Mine : You Can't Help Who You Fall In Love With... (The Winterburg Series Book 1)

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Mine : You Can't Help Who You Fall In Love With... (The Winterburg Series Book 1) Page 5

by Linzvonc

His nickname for me was endearing, and I almost felt as long as he called me that, I wasn’t Luke’s Gretchen.

  I was Cal’s Raven.

  “Luke will kill me,” I whispered as I buried my head into his chest.

  “You can’t control how you feel,” Cal scoffed, his hands running through my hair. “I’m not forcing you to do anything. I’m just asking you to choose who you want.”

  Any other guy would have done this slowly, but not Cal. It was now or never, and I have a suspicion it would be forever.

  “Okay. Let’s go,” I breathed, and he smiled; a genuine smile that I had never seen on him before.

  He led me away from the dance and into his car, my heart pounding erratically in my chest.

  I wanted to get out of here, away from prying eyes, confusion, and most importantly—my boyfriend.

  Thoughts spun through my mind as we hurried to his car, our hands entwined. I wasn’t proud of what I was doing, but the feelings and emotions that Cal invoked within me weren’t to be challenged.

  He drove carefully, without so much as glancing at me the entire drive.

  We pulled up to his house, which was as I remembered, except now, darkness shrouded it. He walked around in front of the car, opening my door before slipping his hand into mine. My skin sizzled under his touch, and I followed him like he was a beacon in the night.

  Breathe, Gretch. It’s just the hottest guy you’ve ever seen, taking you to his bedroom in your dress from the dance you were at with your boyfriend...

  We climbed the last steps to his room and closed the door behind us. He stood in front of me, gazing at me, as I slid my heels off. I walked over to him, placing my hands on his chest nervously. He cupped my hand on his chest and kissed my fingers again.

  “I don’t know what I’m doing, Cal,” I confessed, my voice low.

  His eyes searched mine before he spoke. “Well, I do, but I want you to be absolutely sure it is what you want,” his voice was hoarse with longing.

  “Please stop kissing my fucking fingers and kiss my lips,” I moaned.

  Then his lips were on mine, his tongue urgently teasing me. I kissed him back fiercely, my hands now under his shirt.

  “Fuck...” he whispered, pulling me onto his lap.

  I pushed his shirt up, revealing toned abs. I wasted no time in dropping open-mouthed kisses onto his stomach, as he hissed above me.

  His hands stopped me from exploring his body further, tugging me up so I’m straddling him.

  I gazed into his eyes, my hair falling like a curtain around us.

  “You remember that feeling I told you I would need, Gretchen?” he murmured lowly, as I kissed his throat, devouring his scent in my mouth, my hands running down his back and his chest as I pushed him onto the bed.

  “Yes,” I breathed, dizzy with desire as he pulled me back.

  “I’ve got it,” he swallowed. “But against everything my body is telling me, I am not fucking you tonight.”

  I stared at him; his lips swollen from kissing me.

  Did Cal just admit to having… feelings for me? Feelings he had never had before?

  I wished I hadn’t drunk that alcohol earlier, because I couldn’t remember every detail of our therapy session, which Cal was now referring to.

  “You’re not?” I couldn’t hide the disappointment in my voice. He stroked my bare shoulders before sitting up, placing me next to him with ease. He tilted his head to look at me, his eyes scanning me as he exhaled loudly.

  “No, I’m not. As hard as it is, when I do that, I want you to be mine. Do you understand? Mine.”

  I stared at him. This god-like creature that was telling me he wanted me to be his. I knelt in front of him, sweeping his hair back so I could focus on him properly. It was time for me to be honest, too.

  “I haven’t stopped thinking about you either.”

  He kissed me again, deeply, until my phone rang, shattering the blissful silence we had created.

  “Shit,” Cal’s eyes narrowed as he nodded at my phone. “Is it him?”

  I checked the display, relief coursing through me. “No, it’s Sienna.”

  I answered the call as Cal laid back on his bed, watching me through half-closed eyes.

