Mine : You Can't Help Who You Fall In Love With... (The Winterburg Series Book 1)

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Mine : You Can't Help Who You Fall In Love With... (The Winterburg Series Book 1) Page 13

by Linzvonc

  I peeled his hands away from his face and looked at him.

  “It’s been months,” he murmured, pain in his eyes. “I get that you may have moved on, and if you have, I swear I will never bother you again,” he cupped my face in his hands before he continued. “You deserve to be happy, with a decent human being who isn’t in trouble with less desirable fuckheads.”

  I cut him off with my lips on his.

  He pulled me onto his lap effortlessly, his fingers sliding up my back as I kissed him harder. I ran my nails down his chest, biting his neck as he lifted me up to throw me down onto the sofa. I gasped and looked up at him in awe as he pulled my jeans and panties down, tossing them aside.

  He kneeled over me, unbuckling his belt without taking his eyes away from me once. I surprised him as I took control, pushing him down onto the sofa, straddling him. I lifted my hoodie off to sit on him naked. He pulled his jeans down, and I felt him against me, and I moaned softly. I leaned forward and kissed him slowly on his face, his lips, his throat.

  I couldn’t get enough of him.

  His hands skimmed my body greedily, his fingers tracing down my thigh until he slipped a finger easily inside of me. My body squirmed, my hips thrusting as I sank my teeth into my lip.

  Heat coursed through me, his eyes holding mine as he finger-fucked me. I reached down and grabbed his dick, which was now solid. He lifted me easily by the hips as he entered me.

  I arched back in pleasure as I lifted myself up and back down on him, the full length of him inside of me.

  “You’re fucking perfect,” he muttered into my ear as our bodies rocked in perfect rhythm.


  I woke a little after two am as Cal shook my shoulders softly.

  “Raven, wake up,” his voice was urgent, worried.

  I sat up with confusion to find I was drenched in sweat and naked. I took in my surroundings, my gaze resting on Cal, who was watching me with concern.

  “Cal, what’s wrong?”

  I couldn’t believe we were entwined together on his sofa.

  “You were having a nightmare,” he murmured, kissing my head.

  I’d dreamt he was dead. I’d dreamt it before, but this seemed so final. I had watched his casket being lowered into the ground, and people walking away sadly. I dug my hands into the soil, screaming his name.

  “I’ll get you some water,” he mumbled as he got up from the sofa, and I pulled the throw around me, shuddering despite the warmth of the house.

  I watched Cal pad over from the sink, a glass of water in his hand. I could watch him all day. I couldn’t help but stare at his body, which he smirked at.

  “Seen enough?”

  “No,” I retorted as he sat on the sofa, his hand running up and down my leg reassuringly. I swallowed the water gratefully and checked my phone.

  He watched me as I put it back on the floor and sigh contentedly. “Everything alright?” His tone is casual, but I know I’ve worried him.

  “Yeah, my parents bought that I was staying at Rosie’s. I think they would let tonight slide either way with it being prom,” I shrugged, sipping the water before placing it on the floor beside my phone.

  “Prom?” Cal echoed faintly; his arms wrapped around me as he scattered kisses all over me.

  “I was hardly going to go, was I?”

  “I bet you had lots of opportunities to go. I can’t even imagine how much attention you got the minute I was out of the picture. It kills me, actually,” his hand found mine as he brought it to his lips, his lips on my fingers.

  “You’re mine. You always have been Raven, and you always will be. I just hope you always want to be.”

  I smiled as I nodded my head. “Always, baby.”

  His eyes clouded over with something, which soon passed.

  “Are you back now? For real?” I asked anxiously. I needed to know; there was no way I was going through that hell ever again.

  His finger stroked my cheek. “I left because I had to. I’m here now, and there is no reason for me to have to leave again, know that.”

  I frowned and despite myself I asked what I most wanted to hear the answer to. “What happened in New York?”

  His eyes narrowed. “I know you need the truth, but I just don’t think I can tell you. Not yet. But I will never leave you again. Okay?”

