Princess to Pleasure Slave Collection: The Forbidden Book of Monstrous Pleasures

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Princess to Pleasure Slave Collection: The Forbidden Book of Monstrous Pleasures Page 54

by Amanda Clover

  "Mmmm, the war of parceling?" Ironhead nodded. "I do not recall that war. Which land was parceled to the gray goblins of the marsh?"

  "It-it was a war of human houses," said Lorica.

  "So the humans decided which families would have which bits of the land. Fifteen generations ago, you say?"

  Lorica nodded. She felt ashamed, though she knew she should be proud.

  "For one thousand generations my family has dwelled in the forgotten marshes of this great forest you humans call Arboras. And I am in charge of this band. Does that make me a king?"

  "O-only the gods may--"

  "The gods?" Iron Head scoffs. "The gods! We worship no god in the marsh. So I supposed I am not just a king, but a god!"

  Lorica trembled at his boasting. She looked down at her mud-caked boots. The soft leather, meant for no difficult terrain, was already splitting open and the fur-lining was soaked with her sweat and the filthy water of the marsh.

  "Who are these other two girls?" Iron Head's voice was no longer kind.

  "Jassi and Felecia," said Lorica, indicating them with her hand. "They are my servants, your... your majesty."

  "Majesty?" Iron Head snorts. "I am your god now too, princess. I decide life and death, freedom and captivity. You should be down on your knees worshipping me."

  Spide stepped forward and took Lorica by her shoulders. She cried out in surprise. Iron Head raised a hand to stop Spide.

  "But no, you are a princess. And princesses must remain pure." Iron Head's gaze lingered upon Jassi and then flicked to Felecia. "That one, with the blaze of hair. Come and serve your new god."

  "You're no god!" shouted Felecia as she was dragged to her feet and brought towards Iron Head. "Blasphemer! Goblin scum! I'll not serve you!"

  Iron Head chuckled. Lorica looked away fearfully from Felecia's anger.

  "There are far worse things than serving me. Would you like to learn what they are?"

  "I'll never serve you!" screamed Felecia and she spit down into Iron Head's face.

  Iron Head flinched from the spit. He wiped it from his face as Felecia was struck and dragged back from him.

  "Strip off her clothes and throw her in the pen with the lizeks." Iron Head's smile was cruel. "She'll either be eaten alive or learn less painful ways to satisfy the lizeks."

  "You will burn for this!" shrieked Felecia. "Do not yield to him, princess!"

  She was dragged away, towards a large enclosure made from awais reeds in the marsh near the land on which they stood. Lorica gasped as she saw long-bodied, four-legged reptile creatures nearly as large as a human slithering in the marsh. They raised their heads expectantly as Felecia was dragged to the pen and thrown into the water with them. Lorica heard strange sounds and cries of pain from Felecia. The princess was grateful that in the moonlight she could not see much of what was happening.

  Iron Head seemed to enjoy what was happening. Perhaps, thought Lorica, the goblin's red eyes could better penetrate the night. The goblin boss's smile soon faded and he turned his attention to Lorica.

  "Let us see if your other companion is wiser."

  Jassi was dragged to her feet, with some effort from the goblins, and pushed in front of Iron Head.

  "What soft loveliness," growled Iron Head. "They've torn your clothing."

  "It-it is fine, my... god," said Jassi, holding her bodice closed with one hand.

  "You do not want to end your night in with the lizeks, do you, my lovely?"

  Jassi fell heavily upon her knees. She cried out, "No! I worship you!"

  "Do you?" asked Iron Head.

  Lorica's stomach tightened as she became aware of the soft shifting of Iron Head's loincloth. He stepped up to Jassi and almost immediately Lorica heard wet sounds from her companion's lips. Jassi's head bobbed steadily up and down, shaking the ringlets of her dark hair. Iron Head rested one clawed hand atop Jassi's head and leaned back.

  "Oh, princess, you've brought me such a lovely new worshipper. Her lips are so... mmmm... soft. Her tongue so eager." Iron Head beckoned with his free hand. "Come closer. Witness her devotion."

  It was not a request. Spide seized Lorica by her shoulders and shoved her to the ground beside Jassi. Iron Head's clawed hand took hold of the princess and pulled her face closer, forcing her to watch Jassi. So the princess looked.

