Baggage & Buttons

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Baggage & Buttons Page 25

by C. J. Fallowfield

  ‘Even when we’re not having sex, like last night?’

  ‘Thanks for reminding me of that, but no. I used porn to get off to, as there was no one I wanted to imagine. So now I have you to visualise, I don’t need it.’

  ‘Hmmm, I think that’s a compliment, so thank you?’

  ‘It is. I never masturbated thinking about any of my exes. Do you still watch it?’

  ‘No, but I don’t mind watching it with you, if you want to?’

  ‘I don’t, but I love you even more for offering.’

  ‘So what else do you like to do that we haven’t’ I asked.

  ‘Sex wise?’

  ‘Yes, what sort of things really turn you on?’

  ‘I’d like to restrain you more often, that really gets me off, as does being a bit rough and fast sometimes, but equally I’d never enjoyed going slow and gentle until I met you, so I’m happy to do whatever you want baby. We can try anything you want and see what we both enjoy can’t we?’

  ‘I really liked it when you handcuffed me and the spanking too,’ I smiled down at him.

  ‘Mia much as I’d love to continue this conversation, in depth, I’m hard and it’s really not a good time for me to be aroused,’ he groaned as he shifted slightly onto his side, his face nestled in my breasts. I ran my fingers through his hair again and he let out a contended sigh. I saw him fighting to keep his eyes open, he looked totally exhausted. I took his empty cup out of his hands and put it behind me.

  ‘Close your eyes Gabe, we can just stay here until you’ve got to go,’ I whispered and just like that he fell asleep in my lap. I heard the key in the front door and realised Lexi must’ve been out. I looked down at Gabe, hoping she wouldn’t call out for me and wake him up. I grabbed my phone off the table behind me and quickly texted her.

  Lex, I’m in the lounge, but Gabe’s fallen asleep on me and I don’t want to disturb him

  I heard her text tone tinkle in the distance and then her feet approaching the lounge door. She gently opened it and stuck her head around.

  ‘You ok?’ she whispered.

  ‘Yes you?’

  ‘Surprisingly good this morning. Still on for beauticians at two?’


  ‘Do you need anything?’

  ‘I’d be so happy if you could microwave my latte for me, it’s gone cold.’

  ‘How long?’

  ‘I don’t know, try a minute, test it and do another minute if it needs it.’ I looked down as I felt Gabe stir, but he was still asleep. Lexi crept in and took my coffee of me.

  ‘God he looks so young when he’s sleeping. Be back in a minute.’

  ‘Thanks Lex.’

  I looked back down at him and felt my stomach knot again. He was right with what he’d said earlier, I knew that I loved him because even when I was mad with him, my heart would ache every time I looked at him. I just sat memorising each angle of his face, his strong jaw line and cheekbone, the curve of his nose and lips, his long dark lashes. He was so good looking, I found myself wondering again why he’d fallen for me.

  ‘Here Mia, think this should be good.’

  ‘Thanks Lex, would you mind putting the blanket over him?’

  ‘You can’t just sit there for the next few hours with him lying on you.’

  ‘I can and I will. It’s my fault he’s not slept, he needs this. I can catch up on some texts and do some internet research into this bloody pelvic condition.’

  ‘Ok, well text me if you need anything else,’ she said as she carefully arranged the blanket over him. She smiled at me and I blew her a kiss as she left the room.

  I set a vibration alarm to wake Gabe up at one o’clock, then did a load of texting to some of my boarding school friends, to see how they had settled into their Uni’s and jobs, suggesting us all going out on the first Saturday of half term when we were planning on going home. I suddenly realised I’d not even thought far enough ahead with Gabe to discuss half term, but there was no way I wasn’t going home for a few days and seeing mum and my friends.

  I looked up ovarian cysts, then moved onto endometriosis and ended up wishing I’d not looked into either of them. Every monthly bleed could make it worse and I’d been putting off being seen. I needed to take my mind off it and opened my kindle app and picked up on a saucy book I’d not looked at since I’d met Gabe. I was amazed how much more enjoyable it was, now I knew what sex actually felt like it, the scenes were so much more vivid and I could imagine it being Gabe and I playing the main characters.

