Mine : You Can't Help Who You Fall In Love With... (The Winterburg Series Book 1)

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Mine : You Can't Help Who You Fall In Love With... (The Winterburg Series Book 1) Page 19

by Linzvonc

  I grabbed the back of his head then, kissing him roughly as he raised my legs around his waist, returning the kiss deeply.

  “Baby, I mean it. Live with me,” he rested his forehead against mine, the intimate gesture made me grin, chewing my lip as I pretended to give it some thought. He gently tugged my hair as his lips found my throat, as he murmured into my ear, “Will you say yes already so I can show you my bedroom?”

  I didn’t need any more convincing.

  I nodded as he held his hand out toward the stairs.

  “Straight up and any fucking room you wish.”

  Yes, sir.

  Part Two: Chapter Seven


  It had been an uneventful couple of months.

  I settled into living with Cal as easily as I had expected I would, and we became even closer.

  He did little things like cooking my favorite meal when I had been at college late, reading whilst I worked, the distraction of the pages that moved between his fingers as he laid on our bed, his eyes filled with concentration, his bare torso demanding my attention as I groaned he needed to throw a shirt on.

  We showered together; we slept in each other’s arms night after night. I knew little about relationships, this being my second one ever—but I knew that it shouldn’t feel this good for so long.

  College was okay—I had kept up with the demand so far, but I had to admit I wasn’t seeing my friends as much.

  I just didn’t feel we were on the same page anymore.

  It wasn’t like I didn’t have time either—Cal was out of the house most evenings, and the less said about that, the better.

  This evening was no different.

  After binging on my favorite shows, I rinsed my coffee mug in the sink, turning it upside down in the drying rack as I trudged upstairs, tired from the day.

  Cal had texted me goodnight earlier, telling me he wouldn’t be long, so it surprised me to hear a dull knock at the front door, as he had a key.

  I frowned, wondering who would knock on the door at this hour.

  I stood on the stairs as I tried not to breathe.

  Cal had told me no one ever came to the house, and if they did to call him straight away.

  I lifted my phone from my robe pocket and dialed his number.

  He answered on the first ring.

  “Someone is at the door,” I whispered, my voice low.

  He cursed as he ordered me not to answer it. “Ask who it is,” he barked, the worry clear in his tone.

  I hated that this was how we had to live, as I leaned against the solid door.

  “Who is it?” I croaked out, my heart pounding so strongly in my ears I didn’t think I could have heard a response if there was one, which there wasn’t.

  “Gretchen? What’s happening?” I heard someone from Cal’s background call out the name Leo, and I bristled as he snapped back to give him a minute.

  The door handle turned, and I clasped my hand over my mouth, terrified.

  “They are trying the door, Cal,” I whispered, tears in my eyes as he swore again, ordering me to stay calm.

  My body shook as I tried to do as he said. Every fiber of my instinct was telling me to get as far away from whoever was on the other side of that door.

  “Baby, listen, I’m too far away to get there before the police could. Hang up now and call the police, do it loudly, you hear me? Do it loudly. I’m coming, but do that,” his voice interrupted my thoughts as I nodded. He demanded confirmation that I had heard him.

  “Okay,” I managed as he hung up.

  I dialed the police as the door groaned opened behind me, as I fell over in shock. It wasn’t possible—I had locked the door.

  I heard a voice on the end of the line asking what my emergency was as I stood still, afraid to breathe. I cut the call as I slunk backward, my foot catching the table by the door, causing a loud clatter, exposing my location to the intruder.


  The door opened slowly, and I saw a man enter, his bulky frame almost as wide as the door, his face menacing as he scanned the room, looking for me. He was bald with scars over his face as he grinned with satisfaction when his eyes fell on me.

  A voice in my head told me to run with every ounce of my being, my feet were like rubber as I tried to dash for the kitchen which was merely strides away. My heart was in my throat as I saw the knife stand, lunging for it desperately as I felt a hand clamp around my face, a rag pressed into my mouth as a voice whispered in my ear.

  “Sssh, Bella.”

  I clawed at the hands hopelessly, fighting with every ounce of strength I had, the Italian accent pouring fear into my veins. The pungent odor from the rag soon had me gasping for breath as my head swam.

  This cannot be happening.

  The world spun as I sank into the arms of the enemy, and I was aware of my body being lifted into the air with ease.

  Cal, I need you.

  Part Two: Chapter Eight


  I couldn’t hear anything but the roaring in my ears as I jumped out of the truck, my eyes taking in the wide-open door.

  No, no, no!

  Where are the sirens?!

  The cops?!

  I screamed her name, my throat raw with emotion. I ran from room to room, my heart sinking with the realisation that she wasn’t there.