  Lorica had preserved her virginity, as was required of her station, but she was not entirely pure. There had been fumbling hands with stable boys, one she had wanked in a fresh, cedar-scented paddock, watching as his crimson cock burst forth his seed at his feet. Another lad, a tailor's son, quite handsome and well-spoken, had been graced with her mouth for a brief interlude. Not sufficient to coax out his seed, but he had been driven wild by her tasting. His cock had been very long and curved. His seed had spilled all over her boots and she had made him lick it up.

  Iron Head's cock was of a similar shape to those human men, though not quite so large. It was thicker than she expected and Jassi's fat lips were stretched into a wide oval around it as she slid her mouth up and down the length of his cock. His bollocks were quite a bit larger in proportion to his cockmeat than a man's. His cock itself was gray almost to purple-black and seemed to grow darker by the moment as Jassi bobbed and slurped upon the goblin's unwholesome fuckflesh.

  "She has a real taste for it, wouldn't you say, Spide?" laughed Iron Head.

  "Yeah, boss," agreed Spide. "She took to it natural."

  Lorica could not disagree with their lewd comments. Jassi's tears were drying on her face and she seemed positively enraptured by the act of suckling on their goblin captor. Her hand was even pressed against her skirt, drawing the fabric tight between her thighs as she rubbed against her hidden sex.

  Worse than Jassi's surrender, thought Lorica, was that Jassi's debasement was having a similar effect on the princess. Her loins were growing warm and she felt a familiar ache of desire. The rank smell and filth of the goblins did not entirely deter her and as she watched Jassi slurping wantonly and even moaning around the goblin's cock, she felt a perverse wish that she was the one with her mouth filled with the brute's rancid fuckmeat.

  An anguished cry from the direction of the lizeks snapped Lorica out of her haze of lust. How could she become aroused by this sight while Felecia suffered unknown horrors penned with the horrible reptiles the goblins kept. Were they pets? Mounts? Foodstock? Perhaps all three. Whatever the lizeks were, Lorica was fairly certain they were not merciful.

  "Ohhhhh, that's it," groaned Iron Head. "You have my seed churning, my lovely human. Would you like to drink it?"

  "Mmmmmhmmmm," moaned Jassi, completely intent on pleasuring the goblin.

  "Ahhhh, then take it!" Iron Head took hold of Jassi with both hands, pulling her roughly down onto his cock. She winced and made a wet, gurgling sound. Lorica had just enough time to notice how Iron Head's dangling bollocks had drawn up tight and well-defined against his cock. They were each near as big as the princess's fist and they throbbed with release.

  Milky white cum erupted from Jassi's nose and poured out and down her chin. Sputtering, she managed to get her lips around his spewing cock and sucked greedily, her throat working as she swallowed what Lorica imagined were hot pints of the foul broth.

  She slowed her bobbing head and finally, gasping, opened her mouth and showed the goblin king her mouth filled with his jiggling white seed. It spilled from her chin into her cleavage and onto her muddy skirt. Somehow, the serving girl gulped it all down and even mopped the stray cum from her chin and lips with a finger that she sucked clean.

  "You'll make a fine harem slave," said Iron Head. "Now use your tongue on my cock to clean it."

  The soft licking and sucking sounds and the strong musk of Iron Head's cum conspired to turn Lorica's stomach sour. She had been imagining sucking the goblin herself, but seeing such a vast quantity of seed pour out of him like a flesh spigot was revolting. Yet, even as her belly ached, her loins remained vexingly hot. Perhaps, thought the princess
, there was little difference between the vile and the glorious in the heat of lust.

  Finally satisfied, Iron Head stepped back from Jassi. He motioned to Spide.

  "Install this one in my tent for the night. I will teach her a few tricks."

  "What of the fire haired one?" asked Spide.

  "If anything remains of her at dawn, then drag her back to the cage here." Iron Head tucked his drooping cock away in his loincloth and turned his attention to Lorica. "As for you, my sweet princess, I'll have our patcher stop by with an unguent for those sucker bites. I want you looking proper and beauteous for the Mire Moot."

  "W-what's that?"

  Iron Head exchanged a glance and a chuckle with the other goblins.

  "That's where we make our money on your pink flesh." Iron Head leaned down, his breath foul on Lorica's face. "That's where we put you up for auction."

