Jackson's Rise

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Jackson's Rise Page 14

by Tielle St Clare

  “You can just mark me the way you did her,” Jackson announced.

  “No. Because when we walk into that room tonight, we’re declaring ourselves lovers and these people will see through a lie.” Reign pulled back and once again crossed his arms on his chest, glaring at Jackson. “And you agreed to it, puppy.”

  “Fine,” Jackson said, picking up Reign’s challenge. “Then let’s just do this.” Though Jackson made the announcement, he didn’t move. He looked furious and Reign wasn’t far below him on the pissed off scale. His eyes did a quick scan of the room with all the enthusiasm of a death row inmate choosing his execution site.

  Anger vibrated between them as Jackson moved toward the bed.

  Dani held her breath. This wasn’t going to work. Physically it might happen but no one was going to be happy with the result.

  “Wait. Why don’t you try it a different way?” Neither man responded but they didn’t turn away. Now if she could just explain what she meant. “You know, instead of just fucking, try making love.” Both men scoffed and Reign rolled his eyes. “You know what I mean. Kind of like what you did with me.” That got their attention. “Make it sensual instead of just one body pounding into another.”

  Neither man looked at the other or at her. They stared at different patches of carpet.

  “Let’s try this. Come here.” She took each of them by the hand and led them to the foot of the bed, urging them to sit on either side of her, Jackson on her right, Reign on her left. “Okay,” she said after a moment. She turned her head and kissed Jackson. For a moment his lips were unresponsive, then he returned the caress, turning and matching her, his tongue whispering tiny flicks to her upper lip. She pulled back and turned to Reign. He met her, his tongue sinking immediately into her mouth, commanding a response. Breathless at the two sensual but so different kisses, she turned again to Jackson.

  “Dani, it needs to be my scent on him,” Reign said. “We’ve marked you.”

  She looked at him. “Tonight, when we go to this party, I’m trusting both of you to keep me safe, right?”

  Both nodded.

  “Then you need to trust me now.”

  Chapter Ten

  Reign looked like he was going to protest again but after a long pause, he nodded, once. She turned back to Jackson, offering her mouth, open. He growled at her blatant invitation and accepted, driving his tongue between her lips. Reign’s teeth nipped the tight muscle right below her ear and she moaned, dragging herself away from Jackson’s intoxicating kiss. She had to stay in control. For this to work, she had to keep thinking. She turned her head, holding her arm around Jackson, not letting him withdraw as she kissed Reign. She cuddled him close when it was time to pull back and turn her attention to Jackson.

  A few more kisses and she’d worked them close, so close she barely had to turn to taste each man. The tension in Jackson’s shoulders warned her he knew what she was up to but Reign seemed unaware. Or maybe he didn’t mind.

  Drugged on their kisses, she pulled her mouth away from Jackson, biting his lower lip as she retreated, knowing he would follow. He growled and pursued her, trying to capture her mouth. She moved just out of reach and with her hand at the back of his head, urged him…to Reign.

  She nudged Reign forward, guiding him toward Jackson.

  Then she waited, breathless. Would it work?

  They were close. Their mouths only an inch away from each other. Eyes open, they stared at one another.

  Jackson was the first to move. He leaned forward, just enough—a mere whisper of lips against lips, giving Reign space to run if he wanted. Dani saw the glint in his eye. He’d been prepared for an impersonal fuck. This would make it more real.

  But he didn’t retreat. He shifted, turning his head to meet Jackson. For a moment, their lips just touched, nothing more, no movement or caresses, then slowly they adjusted, tilting and sliding until their mouths fit together. She watched, unable to pull her gaze away, captivated by their strong masculine lips moving against one another.

  A flicker of a tongue caught her attention. Jackson drew back—but not far. He grabbed in a quick breath and then returned his opened mouth to Reign.

  Unexpected heat welled up inside her. She wanted to be a part of it, wanted more, but knew she shouldn’t break up this moment. Knew she shouldn’t—

  She must have made some sort of sound because they pulled back, turning away from each other and looking to her.

  “I don’t think she likes being left out,” Reign said. Laughter and heat returned to his eyes.

