Baggage & Buttons

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Baggage & Buttons Page 35

by C. J. Fallowfield

  Glad you won your races :-) This is the outfit I’ll bring over tomorrow for some role play. I’ll try and be a very naughty school girl tonight, to give you a reason to punish me Sir. Your M <3 xx

  I left the phone to charge as I joined Lexi in the lounge, while she did her nails red. I opened and finished a second bottle of beer and borrowed Lexi’s phone to order a taxi. It was a half hour wait, so I had another beer and tucked my charged phone into my bra, I was ready to party.

  We went through the back entrance to the main campus building and headed to the student bar. We hadn’t been in before and were amazed how big it was. Given we were late it was already packed with loads of girls dressed up like us, with the guys in trousers, shirts and ties with some people in black rimmed glasses. We made our way to the bar and Lexi got me another bottle of beer.

  ‘Christ it’s cheap in here, we should come more often.’

  ‘Who are all these people? I swear I’ve never seen them,’ I replied.

  ‘They’ve seen you, your skirt’s the bloody shortest in the room. You’re getting attention again.’

  ‘I know,’ I nodded. ‘It’s since I lost my virginity. It’s like I’m giving off this vibe, people keep coming onto me.’

  ‘It’s called being hot and horny Mia and guys pick up on it.’

  I felt my phone vibrate in my chest and pulled it out much to the enjoyment of the men surrounding us. It was Gabe calling me on a normal voice call. I wondered if Doug had calmed him down and debated answering for a minute, but figured I could cut him off again if he got extra grizzly on me.

  ‘Hey sexy boy, did you like my picture?’

  ‘Are you seriously out in that thing you call a skirt with your breasts all hanging out?’ he snapped.

  ‘Yes, I wanted to look all sexy school girl. Are you still cross and grumpy baby?’

  ‘I’m bloody furious. I told you not to go out Mia, besides dressing up like that should be just for me.’

  ‘And your body should just be for me, but you parade around in your tiny pants looking all sexy with your enormous hard on for hundreds of spectators to ogle, so you don’t get to criticise and be all judgy. So there you … bossy … tyrant,’ I pulled my tongue out at the phone. Even though I knew he couldn’t see it, it made me feel better.

  ‘Tyrant? Are you drunk?’

  ‘What if I am?’

  ‘I don’t want to fight again Mia,’ he said with a heavy sigh.

  ‘So let’s not fight. You’re the miserable grumpy control freak who can’t accept that I’m an individual who can make her own decisions. Go and enjoy your night with Doug and I’ll enjoy mine with Lexi and we can make up for lost time tomorrow, hopefully you’ll be in a better mood than you are today, otherwise I don’t want to see you.’ I heard him sigh again.

  ‘Fine,’ he sighed. Sounding totally not fine with it. ‘Where are you now and where are you going?’

  ‘Gabe, seriously?’

  ‘We agreed that if you went out I could know the details Mia, don’t push me as I’m pretty much out of patience with you already today,’ he snapped. I scowled at the phone, half pissed off with his tone and half turned on, he really seemed to see me as something he owned, a possession to be cherished and I actually quite liked that a man was that concerned about me, that I was that important to him.

  ‘Then stop pushing my buttons and being all domineering again Gabe, you promised to try and be more understanding and you’re not.’

  ‘I’m worried about you. You’re ill, you should be resting and they still haven’t caught this murderer.’

  ‘I’ll rest after the operation Gabe, it’s not like I’m on deaths door and you agreed I could go out without you if Lexi was with me and she’s right here.’

  ‘I agreed to that thinking I’d at least be in the same city Mia, it’s my job to protect you.’

  ‘Your job? You’re my boyfriend not my bodyguard Gabe, you can’t protect me 24/7 and I refuse to stay indoors under lock and key when you’re not around. You’re being unreasonable.’ I heard him sigh again and heard someone in the background saying something to him.

  ‘Fine whatever, but I still want to know where you are and where you’re going please.’

  ‘I’m in the student bar. We may go onto some other bars and a club. I don’t know, we’ll see where the mood takes us.’

  ‘You’re not reassuring me at all Mia. Please be careful, text me updates to let me know where you are and make sure Lexi’s with you at all times.’

