Omegas In Love

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Omegas In Love Page 4

by Annie Nicholas

  “I know.” He couldn’t meet his gaze. The sting of the comment too sharp on his battered soul. Over the past two years, Eric had matured from super geek to ultra alpha. Tyler gazed down at his own slight frame. Nothing had changed. Why did Katrina want him?

  “You haven’t trained much, Tyler. I don’t want to rescue the girls and lose you in the process. Let me, Robert, and Esther go.”

  All those chances to learn to fight and he’d blown them off, always thinking that there’d be other options besides violence. Now, all he wanted to do was tear Chen’s head off with his bare hands. “I’m going. I’ll stay back, even in the car if you insist, but I need to be there.”

  Eric shook his head and sighed. “All right, but you let us take the lead. And listen to what we tell you.”

  “How do you stay so calm? I feel like I’m going to lose control any second.” Tyler stormed out of the elevator when it opened, and exited through the front entrance of the hospital. “Every second that passes, I can’t help but wonder what he’s doing to her. What if he’s hurting her or worse–”

  “Enough.” Eric grabbed him by the shoulder and shook him. “Don’t you think I’m wondering the same?”

  Yanking his arm out of his alpha’s grasp, Tyler rounded on him. The ability to control his beast cracked and all the king’s horses and all the king’s men wouldn’t be able to stuff his beast back inside of him again.

  Sensing the change about to take hold, Tyler scanned for a hiding spot. They stood in the open parking lot right in front of the hospital, with humans entering and leaving the building.

  Eric dragged him kissing-close. “Easy, Tyler. Look at me, I’m your alpha.”

  All he could manage was a nod.

  “Don’t shift. Breathe. Deep and slow. In…and…out.” The calm words seeped into Tyler’s bones. His beast recognized Eric. His will was law. Only a true alpha could command his pack with his spirit. Humans couldn’t understand this power. The ingrained need to obey went marrow-deep.

  Tyler released a shaky breath through clenched teeth and clutched at Eric. Sweat drenched his t-shirt.

  “Good. Breathe again. We’ll find her. We’ll get her back.”

  Taking another breath with stiff lungs, Tyler struggled with comforting his beast. It didn’t believe they would. He sobbed once–he didn’t believe either.

  Eric gripped him harder, the intensity of his wrath barely contained in his body. “When we find those bastards, we’ll let our beasts out to feast.”

  His alpha’s promise soothed Tyler’s turmoil more than the commands. The beast backed off and curled up to watch. Until today, it had been years since he’d lost it in public. He leaned his forehead on Eric’s.

  “Get a room.” Someone shouted from a group of college boys strolling through the parking lot.

  Tyler met the stranger’s gaze. “Jealous?” He raised an eyebrow. He couldn’t help it, habit took over, and he laughed even if it wasn’t heartfelt.

  “Shit, Tyler.” Eric pushed him away. “Let’s go before I leave you here with Sam.”

  They drove in Eric’s new white pick-up truck. Nothing more could be said about their misery, so they stayed quiet.

  Tyler slouched in his seat, his knees bent against the dash. He stared outside at the dark city.

  The GPS led them to a neighborhood close to Chinatown. All the old remodeled brick buildings were split into homes, industrial posh for the middle class. They passed the house slowly and parked farther down the street.

  “I don’t see anyone around.” Tyler twisted in his seat to get a better view of the house. God, Katrina could be just a few buildings away as he sat here useless.

  “Doesn’t mean anything.” Eric glanced at the parked cars on the streets. “I don’t see Robert or Esther.”

  The skin on Tyler’s back crawled with thoughts of what could be going on inside, behind closed doors. He glared at his alpha. “Don’t tell me you’re going to make us wait for them.”

  “Fuck.” Eric banged his hand against the steering wheel. “No.”

  Tyler opened the passenger door to spring out, but was strangled by the collar of his t-shirt when yanked back inside.

  Eric loomed over him. “Stay behind me. Don’t get killed, okay?”

  “Got it.” He gave his alpha a friendly slap on the face. “I’ll follow and not trip you up.” Nothing was going to keep his scrawny ass from rescuing his mate.

