body bucked atop the cock. Her inner muscles squeezed around it. Her head was flung back in a bright moment, an open door of pleasure through which she journeyed, into a whiteness, into a rippling warmth that seemed to swallow her up. The cock moved inside her, swelling and bursting, overflowing her womb with hot liquid. It poured out of her in gushes, splattering onto the wooden dragon and flowing steadily down her thighs.

  She rode the pleasure higher and higher. Her vision was gauzy and she lost sight of Quyxus. She knew he was there. He caught her as she finally collapsed off of the wooden dragon and her twitching body slid off the huge cock. He carried her easily over to the bed and stretched her out.

  "Th-thank you," she said and reached for him, but he was gone.

  Darkness claimed her once more. A cool, relaxing, deep darkness. It was as if she could feel her body repairing the damage she had done. When she awoke, refreshed and once again feeling bolstered by the ointment, it was night again. She had slept the day away. Or was it more than one?

  She had been bathed and dressed in baggy linen pants with a drawstring and a simple cotton tunic. A cool, damp towel was folded against her forehead. When her eyes fully opened she looked over at the pink shape beside the bed and her stomach twisted up in fear. The hotstone cock had grown again and now seemed almost to match the size of Myxus's own cock. It seemed long enough to emerge from her throat if she climbed atop it.

  "How is this possible?" she moaned.

  Even as she doubted it, she knew she would attempt it. She nourished herself with the meal left out and drank a full bottle of wine. Her head was spinning as she slopped the ointment onto her fuzzy patch and worked her fingers into her groove. Her maidenhead stopped her fingers from pressing too deep. Another mystery of her changing body.

  She applied the ointment to the length of the massive cock, reaching from a tip so wide she could scarcely get both hands around it all the way down to the false bollocks as big melons. There was not enough of the ointment in the first pot so she fetched another from the shelf and continued to smear it onto the increasingly warm pink stone until the pink was almost hidden by the white cream.

  "You can do this," she said to herself. "You must do it."

  She tried to climb atop it, only to slide back down its length with her body rubbing against the big, warm cock. She giggled after the third failed attempt. All the wine was not helping. Pondering the angle and the height of the false cock, she realized she might need to unscrew it from the wooden dragon. This took some doing, with the shaft balanced against her shoulder as she slowly turned it. When it finally came loose, it flopped painfully down over her shoulder and slapped against her back. It weighed nearly as much as her. Luckily, it slid from her grasp and landed atop the be


  The generous pile of pillows atop the bed allowed her to balance the massive cock at an angle. Now, she realized, she just had to for her body onto it. She tried on hands and knees. The cock pressed against her groove and then slipped loose from the mound of pillows. She would have to lie on her back, she realized, and pull it into herself.

  Even with all the lubrication and the heat of the ointment, the growing lust in her body, and her dark fantasies of being mounted by Myxus, Melinda struggled to fit the head of the cock into her pussy. It was as big as two fists held together and even wider including the fleshy bristles. The let the weight of the cock drop against her clit and a spike of pleasure fired inside her.

  She closed her eyes, bent her legs into the air, grabbed the cock with both hands, just beneath the ridge of the glans, and began to pull it against her slick quim. It was like trying to impale her stomach with a sword. Or with a brick. It was so huge and blunt that her slit would not even begin to open wide enough. She moaned in frustration.

  "Would you like assistance?"

  She whipped her head up and saw Quyxus standing at the food of the bed. He had shed his coat of red leather and whatever shirt he wore beneath it. His chest was tanned and muscular, his stomach bulging with a row of muscles that showed lean all the way to his low-hanging trousers.

  Melinda knew she should have been embarrassed to be seen by the man. Propriety no longer mattered much to the princess. She did not even cover herself or close her thighs. She let him see her naked body and her greased quim. She wanted him to see.

  "How would you assist me?" she asked, running her fingers over her clit.

  "To begin with, princess, a piece of advice." He came around beside her, taking in her naked body and the awkward position she was in to try to force the huge cock into her quim. "You are treating this as a task you must complete. You only allow yourself to be in the moment once it is inside you. This might work for the first and second nights, but it will not work for this final form and it certainly will not work tomorrow when Myxus is atop you."

  The thought of the huge dragon mounting her, now so very near, sent an involuntary shudder through her body. She gazed up at Quyxus, her eyelids heavy with the wine.

  "Reach your hands up to the bed rails," he said.

  She did not question him. She slid her hands between the vertical bed rails, stretching out her slender body until her breasts were hardly more than her tiny pink nipples and areolas. His belt snapped as he yanked it from around his waist. His long fingers and sure hands pulled Melinda's wrists against the bars as he wound his belt around them and cinched the leather tight.

  "Try to move," he commanded.

  She made a futile attempt to pull her hands loose. He smiled with satisfaction, his sharp, white teeth showing like daggers in his mouth.

  The dragonborn Quyxus lowered his trousers, exposing the fat, dangling hose of his cock that hung against his muscular thighs. Her pulse quickened as he approached the head of the bed. His long fingers smoothed the hair from Melinda's face. He gathered her hair in his hand and turned her face to the side, pulling her closer to the edge of the bed.

  She looked up at him, up the muscular tower of his perfect body. She inhaled the slightly spicy musk of his arousal. The lust nearly steamed from his body. The heat was more intense than the hotstone cock that rested between her legs.

  "You are beautiful," he murmured. "My father is blessed to claim you."

  "I want you," she gasped.

  "I know," he said. "It is the wine and the mink oil."

