Lyon's Den (The Lyon Book 6)

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Lyon's Den (The Lyon Book 6) Page 10

by Jordan Silver

  We left the women in the house and headed out back for some privacy and there is where I learned what had happened.

  Chapter 16

  They were all set to come to my place because Elena had invited all the women to the surprise shower. Cierra Mancini was in the field and would be coming later than the others.

  On the way here in differing stages, they got the call that Catalina had been taken and rescued and that Kat had gone into labor.

  Mancini who wasn’t supposed to be here for another day at least had flown out after talking to Jared who’d told him that we had the asshole in our warehouse.

  “I knew that you would kill him and I couldn’t let that happen. The cops would’ve had no choice but to look at you and I can imagine in that position you wouldn’t have been thinking straight. We thought it best that one of us take it from there.”

  “We? Who is we?” I looked around at all the men gathered in my backyard.

  “All of us!” Logan answered for all of them, which is pretty much what I suspected.

  Mancini had made the decision to take point on this one and the others rallied around my family and I while he did his thing. No one told me shit, including Jared.

  Now Mancini was standing in my backyard smoking a cigar like he hadn’t just fed a motherfucker to sharks.

  “What about the other one?”

  “Creed?” Law turned to our mutual friend with a grin.

  “Don’t worry about him, he ain’t coming back.”

  “Do you need cleanup or you took care of it?” Mancini asked. And people think I’m the one who’s fucked in the head.

  “Dude, this is not my first time at the Rodeo. I have the best cover. I’m here for my wife to attend a baby shower. How could I possibly have time to get involved in this shit?” Murdering fuck!

  “Seriously though Lyon, all we’re interested in is the fact that none of this can come back to you, you and your boys are accounted for.” Well there is that.

  Conversation soon turned to my triplets and all the

  pregnancies and what we as men were going to be busy doing in the next few months.

  It was obvious the women planned to be there for each other during the time leading up to labor dates so we got out our phones and tried coordinating that shit.

  Funniest shit I’ve ever seen. Grown men trying to calculate early labor versus full term pregnancies. I can’t even with this shit. I was still trying to figure out what the fuck Creed had done with the other asshole.

  “I took him out to pasture.”

  “The fuck that mean?”

  “Do you know what lives in the woods and forest around this area?”

  “Mountain lions, coyotes….Damn, did you hang around long enough to make sure?”

  “Don’t ask me fuck stupid questions Colt. I didn’t spend all these years in the service for nothing.”

  I guess that was my cue to stop asking questions. For the next half an hour I learned that these boys had everything covered and their reason for keeping me out of the loop was so that I knew nothing and couldn’t be implicated.

  It was a good fucking plan all around. What I wasn’t expecting was Todd showing up at my door later that evening. Caitiebear had told him what happened with her little sister and this kid showed up at my door.

  He was making it harder and harder to hate his ass. “Good evening Mr. Lyon, how are you?” He had flowers and teddy bears and a whole host of other shit in his hands.

  Mengele saw him and came running. He hugged her and they had a conversation right there in my doorway that convinced me it wasn’t their first. Fucking kid was entrenched in my family.

  He spent more than enough time with my wife who was all smiles and giggles, the fuck! Caitiebear had a permanent smile on her face and the women in my house had lost their fucking minds.

  The guys were all with me on this one. The kid had to go! Of course Kat overheard me plotting to end his ass and copped an attitude. I need her shit.

  “Colton, leave that child alone. He rushed here from hundreds of miles away to be with our family at such a time, the least you can do is be nice.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Why don’t she take her post pregnancy ass back inside with the other women and take her nose outta my shit?

  Of course that wasn’t gonna happen and it wasn’t long before she got the other females riled up with their shit. It’s always a pleasure to watch these boys handle their shit, and the fact that they were all on my side just made shit sweeter.

  The kid didn’t seem to know that his life was in danger because he was walking around my house like king fucking shit.

