Baggage & Buttons

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Baggage & Buttons Page 31

by C. J. Fallowfield

  ‘Told you, it’s seriously weird hearing your best mate orgasm.’

  ‘Yes it is, I can totally sympathise now,’ I laughed.

  ‘Well thanks for getting me one, it’s definitely taken the edge off. For now anyway.’

  I made her a sandwich and went to get my books and gym bag and felt my phone vibrate in my pocket.

  Forgot to say I have your bangle back, remind me to give it you later. G xx

  Thank you, thank you, thank you :-) <3 M xx

  We spent the whole bus journey giggling at the items available in the online sex shop.

  ‘Why don’t they do it in black?’ Lexi complained when she realised that the g-spot rabbit with rotating beads only came in purple.

  ‘I like them in pink or purple better than black.’

  ‘Pink and purple’s a bit girly,’ she grizzled.

  ‘Well you could always go for a standard dildo that looks like a real penis. They have veins and balls and everything,’ I said screwing up my face. ‘I prefer pretty ones with sparkle and glitter than those.’

  ‘They can’t be that bad? Surely?’

  ‘Look,’ I showed her the page with them on and she screeched with laughter.

  ‘Ewwww you’re right, that looks so wrong. I mean who looks at a dick and thinks hmmm lovely protruding vein on that one?’

  ‘Sssshhhh,’ I giggled as a woman a few rows in front turned and gave us a disapproving look.

  ‘Ok, you’ve sold me. I’d still prefer a black one, but I suppose the purple one will do. All the same in the dark under the covers.’

  ‘Not if you get a glow in the dark one. Besides some are waterproof and you can get also get ones with suction cups to mount in the shower, or wherever you want if there’s a smooth surface.’

  ‘Jesus, look at you, vibrator expert,’ she nodded looking impressed.

  ‘I wasn’t having sex Lexi, I spent ages researching them all before ordering the few I have,’ I replied feeling my cheeks flush.

  ‘So which ones do you have?’

  ‘I have a plain black smooth plastic one with a curved tip, a sparkly pink plastic one with a big bulbous end for g-spot stimulation, the purple g rabbit one you’re looking at, which I can highly recommend, and a plain pink silicone rabbit.’

  ‘Christ we could be here all day with all this choice, let’s go for the purple rabbit then if it’s that good.’

  ‘Well I hope you like it as much as I do, or did, I’ve not used it since I met Gabe.’

  ‘Well no need for that when you have the Norse sex god and his wonder cock to service you whenever you want.’

  ‘It’s not just all about what’s between his legs you know Lex,’ I giggled as I elbowed her in the ribs and checked out her purchase.

  ‘Sure, whatever you need to tell yourself,’ she grinned.

  We headed straight into English, surprised to find we were alone.

  ‘Jesus this is becoming a habit, we should be awarded something,’ said Lexi as she dumped her bag on the desk.

  ‘This is a big amphitheatre. Do you realise the only people I know in here are you, Gabe and Milo. I haven’t even spoken to Andrew.’

  ‘No big loss there. Who else do you need to know anyway? We’re fine as we are. Never needed loads of friends have we?’ Lexi was right, we only had three friends from back home that we kept in regular touch with, Jess, Mandy and Lizzie.

  ‘No I know, but doesn’t it seem a bit odd?’ I said frowning.

  ‘Not to me no.’

  I watched as people began to filter in and was positive I’d never seen any of them before, I was so focused on my own little circle. Milo waved as he passed and climbed the stairs to his seat. I saw Gabe enter and his eyes went straight to me, I grinned and blew him a kiss, he winked at me and I sighed.

  ‘Love sick puppies,’ Lexi muttered under her breath.

  ‘Jealousy doesn’t become you,’ I tutted as I grabbed my notepad and the lecture started. I was so engrossed that when my phone vibrated that I was surprised to see it was already 3.15 p.m. as I opened my message.

  Met me outside G xx

  I looked up and saw him packing up his bags. ‘Lex, make sure you keep up, I’m nipping out for a minute.’

  ‘Ok, no having last minute sex in the corridor,’ she ribbed.

  I tiptoed down the step and out of the door as Mr Jenkins continued talking and pointing to the large whiteboard. I walked further up the corridor, having learned my lesson not to discuss personal business outside of his door the hard way. I felt really nervous about saying goodbye to Gabe and leaned on the wall and looked down at my boots until I heard the door swing and he came out. He rummaged in his bag as he approached me.