  I realized he suddenly seemed a lot older than his eighteen years.

  “Can we sleep in a proper bed now?” I grinned as he yawned and smiled at me.

  I couldn’t push it—not at two a.m.

  I stood up, bringing the throw with me. I followed him upstairs, as my mind raced with the possibilities of what had happened to Cal in New York.

  His bedroom was simple.

  Floor length curtains adorned the windows, a thick grey rug on the varnished floor. His bed was up against a plain wall, white sheets lay crumpled on the mattress; an ashtray on the floor. I rolled my eyes; some things don’t change.

  Then again, the image of a naked Cal smoking in bed... Yum.

  I crawled into the bed as tiredness overtook me. Cal slid into bed beside me and kissed my head before he exhaled.

  “I can’t tell you how much I've missed you.”

  I smiled in response as my eyes closed, our fingers laced together.

  Chapter Twenty Four


  The next morning was Saturday.

  I turned over to see the empty bed beside me, as an ice-like grip took hold of my heart.

  Where is Cal?

  I looked around the room and spotted a pile of clothes strewn over an armchair in the corner. I made my way over to it, slipping Cal’s Ramones t-shirt on that only just covered my butt. As I walked out of the door, I was hit by the delicious smell of bacon cooking. I hadn’t even realized how hungry I was as I hurried down the stairs.

  Cal was beside the stove, wearing just grey bottoms as he frowned at the pan with concentration. I took pleasure in watching him whilst he was unaware I was there.

  He looked fucking delicious. Suddenly, I wasn’t hungry for the bacon.

  He turned his head to me, as an enormous smile broke over his face. “Morning, you,” he opened his arms out, and I slipped into them.

  “I could get used to this,” I murmured, kissing his mouth.

  “There’s orange juice in the fridge, help yourself,” he nodded at the fridge as I took the juice out, searching in the cupboards for the glasses.

  The first cupboard had nothing in at all, the second one had three plates and some mugs. I frowned and went to open the third and final cupboard.

  “Yeah, it’s right at the back baby, whatever you are looking for,” Cal watched me hungrily, as the t-shirt raised up to give him a wonderful view of my naked self.

  I rolled my eyes and instructed him to find the glasses himself, as I made my way to a stool by the kitchen bar.

  How did he get this house? Who does it belong to?

  I gazed around it, imagining that it was ours.

  I remembered my phone on the side and leaned over to grab it. My parents had texted me asking how I was today and if I had fun.

  Oh, if they only knew, I smirked to myself.

  Cal slid a bacon sandwich over to me and I thanked him as I took a bite.

  “So, do you have any plans today?” He leaned on the counter before taking a bite of his own sandwich.

  “No, do you?” As I responded, crumbs of bread escaped from my mouth, and he laughed, shaking his head.

  “I wondered if you wanted to go to LA?” He said it so casually my mouth dropped open.

  LA?! That’s over two thousand miles away.

  “How are we going to do that?” I asked, staring at him.

  Cal smiled and winked at me. “Do you think we could get a night away, or not?”

  I laughed nervously. “Are you serious? First, that’s a flight away from here. The nearest airport is Minneapolis. What would I tell my parents I need my passport for?”

  He nodded wi
th understanding. “Yeah, we can do it another time. Maybe for your birthday?” His eyes met mine.

  “My birthday?!” I squealed with excitement before I hesitated. “I would love that, But Cal, I need my parents to be okay with us.”

  I stared at the remnants of my breakfast. He walked around the table, swivelling my stool around so he stood in between my legs.

  “Hey,” he whispered, lifting my head back. “I’d love that. I want to be with you. Whatever I have to do, I’ll do.”

  He was thinking of my birthday, which was six months away.

  He will do anything to be with me.

  Tears threatened to spill down my face as our mouths met. It wasn’t a long walk back to the sofa...


  I couldn’t bear to be away from Cal, but I knew I had to return home, or my parents would become suspicious. He drove me home, our fingers laced together as much as we could.

