Galaxy Gone Wild II

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Galaxy Gone Wild II Page 1

by Brit Blaise

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  Amber Quill Press

  Copyright ©2008 by Brit Blaise

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  NOTICE: This work is copyrighted. It is licensed only for use by the original purchaser. Making copies of this work or distributing it to any unauthorized person by any means, including without limit email, floppy disk, file transfer, paper print out, or any other method constitutes a violation of International copyright law and subjects the violator to severe fines or imprisonment.

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  Also By Brit Blaise









  Brit Blaise

  Amber Quill's Rewards Program

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  Amber Quill Press, LLC

  Also By Brit Blaise

  The Blood Club

  Cave Creek Cowboy

  Another Cave Creek Cowboy

  Cave Creek Cowboy Christmas

  Cave Creek Cowboy In Vegas

  Cave Creek Cowboy Kama

  Cave Creek Cowboy Ménage

  Cave Creek Cowboy: Too Many Brides

  Fix This!

  Galaxy Gone Wild

  Lady in a Box

  A Lady's Lessons

  Out Of Space

  Music Man

  Slayers Inc.

  A Sure Thing

  Taking It Slow

  Two Weeks In Paradise

  The Virginia Model-Logues

  Wanton Warrior

  Wild And Wanton

  [Back to Table of Contents]


  "I've fucked my way to freedom, so there's nothing else he can do to me now on this miserable planet. Nothing worse than what's already happened to me here, and I intend to make him pay dearly,” Sonja said to her best friend, Alphan.

  Their mission to the planet Barth had been uneventful thus far, but the mating wall inside her hero-turned-enemy's home worried her. She'd never been inside the dealla, which once belonged to the emperor's son before he'd committed treason. And with any luck, she wouldn't be here long enough to be discovered. Besides, this time she had protection—two strapping warrior giants from Yin, both of whom she trusted with her life. This time would be nothing like the last.

  From the moment Sonja entered the chamber with Alphan by her side, the sensite wall beckoned her with its striking iridescent shimmer as it rolled in gentle waves. Fingers protruded from the surface, curling an invitation to come closer. Her curious temperament allowed her to draw nearer, but when she reached toward the flickering red surface, it grabbed her.

  "Didn't I tell you not to touch it,” Alphan said as if he spoke to a wayward child. “You may be there a while now, until it wearies of examining you."

  "It touched me first.” Powerless as it sucked her against its soft, warm exterior, Sonja didn't care to be blamed for a natural reaction. Like a living entity, the wall cradled her, rocked her while it shifted and lifted her from her feet. Under most circumstances, Sonja would've fought anything or anyone who handled her without her consent. This, however, elicited a sense of peace unlike any she'd experienced in a very long time.

  She relaxed.

  This wall didn't threaten her or even make her uneasy, which Sonja found surprising. There were so many bizarre stories circulating throughout the galaxy about these unusual sex/mating/sensite walls. Only three were known to exist.

  "I wonder why this is called a mating-wall. What I'm feeling isn't sexual in the least.” She only had to look at Alphan to experience those kinds of sensations! He exuded sex. For that very reason, she'd sought his help when she learned Garhan had inherited the mating-wall from the emperor's son.

  Garhan Elam, the one she wanted to punish, was obsessed with mating, as was the rest of his misogynist society on Barth. Not only was she disinterested in using her sexual wiles, if she had any, but she hated sex. The very idea of submission to the will of a man made her break out in hives. If she never had to surrender to a man that way again, she'd be perfectly happy. The messages her body sent about Alphan were more than likely lies. She didn't trust them.

  "Let me help.” Alphan reached his large hand out to her. “Get away from there while you're able. If the wall finds you interesting enough, it may keep you. I know I would.” He delivered his epic statement with a wink and continued exploring the room.

  Alphan wanted to keep her? If only that were true. “Is the sensite warrior in you speaking because of the energy surrounding this wall? Or do you fear the power it holds? It was created by one of your kind, or so I've heard."

  Alphan stopped his inspection of the chamber to send a dark stare in her direction. “I fear what I don't understand and cannot see, but I never fear the sensite."

  Sonja enjoyed the way the wall forced her to relax when the deep timbre of Alphan's voice did just the opposite. Because of planning this mission, she'd not had a moment of enjoyment for eons. Tiny fingers in the wall massaged her, while a ledge grew under her backside until she reclined at a leisurely angle. However, this was a dangerous mission, and both Yinian brothers were still wanted men. Especially Rani, who'd been incarcerated on the Orhoff penal colony for ten years before his escape. Rani, who was considered a criminal because of his unusual and misunderstood powers.

  "I'm getting a message,” Alphan said.

  Sonja didn't speak, in case the sound of her voice interfered with the psi communication Alphan had going with his brother.

  When he started to stalk about the room again, she assumed they'd finished their discussion ... or whatever. The idea of having another person inside her brain didn't appeal to her. “Is everything okay?"

  "You worry too much. My brother will greet Garhan at the door and bring him to us. We'll punish him per your desire and be on our way. Women.” He shook his handsome head, sending his long, dark hair flying.