  ‘Ok, I’ve got three things for you.’

  ‘What?’ I asked surprised.

  ‘Here’s the first,’ he said, as he slipped my bangle back onto my wrist.

  ‘Thanks so much.’ I smiled up at him happily and he smiled back then fiddled with his phone and held it up.

  ‘Here’s the second, listen,’ he put it to my ear. It was a message from the GUM clinic saying his results were in.

  ‘So what were they?’ I asked.

  ‘I’ve no idea. I wanted you to listen with me when I rang them, so you’d know I wasn’t lying to you.’

  ‘Gabe, I told you I trust you.’

  ‘I never want any doubt in your mind Mia.’ He pressed call back and checked we were alone before putting it on speakerphone. We both breathed a sigh of relief to be told that all of his tests were clear.

  ‘You realise next time we have sex, you don’t have to wear any condoms?’ I said.

  ‘O god. As if I’m not desperate enough to have sex with you again as it is, you’re leaving me with the thought that I can come in you properly?’ he groaned. ‘Ok, quickly before I have to leave, I’ve got the third and most important thing for you.’



  He pressed me up against the wall and held my face as he kissed me forcefully. I could feel the passion and love in it, felt my knees buckle and went all lightheaded and had to grip onto his backside to steady myself. It felt as if the top of my head had lifted off I was so giddy. As if he knew, he grabbed me and lifted me up onto his hips. I moved my hands into his hair and we both moaned as the intensity of our kissing increased. I felt his erection bulging in his jeans and ground against it.

  ‘Jesus get a bloody room you two,’ came a voice and I gasped some air in as Gabe pulled his head back. We both looked around, me still anchored on his hips, pinned to the wall and laughed when we realised it was Doug.

  ‘Hi Doug,’ I said blushing.

  ‘Hi Mia. Come on big man, put her down, we need to go.’

  ‘One minute Doug and look the other way will you,’ Gabe ordered. Doug grinned and turned his back and Gabe looked at me and kissed me again, tenderly this time. I’d take his kisses anyway he gave them, he was the best kisser I’d ever had and he left me so weak when he finally pulled his head away and sighed.

  ‘I’m going to miss you so much,’ he whispered.

  ‘Me too. I’ll call you later, I promise.’ I ran my thumbs over his chiselled cheekbones and took a mental picture of his handsome face.

  ‘Kiss me again baby, before Doug drags me away,’ he ordered. I did and I gave him as good as I got until Doug started coughing. ‘Ok, ok,’ grumbled Gabe as he kept his eyes fixed firmly on mine.

  ‘I could send you a very, very sexy indecent picture of me later, to help you get off,’ I whispered.

  ‘I’ll get off just thinking about you baby, but a sexy picture would be really nice too,’ he whispered back.

  ‘Guys seriously, I can still hear you when you whisper and I’m like three feet away,’ Doug laughed. I kissed Gabe again and he reluctantly put me down and grabbed my hand squeezing it tightly.

  ‘Speak to you later baby,’ he said as he bent down to pick up his bag.

  ‘See you Mia,’ smiled Doug as he turned back
to look at us.

  ‘See you Doug and good luck. Remember I’m trusting you to keep Julie and all the other women away from him for me.’

  ‘I don’t need to Mia, he’s only had eyes for you since he first spotted you, love at first sight and all that. Dude, seriously,’ he groaned as Gabe leaned in to start kissing me again. ‘Let her go, we’ll miss the coach.’

  ‘Like they’d go without their two best swimmers,’ scoffed Gabe. He looked back at me with such sad eyes, that I had to bite my lip to stop myself from crying. He may as well be going away for two years the ball of pain in my chest was that bad.

  ‘Gabe go, please go now, I can’t bear you looking at me like that. Good luck, go and win and we’ll celebrate at the weekend,’ I kissed him quickly and started to walk away and he held my hand until the last minute.

  ‘I love you baby.’

  ‘I love you too Gabe,’ I said as I walked backwards to the English door, trying to keep him in my sight as long as I could.

  ‘Love you Mia,’ called Doug chuckling.

  I watched Gabe punch his arm and I blew them both a kiss and quickly walked back into the lecture, before I could change my mind and beg him to stay, or to take me with him. I slumped down in my chair and sighed and Lexi looked at me.

