Baggage & Buttons

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Baggage & Buttons Page 13

by C. J. Fallowfield

  ‘Right that’s it,’ muttered Gabe and scooped me up into his arms.

  ‘Ooooo Mr Darcy you’re so strong and virile, take me now big boy and fuck me hard.’

  ‘Mia for the love of god, please save the sex talk for when I’m not listening, please,’ begged Lexi.

  ‘Sorry Lex, but he’s so sexy I just can’t help myself. He may just be the sexiest man on earth and he’s mine.’ I nuzzled my face into his neck and heard him sigh as I fell asleep in his arms.

  I was woken up to hear Gabe softly calling my name and felt his fingers stroking my cheek. I opened my eyes, my head still spinning, to find I was lying down on my bed, still fully clothed, but with my shoes missing.

  ‘I need you to sit up and drink this glass of water for me baby.’

  ‘Noooo. I’m tired. I want to sleep,’ I grumbled as my head flopped to the side.

  ‘You’re dehydrated and you’re going to be really ill in the morning if you don’t do as you’re told. I won’t ask again.’

  ‘You’re so bossy.’

  ‘Sit up for me,’ he ordered and I tried to focus my eyes on his gorgeous face. I felt his arms go under me and he lifted me and propped me up with some pillows behind my back and handed me the glass of water. ‘Drink Mia.’

  ‘Yesssss Sir,’ I saluted, before clasping the glass he gave me tightly in both hands. I had a sip and it tasted so nice, I ended up drinking the whole glass with no extra persuasion.

  ‘Good girl,’ he smiled, stroking my hair. ‘I’m going to get you another glass and a bowl of Weetabix. Hopefully it will soak up some of this alcohol, it usually works with Doug. I’ll be back in a minute,’ he kissed my forehead and went to move, so I reached out and grabbed his hand.

  ‘Don’t leave me. Stay with me.’

  ‘I’m not leaving you, I’m only going to the kitchen,’ he leaned over and ran his thumb across my bottom lip before planting a kiss on me. ‘I love you Mia, even when you’re pissed and frustrate the hell out of me.’



  ‘You keep telling me that you love me, but I haven’t said it to you. Does it bother you that I’ve not said it?’

  ‘Why? Do you think it bothers me?’ He frowned as he moved his hand to cup my cheek, stroking it with his thumb. I sighed and leaned into it as he looked at me.

  ‘Usually my boyfriend’s get pissed off if they tell me they love me and I don’t say it back. So I leave them, before they get fed up of waiting to hear it from me and leave me first.’

  ‘Well I’m not like your other boyfriends Mia. I’m not going to get pissed off or leave you. I just hope that one day you’ll want to say it to me. Just promise not to leave me because you’re worried I’ll get fed up Mia, I’ll wait forever if that’s what it takes. I love you unconditionally baby.’

  ‘You’re a very good boyfriend, the best I’ve ever had. You know that right?’

  ‘I do now, thank you. I’ll be back in a minute.’ He kissed me and I watched him walk out of my room and smiled, he was a good boyfriend. He was back a few minutes later with a bowl of Weetabix and another glass of water.

  ‘Ok try and eat this for me.’

  ‘Noooo it’s middle of the night, Weetabix is for breakfast.’

  ‘I promise, it works for Doug.’

  ‘Ooooo Doug and the Zoo. Are we seeing the giant pandas tomorrow?’

  ‘Baby I’m really sorry, but the only zoo in the UK with giant pandas is Edinburgh, so we can’t drive there and back in one day.’

  ‘O no, I love them and I was so looking forward to it.’

  ‘I know, but it’s too far to do in a day, or even a weekend. Besides, I was with the Doug when we finally spoke tonight. You were so drunk that we figured you’d be too hungover to get up and go out anywhere tomorrow. We’ll have to sort out a trip up there in half term instead. Is that ok?’

  ‘I wasn’t so drunk you know.’

  ‘You are so drunk, still. Eat the Weetabix please.’

  ‘Don’t want to,’ I pouted.

  ‘Eat the Weetabix Mia. I don’t want to have to ask you again.’

  ‘You’re so hot when you’re cross with me. Can we fuck now?’

  ‘No, no fucking, I just want you to eat.’

  ‘O my god fucking, fucking. What time is it?’

  ‘Twelve thirty.’

  ‘It’s our fucking anniversary.’


