Chiromancist (Seven Forbidden Arts Book 8)

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Chiromancist (Seven Forbidden Arts Book 8) Page 10

by Charmaine Pauls

  He went back to her breasts, playing first with the one hardened tip and then the other. All the while, he watched her as if he was taking note of every gasp, cry, and jerk of her body. When she couldn’t stand the tension any longer, she gripped his hand and guided it back between her legs. He was up to his elbow in the water, his shirtsleeve getting soaked, but he didn’t seem to mind. She wished he would get rid of his clothes and get into the water with her, but before she could utter her desire, his finger parted her folds. He probed gently, and when he found her slick, he entered her slowly, one finger, up to the first knuckle. She clutched the edges of the tub, lifting for more friction. It felt incredibly full. It had been a long time since she’d been sexually touched, and it had never been this tender and hot. He pulled back and then pressed deeper.

  “Oh, my God.” Her chest heaved with labored breaths. “Bono.”


  She pursed her lips to prevent a moan from escaping, but it was in vain. She couldn’t stop herself from crying out when he buried the full length of his finger inside her.

  “Let me hear you, beautiful.”

  When he started moving, she lost her will to hold back. She allowed her moans to bounce off the tiles, letting her body go slack as she allowed him to take complete control.

  “That’s right,” he said in a voice thick with desire, “give it up for me. Your pleasure is mine.”

  She was helpless, being shoved up and down the bath with water sloshing over the edge from the increasing pace of his hand. His palm made a smacking sound on her mound, putting just the right amount of pressure on her clit. He seemed to know exactly at what point her body tightened in preparation for her climax. At that moment, he brushed his thumb backward and forward over the nub of nerves at the apex of her sex, sending her over the edge. She came long and hard. He kept his hand in place, catching the orgasm as it detonated through her and dissipated in aftershocks.

  It took her a while to catch her breath. She hadn’t realized she’d closed her eyes, but when she opened them, he watched her with a mixture of heat and concern.

  “I wasn’t going to take it this far, but you play havoc with my control. I needed to see what you look like when you come.”

  “Are you going to say you’re sorry now?” she asked in a voice still hoarse from her release. She sure as hell hoped not, because she wasn’t one bit sorry about that climax. It was pure and beautiful, unlike any self-administered orgasm she’d ever experienced.

  He smiled, but his expression was tight. “Nothing as dishonest or boring as that.” With a last flick of his thumb over her clit, he gently pulled his finger free.

  She moaned at the loss, wanting much more than his hand to fill her.

  “The water is getting cold.” He pulled the plug to drain the water and straightened, reaching for the towel he’d left on the bench. After patting dry his sleeve, he held the towel open for her. “I’ll dry you off before you get cold.”

  The way he respectfully looked away and offered a hand to help her to her feet was endearing.

  “Are you shy?” she asked with a grin as he tucked the one end of the towel over the other between her breasts.

  “Just careful.”

  “I think you can look at my body, seeing that you’ve just touched me in the most intimate way possible.”

  “Under bath foam. I didn’t get a look at your pussy, and if I do, I may not resist tasting you. You’ll end up flat on your back with my head buried between your legs.”

  “Who says I don’t want that?”

  He lifted his head to the ceiling, as if he was fighting for his lost control. “I want to take it slow.” There was new determination in his expression when he looked back at her. His hands fastened around her waist, preparing to lift her.

  With her standing in the bath, they were on eye level. Before he could complete the action, she cupped his face and brought her lips down on his. This wasn’t about Godfrey or the chip. This was something she wanted, and right now, she refused to think about anything other than the taste of his kiss.

  At first, his mouth was immobile under hers, but as her lips molded around his and her tongue teased him, his resolve evaporated with a loud moan. Crushing their mouths together, he pulled her roughly against him, taking over from where she’d started. He hungrily ate her mouth, tangling their tongues until his breath came in harsh pants. He grinded his erection against her and rotated his hips. If not for the confines of the towel, she would have opened her legs to give him access. She jerked at the towel that covered her until it pooled around her feet in the empty bath. His hands moved from her middle to her butt, caressing her ass cheeks.