  ‘You ok?’

  ‘I can’t talk about it or I’ll cry. I’ve turned into a stereotypical swooning lovesick blubbering teenager since I met him. Something I never thought would happen. I need to focus for now thanks,’ I smiled at her quickly and started scribbling. When the lecture was over, I packed up my notepad and books into my bag.

  ‘So can you talk yet?’ asked Lexi.

  ‘I’ll be ok, it’s only two nights right? Like I can’t manage without a bloody guy for two nights?’

  ‘I’ll sleep over with you in your room if that’ll make you feel better?’

  ‘Thanks Lex that’s really sweet, but I was planning on trying phone sex with him tonight. Unless you want to stay for that?’

  ‘Noooo thank you. I was only being polite, I was actually hoping you’d say no as I fancy spending the night with my new toy. Right I’m getting the bus home so I have time for a few rounds with him before we go out, see you later.’

  I shook my head laughing. ‘Make sure you’re ready by 8.30 the latest Lexi and don’t forget to check the post box again.’

  ‘Yeah yeah yeah, you’re like a nagging wife. See you later.’

  I stuck my tongue out at her as she headed out of the door and I waited for Milo to come down.

  ‘So do you want to meet in the Gym later?’ I asked.

  ‘Actually if you don’t mind I thought I may as well come to Pilates with you, always wanted to give it a try.’

  ‘Of course I don’t mind. Why don’t we head over now? There’s a café there, so we can have a drink then go and change before it starts at six.’


  The next few hours went really quickly. Pilates was good, I’d stayed in better shape than I thought and decided in the gym to just focus on running on the treadmill. Milo took the machine next to me and we chatted as we ran and watched the TV screen above our heads. Every now and then I’d catch some guy standing behind, eyeing up my backside in my little tight shorts. I smiled as I wondered how Gabe would react. I kept using my towel to wipe my face and chest as we ran and Milo was doing the same. I made it to 40 minutes before I had to slow the machine down to a brisk walk. He followed suit.

  ‘Shit I’m so out of practice,’ he panted.

  ‘Me too, I used to be able to go flat out for at least an hour.’

  ‘Shall we call it a day Mia? Choice of watching me sweat in a mirror, or watching strippers sweat and I’m all for option number two,’ he nodded. I laughed and slowed my machine to a stop.

  ‘Come on then. You may have a bit of a wait sorry, I need to shower, wash my hair and stick on a bit of makeup if they’re going to let me in.’

  ‘I’ll shower too, obviously,’ he laughed, as he looked down at his damp t-shirt. ‘I’ll wait in the café for you.’

  ‘Cool, see you out there.’

  I headed to the ladies changing rooms and got showered and ready in my black skinny jeans, wedge ankle boots and a white vest over my black push up bra and put my head upside down and messed up my hair, spraying it to give it loads of volume. I reapplied my mascara and eye liner and did some dark grey eye shadow and smudged it all with a cotton bud, before slicking on some lip gloss and checking myself out in the mirror and deciding I looked suitably sexy, without being too overdone or sleazy. I shoved my other stuff into my gym bag and headed out to the café where Milo was waiting, dressed in black jeans with a white shirt. He whistled when he saw me.

  ‘You look great.’

  ‘Thanks, you do too.’

  ‘I’m about two inches shorter than you now, but thanks,’ he laughed.

  ‘Sorry, a girl’s got to wear her heels on a night out. I never thought, do you need to eat before we head out and what about your bag?’ I asked.

  ‘Left my bag in the lockers. I had a good lunch and just had a bagel so I’ll be fine. How about you?’

  ‘I need to drop off my bag when we pick Lexi up and I’ll eat later.’

  ‘Do you have a jacket? It’s not that warm.’

  ‘I’ll be fine. Another thing girls have to get used to on a night out. Not only must we endure sore feet from heels that look absolutely amazing but are a bitch to walk in, but we must learn to deal with the cold rather than ruin a sexy ensemble with a coat,’ I smiled.

  ‘Thank god I was born a man,’ Milo smiled. ‘Girls have way too many going out rules.’

  ‘That we do. Right, there’s a main road just up here, if no taxis are passing I’ll give one a call.’

  Milo managed to flag one down and I directed the driver to the apartment and asked for him to wait while I took my bag up.

