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Tight Page 10

by Jenika Snow

  “Ride me, baby.” I said those words harshly, barely hanging on to my restraint right now.

  But then she started doing just that.

  She braced her hands on my chest and rode me. Over and over she did this, her pussy so wet the movement was seamless, perfect. I curled my hands even tighter around her waist, using a little bit of force to push her all the way down, our bodies fully connected, my dick all the way in her.

  She had her head tipped back, her eyes closed. Her mouth was parted as she moaned softly.


  The way she whispered my name in the throes of passion had my orgasm rising even faster and harder.

  Fuck, she was gorgeous.

  And then I started lifting my hips up when she bore down on me. Soon she was riding me frantically, finding her own release, wringing mine out.

  “Come for me, Kennedy. Just let go.”

  And she did just that. She curled her nails into my pecs and cried out, her auditory cry of completion spurring my own. I grunted as I held her down on me, my cum filling her up, my orgasm going on continuously.

  “Kennedy, fuck, I love you.” I roared out those words, the pleasure so intense it stole my breath. And then she collapsed on top of me, our bodies slightly damp from perspiration, her warm breath moving along my skin.

  “I love you too,” she whispered.

  And I just held her, because after what we’d just shared, after how long we’d waited to be here, doing this was exactly what we both needed.

  Doing this was exactly what we both deserved.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  I slipped on my bathing suit, tucked my hair underneath my swim cap, and grabbed my towel off the rack. I had the towel slung over my shoulder as I headed out of the locker room and into the swimming area.

  The sound of people doing laps filled my head, the scent of chlorine invading my senses. Humidity slammed into me, this wetness that clung to the air and my skin.

  I walked over to the bleachers, seeing Isaac sitting down, his focus on a couple swimmers in front of him.

  “Hey you,” I said and tossed my towel onto the seat beside him. He looked up at me and smiled, but I could see there was something different about him. I could see it—feel it.

  “Hi,” he said, and his grin spread. He looked back at the pool and I glanced over to watch two guys climb out. They started chuckling at each other and I realized they were the two that I’d seen at the movies with him.

  As they walked by us, one of them let his gaze linger on Isaac. I looked between the two of them, feeling my brows lift. That look wasn’t something friendly. It was something more.

  When we were alone again, I sat down on the bleacher and stared at Isaac. He was wearing this goofy smile, his cheeks a little bit pink.

  He was happy but there was a hint of embarrassment that clung to him.

  “Um, what was that about?” He looked over at me and shrugged his broad shoulders. “Come on, you can’t leave me wondering what the hell that look was that he just gave you. Is there…” I didn’t finish the sentence because when he looked at me I knew he was very aware of what I was getting at.

  But then his easygoing expression faded, and he grew serious.

  “What? What’s wrong?”

  “I told my parents.”

  I didn’t need to ask him what he was talking about. I knew.

  He’d finally come out to them, but he seemed overall okay, which gave me hope that things had gone well.

  I was about to ask him just that when he inhaled deeply, clearly about to say something else.

  “My mother was supportive instantly. My father was a little bit more hesitant. I think it really came down to he didn’t understand it. He blames himself, talking about how he should’ve taken me on more trips, done more manly things.” Isaac snorted as if it were funny, or maybe a little bit twisted. “As if taking me on a fishing trip or going hunting would make me less gay.”

  He started chuckling, which led me to do the same thing. Leave it to Isaac to have a good attitude about the whole thing.

  “So, what does this all mean? Everything’s good with your family? They accept it fully?”

  “I think my dad’s gonna take a little bit of time to really get used to it all, but we all had a good cry, hugged, and they told me how much they loved me. So, the outcome is far better than what I imagined.”

  In that moment, I felt like things were falling right into place. I reached out and hugged him, feeling his body relax against mine, the relief clear in the way he held himself. “I’m really happy things worked out.” He pulled back and I knew what he was going to ask before he said the words. It was clear in the way he looked at me.

  “And I know what you’re going to say. We haven’t told our family about us yet. But that’s coming up Saturday. I just hope they are as accepting about Roman and me as your family was about you.”

  Isaac looked at me and gave me a sympathetic smile. “And if they aren’t then screw it. You’re happy and that’s all that matters.”

  I nodded. “I know. That’s what I’ve told myself.” I leaned my shoulder against his and saw him glance at the mystery guy again. “Now, tell me about Mr. So-and-So over there.” I glanced over to where the two guys stood. The one who had been checking Isaac out looked over his shoulder at that moment.

  “That’s Devon. We’ve known each other for years. I had no idea he was gay. I guess he hid it as well as I did.”

  The way he said that told me Isaac was head over heels for the guy already, or maybe he always had been. And the way Devon looked at Isaac told me he felt the same way.

  “So, things are serious between you two?”

  Isaac smiled and shrugged, but he didn’t have to say the words to let me know that he was content with how things were. I could see it, feel it pouring off of him.

  “We’re taking it slow, we’ll just say that.” The happiness in Isaac’s voice was clear.

