Baggage & Buttons

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Baggage & Buttons Page 38

by C. J. Fallowfield

  ‘Ok you’re good to go.’

  ‘Is there a mirror? I don’t want you sneaking a peak.’

  ‘Yes there’s a mirror, so I have to close my eyes as well?’

  ‘Yes please and hurry up, I’m desperate and I can’t hold it much longer.’

  ‘Do I need to cover my ears too?’

  ‘Don’t be silly,’ I chastised. ‘What would be the point you coming in?’

  ‘I’m really not sure why I needed to come in at all Mia,’ he chuckled.

  ‘It needs to be fair, a relationship needs to be fair Gabe.’

  ‘Then thank you for being so considerate baby, please will you get on with it, I’m hungry.’ I sighed and started, I’d not been since Lexi and I had left our apartment. I put my knees together and picked at the tops of my socks as it flowed. ‘Jesus christ Mia, how much longer?’

  ‘I had a lot to drink and you’re putting me off,’ I moaned as I slowed to a tinkle. ‘Sssshhhh my bladder’s going all shy.’

  ‘Ok,’ he whispered and I started again, about thirty seconds later I sighed, that felt so much better.

  ‘Mia I could swim the length of the pool in time you just took to do that. How often do you go?’

  ‘About once a day, I usually have better things to do. Don’t turn around, this is the embarrassing bit.’

  ‘Mia I’ve seen you masturbate and helped clean you up after sex, wiping yourself after you pee isn’t the most embarrassing thing you could let me see.’

  ‘Well it’s a step too far for me, so you keep your eyes closed. Right done.’ I stood up and flushed the chain and he turned around and smiled.

  ‘Great now can we go and eat?’

  ‘No. I haven’t washed my hands. God tell me I’m not going out with one of those guys that holds his dick to pee then doesn’t wash his hands as that’s disgusting.’

  ‘I always wash my hands. Here change places and wash,’ he ordered. I stood at the sink and bent forwards to turn on the taps and heard him mutter something.

  ‘Are you looking at my bare behind Gabe?’

  ‘Yes and it’s very pink, are you sure I didn’t smack you too hard?’ he asked. I looked at his reflection in the mirror and saw he was frowning and when I caught his eye I smiled.

  ‘No I liked it, so please don’t feel all guilty, for some reason I enjoy it. So what are we having to eat?’

  ‘Are you hungry too? What did you eat today?’


  ‘Mia don’t tell me you’ve had nothing all day and then gone out drinking on an empty stomach?’ I looked at him, holding his gaze. ‘Mia?’

  ‘You said not to tell you, so I’m not telling you.’

  ‘So you’ve had nothing all day?’ he snapped. I squirmed under his intense scrutiny. He was extra hot when he was all stern.

  ‘Make your mind up, you want to know, you don’t want to know, now you do want to know again.’

  ‘Mia, what did you have?’

  ‘I had coffee and fruit juice with a bit of vodka in and some beers,’ I shrugged as I dried my hands on the towel.

  ‘Mia Page, if you didn’t enjoy being spanked so much, so help me god,’ he growled and spun me around and threw me over his shoulder.

  ‘Gabe, put me down,’ I shrieked, while I giggled.

  ‘I’m taking you back to the kitchen, where you’ll drink some more water while I make us dinner.’

  ‘You’re making me horny again with your hand rubbing on my bottom.’

  ‘You think I’m not horny with you parading around my house looking like that? Dinner first, sex after.’

  ‘Sex first, dinner after.’

  ‘This isn’t a negotiation Mia,’ he laughed as he plonked me back on the island.

  ‘You’re really not a fun drunk Gabe,’ I sighed. He refilled my water and got himself one and I watched as he put a large frying pan on the hob, turned it on and threw in some butter then boiled the kettle. He turned and looked at me and I saw his pupils dilate as he looked at my nipples.

  ‘I’ll be right back,’ he sighed and left the kitchen. I heard him run up the stairs and then seconds later run down again. He came back in holding out his shirt from earlier. ‘Take your shoes and skirt off and put this on. I can’t concentrate looking at you like that.’