  I was so engrossed reading that I jumped when my alarm vibrated. Gabe slept on and I sighed, he looked so peaceful and happy I really didn’t want to wake him, but I knew he couldn’t afford to miss any more lectures than he already had, so I gently stroked his forehead.

  ‘Gabe ... Gabe. It’s time to wake up. Gabe … baby, it’s one o’clock,’ I whispered. He groaned and stretched out and slowly opened his stunning blue eyes to look at me, making me catch my breath.

  ‘Did you just call me baby?’

  ‘I think I did, it’s grown on me.’ I remembered how mortified I’d been that night in the club when he’d called me that. I’d always hated pet names, but coming from him … well now I loved it.

  ‘I like it. Is it really one o’clock?’

  ‘Yes, you’ve been asleep for over two hours.’

  ‘Why didn’t you wake me up?’ he yawned.

  ‘You were tired and you obviously needed it,’ I smiled and stroked his hair again. He sat up and turned, one leg tucked under him, to face me.

  ‘Thank you, you’re so sweet,’ he held my face as he brushed my cheek with his thumb and just looked into my eyes. I turned my head to kiss his palm and looked back at him and smiled. ‘What?’ he said.

  ‘I love you so much,’ I whispered.

  ‘Not as much as I love you.’ He pulled me into him and I lay my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes and just enjoyed his arms around me and his scent. To think this time last week he’d terrified me with his declaration of love, now, after a day without it, I was relieved and it made me feel all warm inside.



  ‘Can we go for another run together tomorrow, if I try not to slow you down so much?’

  ‘Are you up to it?’

  ‘It’ll do me good. Endorphins relieving pain remember?’ I kissed his neck.

  ‘Ok, but let’s make it later so you can have a lie in.’

  ‘Are you sure?’

  ‘Yes, I can have a swim at home and then come over. How about ten?’

  ‘Great, leave your books on campus. You can have a shower here after, your clothes are all clean.’

  ‘Ok, thanks.’

  ‘Are you running back now?’

  ‘Yes I better get moving.’



  ‘I’m allowed to ask if you have plans tomorrow night after practice? I was wondering if you’d want to spend the night?’

  ‘I’d love to baby, I was beginning to think you were going to hold me off until the weekend. Thanks for letting me get some sleep.’

  ‘Thanks for getting Q-tipped for me. Have fun with Doug and Milo tonight and I’ll see you in the morning.’

  ‘Already looking forward to it.’ He kissed me, smiled and headed off.

  I felt better for having made plans with him. I went to move and groaned as I realised my legs had gone to sleep and my painkillers had worn off. I was going to need some for this wax, it was always more painful having it done when I was on. I rubbed my legs back to life and headed to the bathroom and downed a couple of pills.

  ‘Lex, he’s gone. Are you in hiding?’

  ‘No, just listening to music in my room. Is it time to go?’ she called. I stuck my head around her door.

  ‘Not quite, I’m a bit peckish, do you want a sandwich?’

  ‘What do we have?’

  ‘Well now I’ve mastered the defrost button on the microwave, I
can get some bread out of the freezer and we have a load of different cheeses, some sliced ham from the deli and some fresh tomatoes if that sounds ok?’

  ‘Great, I’ll come and help.’

  ‘So what are we going to do for dinner tonight?’

  ‘Can we just do take out for once? I miss junk,’ she asked pulling her best pleading face.


  ‘I fancy pizza.’

  ‘Ok, as long as we can have some Ben & Jerrys.’

  ‘Mia wash your mouth out with soap. Your mum would be so disappointed in you. Has she not raised you with the knowledge that B&J’s is for very special occasions only?’

  ‘I think it’s a special occasion,’ I chuckled, remembering how strict mum was on letting us have it. ‘We deserve it.’

  ‘How so?’

  ‘Hello? You’re pregnant and I’m on, if that’s not deserving of a special occasion I don’t know what is.’

  ‘I’m so loving your thought process right now. Chunky Monkey?’

  ‘No, I hate the chocolate bananas. Why put chocolate in ice cream if it’s not Dairy Milk or Galaxy? I just don’t get it.’

  ‘Ok, well that rules out about six of the other flavours I was hoping to try.’