  “Babe, where the fuck are you? Luke’s going crazy, saying you’ve left. Have you?”

  My eyes drifted over to Cal, who smiled at me lazily. “I’m okay, Sienna. Tell him I will call him tomorrow. Will you cover for me? Please Sienna, I’m telling my parents I’m at yours tonight.”

  Our eyes hadn’t broken contact.

  Sienna breathed her response slowly. “You’re not going to tell me where you are, are you?”

  “No,” I whispered. “I can’t. But I’m okay”

  She agreed to cover for me, so I turned my phone off.

  “Do you have anything I could sleep in?” I asked in a small voice, sinking down on the bed beside Cal.

  “You could wear me?” he smirked, winking at me as we laced our fingers together.

  “Easy there, Buffalo Bill.” I joked as we laughed easily. I loved that he got my Silence of The Lambs reference.

  He tossed me a t-shirt, tugging his own off to expose his chest as I sucked in a breath. That body was probably illegal somewhere in the world.

  “Are you staying here?” He looked like the cat that had the cream.

  “If that’s okay...” I shrugged with a wide smile as he walked towards me and spun me around.

  “Let me unzip your dress,” he murmured, carefully sliding the zip down before stepping back. The dress fell as I reached for Cals t-shirt.

  “My God, you are fucking perfect,” he whispered, his eyes wide as he studied me.

  I pulled the t-shirt on before sliding into bed, my eyelids heavy and my tiredness sudden. Cal reached around me, his arm warm and strong, finding my hand as he kissed my shoulder.

  “Goodnight, Raven,” he whispered, as I fell asleep with a smile on my face.

  Chapter Ten


  I woke to a pale blue wall that is unfamiliar and certainly not mine. I stirred when his warm arms surrounded me, pulling me close.

  Oh. My. God.

  I’m in Cal’s bed.

  The memories of last night returned to me hazily, and I closed my eyes. I turned to face him, finding him fast asleep. His lips were parted slightly, his long lashes resting on his cheeks.

  I gazed at him, my heart drumming in my chest. I leaned forward and kissed his lips tenderly as he groaned, his hands pulling me closer as he returned the kiss.

  How was this my reality?

  “Is this what lust feels like?” I wondered aloud as he wrinkled his nose up at me.

  “Do you think that’s what this is? You’re the first girl I’ve ever slept next to and actually slept,” he smirked as I hit him with a pillow. “Are you okay?” He looked at me, biting his lip. I curled up next to him, my hands entwined with his.

  “This isn’t me Cal,” I gestured between us. “Lying here with you whilst I’m in a relationship, with your cousin of all people,” I admitted with a tired sigh.

  Cal ran his fingers down my back, fixing me with his emerald gaze. “I know, I do. But what if you’re meant to be with me? Then being with him is the wrong thing, isn’t it? That makes this right?”

  I smiled at his inane logic.

  He leaned on his elbow, so he was looking at me directly. I wasn’t strong enough to resist his lazy morning smile, or the fact he wasn’t wearing any clothes over his muscular chest.

  He fell back onto the pillow, dragging me down with him as his arms circled my body, and I shivered with delight.

  “No one has to know yet,” he said into my hair.

  “So, what about Krystal?” I pouted.

  She wouldn’t let him go without a fight.

  He leaned down and kissed me, making me almost forget my name. “Who?”

  My heart hammered in my chest at his response, when he speaks again, his voice low and quiet.
  “I don’t think I’ve ever wanted anyone so much in my life,” he groaned.

  My cheeks ached from smiling, and I couldn’t help but wonder how the hell I had attracted the attention of Cal Fallon. I pulled him down to me then, kissing him until he pulled away.

  “I can’t keep kissing you in my bed, Raven, without wanting to do wicked things to you.”

  He swung his legs out of bed, stretching as I watched his back muscles ripple with each movement. “I’ll get us some juice.”

  He strode to the door, closing it softly behind him.

  I peered at my phone to inspect the damage of leaving the dance so abruptly last night.

  Lots of messages greeted me from a very drunken Luke.


  Where are you?