  He lifted me down and kissed me and quickly turned to pour the boiling water into the saucepan and grabbed a jar full of pasta twists out of the cupboard and threw some handfuls in along with some salt and let it bubble and boil away. I found it relaxing watching him cook and also very sexy, especially when he was half naked and delicious, so I just stood watching him. He went to the fridge and rummaged some items out and went back to the pan and nodded at his shirt, still in my hand. I pulled off my shoes and wriggled my skirt over my hips, stepped out of it and pulled his shirt on. I did a couple of buttons up at the waist and undid my hair from my bunches and bent over to fluff it all back out. When I stood back up he was watching me.

  ‘God I’m so damn lucky, you’re one hot piece of ass Page.’

  ‘I’m not just a piece of meat you know,’ I mock protested.

  ‘You’re a Kobe steak baby, delicious, tender, melt in the mouth and very expensive,’ he grinned. I’d never heard of a Kobe steak so I didn’t know why he thought it was so special, but he seemed pleased with the comparison so I smiled. He patted the worktop next to him. ‘Come up here.’

  ‘You‘re cooking.’

  ‘You can sit here and watch.’ He patted the worktop again, so I walked over, being careful not to slip in my socks on the polished travertine floor. I hopped up on the counter and crossed my legs as he grabbed my glass of water and handed it back to me. I pulled my tongue out at him, making him laugh and I drank as I watched while he chopped turkey strips and sliced mushrooms and fried them then tipped in some wine, cream and paprika.

  ‘I could watch you cook all day,’ I said. He tasted his sauce and held out the spoon for me to try and smiled as I licked my lips. After trying some pasta, he drained it and threw it into the frying pan and stirred it all up.

  ‘Finish your water for me please baby,’ he said as he drained his glass. I drank it, as I knew arguing with him was futile. He refilled our glasses, disappeared with them and came back and winked at me as he filled the bowls. He helped me down, kissed me then handed me one of the bowls and a spoon, grabbed his and took my free hand and led me to the kitchen door.

  ‘Aren’t we eating at the table?’

  ‘No, I’ve made a fire in my lounge and we’re going to curl up on the sofa, nice and warm and eat.’

  ‘Your lounge? How many lounges do you have?’

  ‘My lounge is the original one, dad has his own in the old dining room and we have a sort of extra room in the basement, which we’ll use tomorrow night.’ He led me down the hall.

  ‘A sex dungeon?’ I exclaimed, my eyes widening at the thought.

  ‘No, a cinema room, sorry to disappoint,’ he laughed as he flashed me one of his knicker wetting smiles.

  He opened the door on the left, next to the front door and I followed him through and he closed it behind me. It was directly below his bedroom and decorated in the same grey and white. He’d closed the shutters and there was a roaring fire in the original cast iron fire place, over which was a huge silver framed mirror. Like my apartment there were original floor to ceiling bookcases that had been painted white and were full of DVD’s and books. He had the most enormous, very deep, black leather L shaped sofa in the corner, covered with big cream mohair scatter cushions with cream fleece throws over each arm. He sat in the corner and pulled me down next to him. I tucked up my legs under me and tried a mouthful of dinner.

  ‘Good?’ he asked, as he saw me licking my lips.

  ‘Hmmm yes, you’re so good at cooking, cooking and sex,’ I smiled and he kissed my forehead.

  ‘It’s easy, you saw how quick that was, it took about ten minutes. You could easily do that at home instead of eating crap all the time.’ I kiss
ed him on the cheek and we both ate in silence. I completely emptied my bowl, as did he and he took it off me and put them both on his coffee table. ‘Still hungry? Can I get you anything else?’ he asked as he put his arm around me. I leaned into him and put my head on his chest.

  ‘No thanks, that was so good, I’m full.’

  ‘How are you feeling? Sobering up yet?’

  ‘I still feel a bit tipsy, but not drunk. You?’

  ‘Same,’ he replied kissing the top of my head.

  ‘Why don’t you’ve a TV in your lounge?’

  ‘I do,’ he laughed.

  ‘Where is it?’

  ‘Watch.’ He reached behind him and I looked and saw there was a narrow shelf running along the back of the sofa, on which he’d put our glasses of water. It also had his remotes and he grabbed one, pointed and clicked and I gasped as the mirror turned into a TV.

  ‘Wow Gabe, that’s amazing.’