  "No," she said. "The night before, when you watched me. I imagined it was you between my legs. I imagined it was you who was...mounting me."

  "I will not mount you, princess," he said, stroking her face. "Only the dragon will have you. But I will show you the way to prepare your body. First..."

  His hand tightened in her hair and he dragged her face against his dangling cock.

  "...pleasure mine."

  She needed no further encouragement. Her lips parted and her tongue sought the velvet curve of his bulging cockhead. She tasted the salt of his skin, running her tongue against his shaft as he pushed closer. The bulging belly of his cock pushed past Melinda's lips, gliding over her tongue and weighing against her urge to gag. She fought the reflex, closed her lips and began to suck.

  "Mmmmmm," she moaned around him.

  His cock stiffened to full hardness between Melinda's lips. She laved it with her tongue and let her saliva spill from her lips to coat Quyxus's cockmeat and drip from the dangling plums of his bollocks. She had never imagined a cock between her lips, but now that it was happening she found him irresistible.

  She thrust her hips and moaned again around him as she felt his fingers sliding over her slick groove and massaging her straining clit. She tried to lift and turn her head to see his hand against her cunt. Quyxus yanked her mouth back down onto his cock a bit roughly.

  "Keep your attention on what is between your lips, my dear princess. I will concern myself with your pleasure."

  Melinda gladly yielded control to him. He used her mouth and stroked her quim at the same time. She spread her legs wide for him and looked up into those golden eyes as his cock slid in and out of her sucking mouth. His balls slapped against her face. She could not take him into her throat, so his fat cock's length was only half inside her mouth. She tried to compensate for him by lashing the throbbing head of his cock with her tongue.

  Soon enough, she forgot even this ability. Her moans were constant and vibrated up his shaft as he gently worked his hardness in and out of her sucking mouth. Her muffled moans became a stuffed scream as her pleasure grew. She felt a sudden pain and pressure between her thighs, but was beyond caring. Her orgasm clamped around something. Her tiny asshole felt stretched aside and there came an intense pressure within her that flared in a sudden, sharp snap of pain. She was being fucked by the huge false cock.

  "Yes," groaned Quyxus. "It is inside you. But do not stop. You will soon taste my seed."

  The agony and ecstasy pushed deeper inside her. Melinda's tight quim was stretched to its limit, her inner walls pushing against her organs. It was hard to breathe. It felt as if her heart might be crushed by the pressure.

  So she sucked. She bobbed her head to the side and took Quyxus into her throat. His cock was huge, for a man, so she was not even certain how she did it. One moment his fat bell was pressed against the back of her throat and then she swallowed and he was inside that hot, liquid tunnel. Each contraction of her throat muscles seemed to pull him deeper and deeper.

  The wide base of his cock stretched her mouth open. It felt as if his size might dislocate her jaw and yet she swallowed again and again, massaging his hot meat with the workings of her muscles until her nose was against his smooth pubis and his tight bollocks were against her chin. She stared up at him, her head twisted uncomfortably and his cock fully buried in her virgin throat. There was a smile on his face.

  "I knew you were the one," he said, his words almost a moan. "I know you would...tame...his cock. Aahhhhhhh!"

  His cry of pleasure became a roar. His cock seemed to thrash inside her throat. The hot spurt of his seed boiled into her throat and warmed her belly. His balls seemed to twitch against her lips as he fired out a great quantity of his cum directly into her stomach. He pulled his cock out only as his orgasm diminished. She expelled the pulsing tip into her mouth and he coated her tongue in a last spurt of his hot spunk. It was salty and spicy. She swallowed without urging.

  He pulled his cock free and she gasped and dropped her head back among the pillows. Her body was responding to his release, to what was inside her, and she could no longer hold back. She arched against the huge cock, feeling it slip ever deeper until her entire body seemed to be only a cloak worn by the massive member.

  She saw white behind her eyes. Flashing at first, but then a dream of soaring through the air, pinned beneath the smooth belly of Myxus, her body impaled on his enormous cock. The ex
pression on her face was pleasure, not pain as he slid her up and down, holding her tight. He ascended into the clouds and dived into the valleys, their bodies joined in pleasure, her face a wordless scream of ecstasy as he filled her with his impossible quantity of seed.

  She awoke to the sudden agony of the massive cock slipping out of her flooded, distended body. For a moment, she felt as like a water skin emptied of its contents. A huge quantity of the false cock's seed drained out from her stretched channel. She looked up at Quyxus as he pulled the last of the cock from her with a lewd slurp.

  "You have done it, my sweet princess. You have survived."

  He returned the cock to the wooden dragon. It was obscenely dripping with whatever magic concoction substituted for its seed. She looked from it to him and smiled weakly.

  "I feel so empty," she said.

  "Your body will heal while you sleep." He untied her and began to caress her face and sweat-heavy hair. "I will bathe you and prepare you. Myxus will come at first light. Do not be afraid and do not resist him."

  "I...I want this," she said.

  "He will be pleased," said the handsome dragonkin. "Now sleep."

  She saw a single glimpse of her body, disgusting and swollen, her belly oddly deflated, and then she slipped into the darkness of sleep. She dreamed of Quyxus and Myxus both. In her dream they took her together, their massive cocks warring within her body, and she felt no pain.

  Melinda's awakening was so sudden and disorienting that she thought she was still asleep and dreaming for several seconds. She was nude on her back atop a fur pelt taken from some enormous beast and the early morning sky was above her. It was crisp and chilly, her nipples straining hard in the cold mountain air and thin wisps of steam emerging from her mouth.


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