Diamond in the Rough (Precious Gems)

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Diamond in the Rough (Precious Gems) Page 12

by A. A. King

  “Cheyenne, she confessed to much more than just your father’s murder. Before I came to Slidell that first day, I pulled your history on the departments system. I know that your mother’s murder has never been solved.”

  “What are you trying to say?” she whispered.

  “Cheyenne, she confessed to participating in your mother’s murder,” he replied.

  Matthew reached over from the back seat and squeezed his sister’s hand.

  “Pull over now, I think I’m going to be sick,” she cried. As he swung the truck onto the side of the road. He swore out loud as he ran to the passenger side to help her. Yanking the door open just in time, she jumped out and hunched over. Brian held her hair back as she heaved repeatedly. Once she was finished he and Matthew helped her back into the truck.

  “Are you feeling better?” he asked, full of concern.

  “Brian, I don’t want to talk about how I am feeling. I want to talk about the crazy bitch who has almost wiped out my whole family!”

  “My house is not far from here. This is going to be a lot to process and I think it would be better if we stopped,” he stated.

  They pulled into his driveway ten minutes later and the suspense seemed to be too much for Cheyenne to bear. She looked pale and clammy and Brian was afraid that she was going to be sick again. He unlocked the door and Matthew and Cheyenne went in ahead of him. He closed the door behind himself and locked the door. Immediately, he set the security system and led her to a warm toned leather couch in the living room. Matthew sat on the edge of the adjoining loveseat while Brian took a seat beside her. He was clearly nervous to tell her about Maria’s confession and that was not a good sign.

  “What are you not telling me about Maria?” she asked.

  “Cheyenne, there is so much to tell you that I don’t know where to start,” he said, sounding defeated.

  “Why don’t you just start at the beginning Brian?” Cheyenne said softly.

  “Ok. She confessed this morning to your father’s murder. I’ve already told you that, but she did not stop there. Apparently, Maria had been in love with Charles for at least twenty of the twenty five years she worked there. After years of trying to make him fall in love with her the old fashion way, she started to connive. According to her, your father had always been in love with your mother and she could not compete with that. She figured that if she could get him to bring you home to Wingate Ranch that he would eventually see her as a mother figure and would marry her. As your eighteenth birthday approached, she realized that soon, Charles would be back in contact with your mother through you. Becoming desperate, she solicited Ed Crowley to get one of his clients to get rid of your mom. As it turned out, he loved Maria unconditionally and would do anything that she asked. He committed the murder himself, all the while telling her that they would both be safer if no one else knew their secret. Between the two of them, one crime led to another and led to another. Before either of them realized, they were in deep. That’s when Jason Turner came along. According to Maria, he was rotten from the start, always scheming to get money out of your father. Once he was placed in the office at Wingate Drilling he was in a prime position to reap all the benefits his heart could desire. Maria and Ed saw the potential in Jason’s situation and pounced on the opportunity. When the company would near the end of its fiscal year, Jason would stack rigs to save the company money. Each rig that was decommissioned would save the company a quarter of a million dollars a month. Usually he would stack five or six but last year he got greedy. He tried to stack ten rigs and that caught Charles’s attention.”

  “Brian, that is the same thing I stopped him from doing the day I visited the office,” she said as the revelation sank in. “I don’t understand what benefit there would be from stacking the rigs. All I can see is that it would hurt a lot of innocent workers and their families.” She added. “Once the rigs were stacked, it increased their profit margin for the year. That would send the price of their stocks up. All three would buy stock before the fiscal year ended and sell soon after their financial report came out. The stocks would always level back out so they needed to sell before that happened. Maria and Ed noticed that Jason was getting greedy and knew they had to take action. Maria began sending Charles threatening letters in the hopes that he would believe it was Jason. There was one thing that they did not count on. Charles was a smart man and after about a year he figured out that Maria was behind the letters. She delivered them the same way each time and Charles installed a surveillance system to catch her in the act. That was how she always knew someone was there even before they rang to doorbell. Apparently, when he confronted her, he let her know how he caught her and she began using the system to her advantage. Once Charles confronted Maria, she knew that she had to kill him so she approached her old friend Ed again. This time, they would kill for money and power. Even before Charles caught her with the threat letters, he had always thought of her as a maid. He never shared in her feelings for him. In all of his wills except the one you saw on video, he provided nothing for her. Ed destroyed all wills that post dated the one he wanted viewed, except the one you found in the hidden wall safe.”