  "Since your brother is even scarier than you, we'll be on our way soon I imagine. Poor Garhan, I almost feel sorry for him."

  Alphan stopped his prowling again to stare. “Huh? If you think I'm scary, then why am I not able to frighten you?"

  But that wasn't true. Sonja feared falling in love with the sensite warrior and never being loved equally in return. He'd told her often enough how much he wanted her, but he would marry two women. His plan was abhorrent to her. No way could she be content with a man who wanted more than a single mate.

  Two of her four sisters had married sensite warriors from Yin and neither seemed happy with the arrangement. And Sonja understood herself well enough to know she'd never share well.

  Alphan walked nearer, and the floating, chaise-like protrusion rose higher until she was eye-to-eye with the eight-foot warrior. He belonged to a race of giants.

  "You play with fire, my dear friend,” he said, as if she'd influenced the wall's actions. “The wall is giving you a false sense of security since you're never as safe with me as you'd like to foolishly believe. I want you and never forget it."

  His lavender eyes snapped with undisguised heat, more than he'd ever allowed to show before. The dark, silky lashes framing them were the only feminine characteristic on his very, very male body. The wall reacted even as she did. It began to vacillate, stretch, and send tingling sparks both into her body and outwardly like firecrackers into the air, which only made Alphan smile widely.

  His smile transformed his face from somber and harsh to beautiful, and Sonja's breath hitched as he leaned near, a
s if he intended to kiss her. The idea both shocked and excited her.

  This wall had to be magic. He'd never once attempted physical contact of any kind with her in the many years she'd known him. Her father had first hired him to protect her family during an uprising on her home planet of Vessa. However, since his return from the Orhoff penal colony, he'd been changed. He hadn't been there long, but evidently it had been traumatic. He'd had himself incarcerated on a ruse to free his brother.

  "Marry me,” he said.

  If he'd slapped her, it wouldn't have surprised her more. He'd hinted of marriage in the past, but had never really asked. Her stay on Barth had ruined her, and he had to know that. “You know what happened to me here."

  "I know men have used your body. I want all of you, not just your body. Although, I want that, too."

  If only it were that simple. “And you want another wife."

  He shrugged and leaned nearer. His warm breath touched her cheek and made her heart pound in her chest. Prickles, both icy and hot, rushed at her from every direction. “You would be my first love, just like you would always hold first place in my heart. A second wife will only enhance what is between us."

  Damn him! Her disappointment stung and her body still reacted to his nearness like the words hadn't registered. “No, thank you. But you can kiss me if you like."

  For the briefest moment, unease flashed in his eyes ... surely kissing her didn't worry him. Did it? It should concern her more. While she'd been initiated into mating on Barth, the men here didn't kiss their consorts. It was considered too intimate an act to share with a lesser species ... woman. The only time a man had tried, she'd shamed him.

  "I'll regret this,” Alphan said. He leaned forward, placing his hands on the wall on either side of her head, and moaned.

  When his full lips touched hers, the wall bucked as his lips moved over hers with skill she'd never imagined. Not only was it pleasant, it made her entire body flush. Despite being well-used by men from Barth for an entire year, she'd never experienced the sensations this kiss caused deep within her internal parts. When, in the next moment, she exploded with pleasure, she screamed into Alphan's mouth.

  He pulled back with a grin. “I may not be a sensite master yet, but I have enough psi power to deliver an orgasm in record time. Consider this a preview of what you'll be missing if you refuse marry me."

  The bliss receded, leaving her boneless. Sonja wanted to know more about what had just happened. Was this part of the enchantment Alphan sought with such dogmatic fervor? No wonder he wanted to find it. “Was that the enchantment?"

  His face darkened as he stared down at her. “You have no secrets you can keep from me when the two of us touch this wall at the same time. It's formed of pure sensite energy and it's telling me you have never experienced this before. And more."

  ::The gateway to each other's thoughts is open between us.::

  She heard words in her head as surely as if Alphan had spoken out loud. ::Impossible::

  ::With the sensite, nothing is impossible.::

  "You are speaking inside my head?” She spoke aloud this time.

  "My brother and I do it all the time. Thanks to this wall, it seems I've breached one more barrier to making you my life-mate."

  If she knew anything about her own character, she knew she'd never change her mind if he insisted upon two wives. “I promise, as long as you think there must be two women vying for your attentions ... it'll never happen."

  "We'll see."

  "You'll see I'm right. Just because your archaic, male-dominated clan believes a man can only attain the enchantment by having two mates, doesn't make it so."

  He moved closer, like he intended to kiss her again. “And I disagree."

  Staring at his lips, so close, made her lose her train of thought. “Of course you would. You're a man. How many of you have reached the goal? How many of your people who have taken multiple mates have the enchantment?"

  He pulled back. “None ... yet."

  Exactly what she'd thought. The emperor's son and the female sensite master he married had been the first pair to capture the enchantment for a very long time. Since then, others had also, but not many. “That should tell you something. Perhaps you're wrong in thinking it takes three."