  “Hank, how hungry were those sharks?”

  “Colt my man I feel your pain and as much as I’m on your side the kid’s got to do something to deserve my brand of punishment.”

  “I don’t give a fuck how innocent he is. He keep sniffing around my kid he’s gonna become a statistic.” That just started off a whole new slew of comments. All of which pretty much sided with me.

  To add insult to injury, the women all fawned over him, he was the fucking star of the show. I’ma gut his ass and leave him for the birds. I totally lost my shit when it came time to decide where his ass was gonna sleep.

  His seventeen year old ass had planned to stay in a hotel his parents had paid for but my nosy ass wife and mother decided that wasn’t gonna work for them.

  “If by some miracle he ends up sleeping under my roof he won’t make it ‘til morning.” I whispered that shit to Kat while she was sitting at the table eating some green shit the women had concocted.

  Elena’s enabling ass decided to take him to her house; traitorous fuck! The pothead didn’t give a fuck. Now that the crisis was over he was back to hitting the pipe like his life depended on it.

  The only support I had were the guys, who were out numbered and out talked by the hen pack. “Dude, these women are vicious as fuck.” Tyler sat beside me as we took in the room and its


  Dinner was over and everyone was winding down. My wife and kids were safe and healthy, our friends had staged an impromptu party to replace the baby shower and you wouldn’t believe some dark shit had gone down in the last few days.

  I never had a free moment even with all these extra hands around because like all my kids, my triplets only wanted daddy.

  People say they’re too young to know but I know this shit and when my little girls look up at me and yawn with their little hands waving in the air, I know they know me. Either by scent, heartbeat, voice.

  I don’t know how the fuck they do it, but every last one of my kids do that shit. Cayleigh, Cayla, and Cady, were no different. Daddy’s little angels; or the next generation of hell-raisers.

  Yes all my daughters have names that begin with C like me, and their mother can bitch all she wants and get the ovary brigade on her side, I give a fuck. They’re mine.

  I sent Elena home when she started dragging ass and once everyone was out of my house and I’d done my walkthrough I headed for bed. My ass was beyond tired. This one was wide a fucking wake.

  “Why are you up?”

  “I’m not sleepy.” I guess she didn’t think I was supposed to be either since she had my side of the bed covered with her baby loot.

  “Where you plan on putting all that shit? I thought you were gonna use Mengele’s baby shit?” Fucking kids have more clothes than me and they aren’t even a week old.

  “We have more than enough space since you expanded the nursery. I still think you’re going too far with the other additions. By the time they’re ready to be in their own room, Caitlin and the twins are going to be away at college…”

  I headed for the shower without answering her ass. She’s always in an all fired hurry to get rid of my kid. That’s why she’d stayed her ass up, just to annoy me.

  “Caitie’s bedroom is going to stay hers until she’s fifty.” I poked my head back out the door to deliver that par
ting shot before slamming the shit again.

  Her ornery ass was still awake when I came out half an hour later. “I’m tired Kat, you and your kids kept my ass running for twenty-four hours straight. I suggest you put that shit away and take your ass to sleep.”

  I took the shit off the bed and put it on a chair before turning out the light. She grumbled at my ass all the way. “I wasn’t done Colton Lyon.” Her huffy ass!

  “Listen superwoman, I know it’s gonna take about another six months before you come back down to earth but some of us don’t have an overdose of estrogen running through their shit. Go to sleep.”

  I carefully pulled her onto my chest and held her hoping that would be enough but nope, she wanted to talk. “Aren’t our girls the most adorable?” I rolled my eyes and held her closer.

  “Yes they are.” And so were the other six. They’re all adorable before they learn to talk and move on their own. Fuck if I’ma say that shit out loud.

  “Thanks for getting their bracelets so fast.” She wrapped her arm tighter around me and sniffed my shirt. If she only knew.