  “When will I see you next?” I asked as he drew up beside my house. “It’s not like you are nearby anymore.”

  I cast a sad look in his old home's direction.

  He turned towards me, kissing my hand. “I’ll take you for dinner later,” he suggested.

  “What will I tell my parents? I can’t keep lying,” I dropped my head down, groaning with frustration.

  Why is everything so difficult?

  He watched me for a moment, biting on his lip, “Right, come with me. Let’s do this.” He got out of the car and walked around to open my door.

  I stay seated, confused. “I’m sorry, do what?”

  He smiled at me mischievously before he chuckled. “Come on. If this goes wrong, I promise you—I won’t leave you.”

  I stared at him open-mouthed as he leaned on the car door, a smile on his lips.

  “Baby, if I have learnt anything at all, it’s that life is too short. I love you. Let me meet your parents.”

  Chapter Twenty Five


  I slid my legs out of the car, my heart in my mouth as I considered every possibility that could go wrong.


  He put his finger to my lips and shut the car door behind me. He leaned against me, his lips pressed against mine. “Let’s go.”

  I was breathless from his kiss, his touch, damn, even his presence.

  He laced his fingers through mine again and led the way up the driveway, towards my home.

  “They thought I was at Rosie’s,” I hissed, my eyes widening as he smiled at me, ringing the buzzer.

  “Cal, I don’t ring the buzzer at home,” I bit back nervous laughter as the door swung open to reveal my mom.

  Her eyes creased with confusion when she saw Cal, before she moved her gaze to me. She stared back at him and widened her eyes. “Gretchen?” she said with uncertainty.

  He stepped forward, moving his hair out of his eyes. “Hi, Mrs. Red. I think it’s time we met. I’m Cal.”

  Their eyes met, and I watched as my mom went through a million different emotions. She grimaced, then glanced back at me, my cheeks flushed with happiness, my eyes that shone with emotion and adoration.

  “I thought you stayed at Rosie’s last night, Gretchen?” She was looking back at Cal, who didn’t miss a beat.

  “She did, I gave her a ride home this morning, as I didn’t want her walking home alone,” he shot her a winning smile as her face relaxed.

  “I see. So, are you going to come in, Cal?”

  I nearly fell over when she said this, whilst he nodded and held his hand out for me to go first.

  I walked in, staring at my mom as she closed the door.

  “So, Cal. It’s good to meet you, but I have to say, I thought you and Gretchen had cooled it off somewhat?” She sounded almost hopeful until he laughed.

  “No. I gave Gretchen some space to concentrate on her studies. I know how much she wants to be a therapist.”

  He sat down in the chair beside him. I stared at him: this smooth talker who seemed to have the answers to everything. He glanced back over at my mother, who watched him skeptically.

  She cleared her throat and fixed him with her fierce gaze. “So graduation is soon. What are your plans, Cal?”

  He frowned as he appeared to be deep in thought. “Well, to be honest, I’m not sure which path is best to take. I could follow my father down the acting route, or I could stick with sports therapy, which I am better at, to be honest.”

  He laughed, and I couldn’t hide my surprise as I took this information in.

  He’s interested in sports therapy?

  His dad’s an actor?!

  His eyes met mine, and he tilted his head to the side, acknowledging my confusion.

  “I assume you won’t be keeping my daughter out overnight anymore without letting us know first, right?” My mom’s voice had softened somewhat, but she still made it clear she meant business.

  Cal held his hands up, his eyes wide. “Ma’am, I can only apologize about that. It won’t happen again.”

  We were all quiet for a moment until he rose from his chair, whilst smiling at my mom.

  “It was a pleasure to meet you, but I have to head home. I have some things to take care of.” He paused for a moment. “Oh, Gretchen, I didn’t know if you were free this evening, but would you like to go out to dinner with me?”

  My mom folded her arms, looking at me with wide eyes.

  I couldn’t have loved him any more than I did right then.

  “I would love to, and Mom, I will be back home straight after. Promise.”