  “I do not understand why they would murder Charles. It would have been much easier to get rid of Jason. None of this makes sense.” She said as she shook her head in disbelief.

  “The night of his murder, Charles was working late. Maria slipped into the office complex and laced the coffee pot with sleeping aid and Xanax. He was quickly unresponsive on his desk. She seized the opportunity and rushed into his office and shot him. As it turned out, she had stolen Jason’s nine millimeter and used it as the murder weapon. When she saw the opportunity she planted the weapon in Jason’s truck to frame him for the murder,” he explained. “I don’t understand how Ed fits into all of this with my father.” Cheyenne said as she wiped tears from her eyes. Brian looked at Matthew and noticed a furious scowl on his face. Revenge was on his mind and it was obvious to Brian that he was skilled enough to get it.

  “His involvement was contained to hiding money and destroying wills. This was a crime of desperation for Maria but for Ed it was pure greed. What was not expected were both Ed and Maria framing Jason. But, that was their way of getting rid of him. He probably still doesn’t know that they were responsible for setting him up.” Brian clarified.

  “I think that he might. Remember that I told him about the will and showed him the letters. I also told him that Maria had accused him of sending them. Which one of them shot at me and Blaze?” she asked.

  “That still remains a mystery. As it turns out, each of them had opportunity and motive. Ed claimed to be sleeping, Jason was unaccounted for and Maria had about fifteen minutes from the time I arrive to the time that you brought Blaze to the house. Anyone of them could have done it.” He replied.

  The statement gave Cheyenne little comfort as she thought back to Maria shooting her. She remembered the feeling of the bullet piercing her flesh and the smell of the gunpowder in the air. She was not likely to forget that incident any time soon. At times, she could still smell the horrible metallic scent of her blood spilling onto the expensive marble floor. Shaking her head to rid herself of the memories she looked back to Brian.

  She wanted more than anything for him hold her close. She needed him desperately right now but instead she sat and cried. Matthew leaned over and squeezed her knee to show support. Cheyenne had dealt with the death of her mother years before. After the first year she decided that she needed to be real with herself about who her mother had been. But, the news brought a new sadness for her wayward parent. Just knowing that she had been murdered by this pair sent chills down Cheyenne’s body. Now, she was seeing that a manipulative angry maid had taken her chance at a happy family with the help of her father’s best friend and quazzi adopted child. Knowing that she would never fully get over the shock, broke her heart and fear welled up inside her. It was fear for her unborn child. Cheyenne knew that she had no choice but to get ov
er this news. In eight months she would become a mother and would have to be the best woman she could be for her baby. Her baby would have to be raised without a father. There was no way that she would trap Brian with the news of a baby. “Cheyenne, what’s on your mind?” he said tenderly. As he spoke he reached out took her hand. The physical contact made her shudder. She desperately needed him to hold her, even if it was only for the night.

  “I don’t understand any of this. Until I came to Houston I did not realize that the world had that many evil people. What really gets to me is Ed. He seemed like such a sweet old man. I was very fond of him.”

  Cheyenne could not speak any longer. Moving toward him on the couch, she fell into his waiting embrace. It was almost as if he knew what she needed.

  “I made a big mistake pushing you away. Can you forgive me?” he confessed.

  “Ahhhhmmmm. I will find the kitchen and see what I can whip up to eat.” Matthew said as he rose to leave the room.

  Neither Cheyenne nor Brian acknowledged his departure.