  “No problem, it’s a tradition.” She hadn’t asked about Catalina’s abduction since we left the hospital. Not once I assured her that our daughter hadn’t been in the asshole’s presence long enough for him to harm her.

  The fact that Mengele was up to her shit as soon as she got home went a long way to reassuring everyone that she wasn’t overly affected by the ordeal.

  “But Colton, how come they all look like you?” Here we go. “The fuck you want them to look like, the neighbor?” Women! That shit cracked her up but I was dead ass serious.

  “Seriously baby, how are you?” It felt good to have my woman in my arms again. I ran my hand down her back to her ass knowing I wasn’t gonna get any, but just loving the feel of her fat ass under my hand.

  “Don’t start nothing you can’t finish Colton Lyon.” I kissed her hair and squeezed her. “I love you Katarina.” She lifted her head for a kiss. “Love you too!”

  She was out seconds later while I stayed awake thinking about my life. Nine fucking kids. My ass was done at Cody or so I thought, but now I was starting all over again with three daughters no less. Four boys and five girls. Fucking Kat always have to one-up my ass.



  “Uncle Hank, can you get me some castor beans?” This kid, she keeps you on your toes; always up to something. Add the fact that she’s her dad’s carbon copy and well…

  “Who are you planning to poison little girl?”

  “Who-what? No one, what do you mean? I have to go mommy’s calling me. Coming mommy.” The little sneak hung up as I grinned.

  I hung up on my end and called her dad. “Lyon, what did you do to piss off your daughter lately?”

  “Which one? The damn place is crawling with them.”

  “My girl.”

  “Mengele? Nothing why, what did she say?”

  “Well, she’s trying to get her hands on castor beans and knowing your kid as I have come to, there can be only one reason for that.”

  “Fuck me, Catalina, get in here.” The panic in his voice cracked me the hell up.

  “I’ll go and let you take care of that little issue. Call me if she drops any bodies and you need help with clean up. Then again you’re pretty good at that shit yourself.”

  “Fuck you, I have to go deal with Hitler’s youth catch you later.” I hung up and went in search of my wife. Her new round tummy is my latest fascination and I’m secretly hoping for a little Catalina of my own.


  “Which one of your brothers messed with you?” She came in the room looking like the most innocent thing in the world.

  Kat and her fucking daughters are in a race to see which one can do me in fastest. Caitie is a whole new person with lip-gloss and bullshit and always on the damn phone with that boy.

  The triplets are sneaky little fucks always lurking around doors with their six month old asses, and this one, she gets worse every damn day.

  I’ve been letting her get away with shit for the last little while because of the incident and she’s been milking that shit for all it’s worth.

  “Nobody messed with me daddy.” If her eyes got any wider they’d be saucers. I couldn’t tell her that her uncle Hank had ratted her out because she’d make his life a living hell.

  The cold war has nothing on this kid when she has a grudge against you. The only one she doesn’t pull that shit with is me and her mother. The pothead bribes her to get her out of her funk, and Elena is still scared of her. Smart woman.

  “What is it that you’re doing now?” I waited for whatever half-truth she was gonna tell me. She’s a fucking terror, she wouldn’t outright lie to me, but she still knows how to skirt the truth better than any of those fucks on Capitol Hill.

  “An experiment.” Always a fucking experiment with this one. The last one almost took the house to the ground with her shit.

  She told me after the smoke had cleared that she was trying to replicate, that was her exact word, somebody called Fat man and Little boy.

  I didn’t know what the fuck until I was retelling the story to Logan and he explained that Fat man and Little boy were the nicknames of the first atomic bombs made in the U.S. Now this shit.

  “KAT.” I told her to keep an eye on this kid or the next time I’m finding a reform school for her ass. I read all of Kat’s pregnancy shit over the years and nowhere in there did it say I was gonna have to deal with this shit. Where the fuck did this kid come from?

  “Daddy stop yelling, mommy just put the kids to sleep, it’s the first sane minute I’ve had all day.”