  ‘I will. I wish you were here,’ I sighed, with all sincerity. He may be grumpy, bossy, domineering and seriously annoying sometimes, but he was my over protective bundle of joy and I missed him and I loved him regardless.

  ‘I love you Mia. Be careful.’

  ‘Love you too. Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.’

  I ended the call, put went to put my phone back in my bra, but Lexi grabbed it off me and shoved it in her bag.

  ‘You’ll bend over and lose the bloody thing,’ she sighed. ‘Take it he’s still grumpy then?’

  ‘Like you wouldn’t believe,’ I replied with a roll of my eyes.

  ‘Well I’m proud of you for sticking to your guns and not being a pushover, give an inch now and he’ll take a bloody mile.’

  ‘I know,’ I nodded. ‘Come on, let’s dance and take my mind off him. I have a feeling I’m in for a rough ride when he gets home tomorrow, so for tonight I want to carry on having fun.’ I grabbed her hand and led her to the dance floor and we lost ourselves in the music until I spotted Milo and waved him over.

  ‘Wow, you two look amazing.’

  ‘Cheers Milo. You too, glasses really suit you. So how was last night?’

  ‘Loved it. I stayed a while after you left, thanks for taking me and like I said if you need me to go with you again, I’m there,’ he grinned.

  ‘You’re welcome. So who are you here with tonight?’

  ‘Some of the guys, here they come.’

  Lexi and I were soon surrounded by five guys from Milo’s digs. Two of them, Dan and Zac, insisted they did English with us too, but neither Lexi nor I recognised them. The boys insisted on buying our drinks and I was getting drunker by the second and Lexi resorted to linking arms as we left campus as a group and headed into town. We hit a few bars on the way down and ended up queuing up outside the club together.

  ‘That’s where I first got fingered and had oral sex,’ I whispered to Lexi, pointing towards the back of the club and the river.

  ‘Great to know, thanks for that Mia.’

  ‘I miss him Lex,’ I sighed. ‘I miss him and I miss fucking him. God next week’s going to be a BITCH.’

  ‘Pipe down will you? You think you’re whispering, but you’re shouting.’ She put a hand over my mouth. I pushed it away and fumbled in my purse and handed her some notes as we got to the door.

  ‘Here, you’re the deginsated sensible person.’

  ‘I think you mean designated,’ she sighed with a shake of her head.

  ‘That’s what I said.’

  ‘Whatever. I’m in charge of money and buying drinks then?’

  ‘Yes, but do a better job than the post box please.’

  ‘Will you ever let me live that down?’ she asked with a frown.

  ‘Only if you keep on top of it. O did your rabbit arrive today?’

  ‘I don’t know,’ she mumbled.

  ‘Lexi Clarke. You forgot to check again didn’t you?’

  ‘Ok fine, I’m shit at remembering things. I’m a crap roommate. Happy now?’

  ‘Not as happy as you’ll be tonight when you get those ears on your clit,’ I giggled.

  ‘Mia, pipe down will you.’

  ‘I’ll be yelling at you to pipe down. It’ll blow your mind,’ I nodded.

  ‘Seriously? It’s that good?’

  ‘In the absence of a guy, yeah,’ I nodded.

  ‘Can we just go home now then?’ she pleaded.

  ‘No, I came to dance,
please let me dance a while. Besides you may change your mind and pick someone up to have sex with. I mean rabbit’s good, but he’s no substitute for penis, you know what I mean?’

  ‘I think everyone in the queue knows what you mean, you’re bloody loud when you have a few drinks in you,’ she sighed.

  The noise in the club was insane. It was packed tonight and very hot and steamy. Lexi held my hand and squeezed through to the bar and propped me up against it while she tried to catch someone’s eye. I felt completely free, all the things that had been playing on my mind were gone and I was just in the here, now feeling the music and the alcohol buzz. I felt a hand on my waist and a voice whispered in my ear.

  ‘You’re so hot. Want to dance?’

  I turned around to find it was a guy of about forty, not bad looking. ‘You really think I’m hot?’ I asked, twiddling one of my bunches.

  ‘God yes. Your arse is amazing and those tits,’ he whistled, ‘wow.’

  ‘You’re pretty forthright Mr.’

  ‘Why beat around the bush. We can dance or you can come back to my place, your call.’