  “Why did you do it? How could you make love to me the way you did and then just throw me away?” she whispered against his chest. It seemed to break his heart as he saw the tears fall from her eyes. He bent and gently kissed her lips as he wiped the tears from her face. Cheyenne responded to his kiss by wrapping her arms around him. Brian lifter her in his arms and pulled her closer to him. Instead of making love to her, he simply held her. Cheyenne knew that she would not be so quick to forgive.

  She felt very sick suddenly. Cheyenne sprang from Brian’s arms and ran to the bathroom. He followed behind but she kicked the door shut as she hugged the toilet. “Cheyenne, can I get anything for you,” a concerned Brian said at the door.

  “Water,” she pleaded. Opening the door, she almost ran right into him waiting with her glass. She drank and washed her mouth out as she stood over the sink. Cheyenne wanted to brush her teeth and asked him for a toothbrush. He pulled a new one from the medicine cabinet and left her while she freshened up.

  The concern Brian showed moved Cheyenne. But she did not let herself slip into their old, familiar routine. She sat back on the couch and he pulled her close to him. Of course he would tell her that he had made a mistake, they were pushed together by circumstance again she told herself. She could not allow herself to trust him again. It may prove to be a mistake but it was a chance she was willing to take. Cheyenne Wingate would no longer gamble with her heart. There she sat in her lover’s arms, pregnant but unwilling to let herself be happy. She knew that she could not entrust her heart to him again. Although he already possessed it, she would not, could not let him know that. Her thought went back to Ed Crowley. In her deepest thoughts she could not imagine him being guilty of what he was accused. Maria had lied before and Cheyenne secretly hoped that she was lying again. To her, Ed had almost been a life line to her father. It felt as though Ed was the closest thing she would ever have to getting to meet her father. Now, it felt as if he had died twice. Her heart was breaking at the thought of Ed bringing harm to her father. As it turned out, Charles Wingate had needed Cheyenne far more than she had ever needed him. So much was going through her mind but none of it made any sense to her. She hoped that a fair night’s sleep would clear things up for her. At some point she would have to face reality but she knew that she could not do that in her current state of mind. Confusion was replaced by anger and soon that was replaced with sleep. Cheyenne lay beside Brian in what should have been a happy moment. She had prayed for Brian to come back to her and for god to let her lay in his arms again. Now she knew why her mother had always said to be careful what you ask for. The reunion had become a double edge sword.

  Chapter Seventeen

  By noon the next day, Cheyenne and Brian were traveling to a location that Brian knew would be safe. Matthew had to be dropped off at the airport to report for duty. Cheyenne had cried when they let him out at the airport. There was so much that she wanted to say but was at a loss for words. She simply hugged him tightly and made him promise to come back soon for a long visit.

  Brian was jumpier that usual and that sparked alarm in Cheyenne. She had known him to be calm and in control at most times and this was unlike him. The closer they got, the worse it became. When he passed the familiar exit to Wingate Ranch she looked at him curiously,

  “Where are we going?”

  “Somewhere that Ed Crowley and Jason will never think to look,” he replied. After another hour of driving, Brian pulled into a wooded lot on the west side of Houston.

  “We are here,” he announced. Something else had his attention. Upon closer inspection, Cheyenne could tell that he was scanning the horizon for unidentified dangers.

  “Why is Ed such a danger to me? He’s an old man who looks like he is well past his prime,” she asked as she twirled her hair around her index finger.

  “He is a very real danger, Cheyenne. Aside from the fact that he was able to kill your mother in cold blood, he has contact with dangerous criminal elements. I don’t know where the threat will come from but I am sure that it is coming,” he added. She looked at him in deep thought. His beautiful eyes were furrowed in deep contemplation and his full pink lips were pursed as though he were holding his breath. Even in deep thought, he truly is a gorgeous man, she said to herself.

  “Is there any chance that Maria has lied and none of this is true?” Cheyenne asked hopefully.