  With a groan, he pulled away from her. “Sky, we—” He stopped abruptly, staring at her mouth.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Your lip.” He traced the curve with his thumb. “What happened?”

  It took her a second to realize he was referring to the cut. Of course. The lipstick meant to disguise the mark had to have smeared off with their kiss.

  “It’s nothing.”

  “Sky,” his voice was dark, “don’t lie to me.”

  “An accident.”

  His eye narrowed with a calculated expression. Before she could react, his hands were trailing over her shoulders and moving down her body with quick, probing strokes, much like a doctor would examine a patient. He stilled when his gaze landed on the purple mark on her ribs. The bruise on her stomach appeared even angrier. The look on his face made her freeze in fright. There was so much fury, it made her cringe for the unspoken promises of retribution.

  His voice gave away nothing of what she saw in his eyes. In his tone, there was only utter control. “Who did this to you?”

  “Please, Bo. It’s not your business.”

  “It was him, wasn’t it?” He trailed a finger around the damaged mass on her ribs, sending a shiver over her skin. He spat out the name, as if it disgusted him. “Doumar.” Looking down at her, he traced her ribs. A pained looked filtered into his eye as she cried out softly. “Sorry, beautiful. I have to make sure nothing is cracked.” Seemingly satisfied after his examination, he lifted her from the bath and carried her to the bed where he continued to press around the sensitive spot on her stomach.

  “There seems to be no internal damage,” he said, barely masking the rage in his expression. He covered her with the duvet. “Stay. You sleep here, tonight.”

  She shot upright as he made for the chair on which he’d left his jacket. “Bono, no! Please, you’ll only make it worse.”

  He walked to the door with forceful steps. “Stay. Don’t make me chase you. You won’t like the consequences.”

  “Where are you going?” she called, trying to stall him, but it was futile.

  He ignored her, jerking open the door.

  “You have to take me home. I must check on the cat.”

  This made him pause. His voice softened. “Don’t fret. I’ll check on him. Order room service if you get hungry. I’ll be back for you.”


  The door slammed on her words. She clutched the duvet to her chest, trying to stop her shaking. This was bad. Doumar wouldn’t kill Bono, not as long as Godfrey needed him for information, but he’d be livid if Bono interfered, more so if he realized Bono had seen her naked. The only people Doumar could take his anger out on were her and Niels. Please, dear God, let it be her.

  ~ * ~

  The van was parked three blocks up the road. Sean and Sara were on duty. They didn’t have a visual on the hotel, and their satellite was trained on the club. Bono knew enough about electronics to manually deactivate the movement sensor on the wrist pad. He wasn’t a pilot and mechanic of advanced helicrafts for nothing. For all Sara and Sean knew, he was at the hotel with Sky.

  He started the bike and made his way to the Black Lily. At the club, he entered the underground parking Doumar used. There was a chance the team would pick up his bike entering the building on the sate
llite, but by that time it would be too late. A quick tour of the floor told him Doumar’s vehicle wasn’t there. He parked, and waited. According to his file, Doumar worked irregular shifts, but he was more at the club than at home. Sooner or later, he had to pitch.

  Shortly after midnight, the white BMW pulled in. Doumar exited, wearing a long patent leather coat. At the sight of him, Bono’s anger flared. In a few long strides, he cut the Dutchman off from entering the elevator.

  “Mr. Black,” Doumar drawled, “to what do I owe the visit? Need a whore?”

  Bono grabbed him by the lapels of his coat, lifting him off his feet. “You sorry son of a bitch.”

  “Whoa.” Doumar grabbed Bono’s upper arms, but he didn’t struggle. “Let’s talk about this. Whatever’s eating you, we can sort it out.”

  Bono dropped him to the ground, shaking his fingers with disgust. “I don’t think so.”