  ‘It’s good isn’t it? Just didn’t seem in keeping with the house to have a big wall mounted TV staring at me from above an original fire place.’

  ‘No, that’s much better.’

  He flicked through some channels and picked Heart FM and left it on low in the background then put his arm back around me and kissed my hair. I smiled, the music, the fire, he was getting all romantic and to think he’d told me he wasn’t good at romance. I caressed my bangle on my arm as I looked around the room again. He’d large pictures on the wall, all cityscapes taken at night and this time, unlike the artwork in his bedroom, they were in colour. I recognised New York with the Empire State building lit up, another was of the Sydney Opera house with psychedelic colours on its white tiled roof and I studied the third and frowned.

  ‘It’s Hong Kong harbour.’

  ‘What are all the spears of light?’

  ‘The do a laser light show at 8 every night on the main island and that’s the view of it from the apartment.’

  ‘It’s so beautiful.’

  ‘You’re so beautiful, come and kiss me,’ he ordered. He tucked a leg up and slid it down behind me and shuffled, so he was half lying down, with me between his legs. He pulled me down so I lay on top of him, pushed my hair back up off my face and draped it over my shoulder. I giggled as he ran his finger down my nose and traced the outline of my mouth, before placing a hand on the back of my neck and pulling me down to meet his lips, halting my giggles in their tracks. He was so gentle this time, I felt his lips swell as they caressed mine, which responded in kind and my stomach fluttered. I closed my eyes and let out a low moan as I pushed a hand into his hair above his ear.

  I felt his hand slide under my shirt to cup my bottom and his thumb gently stroking my soft skin. I slid an arm under his and held onto his shoulder and sighed as our tongues met. It took no time at all for me to feel myself responding to his intimacy again, somehow he knew I was ready for him, he already knew my body better than I did. He rolled me onto my back and lay next to me on his side and slowly undid the buttons of the shirt. He pushed it open to look at my body, virtually naked except for the tie and knee high socks and I gasped as he ran his finger across my collarbone and then followed it with a trail of slow soft kisses, my skin prickling under the gentleness of them. He did the same down between my breasts and across my stomach and I moaned as he licked his way back up to find my mouth again. I slid my hand into the back of his boxers to grip his firm bottom. After so many intense orgasms tonight, how could he make me respond to him already? How could my body be crying out for him yet again?

  ‘God I love kissing you,’ he whispered as he looked into my eyes. My chest was heaving and my stomach churned inside to see the way he was looking at me and my eyes filled up with tears. ‘What’s wrong?’ he asked, stroking the side of my face.

  ‘The way you look at me sometimes, it’s like I’m so precious to you and I’m so frightened of disappointing you.’

  ‘How could you disappoint me?’ he asked, looking at me puzzled.

  ‘I fuck up Gabe, I do things that make you really cross, I get you mad like today and then there’s all this drama with my insides and an operation. I just worry that it’s all too much for you. That you’ll go back to girls that it’s easy with, that one day you’ll never look at me like that again, you won’t want me anymore.’

  ‘Mia,’ he sighed as he ran a thumb over my bottom lip. ‘We’re never going to agree on everything, we may get angry and cross with each other, but that will never stop me loving you, you’re the one, the only one for me. As for your op, you really think I’d just walk away because you’re having a few health problems? I promise you, the only thing that would drive me away would be you cheating on me, or leaving me for someone else. That would break my heart and I don’t know if I’d ever recover from that.’

  ‘I’d never do that to you Gabe, I promise. You’re all I want, I’ve never felt this way before, never wanted anyone so badly. You really think I’d cheat on you?’

  ‘I’m just so scared of losing you Mia, I’ve never wanted anyone like this either and to see you so drunk tonight with all those guys lusting over you ...’ he closed his eyes, shuddered and shook his head before looking at me again, worry etched all over his face.

  ‘I was just having fun Gabe, but I’d never have gone off with anyone else. I’d never do that to you, you’ve got to believe me. I could never cheat on you as I’d die if you did the same to me. You’re all I need Gabe, you’re everything I ever needed. I let you into my heart, even though I was terrified and I’m still terrified, but I love you.’ I felt tears rolling down my cheeks.