  Dammit, Gretchen! Tell me where you are!


  I can’t believe you’ve left without even saying goodbye, what the fuck is wrong with you?


  Fuck you!


  I’m sorry, I love you so much.


  Sienna told me you’re okay. You can talk to her and not me, huh? So WHO ARE YOU WITH?

  I swallowed, texting Sienna straight away, reassuring her that I was fine and that I would be home soon. I didn’t know what else to say.


  G, please call Luke. He has been out of his mind with worry.

  Cal walked back in, handing me a tall glass of chilled orange juice. I filled him in on the texts from Luke, and he grimaced.

  “I know this is difficult for you...But you’ve got to go with what you want. Do you want me to talk to him for you?” His voice was colder now.

  I shook my head, horrified.

  “Shall I take you home?” Cal asked quietly.

  I nodded, groaning as I realized the decisions I had to make.

  It isn’t going be easy.

  “Is anyone in?” I asked Cal in a small voice.

  “No, you are my dirty little secret,” he grinned, biting his lip again.

  I dragged him towards me, kissing him again. This time he pushed me against the wall, lifting my legs around his waist which was no easy feat.

  “God, I need you. You’re driving me crazy,” he groaned, burying his face in my neck.

  “Cal,” I moaned into his neck, “I have to go...”

  He stepped away from me, dropping me to my feet gently.

  “Tell me, Gretchen,” he asked, “How badly do you want this?”

  I drank him in and kissed his chest, then his neck, before our mouths smashed against each other again. We broke apart, his fingers tracing my jaw as his eyes searched mine.

  “So much,” I whispered.

  “You’re mine,” he muttered suddenly, as my heart rate sped up. His hand ran through my hair, tugging it slightly as he nibbled on my lip softly.

  I arched myself against him, feeling his hardness against me. Instead of feeling anxious like I did with Luke, I realized something else.

  I wanted him.

  My hand trailed down, but before I could reach for him, his hand clamped on mine, forcing it against the door.

  “You’re stopping me?” I panted as he stared at me, as though he was wrestling with his emotions.

  His jaw clenched as he closed his eyes. “Not like this,” he whispered.

  I wanted him so much, and he was saying no? What was his deal?

  I stood, smoothing my clothes down.

  “Shall we go then?” I said coolly, as he raised his eyebrows. I moved to open the door when he pushed his hand on it, stopping me from leaving. My heart pounded in my chest as he brought his face close to mine.

  “What’s wrong?” He said softly, searching my eyes with his own green wonders. “Are you angry that I won’t fuck you now, up against this door?” he trailed his fingers down my arm. “You have enough to think about without me adding even more.”


  He was doing this for me.

  He was right; I did have enough to think about, but then all I could imagine was him fucking me against the door. My insides were like jelly as he reached behind me and pulled the door open.

  We made our way downstairs, my legs still shaking from our intimate doorway encounter.

  A sharp knock on the door made me jump, my eyes widening in fear.

  Cal frowned and looked at me. “Who the fuck...” He opened the door and in walked Drake, his brother.

  “Morning. I forgot my keys. Been a heavy night,” he explained, as he looked at me in surprise. “Hey, aren’t you Luke’s girlfriend?” He sat on the kitchen worktop, drinking orange juice from the bottle.

  What was it with the men in this family?

  Drake’s tight t-shirt clung to every contour in his arms and his torso, and I tried not to stare.

  “No, man, she’s not.” Cal growled, arms folded as he stood in front of me.

  Drake raised his eyebrows at us and shrugged. “Whatever. I need to hit the hay. Have fun, kids.” He jumped down from the counter, making his way upstairs as he smirked at me.

  My cheeks burned as Cal turned me towards him and stroked my face tenderly. “If we are going to do this Raven, you’re gonna have to get used to people having a problem with it.”

  He brushed his finger over my cheek as he stared into my eyes. I wanted him so much it hurt. I leaned up, gathering his hair in my hand as I pressed his head towards me, meeting his mouth with mine.