  "You aren't saying something I haven't already considered,” Alphan said, a frown drawing his brows together. “Mating-wall, sex-wall, I think the sensite master who conceived it used it as a lure."

  The aftereffects of what he'd done to her with his kiss and sensite power still lingered. “I haven't been so relaxed since I can't remember..."

  "We need to finish our business fast, before we're discovered. Garhan will be here shortly and you'll have your revenge."

  [Back to Table of Contents]


  The wall refused to let Sonja go. She pushed with all her strength and achieved nothing, despite the bizarre effect of gaining more strength as she wished for it. What good was more strength if it wasn't enough to get free?

  "No sign of Garhan yet?” she asked Alphan, who stood by a portal, staring into the next room. He'd been silent since she challenged his beliefs. While she had no desire to create a chasm in their friendship, she had to be true to what she believed.

  "They've come,” he said finally. “It's begun."

  When Garhan and Rani entered the chamber, the wall shifted and lowered her makeshift lounge.

  Rani pushed Garhan across the floor. Rani stood a head taller than his eight-foot brother, so Garhan, who more closely resembled their Earthling ancestors of old, was no match. Garhan collected himself and swiped a beefy hand through his cropped dark hair. And to think Sonja had thought him handsome because of his striking pale gray eyes when she'd first met him. When he showed his true character, his looks meant nothing ... less than nothing.

  Garhan gaze swept over her and dismissed her.

  "Bastard,” she muttered.

  Garhan looked shocked. “You're furniture, bitch. Furniture doesn't talk back. They fuck. And they do it whenever their master bids."

  Garhan had taken her for a slave since she'd donned the traditional white girha worn by all the women holding a position of sex-mate. It made her ill to replace her shud with the garment, but if this went awry she needed a disguise. She didn't have the abilities both Alphan and Rani had to control minds and even their images on occasion. “A man who refers to another being as furniture should not be surprised when he gets the just punishment he deserves."

  "There are strange vibrations in the galaxy. We need to hurry,” Rani said. “I don't like this planet."

  Sonja didn't like the sound of that. Rani wasn't one to worry unnecessarily since his sensite powers would equal most any master in the universe. How he'd been imprisoned for so long had to be an interesting story considering his unique abilities.

  "The only vibrations I want to know about are within this wall,” Alphan said. “Bring him here. Make him touch the wall and see if you can learn his greatest fear. Then we'll use it against him."

  Rani gave a solemn nod. His face, both scarred and handsome, revealed nothing of his inner thoughts. Certainly not like Alphan, who wore his heart for all to see. Well, maybe not all ... maybe only she saw.

  Rani lifted Garhan as if he weighed no more than a baby fetta and delivered him to the wall with a shove. “Embrace it, Barthinian. I'm in no mood to tarry."

  Sonja knew Garhan held a high place in Barthinian society, so would have difficulty acquiescing to Rani's demands. Despite having spent so many years in prison, Rani had the demeanor of one who was to be obeyed or else.

  "Barbarian,” Garhan said.

  "Barbarians fear me,” Rani said. “Even my own brothers tread lightly in my presence."

  With those words and the threatening tone, Garhan reached for the wall. It rose up to meet him, almost swallowing him.

  For a moment, Rani seemed unsure, despite his bravado only seconds before. He squared his shoulders and reached wit
h both hands to touch the wall near Garhan's head.

  Rani's body shook as though a current raced about inside his mammoth frame. “Come, Alphan. This requires both of us."

  With all four of them touching the wall, it bucked and shimmered, sending off a mist of sparks into the air surrounding them. A pressure inside Sonja's head became so intense, she closed her eyes and eased back in hopes the earlier peacefulness would return. The pressure stayed, and the wall began touching her very intimately. First, it rubbed over her backside and then it slipped up between her legs from behind. While shocking, it wasn't at all unpleasant.

  She laid her head back and closed her eyes as pleasure washed over her. Sensations of floating down enveloped her. Tingling raced along her back and when she heard a moan, she hesitated to open her eyes to find out why or what.

  After a second moan, she had to see. She opened her eyes to see all three men surrounding her ... naked. The wall had circled her and adjusted the height of each of the men so that she was eye-level with each of their cocks.

  All three of them.

  How did the wall know?

  At one time or another, she'd been sexually curious about each of these men. She'd wondered, and now here they were.

  Three cocks ... three very unique and beautiful cocks. She might hate Garhan, but she could admire his cock.

  She looked at Alphan first since she was most curious about him and had been for the longest time. His large member equaled the length of at least two of her hands and the girth more than she could circle. The wall pushed her hand toward him as if it wanted to test her mental theory.

  Alphan stood in the middle, directly in front of her. Sonja hesitated, pushing back against the wall, but just like earlier, she didn't have the strength to fight it.

  When she wrapped her hand around him, a zing of pleasure hit her, so sweet it made her clench inside. Was this more of his sensite magic or was it the wall? Sonja feathered her fingers along the length of him, stopping short of the large mauve cap. His skin was like pure vetin, unbelievably soft, the cap even more so.


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