  ‘Well mum’s about 200 miles away Lex, she’ll never know. Have your own tub, it can always go in the freezer for another night.’

  ‘But it’s luxury ice cream Mia. What if she finds out? We’ll be grounded.’

  ‘Damn it you’re right, there’s only one thing we can do to protect ourselves.’


  ‘We each eat our own tubs and dispose of the evidence very carefully in someone else’s bin so CSI Page can never trace them back to us.’

  ‘Shit really? The things I have to do to avoid the wrath of Mrs P. Ok, you’ve twisted my arm to the point of no return, a tub each it’ll have to be. Chunky Monkey, you and I have a date.’

  We made it to the beauticians and separated into our own rooms. I went for pain before pleasure, getting the wax out of the way first. It was amazing that I could let a stranger see me like this, but still get embarrassed when Gabe looked down there. We decided on a radiance facial and I nearly fell asleep it was so good, so I decided that this was going to be a monthly thing and booked up for a year in advance with the same therapist. Lexi was already sitting in the waiting room when I came out.

  ‘Wow Lex, you’re glowing. Did you enjoy it?’

  ‘Loved it thanks. Don’t know why you bother, your skin’s always amazing. How was the wax?’ she asked as we headed out.

  ‘Sensitive, though best I don’t complain to Gabe, he had a giant Q-tip shoved up his penis this morning for me.’

  ‘Shit no wonder the poor guy needed a rest. So what’s the verdict?’

  ‘We’ll find out in a couple of days. Will you come and help me find a skirt and tie for Friday night?’

  ‘We’ve no makeup on.’


  ‘I hate being seen with no makeup on.’

  ‘You look lovely with no makeup on, not half as scary. Come on, I thought you needed some red hair dye too.’

  ‘If we see anyone we know, I’ll kill you.’

  ‘Yeah yeah yeah, heard it all before,’ I smiled, then reached for my phone as I felt it vibrate in my pocket. It was the doctors surgery, so I held my finger up to Lexi and answered it. The doctor had the results of the blood tests he’d run after my pelvic exam and low blood pressure last week. I was pleased to hear that there was nothing abnormal other than low electrolyte levels, so the doctor suggested drinking more fluid to avoid dehydration and they’d check my blood pressure again next time I was in, unless I had anymore fainting episodes and I was to return straight away.

  ‘Ok?’ asked Lexi.

  ‘I’m fine, just been told to keep my hydration levels up, nothing untoward with the rest of my bloods.’

  ‘That’s good news, bet Gabe will love saying told you so when he hears you need to drink more water.’

  ‘Great like he’s not got an issue with alcohol as it is. Well I didn’t tell him about my blood pressure or the tests anyway, so he doesn’t need to know. I’ll just make sure I drink more fluids. Come on let’s get shopping.’

  I ended up getting a grey tie and a really tiny grey pleated mini skirt, one that showed my butt cheeks, then I dragged Lexi in and out of the shops trying to find a present for Gabe, for having endured the test that morning.

  ‘Christ Lexi, it’s so hard to buy something for a guy who obviously has money.’

  ‘So do something for him, like you did the other night with the outfit under your mac. That sort of stuff will drive him crazy.’

  ‘You’re right, he seems to love my body and loves it when I do things just to turn him on. You know what, there is this one thing I’ve really been wanting to try.’

  ‘Do I want to hear it?’ she asked with a worried frown.

  ‘I miss my dancing. I’d like to take some stripping lessons, you know burlesque sort of stuff so I could do that for him. Would you come?’

  ‘Not sure it’s my thing, I’d just be all arms and legs. Plus no tits or arse to shake,’ she shrugged.’

  ‘Not all guys like curves Lex.’

  ‘I know, it’s just I’m not the “sexy” seduction type of girl.’

  ‘Well you only have one night stands, probably no need to tease and tantalise is there?’

  ‘Nope, get it out, get on it and kick him out when I’m done, unless he’s seriously good and I keep him for breakfast.’

  ‘Now that gives me a whole new visual when I think of breakfast Sausage McMuffins,’ I giggled. Lexi just grinned at me. ‘Anyway, I wonder if there’s a strip club in the city? I bet they’d do lessons.’

  ‘I’m surfing as we speak … give me a minute … yes here’s one, Peppers. Let’s give them a ring later and ask for you. What? Why are you looking at me like that?’