  “No, it’s not that—” Her protest was stopped by Jackson’s lips on hers, Reign’s mouth on her throat. She groaned and tipped her head back, trying to remember why she couldn’t lie down and let them fuck her. Oh, right, they needed to fuck each other.

  Gathering strength she didn’t know she had, she ripped her mouth from Jackson’s seductive kiss and pushed Reign back.

  “Wait.” Her command came out more of a plea. The fact that she was panting and somehow her robe had opened and both men had their hands inside didn’t help her distraction level. Jackson eased his palm between her legs, his fingers teasing her pussy and oh, it would be so easy to just spread her legs and let them fuck her. It wouldn’t take much to push Jackson over the edge.

  Or Reign for that matter.

  But no, she was on a mission.

  She wiggled backward and after a moment’s hesitation, both men let her go. She squirmed until she was lying in the middle of the bed, her robe open, her pussy displayed. Neither man stared at her tits—they were both fascinated by her cunt.

  “Come here,” she said, offering one hand to Jackson and the other to Reign. Without a glance toward each other, they reached for her. As they crawled up beside her, she turned so she faced Jackson. There was a method to her madness. It might drive her insane but hopefully it would accomplish what they thought needed to be done.

  Reign cuddled up behind her, his cock sliding against her ass. He was hard again. So was Jackson. She wiggled a little closer, his cock bumping against her pussy. The delicate pulses rocked against her clit and she fought the pleasure.

  Temptation surrounded her. The seduction intended for the men seduced her. She wanted them both, fucking her. Later. Once this was over. Holding that promise in her mind, she leaned down and kissed Jackson. He let her lead for a moment then seized control. God he tasted good. His tongue swirled around hers, teasing and tempting until she wanted to crawl inside him.

  Forcing one little bit of her mind on the task at hand, she reached behind her and grabbed Reign’s arm, wrapping him around her. She started him slow, guiding his hand up to her breast. His fingers slipped quickly to the tight nipple and he pinched, hard. Dani cried out and used the moment of freedom to gasp in a breath.

  Lights swirled behind her closed eyes. Jackson’s kiss overwhelmed her even as Reign nibbled on her neck. Heat pulsed inside her pussy and she rolled her hips forward, rocking against Jackson’s erection. He groaned and shifted, sliding his cock between her legs. Oh, that’s what she wanted, wanted him inside her, but no, she had to do this. She picked up Reign’s wandering hand and guided it, sliding it down her hip and forward—onto Jackson’s thigh.

  Tension crackled in the air and Jackson pulled back from their kiss…but she didn’t let go. Her hand on his, she eased Reign into the caress, leading him up Jackson’s side, across his ribs, the tight muscles straining with the first light strokes. She let her fingers skim along beside Reign’s, soothing until Jackson relaxed. Then she let go and waited, meeting Jackson’s piercing stare. He watched her as Reign’s hand paused and then began a slow return stroke, his fingers brushing Jackson’s skin. For a long time, there was no other movement besides Reign’s hand on Jackson, both men adapting to the caress.

  Vaguely aware that time was passing, she leaned forward, urging Jackson onto his back. She rolled with him, pausing on top, savoring the heat of his body beneath hers, letting him feel her, before she sli
pped onto the other side, leaving Jackson between her and Reign. As she lay beside him, she offered her mouth, hoping Reign would follow her lead.

  One long drugging kiss later, she forced herself to retreat. After being fucked so well, it should have been impossible to want more, but she did. The tastes and scents combined inside her to make her pussy clench, aching to be filled. Dragging in a harsh breath, she leaned away, opening the space between Jackson and Reign.

  Nothing happened. The two men stared at each other, each waiting for the other to give in.

  Seconds passed and Dani’s heart sank. It hadn’t worked. She’d just wanted to add a little heat to their practical necessity. But it had failed.

  Then Reign moved.

  Jackson stared at the male above him, over him. He clenched his hand into a fist and fought the instinctive urge to rise up, to conquer instead of submit. Not sure how he’d found himself in this position, he silenced the demands of his pride and waited. Waited.