  ‘Lexi, let’s move taxi’s waiting downstairs.’ She appeared from the bedroom and I did a double take, she’d dyed her purple hair a vivid red and was in her skinny black jeans, platforms which made her about 6’4’ and a red vest top. ‘Wow, you look good, loving the red hair Lex.’

  ‘You look good too, black bra’s a bit slutty under the white top.’

  ‘I think the word you’re looking for is casually sexy. How did you have time to dye your hair between orgasms?’

  ‘You got crappy batteries and they died on me on number three,’ she glared.

  ‘You should’ve text me. I could’ve told you there’s loads in my toy box under the bed.’

  ‘I did bloody text,’ she snapped indignantly, her hands on her hips. ‘I was desperate and was hoping you’d pick some up for me on your way here. Will you ever learn to look at your phone more regularly?’

  ‘Could’ve used your xbox remote batteries Lex.’

  ‘Damn it. Why didn’t I think of that?’ she groaned.

  ‘Vibrator virgin,’ I giggled.

  ‘Well no way would I have rummaged in a box with toys that you’ve had … down there,’ she gestured with her finger, pulling face.

  ‘Up there I think you mean and hello, this is me. Clean freak remember? You think I’d put them back in unwashed? Well who would have believed that we’d see the day, me giving Lexi Clarke sex tips. Come on shift it, Milo’s waiting and the meter’s running.’

  ‘Can’t I just stay in and masturbate? Please?’ she begged.

  ‘No, you promised me. You can play when we get back if you’re still desperate.’

  ‘O Mom,’ she moaned, pulling a face and I grabbed her hand and dragged her to the door.

  We ran down and Lexi got in the front and I hopped in the back with Milo and we headed off. I quickly checked my phone, no messages, other than Lexi’s plea for batteries, “preferably quality rechargeable ones” which made me giggle.

  Milo insisted on paying for the taxi as Lexi and I got out. We looked up at the old three storey large brick warehouse building in front of us, there were ropes lead
ing up to the black glass doors and two bouncers stood with their arms folded looking us up and down. Milo came to stand in between us as the taxi pulled off and I smiled as I realised how short he actually looked next to the two of us tonight.

  I walked up first and looked one of the bouncers in the eye and smiled and he nodded us through. I looked back at Lexi and Milo and grinned doing a thumbs up, I was way too excited about this field trip. There was a cashier booth in the inner lobby and I handed over some cash for the three of us. Another bouncer on the inner door waved us through and just like in Fazeleys, the music nearly knocked me over.

  ‘How much was it Mia?’ shouted Milo getting his wallet out.

  ‘Nothing, it’s on me for dragging you both here. How about you get a round of drinks instead?’

  Both of them were looking behind me open mouthed, so I turned around. The place was a lot bigger than I thought, it wasn’t seedy looking, but looked a little bit tired and was well overdue a facelift. There was a main long catwalk with a pole in the middle, on which a stunning blonde was spinning in only a g-string. There was seating all around the stage which waved in and out with low tables in front. About half of the seats were occupied, all by men. To our left was a long bar with stools and to the right were loads of comfortable looking chairs with low tables and some girls were performing lap dances for the occupants. I spotted a couple of women sitting with guys, but it was definitely a male dominated club and I noticed that it appeared to be strictly hands off.

  ‘Let’s get a drink then move to the stage’ I yelled. The three of us headed to the bar and I saw the men turn to check Lexi and I out as we stood there. Milo offered to pay and ordered a beer, a vodka and cranberry for me and Lexi sighed and asked for a coke. We headed towards the stage and found a section of vacant seating as close to the pole as we could get. The blonde had finished and the stage was vacant.

  ‘I feel great,’ shouted Milo over the music. ‘Have you seen all the men eyeing you two up and trying to work out what’s going on with the three of us?’

  Lexi laughed and I blushed as I saw a group of guys, probably in their mid-thirties, looking our way and one of them winked at me. I looked him up and down, he was wearing a suit and I loved men in suits, he had dark hair with some grey flecks running through it, he wasn’t bad looking at all. I smiled to myself when I realised he was having absolutely no effect on me at all, Gabe had ruined anyone else’s chances of making an impression on me. I jumped as the music started again and some of the men started whooping. I looked up at the stage and saw an attractive petite brunette, with breasts even bigger than mine, slink up wearing some kind of black baby doll lingerie with 5 inch platform shoes with diamantes sparkling all over the heels and the inner sole.


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