  ‘I want to go, we could go and watch a performance and ask while we’re there,’ I said all excitedly.

  ‘Seriously, you want to watch women stripping? You’re not turning gay on my arse are you?’

  ‘Noooo. It’s all very well learning moves Lex, but I want to see them in real life too.’

  ‘Do they let women into strip clubs?’

  ‘Well they’re missing out on the lesbian market if they don’t, besides wouldn’t that be like gender discrimination or something?’

  ‘O my god you’re really serious about going.’ She stopped walking and looked at me astonished.



  ‘Let’s go tonight.’

  ‘But it’s pizza, movies and whole tub of Ben & Jerrys night,’ she moaned.

  ‘Ok, Thursday night then. I’m out with Milo until about eight or nine, we could go then. It’s not like we’ve anything better to do is it?’

  ‘Fine, but you’re putting tips in their G-strings. I’m not touching anything.’

  ‘I won’t be either, I’m just curious. If I do something like that for Gabe, I want it to be as realistic as possible.’

  ‘I think we need to postpone our Kill Bill marathon then and get you in the mood. How about Striptease and Powder Blue?’


  Back at home we ordered our pizza and ice cream and I got a bottle of beer out of the fridge for me and a coke for Lexi and we settled into watch Striptease first.

  ‘You have to admit Demi’s body’s hot in this,’ I said swigging my beer.

  ‘I agree, she rocks. If she knocked on my door I might try swinging the other way for the night.’

  ‘Who else would you swing for Lex? Top three. You’ve got Demi as one, who’d be your other two?’

  ‘Well already told you that you’d be my number one if I went that way, so my third would probably be Beyoncé, she’s got pretty sexy curves as well. How about you?’

  ‘Eva Mendes has to be number one. She’s stunning, has amazing lips and her bottom’s awesome. I�
�d go for Ashley Green as number two, then number three ... Who would be number three …?’

  ‘You could reciprocate and say me,’ she said, looking hurt.

  ‘You’re too bloody skinny Lexi and I think you’d be the butch lesbian if we were a couple and I don’t do butch.’

  ‘I don’t do women, so don’t worry I won’t be jumping you any time soon,’ she bristled.

  ‘Ok, third one ... Got it, Natalie Portman, she’s beautiful.’

  ‘God yes, her eyes and lashes are amazing.’

  ‘Have you ever heard of a top two list Lex?’

  ‘What’s a top two list? You don’t do top two lists, it’s always a top three.’

  ‘Thank you. I asked Gabe for his top three and he could only come up with two and I argued that there’s no such thing as a top two list.’

  ‘You asked Gabe for his top three gay list?’ she exclaimed. ‘How did that go down?’

  ‘No,’ I laughed. ‘His top three famous people list.’

  ‘And he could only come up with two? Who?’

  ‘Emilia Thorne and Nina Dobrev.’

  ‘Every man loves Emilia since she’s been on Game of Thrones. Let me guess yours. Gabriel Macht, Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki.’

  ‘Close, Jared would be number four tied with Vin and Ian Somerhalder, it’s too hard to choose between them for fourth place. I can’t believe you got that wrong. How long have you known me? It’s Gabriel “sexy suit and smile” Macht, Stephen “amazing body” Amell of course, then Jensen “too cute” Ackles. Let me guess yours. Johnny Depp, Ian Somerhalder and of course our Bradders.’

  ‘See you know me so well, I’m a crap best friend,’ she sighed.

  ‘I still don’t get why the Coop is on your list though. He’s blond and clean cut, so not your type.’

  ‘Sometimes I like to go against the grain, it’s more fun. Great the door just buzzed, food’s here.’

  We had a medium pizza each and shared a portion of wedges and I grabbed two spoons and Lexi polished off her entire Chunky Monkey. I could only make it half way down my Vermonster, my stomach was retaliating. I made a hot water bottle and curled back up in the recliner as we watched Powder Blue.

  ‘I loved Jessica Biel in Blade Trinity, she was pretty toned in that, but still feminine and kicked some serious ass. I also like Lyndsey Fonseca and Maggie Q in Nikita. I like women with a bit of power,’ I stated.


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