  ‘Our fucking anniversary, it’s a week since you blew my mind with hot fantastic sex.’

  ‘I blew your mind?’ he asked with a proud smile on his face.

  ‘Yes it was so good. You’re so good at sex Gabe Austin. I love having sex with you,’ I sighed.

  ‘The feeling’s mutual Mia, I want you all the time too.’ He sighed as well and smoothed my hair with his palm.

  ‘So take me now,’ I begged as I gazed into his big blue eyes.

  ‘You’re too drunk and don’t even try denying it, or keep trying to distract me from the fact that you’ve still not eaten your bloody Weetabix.’

  ‘If I eat them and drink some more water will that make you happy?’

  ‘Yes, very happy.’

  ‘Then I’ll do it, to make you happy. I like you happy, but I’m only doing it for you. Not for me, for you.’ I waved a finger in front of his face and he gently nipped it in his teeth.

  ‘Thank you.’ He sat and watched me eat with a smile on his face.

  ‘So we’re really not having sex on our anniversary?’ I asked as I put the spoon back in the empty bowl.

  ‘No, give it up Mia, I’m going to get you undressed and put you into bed to sleep.’

  ‘Noooo, no undressing. I’m sleeping like this.’ I’d suddenly remembered my surprise tattoo and it was too soon for him to see it, I wanted the cling film off first.

  ‘Don’t be ridiculous Mia, come on I’m going to help you get undressed.’

  ‘Then I’m keeping my knickers on.’

  ‘I thought you always slept nude.’

  ‘I do, but I don’t want to tempt you.’

  ‘I promise I’ll never take advantage of you when you’re this drunk, so you don’t have to worry about wearing knickers.’

  ‘I want to keep them on Mr. My knickers are staying on and I won’t tell you again,’ I said, wagging my finger at him.

  ‘God you’re so drunkenly romantic right now,’ he laughed. ‘Ok knickers are staying on, come on with the rest.’ He unbuttoned my blouse slowly, making me all breathless. I sighed as he tugged it off over my shoulders and kissed me. Then he reached behind me and undid my bra and removed it and gently kissed each of my breasts, before reaching down to unzip my shorts. ‘Lie back and lift your bottom up.’

  ‘You’re horny again Gabe. You promised, you said you’d never lie to me.’

  ‘Fine I’m bloody horny ok?’ he snapped. ‘It’s bad enough being an average 19 year old male, as I’m always fucking horny, but to have you waving your big tits at me and begging me to fuck you, it’s just too much Mia,’ he said with a heavy sigh and rubbed his forehead. ‘Regardless, I’m still not doing anything about it. Now lift up your bottom so I can take your shorts off.’ I did as I was told and bit my lip as I smiled at him. ‘Jesus Mia please stop it, you look so hot and this is really hard for me. I’ve never had to show any restraint before, I wanted sex, I had it. Lift up again I need to do your tights.’

  ‘No, if you pull down my tights my knickers go down too.’ I quickly grabbed the top of them to stop him. ‘They end up all rolled around each other and it’s impossible to extract them again. I’ll go to the toilet as I need a pee and I can do them myself.’

  ‘Christ you’re more bloody stubborn drunk than sober. Take my hand.’ He pulled me up off the bed and led me into the bathroom and looked at me as I stood by the toilet and stared at him.

  ‘I can’t go with you watching me Gabe.’

  ‘You watched me, you helped me.’

  ‘You’re a man. I’m a woman a
nd it’s not ladylike to let a man see her pee, poo, shave her legs or see tampon strings, so please go outside and shut the door. Why are you laughing at me?’

  ‘Because you’re a funny drunk. Fine I’ll wait in the bedroom, hurry up out.’

  I waited for him to close the door and pulled down my tights. Sod it, I was right my bloody knickers had gone down with them. It was bad enough unrolling them sober, let alone tipsy. I really had to concentrate to get them out and back up to my knees.

  ‘Are you ok in there?’ Gabe called. ‘You’ve been a while.’

  ‘I had a lot to drink, I have a lot to pee,’ I shouted as I did my business. I kicked off my tights and carefully lifted my knickers and covered the cling film. I stood up, wobbled and giggled as I flushed the chain. God I really was drunk. I staggered over to wash my hands and then opened the door to the bedroom.

  ‘Are you ready to brush sex bomb?’ I asked as I watched his eyes travel over my body, especially looking at my bare breasts.