  “Come again.” I hope to fuck she wasn’t planning to off one of the trips.

  The others can defend themselves, sort of, even Cody has learned to avoid and evade. But my little girls are so innocent they have no idea their big sister is Rosemary’s Baby. They follow her around all day, now I guess this one has had enough.

  “They don’t let me breathe daddy.” What the fuck…

  “What do you mean? You’re six years old, you don’t need to breathe.” What the fuck am I saying?

  “Daddy, I can’t do stuff with them in the way, can’t we send them to nana’s to live?” She gave me a very hopeful look. I was onto her shit.

  She’d tried selling Cody once he started crawling. I’d tanned her ass when I caught her at it, but I guess the shit had worn off and she was ready for another auction.

  “Mengele listen to me, I’m through talking to you about this shi…stuff. They live here, you live here and if I catch you doing anything to your sisters or brothers again it’s off to that place in Colorado I told you about.”

  She rolled her fucking eyes at me, folded her arms and tapped her foot. “There’re too many people in this house.” Well now, she got a point. The fuck am I thinking?

  “Tough, and you still haven’t answered the question. What do you need with castor beans?” Before she could answer the horse she’d conned me into buying her walked into the room.

  I’ma fly to Alaska and rip that mother fucking dog breeder a new asshole. That fuck didn’t tell me this shit was gonna get this big this fast.

  He walked over to her and I kept my eye on him because this fucking dog thinks he pays the bills. I was afraid I was gonna have to get rid of him when the trips started crawling around.

  Something I knew would break my daughter’s heart, but in the end I was wrong. The fucking down herds my kids together better than their mother or I could.

  The first time I caught him barking out a warning when one of them toppled over and couldn’t roll, I knew he was a keeper.

  I have to admit the dog is a great protector and he loves the fuck outa my kids, especially Mengele. He was already almost as tall as her and still growing.

  “What does that dog want?” She had her arm around his neck and from the look she gave me I think she was giving serious thought to threatening me with the
damn dog.

  I wouldn’t put it past her. The shit she teaches that dog to do would be illegal in most states, but I’m not getting involved. As long as the shit lets me in the door in the evenings when I came home we’re good.

  “Daddy, if Bunny bites someone protecting me would they put him down?” Oh fuck! I swallowed hard but didn’t show it.

  “I’d never let that happen.” She smiled wide and ran to me. I opened my arms and hugged my baby. She loves that damn dog. “Thanks daddy.”

  I watched the two of them leave the room and swear to fuck, when the dog turned his head at the door and gave me a look I’m pretty sure he was saying ‘I’m watching you’.

  I had to go find Kat, because I was starting to put the picture together. Either the dog had tried to bite someone, or had scared someone or some fuck and that person threatened to have it put down. Enter the reason for the castor beans.

  Yeah, that’s where my head has to go when dealing with Mengele because that’s who the fuck my kid is. Pretty sure it isn’t one of her siblings so that’s a load off.

  If one of these asshole neighbors threatened my kid or her dog I’ll let the fuck eat them. Yes I’m that kinda dad. I know what I raised and I have more eyes and ears on my kids than an undercover swat team at a sting.

  She was folding baby clothes on our bed, humming some shit about work-work-work-work-work and shaking her fine ass. I forgot what the hell I came in here in for.

  She’d found these new shorts somewhere that hugs her ass and shows off her calves and thighs. My dick sniffed the air and I moved in. She didn’t even know I was there until my hands landed on both ass cheeks.

  She jumped and yelped, looking over her shoulder in surprise. “Colton, you scared me half to death.” She harsh whispered and turned back around to finish what she was doing. Will she never learn?

  I started slow, nibbling on her neck and making my way down to the top of her shoulder while my hands worked on her ass and around to her pussy. She giggled and I felt the slight tremble in her as I lifted her top so I could get my hands on her.


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