  The world seemed to fall out from under Lorica. She lapsed into a daze and could only watch as Jassi was taken away to Iron Head's tent. Strong, rude hands lifted the princess up and dragged her back to the cage. The goblins jeered at her, but she was too shocked to hear it.

  It was only later, as she lay sleepless in the cage, that she began to truly contemplate the ramifications of what the goblin boss had set to her. At an auction, she would be sold for her chastity, in the same way her supposed purity was a prize for marriage among kingdoms. What sort of goblins or other creatures might desire the virginity of a princess?

  It was almost enough to make Lorica despair. But she was made of stronger stuff than that. It was as the goblin band's so-called "patcher" came hobbling over to the cage that Lorica was struck by an idea. What is she was no longer a virgin? It was only her desperation that allowed such a vile thought to occur to her. The patcher was a sorry specimen. Far smaller than the warriors, he was apparently old for a goblin and his gray flesh was mottled with lighter spots on the shoulders and on his bald head. He hunched over as he opened a leather satchel and began mixing ingredients for some sort of medicine.

  "It doesn't matter who it is," Lorica muttered to herself. "So long as the deed is done."

  Thus resolved, she set about trying to get the goblin's full attention. Which was not so easy, as the old runt probably did not expect a fresh human slave to be offering herself to him. She unlaced her bodice and exposed more of her breasts. She wet her lips with slow licks of her tongue. She fluttered her lashes at him. The goblin continued with measuring powders and crushing strange ingredients in a crude mortar. He did not spare even a glance in her direction.

  Lorica decided that her brazen behavior probably counted as subtly among a savage race like the gray goblins. Better to throw all propriety away and offer herself unmistakably to the gnarled goblin. She gathered her skirt up in her hands and drew it up her long legs. Her stockings were filthy, but her underthings offered a perfumed reminder of her life of comfort. She took a deep breath and pulled the silky material down her legs.

  Swallowing every scrap of her pride, praying that her plan would save her from auction, Lorica turned and bent at the waist. Her bottom was soft from leisure and quite round and lovely. She pressed it against the reeds that formed the bars of her cage, exposing her gold thatched womanhood to the goblin alchemist. She watched him over her shoulder.

  "Would you like to mount me?" Lorica asked, her voice trembling with fear.

  This lewd enticement finally garnered the hunched goblin's attention. He put aside his mortar and pestle and hobbled over to the cage. His long nostrils flared as he scented the air.

  "Come on," whispered Lorica through gritted teeth, "just do it, you filthy thing."

  Not a man on earth had seen the glory of the princess's quim, not even her bare bottom, and here this wretched thing dawdled as if looking over a cut of meat for signs of rot. He brought his crooked nose lower and sniffed so hard that Lorica felt a slight suck at her haunches and the tender flesh of her anus and quim.

  "Gods forgive me," she whimpered.

  The goblin's rough hands finally found Lorica's pressed buttocks and began to caress and squeeze her soft flesh. She moaned as the goblin spread the cleavage of her cheeks even wider. He made a noise as if blandly noticing the pink wrinkle of her hole, slightly stretched by his rough handling.

  Lorica very nearly screamed as she felt something warm and wet slither between her buttocks, over the clenching wrinkle of her arsehole and down to the delicate velvet flower of her cunt. She looked again and saw the goblin had pressed its face against her bottom. His tongue began long and slow laps of her sex, drawing out her dew and sampling it. Despite the loathsome feel of the goblin's tongue, he found and awakened the pleasurable throbbing of Lorica's clitoris.

  "Ohhh, you beast," she moaned. "Stop doing that and put your cock inside me."

  The goblin replied with a wordless sound and began to suck at her tender lips. The suction was humiliatingly loud and yet each slurp and fresh lick was a new layer of pleasure built by the goblin. It mounted and mounted until the princess managed to forget the degrading nature of what was happening and lose herself in the hot sensation of tongue against the root of her pleasure.

  The princess had felt orgasms before. Fiddling in the bath or under the covers. There was the time Jassi became drunk and she kissed Lorica and rubbed her fingers along the seam of the princess's sex through the silk of Lorica's underclothes. There were even the occasional accidental orgasms while horseback riding, though mother rarely permitted that for fear it might injure Lorica's maidenhead.