  “And you’re happy?” I asked, hoping he was.

  Isaac looked at me and grew serious. “I can’t remember a time when I was this happy.”

  I reached out and took his hand in mine, giving it a squeeze. I guess Isaac’s story was for another day. And that was okay. The only thing that mattered was that smile on his face, and how he was finally getting what he wanted.

  Chapter Twenty-Two



  The grill was started, our family was gathered around, and I was so damn nervous that I felt like I was going to throw up. It was Catherine’s birthday, and my father and step-mother had decided to throw this party out of the blue. But the timing was perfect seeing as Roman and I needed to tell everyone about us anyway. What better way than today when we were all together?

  I wanted Roman here to give me some support, to tell me everything was okay, that we’d make this work.

  But as he helped my dad bring out the food to be cooked, I couldn’t help but wonder if he’d regret us letting our families know we were a couple.

  Over the last few weeks I’d felt this shift between Roman and me. It was strange, one that made me feel like with as much time had been wasted, we were exactly where we were meant to be. That even though I’d only met him two years ago, that our families had meshed together to become one, he was the person I’d been born to love.

  “How are you doing, sweetheart?” I looked over to see Roman’s mother, Abigail, sitting across from me. I’d been so lost in my thoughts that I hadn’t even heard her approach. I pasted on a smile, keeping my hands in my lap underneath the table so she couldn’t see me fidgeting with them. Because I was so nervous.

  Would she be upset about Roman and me? Abigail was sweet, a nurse who helped others and put herself last. But this was different. This was about her son, someone she was highly protective of.

  She could see this as a betrayal. But as I looked at her face, at her kind brown eyes, the same ones as Roman, I didn’t think
she would think it was wrong at all. The person I was mainly concerned about was my father.

  “I’m fine,” I lied easily, but gave her a genuine smile.

  She knitted her brows, easily seeing through my lie. “Are you sure? You seem like there’s something troubling you. I noticed it soon as you and Roman showed up. You seem very tense.”

  “I’m okay. I just have a lot of things on my mind.” It was another lie, but I was definitely evading her question.

  She reached across the table and patted my shoulder before standing and heading over to where her husband stood. I stared at them for a moment, picturing all the ways this scenario could play out.

  Of course, it was them hating me, the family breaking up, everyone in disarray. Although I was probably overreacting. Roman and I were adults. It’s not like we were blood cousins or anything, not like we were doing anything illegal. But family dynamics were tricky, sensitive. People handled them differently.

  Once the food was at the table, everyone gathered around and started eating. The conversation was light, the atmosphere easygoing and comfortable. Roman sat beside me, seeming collected and calm, but I knew him well enough that inside he was probably working this all out, playing out the scenarios of how things could go.

  Deciding if he’d be gruff in their disapproval of our relationship, defensive.

  But it had to be said today. We had to be honest with our family because hiding, lying, and sneaking around was just not something either of us wanted to do anymore.

  I leaned in and said softly to Roman, “Are you as nervous as I am?” The conversation between our families was thick, so they didn’t notice how close Roman and I were at this moment.

  He looked at me and grinned. “Nah, baby.”

  I felt my cheeks heat at his endearment. I glanced around quickly, seeing if anyone had heard him, or watched us.

  He chuckled softly. “It’s all good. They don’t even notice us. Look, your dad and mine are too heavy into talking about the football game tomorrow.”

  I smiled, hating that I even cared if they saw us.

  “Roman, honey,” Abigail said, and I straightened away from him probably far too fast, looking guilty as hell.

  “How’s school, Kennedy?” Catherine asked, and I glanced over at her, feeling my face heat instantly, unable to stop the “guilty” reaction I had.

  “I-it’s going well.”

  “Kennedy is on her way to getting a four-point-oh this semester.” My father sounded proud.

  “Dad,” I said, embarrassed by his praise.

  And as I looked at everyone, I realized that I didn’t want to wait to tell them, that we’d already kept it to ourselves too long as it was. I looked at Roman and saw him already watching me, could see from his expression and the way he smiled at me that he was on the same page.

  “Dad,” I said while looking at Roman. I forced myself to glance at my father, then at Catherine. “Abigail, Martin.” I looked at Roman’s parents then.

  “Everything okay?” Catherine was the one to speak, the concern in her voice thick.

  I nodded. “I’m fine. It’s just that … well.” God, my throat felt so tight, so thick. I stared at my hands, which were in my lap, my fingers twisted together.

  Just say the words. Just tell them the truth.

  When I looked back at Roman, I could see the worry on his face. He was nervous, I could see it, feel it.

  “It’s okay,” he whispered. “I’m here no matter what.”

  And it was that reassurance that gave me the strength I needed. So, taking that deep breath I needed to feel stabilized, I just said the words. “I love Roman.” God, they were out there, the words that could break all of this. No one spoke, and I felt this awkwardness surround me, claiming me, taking me under.

  “I don’t understand,” Abigail said.

  “I’m in love with Kennedy,” Roman said.

