Devil's Playground

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Devil's Playground Page 12

by Arianna Hart

  “Ah, do you have any—”

  “Hold on.” Caitlyn reached for the box she’d recently purchased, just in case.

  She handed him the box and Mac fumbled for the condom. Caitlyn almost whimpered at the delay. Finally, she heard the package tear and felt him probing her entrance.

  “Look at me. I want to watch you as I make you mine.” Mac stared down at her intently.

  The pull was overwhelming, and Caitlyn got lost in his eyes. She tried to relax her body as he slipped inside but it was still a tight fit.

  “Am I hurting you?” Mac asked, concern and desire coloring his words.

  “No, just, ah, stretching. It’s been a while for me.” He slid in a few more inches, igniting every nerve ending along the way.

  “Good.” Mac threw his head back as he slammed home, burying himself to the hilt.

  Caitlyn’s world tipped on its axis. Waves of pleasure carried her higher and higher as Mac moved inside of her. Colors danced behind her eyes as she rode this strange and wonderful tidal wave.

  Mac’s hands grasped her hips and lifted them higher, giving him better access and hitting pleasure spots she didn’t even know she had. Caitlyn clutched his shoulders, needing an anchor to keep her from flying into space.

  “Let go. Don’t hold back from me,” Mac demanded, driving into her.

  She didn’t know what he wanted from her, wasn’t sure how to let go, but when he caressed the nub between her legs, it didn’t matter.

  “Mac!” Anchor or no, Caitlyn took off to the stars and exploded into a million pieces.

  * * *

  Caitlyn snuggled against Mac’s broad back. He was snoring softly, and instead of annoying her, she found it endearing. She didn’t want anything to break this mood. She wished she could just freeze time and stay like this forever. Last night had been more amazing than she could ever imagine and she never wanted this feeling to end.

  They’d made love through the night, stopping only to shower, and if Caitlyn’s back hadn’t been aching they probably would have made love there too. The massage Mac gave her to ease the soreness had lead to another hot and sweaty bout, so she couldn’t complain too much.

  Who would’ve thought such a crappy shift at work would lead to such bliss when she came home? Maybe she should thank the thug who nicked her throat since it made Mac admit his feelings for her.

  “What are you smiling about?” Mac rolled over and pulled her close, wrapping an arm around her.

  “I thought you were sleeping. How did you know I was smiling?” Caitlyn ran her fingers through the hair on his chest.

  “I was, but I felt you pressed against me and the insatiable monster between my legs woke me up. Then I caught your reflection in the mirror over the dresser. Does this mean you have no regrets?”

  “Regrets? The only regret I have is it took you so long to give in.” Caitlyn pushed up on her elbow to look down at him and winced in pain.

  “What’s wrong? Your back again?” Mac laid her down gently.

  “Yeah. It must have stiffened up while I slept. It sure didn’t bother me last night.”

  “I’ll say. Hold on, I’ll get you some ibuprofen.”

  “It’ll be okay in a few minutes, I just need to get moving.” Caitlyn tried to get up again, but pain shot from her back straight down her legs.

  “Why don’t you let me play nurse for a change? You can get up and moving after the medicine has a chance to work.”

  “I think you just want to get even for me keeping you in bed when you were hurt.” Caitlyn settled down among the pillows. If he wanted to pamper her, who was she to complain?

  “Yup. But I also have a vested interest in making sure you aren’t hurting later.” He shot her a devilish wink and climbed out of bed. “I’ll put some coffee on too.”

  Mac stretched and ran his hand over his stubble before pulling on his boxers. My, oh my, coffee in bed and a view of killer buns. Was there any better way to wake up? She could get used to this.

  Caitlyn closed her eyes and breathed a deep sigh of contentment. She could still smell him on the sheets, mingled with the smells of their amorous activities. Having sex with Mac involved every single sense. The sounds of running water and off key humming were homey and comforting. It was a beautiful day and she hadn’t even been outside yet.

  “You look like the cat who ate the canary,” Mac said a few minutes later as he handed her a mug of steaming coffee and two little capsules.