  “Cheyenne, it is time to grow up. When I tried to tell you about Jason, you resisted and was sure that he was innocent. Now, you are holding out hope that Ed is not guilty as well. At some point you have to realize that your judgment about these two is skewed. You are not allowing me to fully protect you if you continue to hold out hope that either is innocent.”

  Brian walked around to her door. As he opened it, he held out his hand to help her out of the truck. Accepting his assistance she stepped out and surveyed their surroundings.

  “Where are we supposed to sleep?” she asked in bewilderment.

  “Follow me,” he demanded as he began walking into the brush. They walked for about half of a mile and came to a clearing with a small cabin. It was a quaint setting and could be very romantic if two people were inclined. Approaching the cabin, Cheyenne noticed an old flower bed that had not been tended in a while.

  “Does this cabin belong to you?” she asked Brian.

  “Yes, it was my mother’s before she passed away. She loved coming up here just to get away from everything. After she passed, I kind of let the place go,” he said as he motioned to the flower bed.

  She had not heard him speak of his mother before and it was touching. His eyes lit up momentarily as he spoke of her but shame soon followed as he eyed her flower beds. For some reason, Cheyenne could not see him poking around a flower bed pulling weeds. The idea was so foreign to her that she let out a quiet laugh as they walked through the cabin doors. Once inside, she soaked in her surroundings. The floors looked like marbled leather and veins danced across the surface as light from the numerous windows teased it to life. The furniture was plain but it complemented the rough pine walls as they transitioned into vaulted ceilings. This cabin is nicer that my home in Slidell, Cheyenne noted as she proceeded on the tour that Brian was giving her. A large flokati rug lay protectively over the living room floor, inviting passerby’s to remove their shoes and stay a while. Cheyenne could not help herself as she took off her sandals and dug her toes into the thick pile of the rug. Continuing barefoot, she moved to the first bedroom and found a simple yet comfortable room. With no adornments except a lush down comforter, she decided that this was where she wanted to sleep. No fancy duvet’s or eyelet curtains would overpower the simplicity and charm of this room. As she placed her bag beside a beautiful antique cedar chest, Brian’s voice brought her back from her thought’s,” This was my mother’s favorite room as well.” She felt transparent as though he could see her thoughts. Brian took her hand and led her from the room. Right down the hall was a huge kitc
hen. Cheyenne could picture herself cooking a Sunday meal while her baby napped in the simple room down the hall. She inhaled deeply to capture the curious scent of the cabin that already felt like home. Brian studied her movements and expression as she took in the wonderment of the cabin.

  “My mom used to do the same thing,” he noted aloud. “She would always say that this place had a smell that she wished she could bottle. She would have called the fragrance, Home.”

  “This is a wonderful cabin Brian. It is understandable why she loved this place so much. It sort of captures your heart in a way I can’t explain,” she said. Here, there were no pools or maids but it had become part of her unlike any place she had visited. Cheyenne opened the cupboards and noticed that they were fully stocked.

  “I come up here on the weekends when I have a chance,” he explained, trying to answer her question before she asked.

  “What would you like for supper? It is getting late and I am hungry,” she stated.

  “There are frozen pizzas. Maybe we can just keep it simple to night. It has been a long day,” he said as he pulled the pizzas from the freezer. “Why don’t you go sit down and I will bring you a slice when it’s done.”

  Cheyenne knew that she could get used to this. As she sat on the cool leather couch, she put her feet up and before she knew it, she drifted off to sleep. She was startled awake by Brian gently shaking her.

  “Your pizzas ready,” Brian said soothingly. Sitting up on the comfortable couch, Cheyenne smoothed her hair before taking the delicate plate from him.

  “This china is exquisite,” she exclaimed as she nervously handled the heirloom. Brian smiled at her as he took a large bite of his slice. Both ate in silence as there was no television. The cabin was designed for leaving the world behind and relaxing. Cheyenne felt safe tucked into the woods in this small piece of heaven on earth.


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