  Doumar landed on his feet with a thud, his eyes alert and his stance ready to defend himself. “You shouldn’t go around attacking people in a foreign country. It may get you deported. Or killed.”

  It took everything he had not to break the man’s neck, but killing Doumar wasn’t going to help Sky. If the team’s connection to Godfrey were gone, Cain wouldn’t grant him more time with the chiromancist. The commander would order her dead. He first had to find out how Doumar was connected to Godfrey.

  Biting back his fury, he asked, “How much?”

  “How much what?” Doumar’s stance was cockier now that he realized he wasn’t getting killed.

  “How much money does she make for you?”

  “Who?” Doumar gave a snort-laugh. “Sky?”

  “I’ll double it.”

  Doumar lifted a finger. “Hold on a minute. Are you offering to buy her?”

  “You’re obviously only interested in the money. You don’t give a fuck about her.”

  Doumar snapped his teeth together. “Don’t tell me what I’m interested in or not.” His lips curved into a cold smile. “You’re overstepping your boundaries.”

  “You won’t take the money?”

  “Why will I take your money, if she makes me enough?”

  “You’re going to let her go, do you understand?”

  Doumar pulled himself to his full length and dusted his jacket. “Here’s the thing you don’t get. She won’t go.”

  Bono flexed and clenched his fingers. He ached to plant a fist in the asshole’s face. “You bought her, like a slave. You have no hold over her.”

  Doumar smirked. “Ask her yourself. She’ll always choose me.”

  “We’ll see about that.” He took a step closer, putting them nose-to-nose. “In the meantime, if you ever put another mark on her body, I’ll cut off your dick, feed it to you, and then I’ll start on your fingers. If you’re still alive by the time I get to your feet, I’ll make you choke on your own toes. Got that?”

  Doumar’s feathers weren’t ruffled. “I think so. It’s graphic enough.”

  “I don’t make idle threats.”

  “I’d hope not. If you did, it would make this whole performance,” he motioned between them, “one big, nutty show.”

  “I’m watching you,” Bono said, retreating to his bike.

  “Ditto, Mr. Black.”

  Doumar’s laugh echoed through the space over the noise of his engine as he started his bike. He wanted nothing more than to knock down the Dutchman and kick the life out of him, but he already knew from experience that impulsive violence only made matters worse.

  Before going back to the hotel, he went to the trailer park and checked on the cat. He left more food and fresh water, and made a mental note to fit a lock on the door.

  Sky was dressed and pacing the room when he got back.

  “Bono!” She rushed to his side. “Where did you go? What did you do?”

  He put his arms around her and kissed the top of her head. “Why aren’t you sleeping? It’s late.”

  “You went to the club, didn’t you? You saw Doumar. Please tell me you didn’t. Please.”

  “I checked on your cat. He’s sleeping happily in your bed.”

  “Don’t change the subject. Tell me!”

  “Hush, beautiful.” He kissed her lips to silence her. “It’s all right. He won’t hurt you, again.”

  She freed herself and walked to the window, staring into the night. “You don’t know what you’ve done.”

  Going after her, he placed his hands on her shoulders to turn her back to him. “Then tell me.”

  “You shouldn’t have interfered. I had it under control.”

  He placed a hand on her bruised stomach. “You call this under control?”

  “You shouldn’t meddle in affairs you understand nothing of.”

  Her anger confused the hell out of him. “Explain it to me, dammit. I’ll listen. What I won’t do is tolerate his abuse. No one touches you.”

  “You talk about trust, but you won’t trust me when I ask you to stay out of my business. Wait, that’s crazy. We don’t even know each other. There’s nothing to trust.”

  “I trust that you’re a good person, but sometimes good people make bad decisions, decisions that get them hurt.”

  “You said you wouldn’t try to save me.”

  “I never said that.”

  “You’re no different than anyone else.”

  “I’m not like those other men.” He took her hands. “Leave him. Come away with me. I’ll keep you safe.”