  “If it had been a canary, I wouldn’t be this happy,” Caitlyn shot back, letting the sheet slip to her waist as she sat up to accept the coffee.

  Mac looked shocked at her bawdy words for a second, then laughed. “I can’t believe you just said that.”

  “Hey, you don’t grow up around a fire department and not talk like that. You either beat ‘em or join ‘em. I was such a tom boy as a kid none of my brothers’ friends even thought to censor their words until I hit my teens, and by that time it was too late.”

  Climbing into bed, Mac joined her under the sheet and sipped his own coffee. “It’s just you look like such an innocent, I don’t think of you as ‘one of the guys’.”

  “A fact for which I’m eternally grateful.” Caitlyn ran her hand down his muscular thigh.

  “Keep that up, and you’ll be more grateful.”

  “Is that a promise?” Caitlyn put down her coffee, willing to ignore the pain in her back for a little fun.

  “I should have known better,” Mac said, putting down his coffee and tickling her.

  “Stop! I’m too hurt to be tickled,” Caitlyn squealed as he continued his assault on her ribs and sides.

  “Now I’ve got you.” Mac renewed his barrage, making Caitlyn scream with laughter.

  Caitlyn was trying to defend her most sensitive spots when her bedroom door crashed open.

  “Get your hands off her, dirt bag!”

  Mac threw his body over Caitlyn’s, shielding her from the attacker.

  “Tom?” Caitlyn pushed him away and lifted the sheet up to cover her breasts.

  “Mac?” Tom stood in the doorway, gun in hand and a bemused expression on his face. “What are you doing here? In Connecticut? In bed with my sister?”

  His expression hardened and Mac had to do some quick thinking. If Tom had blown his cover, he wouldn’t be so surprised to see him in Connecticut. But could he still be involved? Mac wanted to trust his partner but there were still too many questions for him to risk it.

  “It’s a long story. Mind if we get dressed first? Then we can talk.”

  “You’re damn right we’ll talk.” Tom put the gun away and walked towards the kitchen.

  Caitlyn’s eyes were wide and she still clutched the sheet to her chest. “I didn’t know he was coming over today. He has a key to the apartment, I’m sorry.”

  “It’s not your fault.” He stroked a finger down her cheek. Their time together was over. Whether because of Tom or because of his work, it didn’t matter. He’d been able to forget the danger he’d put her in but Tom’s arrival brought him back to down to earth with a thud. “Come on, let’s get dressed before he blows a gasket.”

  He was going to need to do some quick talking to keep Tom from finding out about the assignment and his suspicions.

  Mac warmed his coffee and Caitlyn’s before sitting down at the kitchen table. Tom leaned against the counter, tapping his fingers on the scratched surface.

  “Well? I’m waiting for an explanation.” He eyed them both impatiently.

  Before Mac could open his mouth Caitlyn went on the offensive. “I don’t see where we owe you any explanation. I’m a grown woman. Mac was in my room, in my bed, because I wanted him there. That’s all you need to know.”

  “I thought I told you Caitlyn was off limits to you?” Tom shot at Mac. “She’s not going to be another notch on your belt.”

  “It’s none of your business if I’m a notch or not.” Caitlyn stood and glared defiantly. “And how dare you declare me off li
mits to anyone. If I want to have sex with the entire Northeast branch of the FBI then I will.”

  “Like hell.”

  They were toe-to-toe, fists clenched and ready to fight.

  “Ah, if I could interrupt this little display of family unity,” Mac interjected.

  “No!” Two furious brown gazes shot his way.

  Mac leaned back in his chair and watched the show. There was nothing he could do until they calmed down, and this would give him some time to make up a plausible story until he was sure about Tom’s presence in Connecticut.

  “I don’t care how ‘mature’ you think you are, you’re still an innocent compared to most men, especially him.” Tom pointed his thumb at Mac.

  “I’m no worse than you.” Hell, Tom was making him out to be a gigolo. Mac wasn’t a saint, but he wasn’t that bad either.

  Neither sibling paid attention to his comment.