  ‘I so wish you wore bloody pyjamas,’ he sighed. ‘I deserve a medal for resisting you tonight.’

  I was having trouble standing still and brushing at the same time, so he stood behind me and put his arms around my waist and held me still as I brushed. I smiled at him in the mirror, he was hard again, I could feel it in my lower back. He kissed my neck and made my skin go all goosey, making me feel even more horny. When I’d finished, he stayed holding me with one arm, as I took off my eye makeup and he did his own teeth over my shoulder.

  ‘Ok bed,’ he ordered, as he walked me back and helped me climb in. I propped myself up and kept my eyes on him as he unbuttoned his shirt and removed it, hanging it over my dressing table chair. He stood with his bare back to me as he unbuttoned his jeans and pulled them down along with his boxers in one go and I moaned out loud as he bent over to pick them up. As if his bottom weren’t tempting enough I caught sight of his manhood between his legs. ‘What’s wrong?’

  ‘You bending over with clothes on is bad enough, but to see your bare bottom and your hard cock between your legs is too much.’

  ‘You’re a very naughty drunk Mia.’

  ‘I’m horny. How would you feel if you wanted sex and I kept saying no?’

  ‘But you’ve never said no,’ he said with a slightly cocky smile as he sat on the edge of the bed next to me.

  ‘Because I always want you, but you’re saying no to me. It hurts Gabe.’

  ‘I’m not doing it to upset you Mia, it’s the right thing to do. Don’t ever ask me to take advantage of you, because I won’t.’

  ‘But you want me, you’re hard.’ I let my eyes skim down his chest to look at his erection, standing freely, looking so edible.

  ‘Mia I always want you, so I’m pretty much hard every time I see you, but it’s not happening, not when you’re like this.’

  ‘I’ve been thinking about ways we could do it,’ I whispered, trying to tempt him.

  ‘Mia please behave,’ he sighed and he shoved a hand through his hair.

  ‘Well I’ve been thinking you could be my swimming coach and I’d be wearing the smallest of bikinis that just covered my nipples. You’d take advantage of me by lifting me out of the water onto the side of the pool and licking and fingering me before pulling me back in the pool, onto your hard penis and fucking me in the water.’

  ‘O god, please stop baby,’ he pleaded as he looked at me. I could see the lust bubbling under the surface, trying to find its way out, I was breaking him down.

  ‘We’re driving in your car in the country, it’s a hot day and you pull through a gate into a field, you bend me over the bonnet and rip down my trousers and knickers. You pin my hands down and fuck me from behind, the more I scream stop, the harder you fuck me.’

  ‘Mia it’s not fair, you’re trying to goad me into having sex,’ he groaned.

  ‘I’m a naughty school girl, I’ve got a see through white shirt tied around my waist and unbuttoned dangerously low with no bra, with a miniscule mini skirt and no knickers. I’ve got over the knee socks and plaits in my hair and a pair of sexy black rimmed glasses. You’re the head teacher and you call me into your office and bend me over the desk, exposing my bare behind and virginal pink lips …’

  ‘O god, please don’t say anymore,’ he moaned, covering his eyes with his hands.

  ‘You cane my bottom for being naughty, before sticking your fingers into me and making me come for you, then you fuck me over your desk harder and harder, caning me every time I scream.’ He suddenly stood up and disappeared into the bathroom and shut the door. ‘Gabe. Gabe? Please come back,’ I called after him.

  I’d started to fall asleep when I felt the bed sag next to me and his arms wrap around me and a kiss being planted on my lips and I groaned.

  ‘It’s ok baby, it’s only me, sleep.’

  ‘Where did you go Gabe? I wanted you so much,’ I murmured, half asleep.

  ‘You were turning me on with all that talk, I needed to take a minute out.’

  ‘Did you masturbate?’

  ‘Mia,’ he sighed.

  ‘You said you wouldn’t lie.’

  ‘Yes, I did. There was no way I could’ve climbed into bed with you and resisted.’

  ‘So you still want me? You haven’t gone off me?’ I whispered.

  ‘I always want you, I could never go off you. You’re stuck with me now.’

  ‘Am I still your favourite girlfriend? Am I still yours?’

  ‘Yes always baby,’ he whispered. ‘You’re my forever.’ His forever, I liked that. I reached out and ran my fingers between his lips then kissed his chest.

  ‘Gabe?’ I yawned as my eyes closed again.

  ‘Yes baby?’