  Nodding, Eric released him and exited the truck. They traveled toward the house.

  It felt like every home owner on the street peered at them through the curtains, the sparse street light casting deep shadows, hiding any number of enemies.

  Tyler’s limbs trembled with contained energy. Zipping over his nerves, the impulse to fight became hard to resist. He called his beast to come closer to the surface so he could shift in an emergency. If things got physical, his beast would take over.

  “Don’t just charge in,” Eric whispered.

  “Why not?”

  “What if we have the wrong address?”

  “Oh.” That would be a one-way ticket to the pound. Shifter attacks had a zero tolerance with law enforcement. They’d get put down. “Crap. What do we do?”

  Eric shrugged. “Knock.”

  They climbed the stairs to the front door. The small lawn consisted of more weeds than grass, the lights were off, and Tyler couldn’t hear anything inside. Even with his shifter hearing. He glanced at Eric, who met his gaze and shrugged again.

  Eric knocked on the door.

  Tyler didn’t bother to wait. He grabbed the doorknob and twisted it with his shifter strength until the lock popped.

  “What are you doing?” His alpha tried to shout and whisper at the same time.

  “Breaking and entering, so keep it down.” He was wasting time, cooling his heels on the front step while Chen and his men could be escaping out the back door.

  “What if this is the wrong house?”

  Tyler stopped mid-step as he crossed the threshold. “Not thinking that far ahead right now, but I’m not hearing an alarm, so all’s good.”

  A low growl rumbled in Eric’s chest.

  Ignoring his alpha’s displeasure, Tyler entered the house. Nothing moved. Dark shrouded the first floor. He glanced around the corner and almost shifted on the spot when Eric grabbed his arm.

  “Let me take the lead.” He shouldered past Tyler. “Watch our backs.”

  Releasing his breath, Tyler followed farther into the house. The rooms were all empty. No furniture or pictures, not even a rug on the floors. He sniffed the air. Katrina had never been inside this building. As her mate, he could have picked up a trace amount of her scent. “Are you picking up any of Spice’s smell?”

  “Nada.” Eric stopped whispering. “This place is a bust.”

  “Doesn’t look like it’s been lived in for awhile. Why would they send us here?” His gut clenched with a little gasp.

  “Run!” Eric barked, pushing him toward the door with all his might.

  They raced for the entrance and tumbled down the stairs. Sprinting up the street as Esther’s car rounded the corner and drove toward them. They’d made it past two houses when a light flashed and a giant hand of kinetic energy swatted them. Flung off their feet, Eric landed in a roll, tumbling a few times. In contrast, Tyler crashed into Esther’s car, leaving an imprint of his face on her hood.

  She slammed on her brakes and he slid off the cool metal to puddle in a tangle of limbs on the pavement.

  Tyler lay on the street for a moment, his ears buzzing with a high-pitched tone. A cloud of dust particles washed over him. He blinked them from his eyes, unable to move his arms yet. “I’m not made for this kind of shit.” He felt the words in his throat but couldn’t hear them.

  A few seconds later, sounds began to drift back in. Car alarms, people shouting, sirens–lots and lots of sirens–were drawing near fast.

  Esther slipped beneath his arm and helped him stand. “We need to not be h
ere.” She guided him to her vehicle.

  “I’ll pay to fix that dent.” He pointed to her hood.

  “Don’t worry about it.”

  On the short journey to her car, Tyler spotted Robert assisting Eric. Flames reflected in Esther’s windshield. The house was on fire. “Damn, they tried to blow us up.”

  Esther pushed on his head to make him duck, and shoved him in the back. Jumping in the driver’s seat, she waited for Robert to get in before putting the car in reverse. “We need to get out of here before the police cordon off a perimeter.”

  “Shouldn’t be hard.” Robert texted someone on his phone while he talked. “Chicago PD can’t organize something that big, that quickly in the dead of night. They’ll need to call and get people out of bed and on the job.” He twisted in his seat and glared at them. “What the fuck happened?”

  “The house went boom.” Tyler closed his eyes and rested his head against the seat. He listened to Eric explain their stupid reasoning for entering the quiet house. He’d almost gotten his alpha killed. Where would the pack be without Eric? From now on, he needed to think with his head, not his heart.