  The anger in his chest was subsiding. Despite his attraction to Reign, when the moment had come and Reign had explained he intended to fuck him, Jackson had lost it. Probably not for the reasons Reign and Dani believed. Jackson might have been able to go through with it if Reign had kept it clinical but the damn Cat hadn’t been able to resist teasing Jackson about taking it up the ass. Almost like he’d wanted Jackson pissed.

  Dani had managed to calm them down but was this really going to work? He took a breath, ready to tell Reign they’d figure out something else, but before the words could make it from his brain, Reign leaned down and brushed his mouth across Jackson’s. They’d kissed moments ago. This was different. This was freely offered—a prelude to fucking.

  He couldn’t believe he was going to do this. He was going to let Reign fuck him. To actually have him penetrate his ass. The wolf in his head didn’t rebel. The damn thing practically purred, urging Jackson to take more.

  Letting the animal’s instinct lead him, he turned his head and opened his lips, offering Reign a taste. He hesitated, just a moment, before he pushed his tongue inside.

  Jackson crushed a groan before it could escape. He closed his eyes and fell into the kiss. It was different from kissing a woman. Reign was used to being in charge of a kiss. He stroked his tongue, commanding Jackson’s submission. For a moment, Jackson let the other male take the lead, matching his licks and caresses. The wolf rebelled, wanting Reign’s mouth but hating the passive nature.

  Delicious wet heat pressed against Jackson’s thigh and more warmth slid across his chest, tickling his nipple. It took him a moment to catalog the sensations—Dani’s pussy draped across his leg, her mouth on his chest. Reign drew back. Jackson pushed up, chasing him, missing the male’s taste as he pulled away. Reign smiled—arrogant bastard—and returned long enough to bite Jackson’s lower lip, trailing away with a fast lick to the same place.

  Jackson waited, almost expecting Reign to grab the lube and get this moving but the Cat, like Jackson, seemed willing to go where Dani led. And she wasn’t finished with the seduction just yet.

  She pushed herself up, her breasts teasing Jackson’s chest, her pussy pressing down on his hip. Her heat covered his skin as she leaned across him, offering her mouth to Reign.

  Jackson watched as they kissed, their lips and tongues blending and retreating. Again his wolf’s reaction surprised him, growling low, not in anger, in hunger. He licked his lips, wanting to be part of the sexual kiss.

  Dani retreated, leading Reign down. She placed another hot kiss on Jackson’s chest. Reign watched for a moment then mimicked her caress. Jackson hissed as they both kissed and licked, their hands and mouths teasing his skin. He closed his eyes but that made it worse. God, the erotic anticipation of never knowing when, where the next stroke would come made his eyes roll back.

  He lifted his head and watched. Dani’s black hair spilled across his chest, teasing his skin as her tongue trailed down his pecs. Reign, blond and male. His strokes came harsh, biting caresses to the tight lines of Jackson’s stomach, just enough pain to make him want more.

  Reign’s eyes were closed—either he was totally into this or he was imagining that he was fucking a woman.

  As if he heard Jackson’s thought, Reign looked up, meeting Jackson’s stare. Fire flowed from the male’s eyes and he bent down scraping his teeth across Jackson’s skin, leaving a red streak.

  His cock twitched—hell, the damn thing had been hard all day, even fucking Dani hadn’t been enough to ease it. Now this.

  Slim sleek fingers curled around his shaft and Jackson moaned. Reign’s eyes widened then he turned and looked, watching as Dani slid her hand up and down Jackson’s cock. Feeling strangely like an observer, though his cock was throbbing in her hand, he couldn’t pull his eyes away from the scene before him.

  Dani looked at Reign as she placed the tip of her tongue along the underside of the head and licked. Heat shot through Jackson’s cock and he grabbed whatever was near. His right hand gripped the blankets. His left hand landed on Reign’s back. The male didn’t seem to mind the sharp bite of nails into his skin.

  Reign watched Dani’s tongue trail up Jackson’s cock and licked his lips. He knew where this was leading. In moments, Dani was going to pull back, offer that thick erection for Reign’s mouth. He’d fucked guys before—not often but he’d done it—just quick hard ass fucking usually during a Clowder. Never had he considered sucking another man’s dick. Except seeing Dani’s mouth on Jax—yeah, he wanted that. Something about the wolf made him want to do more than an impersonal fuck up the ass—which was probably why he’d been such a dick about it—but he wanted Jackson’s cock in his mouth, wanted to know what it was like to lick the long, hard shaft.