  “How do you know how experienced I am? You don’t know what I did or didn’t do in college. That’s why I went so far away! For all you know, I could have slept with the entire football team.”

  Tom’s face was so red it was almost purple. A muscle ticked in his jaw and the veins on the side of his throat stood out. “I’m trying to look out for your best interests, and you’re pushing my buttons.”

  Caitlyn took a deep breath and backed down a bit. “I didn’t sleep around in college and I have no intention of starting now. But that doesn’t mean I can’t take care of myself. Mac and I understand that this isn’t a permanent thing. His job is too risky for us to consider a future, so right now we’re living for today.”

  Mac got a sick feeling in his gut at her words. She was right. They didn’t have any plans for the future. But when she said it that way, it sounded cheap.

  “So you’re just having an affair? Is that what you’re telling me?” Tom’s jaw was still clenched.

  “We’re enjoying one another’s company for as long as it lasts.” For the first time, Caitlyn shot a glance in his direction.

  “And how long will that be, partner?” Tom glared at Mac.

  “As long as I can make it,” Mac answered. Considering the need for Caitlyn to go into hiding and him to disappear, their time together could probably be counted in minutes.

  Tom slapped his hand against his leg. “I don’t like it, but like you said, you’re all grown up now. There’s not much I can do about it. Just as long as we understand each other.” Tom stared him down.

  Oh yeah, Mac understood. He understood that if he hurt Caitlyn he was a dead man.

  “I understand you.” Loud and clear.

  “Good. Now what the hell are you doing up here? Last I heard you were tapped for deep cover on some super secret mission.”

  “I was, I am. I just ran into a little snag.”

  “What sort of snag?” Tom pulled out a chair and straddled it.

  “He got shot and almost bled to death under my car,” Caitlyn said wryly.

  “Christ!” Tom jumped and looked closely at him. “Where were you shot?”

  Concern? Or a guilty conscience?

  “In the back. I wasn’t sure if it was random gang violence or if my cover was blown but I couldn’t go to the hospital.”

  “That could be a bit hard to explain. How’d you find Cat?”

  Mac snorted and spun his mug around. “Dumb luck.”

  “Good thing it wasn’t someone who would’ve called the police first and asked questions later.” Tom relaxed a bit. “You stash your badge in your shoe?”

  Mac nodded. Getting caught with a badge when deep undercover was a risk but if he got killed he wanted to be identified. Most cops knew to look at the thick soles of sneakers for weapons or drugs. If they did, they’d find his badge.

  “You must not have got hit too bad. You were acting pretty healthy a few minutes ago.”

  Caitlyn hid a laugh behind her hand and Mac nudged her under the table. They didn’t need to goad Tom when he was finally calming down.

  “I was shot almost three weeks ago. Low caliber bullet, straight through. The worst part was healing the exit wound.”

  “Bet it still hurt like a bitch.” Tom nodded in sympathy.


  Tom looked Mac dead in the eye. “How much can you tell me about what you’re doing up here?”

  A tiny bit of tension slipped from Mac’s shoulders. Tom wasn’t grilling him for information about the mission. If he’d been involved he’d want to know more, wouldn’t he?

  “Not much, only that I’m solo and my cover is blown.”

  “You’re sure?” He raised an eyebrow.

  “They asked for Mac when they grabbed me last night, not Diego—” Caitlyn clapped her hands over her mouth as if she could take back the words, but it was too late.

  “Who grabbed you last night?” Tom’s voice shook the rafters.

  “One guy, and I got out of it.” Caitlyn wouldn’t look her brother in the eye.

  Mac saw his opening and took it. “You got away after he sliced you on the neck.”

  “What?” Tom jumped up, knocking the chair in his haste. “You were hurt? Where? Show me!”

  Caitlyn shot Mac a deadly look. “He nicked me to make a point. I’ve bled more from shaving my legs.”

  “This time. But what about the next time someone grabs you? Or maybe they won’t even bother grabbing you, maybe they’ll just shoot you from a distance,” Mac said to throw a scare into her, but his plan backfired. He was the one who felt the shiver of fear chase down his spine at the thought of someone gunning for her.

  “There won’t be a next time.”