  For a moment, her inner battle reflected in her eyes, but then she pulled her hands free and wrapped her arms around herself.

  God damn her, why wouldn’t she cut herself loose? Why would she choose the scumbag who abused her over him?

  “Tell me, damn you,” he hissed. “Do you love him?”

  Judging by the way she backtracked to the far end of the room, he was pushing her too hard. Maybe she had a warped sense of affection for Doumar. He knew better than anyone how damaged an abused woman’s mind could be. It made him want to torture Doumar to death, and if he left now, he’d probably do exactly that, regardless of the consequences. His tolerance had limits, and where Sky was concerned, those limits were already stretched thin. For now, he needed to give her space, or he’d send her running straight back into her abuser’s arms.

  He held out a hand. “Let’s take this one step at a time. For now, just come to bed.”

  Her hesitation was palpable. He could see the wheels turning in her head, weighing her options.

  “Nothing is going to happen.” He took a step toward her. “We’re just going to sleep.”

  Slowly, she untangled her arms and reached for his proffered hand. He almost sighed in relief when she pressed their palms together, allowing his fingers to fold around hers. Without more talking, he pulled her to the bed and made her sit to remove her boots. After taking off his shoes and jacket, he pulled her down next to him and covered them with the duvet.

  He draped his arm loosely around her, mindful of her side and stomach, and kissed her temple. “Sleep. You need the rest.”


  “Mm?” He nuzzled her hair, inhaling her musky scent.

  “I want you to leave Amsterdam. Soon.”

  “Because of what you saw in our palms?”

  She didn’t answer.

  “How does it work?” he asked. “How do you see into the future?”

  “I told you, it’s a gift.”

  “I know what you are, Sky.” He trailed his hand down the side of her body. “You don’t have to hide it from me.”

  She tensed in his arms. “What am I?”

  “A chiromancist.”

  “Is that why you and Joss came after me?”

  His hand stilled on her hip. “Who says we came after you?”

  “No one.”

  “What did you see in our palms, Sky?”

  “What I told you.”

  “I think you saw more than you let on.”

  She turned in his arms to f
ace him. “Why don’t you hate or despise me?”

  Tracing the curve of her lip, he gave her a smile. “How can I feel anything but admiration for you?”

  “For me?”

  “You’re strong. You’re a survivor. Most of all, you’re a good woman.”

  “So you keep on saying, but I’m none of that. My kind are feared and hunted. You saw that leaflet in Melk. I know you knew what it meant. No matter how hard we tried to hide it, our existence has become known. People are going to burn us as witches, just like in the Dark Ages. Anyone associated with us will be in danger, too.”

  He ran a thumb along her jaw. “If you’re trying to scare me away, it’s not working.”

  “You should be scared.”

  “I know others like you, and they’ve never scared me.”

  “I’m not the same.”

  “No, you’re not. I’ve never met anyone like you. So, tell me, how does it work?”

  She let out a slow breath. A frown pleated her brow while she worked her lip between her teeth. After a while, she said, “The easiest way to explain it, is to look at it as time traveling. I can focus on a period, past or future, and go there to see glimpses of a person’s life, but only if that person allows me. I can’t force it against anyone’s will.”

  “You mean like manipulate time?”

  “That’s one way of putting it.”

  “Can you freeze time or send someone forward or back in time?”

  She chuckled. “Only a quantumancist can do that, but their existence is a myth.”

  “How come you know so much about the subject?”

  “When I figured out I had this ability, I started reading up.”

  “Not much is public.”

  “The history was recorded by monks in the Middle Ages when the church went on another rampage against our kind. There aren’t many books, but if you look hard enough, you’ll find some.” She kissed his good eye. “Your turn. Tell me about your accident. How did you lose your eye?”

  He pulled her closer to him, drawing her thigh over his. “One day, I’ll tell you about it, but tonight is not the right time. Close your eyes. We’ve got to catch some sleep.”


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