  Eric sighed. “It was a trap. Whoever gave Tony the tip works for Chen. Send someone to find them. How are the other arrangements going?”

  Tyler straightened in his chair. Arrangements?

  “The airports, shipping yards, bus and train terminals are all being watched. We’re spread thin. Tony’s still working Chinatown with Aaron. I’m open for suggestions.”

  Digging deep, Tyler ignored the ache in his chest. Where could he find out more about Katrina’s old pack? She rarely spoke of them. Her closest friends, Sugar and Spice, were both unavailable, and the Asian community just tried to kill them. Whenever Katrina seemed disturbed, she’d go talk with Sugar and sometimes him but… “I want to go home. I’ll need Tony to meet me there.”

  “Why?” Eric and Robert echoed each other.

  “He can read Mandarin, and Katrina keeps a diary.”

  Chapter 5

  Katrina shrank away from everyone in the room.

  Trapped in Chen’s embrace, Spice struggled but couldn’t break free. He pinned her arms to her side as he hugged her from behind. His body pressed along her back in an intimate fashion.

  The memories of being stuck in similar positions were summoned like a vengeful demon from a place Katrina had buried long ago. They scorched her mind, burning a hot trail of fear, degradation, torment, and hate…hot, sinful hate for Chen and his jackals.

  Spice struggled in his arms, kicking and squirming. Not an ounce of submission in her demeanor. Weakened by silver, she couldn’t break free. However, she did swing her head back, connecting to Chen’s nose.

  Blood sprayed and Chen released Spice as he wiped his face with a handkerchief. “I like feisty females.” He glanced at Katrina. “You should observe and learn. Maybe then you’d truly become my mate.” Tossing the soiled cloth to the floor, he cracked his knuckles while circling Spice.

  She tried to keep him in her view, yet the chain tying her to the wall didn’t leave her much room to maneuver.

  One of the guards moved forward, but Chen waved him away. “They’re just females. The boat won’t be here for another hour.” He removed his suit jacket and handed it to the guard, then loosened the top button of his shirt. “Only makes sense to take you here for the first time, on your own territory.”

  “I’ll kill you before you can lay a hand on me.” Spice crouched low, widening her stance with her arms ready.

  “I hope you try.” Chen mirrored her actions.

  Panting, Katrina couldn’t find enough air to breathe. Her knees wobbled as the gates to her thoughts crashed. This was how it always began. The panic and the shutdown before she could hide in a mental cocoon of denial. She didn’t want to witness Spice’s rape, hear the cries or smell the terror. Her stomach rolled and she fell to her knees, vomiting the lunch she’d had with Tyler.

  Tyler. Smiling, joking, happy male, she adored. Where was he? Did he search for her? He may hate her for betraying him, but he’d never leave her in Chen’s hands. No doubt in her mind about this. She watched as Chen rushed forward and caught Spice with supernatural speed.

  Katrina couldn’t let this happen, not to her alpha, her family. Standing on legs made of noodles, she focused on her powerful prey.

  Chen wrestled Spice to the floor, laying his body on top of hers while leaving his back exposed to Katrina. He’d never feared her, but she’d changed since living with Tyler. Her real mate loved her, supported her, and gave her claws.

  Grabbing her chain, she raced to Chen and wrapped it around his neck, then snapped it with all her might.

  He fell back, clutching at his throat and kicking his heels.

  Spice didn’t waste any time. She crawled onto his chest and wound her arm back, punching him in the face over and over again before a guard shoved her off. The other pried the chain from Katrina’s hands.

  With an ungraceful leap, Spice jumped the guard assisting Chen to his feet. They tumbled to the floor as her alpha scratched, bit, and kneed her way around the male. She was glued to him and it took the other guard to help pluck her off.

  Battered and bruised, Chen grinned with a fat lip. “Nice.” He licked the trickle of blood from his nose. “Very nice.” Glancing at his watch, he sighed. “We’ll have to play more later.” He gestured to his disheveled men to leave them alone, and led the guards from the room. The door closed with a dull bang.