  Mom pursed her lips and nodded. “Does Cal know you’re going to Hayville?”

  She sounded so proud, beaming at me as my eyes met Cal’s.

  The color drained from his face as he recognized the name and the location. He recovered rapidly as he nodded. “It’s fantastic news, I’m so proud of her. That’s what tonight is about: celebrating.”

  His voice hadn’t changed at all.

  Wow, an expert liar.

  Mom nodded in approval. “We are very proud of her; I know she will excel at all she does.”

  I walked Cal to the door as he waved goodbye to my mom. I pulled the door closed behind me and leaned against it with my eyes closed.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you…” I mumbled, refusing to meet his gaze. “You weren’t around, I didn’t know…”

  He nodded, grimacing. “New York, eh?”

  I gulped, unable to take the pain in his tone.

  He stood up straight as he leaned over, as his lips grazed against mine. “I’ll pick you up later, about seven?”

  He walked down the steps from the porch, walking backwards so he could still see me. I couldn’t stop gawking at his beautiful face, his hair in his eyes.

  “So, the beard—are you gonna lose it?”

  He snorted and ran his hand over it nonchalantly. “Hmm, you seemed to like it this morning?” He smirked and strode to his car.

  My eyes followed him longingly as he swept his hair back, pulling on his aviators to avoid the glare of the bright sun.

  He studied me one last time before he drove off back in the direction we had come.

  I groaned, not sure what to think. There was so much to consider.

  What happened to him in New York?

  What would happen when I go to New York?

  How did he feel about it?

  My mind buzzed with the questions as I made my way back to the house. Mom was sitting at the kitchen table, coffee in hand. Her sapphire eyes locked onto mine when I strolled in, a small grin on her lips.

  “He was...interesting. I can’t think what you see in him.”

  We both laughed suddenly, thawing the ice between us.

  I took a seat in front of my Mom who examined me with interest. “Everything okay, honey?” she asked.

  “It’s complicated, Mom... I am so in love with him.”

  She didn’t respond, instead she sipped her coffee in silence.

  “He’s all I think about. I know me going to
New York is going to be a big thing for him...but I also know he supports me entirely.”

  I sighed, absentmindedly playing with one of my dark spirals as it tumbled over my shoulder.

  “I don’t doubt you are in love with him. I think it’s clear you are both in love. I know long distance is hard. Where will he be able to study sports therapy?” She cocked her head to the side.

  I looked back at her, answering her honestly. “I have no idea.”

  She shrugged, reaching for my hand. “If it’s meant to work, it will. Now why don’t you have a relaxing day before your date tonight? I have to nip to the store if you need a ride to the mall.”

  I wanted to pinch myself. My mom understood for once.

  I beamed and grabbed my phone, dialling Rosie's number. She answered with a yawn, asking what time it was.

  “Rosie, I need to see you. I need your help.”

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  I peered at the reflection in the mirror, barely recognising the woman staring back at me.

  I’d met Rosie at the mall earlier that day, begging her to help me look sensational for my date.

  Rosie had squealed and danced at the news Cal was back, then she went into diva mode, dragging me to the hair salon.

  I wasn’t holding out much hope they could fit me in; it was a Saturday, after all.

  A petite blonde girl called Molly had a cancellation and was all too excited to get her hands on my unruly mop. She had scrubbed, snipped and blow dried to within an inch of her life.

  I was astounded that someone so small could have such strength!

  She teased my hair into silky curls that tumbled down my shoulders, complete with caramel highlights. Molly ran some hair product through my hair and some three hours later from walking in I was done.

  Rosie stared at me, agape, as I paid Molly and added a heavy tip.


  I felt almost awkward, not wanting to mess up the curls.

  Rosie walked over, whistling.

  “Ouch. Cal is going to die! You look insanely hot, momma!”

  I giggled, linking arms with her as we made our way out of the salon, watched by a smiling Molly.

  Next stop was all the stores—we trawled through so many—Rosie was getting agitated because she didn’t know where I was going that evening.


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