  I still can’t believe I get to do that— kiss Cal Fallon!

  I felt like the luckiest girl in the world. Except now, I had to face reality.

  Cal handed me his duffle coat, which I quickly zipped up.

  “I’ll get the car keys,” he said as he made his way past me into the hall.

  “We could walk, it’s not far,” I pointed out.

  Cal laughed, looking pointedly at the heels I had worn last night in my hand. “It’s your call, babe, if you really wanna walk.” He smirked at me as I rolled my eyes.

  Smug bastard.

  We made our way to the car, and I glanced around, terrified, in case we saw anyone we knew. Cal leaned over to me, his eyes burning into mine.

  “Relax, it’s early. Drake was just getting in from his night out; everyone will be asleep.”

  A few minutes later, he pulled up a little past my house and turned off the engine. He leaned back and watched me as I gathered my dress in one hand, and my heels in the other. I looked at him longingly as I went to open the car door.

  “How can I miss you when you are right in front of me?” I asked, my voice heavy with desire.

  He smiled then, before chuckling. “Is that your next question?”

  I laughed as I opened the door.

  “Text me,” he ordered, his eyes locked on mine as I nodded.

  As if I wouldn’t.

  I climbed out of the car and made my way into the house, praying no one was up. The house was silent and all I could hear was Cal’s car driving away.

  I crept up the stairs and into my room, catching sight of myself in his clothes. I stripped them off before I pulled on my pyjamas, using a makeup wipe to remove the sticky mascara. I had just climbed into bed as my phone pinged.


  Bed is cold without you.

  A rush of excitement swept through me as I imagined him lying in bed thinking of me. I’m about to respond when my phone pinged again.


  Ring me. We need to talk.

  My heart sank.

  How can I be so happy yet so sad at the same time?

  I texted Cal first, without even thinking.


  Luke wants to talk. Don’t know what to say.


  That you’re mine?

  My heart pounded in its prison, as desire swept through my body.

  How had this happened? How am I supposed to explain this?

  I dialed Rosie’s number not caring how early it was.

  She eventually answered, whispering into the phone. “Babes, I’m asleep. Ill ring you later!” Then she hung up.

  I stared at my phone in disbelief.

  How rude!

  I called Sienna again, who answered on the first ring. “Gretchen, what the actual fuck? Where are you?!”

  I quickly explained that I was at home. “It’s really complicated, Si, and I don’t know how to explain...”

  She abruptly cut me off. “The thing is, Gretchen, we were all at the dance, having a great time. Then you disappeared, and no one knew where you were. We were worried. Then Luke went looking for you, and he didn’t come back!”

  I winced at the mention of Luke as Sienna exhaled into the phone. “So, what happened?”

  I sighed as tears stung my eyes; this was going to be difficult. “I was with Cal.”

  I heard Sienna inhale sharply. “Cal Fallon? Are you shitting me, Gretchen? With him, how?”

  I decided not to give her an answer, instead focusing on the consequences of my actions. “I need to call Luke, Si.” I hung up and stared at my phone.

  How was I going to explain this to Luke?

  Luke answered straight away, his voice gruff. “Gretchen?”

  Hearing his familiar voice made me want to cry.

  “I’m so sorry, Luke.”

  He was silent at the other end. “Are you at home?” he asked.

  I sniffled. “Yes, why?”

  “I’m coming over.”

  Chapter Eleven


  Luke didn’t wait for an answer and hung up.


  I chewed on my fingernails, wondering what the hell I was going to say to Luke.

  When the doorbell trilled some fifteen minutes later, my body trembled. My heart was in my mouth as I made my way to the door, still thinking of what I was going to say to him. When I opened the door, all thoughts left my head, and his steely glare made me swallow hard.

  I stared at the floor, unable to meet his glare. “Uh, come in.”

  Luke didn’t take his eyes from me, following me silently to my room. I sat on my bed, my head in my hands, wishing I was anywhere but here.

  He slumped into the chair in front of my desk, his posture heavy, already looking defeated, and I hadn’t even told him anything about me and Cal yet.



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