  ‘O baby don’t cry, it makes me so sad to see you cry.’ He kissed the tears off my face and pulled me into his arms and held me. ‘What can I do to make you feel better?’

  ‘I need to feel close to you,’ I whispered as I clung to him, his warm muscular body pressing against mine feeling so comforting.

  ‘We are close, I’m wrapped all around you baby,’ he whispered back as he hugged me even more tightly.

  ‘I want you to hold me while you’re inside me, I feel so connected to you then, it’s like nothing can ever hurt me.’ I was close to Lexi, but the connection I had with Gabe when we were having sex was something else, a whole other level that I’d never imagined could exist. He let go of his grip of me and kissed me before sitting up.

  ‘I’d die before I let someone hurt you Mia.’

  ‘Gabe,’ I winced to see the sincerity in his eyes, he really seemed to mean it, was I really that important to him?

  He stood up and tugged gently on my tie and I looked up at him through the tears clinging to my lashes and stood up. He pushed the shirt off my shoulders letting it drop to the floor, then led me by the tie to the fire, onto a large cream sheepskin rug and stood in front of me, just studying me. He ran his hands down each side of my body, cutting in at my waist, then out over my hips, before he dropped to his knees and lay a trail of kisses from one hip bone across to the other, pausing over my tattoo and tracing it again with his index finger, like he had on Saturday. I sighed and caressed the top of his head then lowered myself down to kneel in front of him and cupped his face as I kissed him repeatedly.

  ‘Lie down for me,’ he whispered and I did as I was asked, the sheepskin felt so soft against my bare back, the heat of the fire made my hairs stand on end, sending a warm glow throughout my body. Gabe put one of the mohair cushions under my head and stood back up and kept looking down at me as he undid the remaining buttons on his jeans. He stuck his thumbs in the waistband and slowly lowered them, along with his boxers. I gasped as I watched every inch of his lower body unwrapped, he was better than any present I’d ever received. He looked down at me as he stepped out of his clothes.

  ‘You’re looking at me now, like you did the first night I saw you,’ he said quietly, looking slightly overcome with emotion.

  ‘No,’ I said, shaking my head vehemently. ‘It would’ve just been lust then Gabe, because I didn’t know you, now I do it’s a combination o
f lust and love.’

  ‘Mia,’ he sighed, looking so happy at my declaration. I parted my legs, putting my ankles either side of his and stretched my hands above my head arching my back. He looked down at me lying there, with just my socks and tie and bit his lip and shook his head, a look of disbelief on his face.

  ‘Make love to me Gabe,’ I whispered. I needed that gentle intimate contact with him all of a sudden, not rough hot wild sex like normal. I needed to feel how much he loved me, not just my body. He sank back down so he was kneeling between my legs, slowly lowered himself down and entered me, barely breaking through the first tight circle of muscle that was so desperate to grip him. I moaned softly as he gently pushed into me and rode all the way up until he could go no further, filling me completely. He groaned and leaned his head down to whisper in my ear.

  ‘Mia, I want you to look at me, don’t take your eyes off mine or close them baby, even when you come. That’s how we connect, that’s how we’re close.’ He kissed the side of my neck, moved to my lips for a minute and then pulled his head back and looked straight into my eyes as he started to glide in and out of me, slowly and rhythmically.

  ‘Gabe,’ I sighed. I moaned louder and lifted my chin, my mouth widening with my sudden need for oxygen, as I wrapped my legs around his waist and gripped his strong muscular shoulders. I felt myself tighten around him and he groaned, but kept his focus on my eyes. I worked with his timing clenching tightly around him on every push in, releasing as he withdrew. I felt the tingling in my pelvis that always precedes my orgasms and gasped as I felt my eyes starting to close, to savour the moment.

  ‘Keep looking at me Mia,’ he whispered. My mouth opened wider as I inhaled the hot air and looked up at him, fighting the urge to close them and give into the sensations as he moved in and out, in and out, gently, but relentlessly. The intensity of his gaze felt even more penetrating than his length or girth inside me.

  ‘Gabe I can’t, it’s too much,’ I groaned.

  ‘Don’t close them Mia, I need you to keep them open,’ he ordered, gently. I could tell from his breathing, his face and his stomach muscles tightening that he was ready to come as well.


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