  ‘I’m already spoken for,’ I said shaking my head.

  ‘I don’t see a boyfriend darling, so why don’t you let me look after you.’

  I gasped as he lunged at me and made a grab for my bottom and I took a surprised stumble backwards. Lexi stepped in front of me and pushed him back.

  ‘Back off buddy, she’s not interested, so leave her alone.’

  ‘You her girlfriend are you? Happy to take you both on,’ he leered.

  ‘Actually she’s with me, so please leave.’ I felt a protective arm go around my shoulder and looked around to see Milo, accompanied by Dan.

  ‘Fucking prick tease,’ muttered the guy as he flashed me a glare and walked off.

  ‘That was rude. Lexi he was very rude, I did nothing.’

  ‘I know you didn’t Mia, he was just a lecherous old jerk. I think this will be your last alcoholic drink though.’

  ‘You sound just like Gabe, I miss him. What’s going on? I want to dance, can we go and dance?’

  ‘I’m just waiting for our drinks then we can go and dance ok,’ Lexi replied. ‘Thanks for coming over you two.’

  ‘No problem, looks like we have a few more to see off.’ Milo smiled as he pushed me behind him when some more guys approached us.

  I started dancing around Milo and Dan, practicing some of the dance moves I’d seen last night, making them laugh as we waited at the bar. Lexi handed me my drink and gave me a disapproving frown, so I pulled my tongue out at her, then knocked it back in one as they all looked at me open mouthed.

  ‘What? It was yummy and I was thirsty. Can we dance now?’

  ‘You go with her Lex, Dan and I will stay with here with your drink, we’re not really into dancing.’

  ‘Cheers Milo.’

  ‘Thanks Milo. Come on Lex, they have some old school dance classics and I’m ready to shake my junk.’

  ‘Great, why am I the bloody sober one? Again?’

  I grabbed her hand and pushed my way into the middle of the dance floor as “Bad Romance” started playing. We started dancing in the crowd and I could feel my skin vibrating with the music as I closed my eyes and let my body sway to the rhythm. I grabbed Lexi and we started gyrating together and laughing. She moved behind me and put her arm around my waist and as we moved as one, guys around us stood still and watched us and I saw one get a shove from his girlfriend, which made me laugh even more.

  ‘Lex, we’re on fire tonight,’ I shouted.

  ‘I know, I can’t believe our little display still attracts so much attention.’

  ‘We’re hot Lexi Clarke and those men are just drooling at the thought of us fucking.’

  ‘Not even in my most desperate hour Mia, especially now I have Orgie to play with.’

  ‘Me neither, but I like to let them think we would. It makes me feel really sexy to watch them wanting us.’

  We continued with our dance and I saw a girl in a suit approaching us.

  ‘Hey you two,’ she pointed. ‘Want to get on the podiums?’

  ‘I’d love to get on the podium.’

  ‘I’m not drunk,’ moaned Lexi.

  ‘Lexi, just dance like we were just dancing, it’s no different.’

  ‘So are you in or do I need to find someone else?’ asked suit girl.

  ‘We’re in.’ I grabbed Lexi’s hand and followed the girl to the DJ booth.

  We were let in and separated as we climbed some steps at either end that led up to the podiums, they had chrome waist height railings and jutted out over the dance floor. As I stepped out onto mine I noticed there was a gap at the back with some steps leading to a walkway that circled around and back down to the dance floor. I screamed as the DJ put on Fedde Le Grand “Let me think about it” and I started to dance and heard a load of cheers go up from the crowd who were eye level with my waist and obviously had a good look up my skirt at my ruffled knickers. I saw a sea of school uniforms jumping and shaking and just let go and swayed my hips and ground up, down and around, deliberately bending over and shaking my bottom at the crowd, which made them go crazy. I laughed as they shouted and I circled slowly around, trying to be as sexy as Cindy in the strip club. I loved dancing, it always made me so happy.

  I suddenly felt my skin tingle as the music faded out and a real old classic Rui da Silva “Touch Me” came on, mum used to play it over and over at home. As I danced and listened to the words ‘You’ll always be my baby’ I starting thinking about Gabe. I was even convinced I saw him as I looked out over the dance floor. As the bass kicked in and started thumping I raised my arms and swayed, imagining he was dancing with me, sexily, like he had on our first date. I suddenly felt a hand go around my waist and a body press up behind me. My skin burned where the hand lay on my exposed stomach and I gasped, I’d know his scent anywhere, as well as that erection pressed into my bottom.