  Spice and Katrina’s heavy panting filled the sudden silence. Clasping her alpha’s hand, Katrina closed her eyes. They’d stopped him, but for how long? Delicate chimes of keys clicking together rang in her ears. Her eyes sprang open.

  Spice held a ring with five keys in her fingers and shook them again. “Did I ever tell you how good I am at picking pockets?” The sly grin on her face offered Katrina hope.

  “No, but I am so happy you are.” Sitting on her knees, she took the keys as Spice knelt in front of her and held the collar still. Katrina’s hands shook. They were going to escape! The first key slipped from the hole and she had to try again.

  The petite blonde laid a hand on her wrist. “Take it easy. You’ll get it.”

  Freedom lay so close, she could sniff it. They’d flee this place and call the pack for help. She’d find Tyler and hound him until he forgave her. She’d prove her worth to him and never lie again, tell him all her secrets, and make him understand he truly was her mate. No other would ever do.

  Inserting the key in the lock, she couldn’t turn it. Tears welled in her eyes. She tasted blood as she chewed on her bottom lip and tried the next one. The collar clicked when the key turned and Katrina exhaled the breath she’d been holding.

  Spice ran to the door and turned the knob. “It doesn’t even have a lock.” She peeked out in the hallway. “All’s clear. No wonder they used fucking collars.” Returning to Katrina, she knelt on the floor. “Give me the keys.”

  Handing them to her alpha, Katrina offered her throat so the collar could be easily accessed. Her pulse pounded in her ears.

  Crouching close, Spice twisted and changed keys when it didn’t unlock. “How long before the silver wears off?” She tried another key, but it didn’t work.

  “I don’t know. It all depends on the dose they gave us.” Sweat trickled down her back. Someone might check on them soon. “Hurry.”

  Another key was discarded. “Fuck. I’m trying, Katrina.” She held out the keys. “Which one did you use?”

  Sorting through the ring, she picked one. “I think this is it.” She cranked her neck back and gave Spice better access to the lock. Praying in her head to anyone who’d listen, she wanted out so badly.

  “It’s turning.” Forcing the key, Spice pressed on her throat. “Shit, the key’s stuck.” Katrina had never heard fear in Spice’s voice until today. Tears streamed from her alpha’s eyes. “I bent the key. It won’t move.”

  “Let me try.” She touched the cool m
etal with her fingertips around the key and lock. It was halfway and just needed a little more to go. She grabbed the end and twisted it. At first, nothing happened, then with a sharp crack the key broke. Katrina stared at the broken piece in her hand. Unable to find her voice, she glanced at Spice.

  “Lean back.” She ordered. “Let me see if I can pry it out.”

  “You need to run.” Katrina shoved her alpha toward the door. “Run now!”

  “I can’t leave.” She wiped the sweat from her face. “We’re in this together. We’ll fight them off.”

  “Foolish. Get help. Rescue me if I can’t get free.”

  Spice’s eyebrows rose. “I don’t want to go.” She hugged Katrina tight. “I’m coming back for you,” she whispered. “Even if I have to invade China by myself.”

  Katrina clung to her and fought to keep her courage. “Tell Tyler–” She had to clear her throat. “Tell him it’s okay to hate me, but I will always love him.”

  Yanking away, Spice confronted her. “He would never hate you.”

  “Please, go before they come back.” Before she lost nerve and begged her to stay.

  A deep frown crossed her alpha’s face. She nodded and left.

  Katrina sank to the floor. The cramps in her lower abdomen had worsened. Thank goodness Spice was a new shifter and had never smelled a female in Katrina’s condition. Her alpha would never have left her. Keeping secrets was her specialty. She grimaced. Chen would get the pure blooded heir he craved. She’d be in heat by morning.

  Chapter 6

  Their bedroom appeared emptier than this morning. Nothing was missing or moved, but knowing Katrina may never return left too many potential nightmares in Tyler’s mind. He couldn’t stay here without her. Every item in the room carried memories, which made her loss that much sharper.

  He crossed to her side table and pulled the journal from the drawer. Sitting on the edge of their bed, the book weighed a thousand pounds. He flipped through the pages, spotting his name mixed within the Mandarin symbols. She had doodled a little heart next to it once. Her secrets were safe from him, since he couldn’t read any of it.


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