  Even as he thought it, Dani eased back, her lips wet, her eyes hazy with lust. She blinked as if to remind herself they had another purpose and looked at him, asking him to join her. Knowing what she expected, he hesitated, not quite ready to let the wolf know how much he wanted this. He leaned forward and flicked his tongue out, one tentative lick up the side of Jackson’s cock. The reaction that shot through the male’s body was subtle, a mere tightening of his thighs, a soft hiss. Damn, he could do better than that. Tasting Dani as he licked, Reign tried to remember what he liked when others sucked his cock. He bent his head lower and lapped at the base of his shaft, teasing the spot before he moved up, flattening his tongue against the thick rod and slowly working his way to the head.

  This time, Jackson’s response was less controlled. His hips pushed up, a convulsive thrust that Reign recognized. He lifted his head and smiled at Dani.

  “I think he likes this.”

  She nodded.

  “Help me.” It seemed easier, more natural to have Dani joining him. She leaned forward, licking her tongue out, a kitten’s stroke to Jackson’s cock. The sight drew a groan from Reign. He could practically feel her mouth on his dick. He stretched over and kissed her, enjoying the way her flavor mixed with Jackson’s.

  Dani let his kiss linger then drew back, leaving him to face Jackson’s cock on his own. Reign thought about every woman who’d ever sucked him off and tried to recreate the sensations. He slid his hand between Jackson’s legs and cupped his balls, squeezing lightly. Another male would recognize the threat. Jackson groaned and froze, as if waiting to see what Reign had planned.

  He had this male in his hands. Power and pleasure zipped through his skin and he opened his mouth, accepting just the thick head of Jackson’s erection. That earned him a grunt and another shallow thrust of Jackson’s hips. Reign smiled as he pulled back and went to work, determined to drive Jackson crazy.

  He wasn’t sure when he realized that Dani had shifted away—and he was alone, sucking Jackson’s cock. He’d been lost in the sensation and taste, fascinated by Jackson’s responses and the way Reign controlled them with little licks or long strokes. He’d learned that Jackson liked having his balls squeezed, harder than Reign would have imagined. And loved it when Reign rubbed
his tongue on the underside of the head.

  Jackson moaned and rocked his hips up in a restrained thrust. Reign lifted his head. Dani’s leg was curled up, her knee resting on Jackson’s stomach, leaving her pussy open and visible. His cock twitched wanting to invade that tight hole. Dani lay half across Jackson’s chest, their mouths fused in hot, deep tongue kisses.

  A wicked part of his mind protested that his efforts were so casually dismissed. He opened his lips and pushed down, sinking half of Jackson’s cock deep into his mouth. Jackson cried out and arched, punching his shaft a little farther. The head hit the back of Reign’s throat and he almost choked but he fought the sensation, pulling back, sucking, maybe just a little too hard, as he retreated.

  “Oh fuck.” Jackson’s groan filled the room and Reign resisted the desire to smile. He had Jackson’s attention. And he understood why women found such power in sucking a man’s cock. He eased Jackson’s dick back into his mouth, a little slower this time, beginning a distinctive rhythm, designed to make him come.

  Jackson grabbed at the sheets below his hips, not allowing his fingers to sink into Reign’s hair. Fuck, it felt good. He could tell that Reign hadn’t done this before—or if he had, it hadn’t been often—but intent and energy made up for special skills and Reign was intent on making Jackson come.

  “I like watching you,” Dani whispered against his ear. She rubbed her hand across Jackson’s chest, her fingertips teasing his nipples, flicking the hard tiny peaks. “It’s so hot watching your cock slide in and out of his mouth.” She bit his earlobe and Jackson groaned. Her words floated in and out of his head, his mind centered on the hot mouth working his cock. “Don’t fight it, baby.” She snuggled closer, pressing her breasts against his chest, rubbing her tight nipples across his skin. “Come.” She brushed kisses across his jaw. “Come in his mouth.” As she whispered her command, she covered Jackson’s lips with her own, a strong sexual kiss.


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