  ‘You touch my mind in special places, my heart races with you,’ his voice whispered into my ear in time with the music. I twisted round and sighed as I looked into his deep blue eyes.

  ‘GABE. Gabe, god I’ve missed you soooo much. What are you doing here?’

  ‘I came for you,’ he growled, his voice dripping with sex. ‘You look bloody amazing.’

  He pulled me into him tightly, one arm around my waist and made me move with him to the music. He could really dance, the heat between us was scorching, my breasts started tingling and my clit throbbing, he had a direct line to my pleasure centre. I could feel his erection against my hip bone as he pushed a thigh between mine and we dirty danced, grinding and swaying and one of his hands went under my skirt to knead my bottom. I was startled by a roar from the crowd behind me, now Gabe was here I’d totally forgotten they were there. I put my arms around his neck, found his lips and kissed him slowly, deeply and he responded as we moved. Our bodies were so close, I could feel his heart pounding against my chest. I pulled back and whispered in his ear.

  ‘Take me home Gabe, I need you.’

  He lifted me up onto his hips and cheering started from the crowd below as he palmed my bottom. I hooked my legs around his back and wrapped my arms around his neck as he turned around and carried me off the podium and down the walkway. I nibbled his neck and ear as he carried me around to the VIP area and sat down on a low brown leather cube stool, with me straddling him and I let my fingers run through his hair. I heard him groan as his arms wrapped around my waist, my need for him was drowning me.

  ‘I thought we were going home?’ I asked as I took in the sight of him in his black jeans and a fitted white shirt with a black paisley pattern on the turned back cuffs.

  ‘We need to talk Mia.’

  ‘God you look so fucking sexy,’ I murmured against his neck.

  ‘And you’re swearing, you’re so wasted Mia,’ he sighed. ‘You were virtually lap dancing up there with your knickers and tits on display.’

  ‘I was having fun,
I wanted to feel sexy.’

  ‘O believe me you look sexy, so fucking sexy I want to bend you over this table right now, rip your knickers off, spank you, then fuck you, roughly,’ he spat, sounding very annoyed and horny.

  ‘Don’t say it if you don’t mean it,’ I exclaimed as I sat upright and looked in his eyes, praying it wasn’t an idle threat.

  ‘I do mean it,’ he growled. ‘Fucking hell what would you’ve done if I’d not come? This is why I didn’t want you out without me. You’re so out of control.’

  ‘Don’t be mad with me Gabe. I was never alone. Lexi’s been looking after me and Milo and all his friends.’

  ‘I bet he bloody has. If he’s laid a finger on you I swear I’ll ...’ he stopped frustrated and ruffled his hair.

  ‘He’s been the perfect gentlemen as always. Please can we go home? I need you inside me, I ache for you Gabe.’ The throbbing between my legs was unbearable and to feel his erection pulsating through his jeans and the thin material of my knickers was too much after six days without him inside me.

  ‘Mia you’re too drunk, you know how I feel about not having sex when you’re drunk, it’s unfair.’

  ‘So you get drunk then, if we’re both drunk no one’s taking unfair advantage.’


  ‘Gabe please, for me. I need you, like I’ve never needed you before. Do it for me, to please me,’ I asked, batting one of his favourite expressions back at him. I started toying with his hair again and nibbling his neck.

  ‘Baby please stop.’

  ‘Don’t you want me anymore?’ I pouted as I sat back and looked into his eyes.

  ‘I always want you,’ he sighed. ‘I just paid for a four hour bloody taxi ride to get back to you.’

  ‘Why? You weren’t due back until the morning.’ I ran my fingers over his lips and he kissed them.

  ‘You go to strip clubs with the bloody Italian sexual predator, do sexy facetime and now you go out to get drunk looking … like this,’ he waved his hand up and down my body. ‘You think I’m going to just sit in a crappy hotel room with Doug and wait until tomorrow to see you? I was on my way back in the taxi before you even sent the bloody page three picture, because I was worried about you and I wanted to be here for you.’


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