  ‘I feel very sleepy now, can we sleep?’

  ‘Of course we can.’

  He turned off the light and I snuggled against him. As I was falling asleep I heard him whisper ‘I love you Mia’ and I smiled to myself.


  I woke up to hear gentle knocking at the door.

  ‘Mia are you ok in there? It’s after ten,’ came Lexi’s voice. I rubbed my eyes and looked at the clock, she was right it was ten past ten. God I felt like shit and my head was pounding. I looked to my right and instead of Gabe found a note on his pillow. Did he ever rest up and lie in?

  ‘I’m on my own,’ I yelled and read his note. ‘Gabe’s gone for a run and to get a surprise, whatever that means.’

  ‘Wow you like crap,’ she observed as she came in and sat on the end of my bed.

  ‘Well thanks, I’ve got a hangover.’

  ‘Wonder why? O it’s all those drinks you had on an empty stomach.’

  ‘Don’t remind me,’ I groaned. ‘God I need to pee.’ I sat up and swung my legs out of the bed and went to stand up, as I did I yelped and fell to the floor clutching my stomach.

  ‘Shit Mia, what’s wrong?’

  ‘Lexi,’ I gasped. ‘It feels like something’s just ripped inside and acid’s been poured in, shit it’s agony.’ I felt tears starting to pour down my face as I curled up into a ball on the carpet and held my stomach and my breath, it was too painful to move. This was so much worse than any of the attacks I’d had before.

  ‘Shit, I don’t know what to do, you’ve gone really pale.’ I saw her kneel at my side and she stroked my forehead. ‘God Mia you’re lips are turning blue, I’m calling Gabe he needs to get you to the hospital.’

  ‘No Lexi,’ I gasped, on a large intake of air grabbing her hand. ‘Please don’t, I haven’t told him what’s wrong yet, he’d just worry. O god, this hurts so much. Just stay with me, please stay with me,’ I sobbed. It really hurt to breathe, but I couldn’t hold my breath for ever. Lexi grabbed my dressing gown and covered me up with it and then lay down on the floor opposite me and held my hand as she stroked my forehead.

  ‘Keep taking deep breaths ok, but if it doesn’t go soon I’m calling an ambulance whether you like it or not.’

  ‘It’ll go, these pains alwa
ys go quickly,’ I groaned, wondering if this pain was actually ever going to end, I’d never had it this bad, this was different.

  ‘Well I’m not happy Mia, this seems worse than your normal attacks. Your lips are turning pink again thank god, but this can’t carry on while you wait for a bloody appointment. It could take weeks.’

  ‘It’s because I’m due on Lex, that’s all.’ I winced, it felt like someone was performing a Chinese burn on my insides. I quickly closed my eyes and panted through it. We must have lain together on the floor for over twenty minutes and I just kept my eyes closed, focussed on Lexi’s hand trying to soothe me while I carefully breathed, until the excruciating pain subsided and gave way to a dull heavy ache.

  ‘I think it’s passed, thank you Lex,’ I sighed, wiping my eyes. ‘And I still really need to pee, desperately.’

  ‘Come on then, let’s get you to the toilet, but then you’re getting back into bed to rest,’ she said with a frown. I winced again as she helped me up and led me through and sat me on carefully down on the loo, then went to get my pyjama bottoms and a grey vest top for me to put on, then we heard the door buzz. ‘Are you going to be ok on your own for a minute if I answer that?’

  ‘If it’s him you don’t tell him Lexi. I mean it,’ I said, quickly trying to wipe the remaining tears off my face.

  ‘Mia,’ she sighed. ‘You look pale as hell and tear streaked, he’ll know.’

  ‘He’ll think it’s my hangover. Please Lex, he worries so much, he doesn’t need all this shit, not so soon into a relationship. I don’t want to scare him off.’

  She shook her head in frustration and left me to it. I heard her talking down the intercom and then the front door open and I could hear Gabe’s voice. I’d barely wiped myself and pulled my pants back up when he burst into the bathroom.

  ‘Jesus Mia, are you ok? Lexi told me what happened.’

  ‘I told her not to,’ I said crossly, as he wrapped his arms around me and kissed my hair.

  ‘She’s worried about you baby, as am I. Talk to me, you’re hiding something from me aren’t you? Why are you having the scan?’

  ‘Gabe it’s just women’s problems, please don’t worry about it,’ I mumbled.


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