  “In love?” Martin said with a bit of shock in his voice.

  “Yes,” I said. “I’m in love with Roman.”

  My heart felt like it would burst through my chest, this static filling me, white noise drowning out everything else, filling my ears and sounding deafening.

  “I-I don’t know what to say,” Catherine said as she looked between all of us, her eyes wide. She was the only one who looked downright shocked by the revelation.

  “Let me get this straight,” my father finally said, and I held my breath, felt my heart stop in my chest. I didn’t want him making a scene.

  “You’ve been seeing Roman behind our backs this whole time?”

  “It hasn’t been that long, and we were trying to figure out how best to tell everyone.” Roman was the one to speak and I could hear the hardness in his voice, the bit of defense he projected.

  “But you guys are cousins.” Roman’s mother was the one to speak now, her confusion evident.

  “Family,” Martin said.

  I cleared my throat, feeling so uncomfortable. But then Roman reached under the table and took my hand in his, giving it a reassuring squeeze.

  My dad stood, sent a hardened look in Roman’s direction and I knew that I wasn’t going to stand him acting like this. I stood as well, my jaw tense, Roman taking hold of my hand and trying to pull me back down.

  “Kennedy, it’s fine. Come on, just relax.”

  I shook my head without speaking or looking away from my father.

  “Well, if you have something to say, Kennedy, say it.” My father crossed his arms over his chest and stared at me.

  I’d never been one to talk back or challenge my father, but then again, I’d never felt so passionate about something … about someone.

  “I’m an adult. Roman’s an adult. He works hard, goes to school, and to be frank and honest, how you feel, or any of you accepting this, doesn’t matter.” My father still had his hardened expression in place. “This is our lives. We are related by marriage, nothing more. Making this out to be something wrong is just, well, wrong.” I was trying to be strong here, but I heard the shakiness in my voice. I’d never been so outspoken before.

  And then Roman stood and wrapped his arm around me, pulling me in close, showing his support, giving me his strength.

  “We want you guys to be okay with this, but if you’re not it’s not going to separate us.” I looked up at him. “I love Kennedy and no one and nothing, not even our family not agreeing, is going to keep me from her.”

  When no one spoke, I felt my nerves rise, my stress take over.

  “I guess our news doesn’t compare to this.” Catherine was the one to speak and everyone looked over at her. She grabbed her glass of water and took a long sip before setting it down and standing. She walked over to Victor and stood beside him, and he leaned down to kiss her on the head.

  The room became tense as we waited for them to say what their news was.

  Was she okay? Was my father okay?

  They looked at each other for a suspended moment before Catherine took a deep breath and said, “I’m pregnant.” She smiled, and I could see instantly that she was happy. My father was older, nearing fifty, and Catherine was almost a decade younger. So, this news was shocking, but it was clear she was happy about it as she smiled widely.

  “Pregnant?” I finally said, the first one to say anything.

  Catherine placed her hand on her belly. I thought about that blanket she’d been working on. It made sense now.

  “How far along are you?”

  “Three months,” my father was the one to say and wrapped his arm around her. I could see how happy he was, even if he tried to hide it with his gruff exterior.

  “I…” What could I say? “Congrats,” I finally said and smiled. I was happy for them, but were they happy for us? For Roman and me? Looking between my father and Catherine, I felt the heaviness return, especially from my father. “What about…” God, I was stuck for words right now. Before I could finish asking anything, my father turned and left, heading back inside and leaving this cold
ness in the air. I exhaled, feeling my shoulders sag as I knew my father didn’t support this.

  “Mom, Dad?” Roman said and I looked over at his parents. They looked at each other, a moment of silence passing.

  “You love each other?” His mom was the one to speak first.

  “I love her,” Roman said with so much determination in his voice that I snapped my head in his direction, unable to help the smile that spread across my face.

  He looked at me then, maybe feeling how hard I was staring at him.

  “I love her so much that the thought of not having Kennedy in my life hurts too damn badly.”

  I felt my breath catch.

  “Wow,” Roman’s father said after a suspended moment, and both of us broke our locked gazes and looked at him. “Didn’t know my boy was a damn poet.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh at that. “So, you’re okay with … this, with us?”

  His mom and father looked at each other, smiling as if they knew some secret.

  “If we cared about what others thought, if we didn’t follow our hearts, we wouldn’t be here right now,” Abigail was the one to say.

  “What do you mean?” Roman asked, the confusion clear in his voice.

  “Your father was my brother’s best friend and being together put quite the strain on everyone.” Abigail looked at us now, her smile sweet, understanding. I felt the stress leave me, knowing that his mother and father were okay with us, that they understood.

  “But looks like your dad might be having a little harder time trying to understand it all,” Roman’s father said and gestured toward where my father had left.

  I glanced at Roman and gave him a sympathetic look before turning and following my father.

  I found my father out on the front porch, leaning against the railing, his big body hunched slightly as he took on a relaxed pose. “Dad…” I wasn’t sure what to say, how to make him see that this was fine, that everything was okay.


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