  These pangs of pleasure were as nothing to the tempest of ecstasy the goblin's tongue aroused in the trembling princess. It was ecstasy heightened by the humiliation. She bit her knuckle to stop from wailing with release as hot, powerful contractions rocked through her body. Her inner passage shuddered again and again, her anus clenching in sympathy and her vessel releasing a great quantity of her drooling honey into the goblin's mouth. The beast lapped it all up, moaning with his own gratification.

  The goblin stood suddenly. Lorica's orgasm was still shaking her body and making her thighs quiver. She thought the beast might finally be about to claim her chastity. Instead, the goblin took hold of his withered cock, like some dried root, and began to furiously tug on it. After only seconds he let out a wheezing cry of pleasure and warm liquid spattered upon Lorica's buttocks. It was no great quantity, ending in drops that fell upon her thighs.

  The goblin patcher wiped his cock against her bottom and tucked it away in his loincloth. Without ever speaking a word, he went back to his task, leaving Lorica half nude, burning with shame, and decorated with a foul-smelling jelly from the goblin's bollocks.

  Lorica cleaned herself with strips torn from her ruined skirt. When the goblin finished his medicine, he motioned for her and he massaged the warming, strongly herbal cream into her arms, over her hands, neck and exposed legs. The itching from her insect bites subsided and she presumed no more would bother her.

  "Th-thank you," said Lorica as the goblin packed up his things.

  She felt no true gratitude. She had failed in her attempt to sacrifice her virginity and all she had accomplished was to lower her spirits even further. She slumped back into the spongy bottom of the cage and did her best to sleep. Jassi's cries of pleasure from Iron Head's tent complimented the unfamiliar noises of the marsh as Lorica's lullaby.

  The sleeping princess was awakened by the opening of the cage. It was a misty morning, the marsh around the small island shrouded in dense fog. Spide held the cage door open. Lorica sat up and saw two other goblins carrying Felecia between them back to the cage.

  "Oh, gods," cried Lorica, covering her mouth in horror at the sight of her companion.

  Felecia's fiery red hair was lost to the mud and twigs clinging to her body. Her clothes were in tatters, her small breasts jutting through the shredded curtain of her slip and her skirt and corset completely gone. Her thighs and buttocks bore numerous shallow scratches and there were bite marks on her shoulders and neck. Th
e wounds did not seem severe and yet Felecia looked to be in a state of shock. She staggered forward and collapsed through the entrance of the cage. Lorica caught the slender girl in her arms and eased her onto the soft earth.

  Spide closed the cage again and began to bind it with cord.

  "Please," said Lorica. "Could you bring me some water? She is in a very bad state."

  "Water, yes," said Spide. "You want food?"

  "Oh, yes, please," said Lorica. The thought of eating had not even occurred to her. Spide walked away, presumably to fetch food and water. The princess turned her attention to her companion. "Gods, Felecia, what did they do to you?"

  "They were... so hungry..." She looked up at Lorica and her mouth spread into a smile. Lorica found that smile awful.

  Spide returned with a wooden bucket filled with warm and surprisingly clear water. He also brought a satchel of dried brown grubs rolled in a strong-smelling spice and a few pieces of soft, foul-smelling yellow melon. The princess forced herself to eat and drink and then sat Felecia up and gave her water. She began washing Felecia with a damp bit of cloth. The mud washed away easily, but there was worse than mud and some dried blood.

  A great quantity of disgusting, pungent slime gathered between the young woman's thighs. Her sex was chafed a raw pink and continued to ooze more of the slime. Her anus was similarly abused. Lorica did not want to think about what had happened in the lizek pen. She washed as best she could, though Felecia winced from her tenderness.

  The sun began to burn away the mists and the heat dried Felecia. She needed a proper bath, but there was none offered. Spide and some of the other goblins stopped by to get a look at Lorica. Some muttered and laughed at her. They made lewd lucking gestures and she suspected word had spread among them about her encounter with the goblin patcher.

  It was well into the day when Iron Head finally threw open the flaps of his tent and stepped out, plump and looking quite satisfied. Jassi followed him out a moment later. She was bare down to her waist and her fat breasts were decorated with swirls of goblin paint. She stood beside Iron Head, her head bowed in subservience, and Lorica noticed a collar around her neck. So Jassi had not just serviced the goblin boss, she had become his personal sex slave.


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