  “Damn straight there won’t be. You need to go into hiding until we can take care of this.” Tom crossed his arms over his chest.

  “We? I don’t recall inviting you to the party.” Mac shot a glance at his partner.

  “I don’t need an invitation. They took a swipe at my sister, that’s invitation enough.” Tom’s eyes hardened.

  “Back off. This is my fight and I can’t involve you or your family any further.” Was Tom angling in so that he could get insider information?

  “It’s no longer just your fight.” Caitlyn stood next to her brother.

  Mac faced down the two determined O’Tooles. “The safety of this assignment is at stake. I can’t trust anyone with the information I have.”

  Comprehension dawned slowly over Tom’s face. “Shit. You think I’m involved, don’t you?” He looked shocked, then angry.

  “Of course not. Tell him, Mac. You don’t think Tom has anything to do with this.” Caitlyn’s eyes were wide and her hands fluttered nervously with her necklace. “Tell him.”

  Mac remained silent.

  “He can’t deny it. He’s worried that I’ve turned. My own partner. That’s probably why he hooked up with you, to see if we were all involved. What is it, pal, drugs? Weapons? Did you think I was peddling that crap?”

  “Stop it! Just stop it!” Caitlyn put her hands over her ears. A look of horror crossed her face. “You can’t believe that.”

  “I don’t want to believe your family has anything to do with this. Tom is like a brother to me.”

  “That’s not saying you don’t believe it.” Her voice choked up and her eyes grew glassy with tears. “How could you? How could you stay with me for weeks, sleep with me and think my brother had anything to do with the people who shot you?”

  “Caitlyn—” Mac put his hand out to touch her, but she slapped it away and ran from the room.

  He started after her but Tom held him back. “Let her go.”

  Mac shook off the restraining hand and took a step towards the living room. Two steps later he was thrown to the floor, hitting the wood with a crash that rattled his teeth. He tried to fight Tom off his back, struggling with the heavier man.

  “Stop fighting me! Look! Tracking beam up there—”

  No sooner had the words come out of his mouth then the air above them exploded. Bullets sprayed around the kitchen and
glass went flying. The coffee pot got hit and hot coffee splashed on the floor.

  “Go, go! Get Caitlyn, I’ll cover you back.” Tom pulled a 9mm handgun out of the waistband of his jeans and crawled to the window.

  More shots sounded from the living room, and Caitlyn screamed. Crouching down, Mac worked his way to Caitlyn’s room. She was on the floor, huddled behind the nightstand opposite the window.

  “What’s going on? I was lying on the bed and bullets started flying.” Her face was tear stained but her voice was steady.

  “I don’t know, Tom’s got the kitchen. I need to get your gun from the living room. Do you have more ammo?” He cursed himself for not being more careful. If he’d been paying attention to Caitlyn’s safety instead of her body, they wouldn’t be in this mess.

  “In the fire box under my bed. The key is in the nightstand.” She moved to get it and Mac held her back.

  “I’ll get it, you stay low. I’ve got to think of a way out of this mess, and I can’t do it worrying about you.”

  “What? Afraid I’ll stab you in the back?” Caitlyn snapped out.

  Mac didn’t bother to defend himself. He was just doing his job, and if she couldn’t understand that, too bad. “Stay here.”

  A barrage of shots came from the kitchen. Tom was drawing their fire so Mac could save Caitlyn. He’d better get to it before Tom ran out of ammo.

  Reaching around, Mac fumbled to open the drawer to the nightstand. Key in hand, he rolled across the floor to the bed. Sheets that still carried their mingled scents were covered in broken glass and splinters of wood.


  He could think about their one night together later. Right now he needed to get them out of here alive. The firebox was heavy and full of junk. Buried beneath papers and bankbooks was a box of ammo for Caitlyn’s Walther. A quick check showed only a handful of bullets was missing. Good.

  “We’re going to the living room. Stay low, and when we get there, I want at least one piece of furniture between you and the windows at all times.”

  “What are you going to be doing?”

  “Backing up Tom.” More shots flew overhead.

  “I thought you suspected him?”


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