  I roared her name repeatedly, before I caught sight of her phone on the floor near the table by the door. I felt like someone had twisted a knife in my gut as I saw the crack on the screen.

  Gretchen had dropped it.

  My hands shook as I unlocked the screen, her favorite photo of the two of us her screen saver. I swallowed a lump in my throat as I checked the last number she had dialed.

  The cops.

  I closed my eyes as I slumped on the stairs.

  Who the fuck has my girl? Who wants to die that badly?

  The endless images of the possibilities swam through my head as I grit my teeth in rage.

  I hadn’t protected her.

  She’d called me; and I hadn’t got here in time. I ripped my phone from my pocket and began dialing every contact I had.

  Someone has to know something.

  Eleven hours later…

  “You have an appalling track record with caring for the girls you love, Leonardo,” Michael said as he lifted his brows at me.

  I swallowed down my fury, refusing to lose control.

  “Michael. I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t need your help.”

  He studied me, his dark eyes verging on black as he glanced around his study. “I’ll consider your request. Now leave.”

  I stood swiftly, fire burning through my veins. “Michael, with all due respect, you know as well as I do the chances of her surviving the first twenty-four hours are—”

  “Leonardo. Cal. Whoever you are. Do not stand in front of me repeating pointless statistics from the law,” he interrupted sharply, his dark eyes meeting my green ones.

  I clenched my fists at my sides as he waved his hand away dismissively. “I said I would consider your request.”

  Frustrated, I turned and left, slamming the door behind me, knowing he would see it as a lack of respect.

  Where is fucking Verno?

  Why do I have to deal with this egotistical prick?

  Climbing into my car I slammed my hands on the wheel in irritation.

  Gretchen had been missing for eleven hours now, and I was beyond rationality.

  I’d contacted everyone I knew in New York, sending them photos of her with a warning to call me if anything came up, and I knew that most of them would have their ears to the ground.

  Unfortunately, The Salvatore Family ruled the criminal underground, so I had finally brought myself to ask for their help. Michael had all but laughed in my face, knowing he would rather let her die than help me.

  The cops were fucking useless, telling me she had probably just left me, and to come back to them after twenty-four hours.r />
  I didn’t have twenty-four fucking hours.

  I had nothing.

  My phone rang, and I answered it at once, my voice gruff with hope.

  “I’m sorry man, I’m getting fuck all,” the voice apologized as I breathed out. I couldn’t let my fear consume me. “Have you spoken with the po-po?”

  “Of course, I have,” I snapped, aware I was being a prick, and not caring anyway. The voice hesitated as it spoke again.

  “Are you fucking sure it’s not Michael?”

  It was the obvious choice, wasn’t it?

  My first thought had been that that cunt had taken her. He’d shown such interest in wanting to meet her the other night; I remembered the disappointment on his face at not seeing her by my side. He fucking detested me for what happened to Lucia too, so I know if he wasn’t responsible for this, he would be damn wishing he was.

  “No. I don’t know that. But I’m sat outside his house right now and I am going to watch his every fucking move,” I growled as I stared up at the large windows, the interior of the house hidden by thick drapes.

  If she was in there, I would kill him with my bare hands, and fuck the consequences.

  “Ring Drake,” he advised, before hanging up.

  I groaned, leaning back in my seat.

  Of course, Drake. He adores Gretchen.

  He answered on the first ring, his voice filled with concern. “Leo? Are you okay?”

  “No. I’m not. Someone’s taken Gretchen.”

  “Where are you?” he demanded, his voice hoarse.

  “I’m parked outside The Salvatore house,” I shook my head as he groaned.

  “Why? What the fuck have they got to do with it? You need to leave right now. I’ll get someone to watch the house. Meet me at Ray’s in fifteen. Go, Leo.”

  The phone slid from my hand as I gazed up at the house, my eyes searching every window.

  Have I done this to her?

  Have my life choices brought her here? Of course, they fucking have.

  I reversed slightly, casting another look at the house before I left, praying for a clue of any kind.

  It was not answered.

  God can fuck himself.

  Part Two: Chapter Nine


  My eyes flickered open as I gazed at the ornate ceiling above me, aware I was laid on a soft bed. I lifted my head up as nausea rippled through my body. I sank back down onto the plump pillows, wondering what had happened.

  Where am I?

  Did I go out?

  I was sure I didn’t go out. If I had, where was my phone?

  I rolled my head to the side, glancing at the bedside table, finding only a lamp on the unfamiliar glossy surface.

  I groaned as I tried to sit up again, before hearing a silky voice from the corner of the dark room.

  “Hello, Gretchen. Did you sleep well?”

  I didn’t know who was speaking to me, and as I sat up, my head swam as though liquid was sloshing around in my skull, my brain a mere ice cube.

  “Where am I?” I whispered as I tried to focus. My vision was misty, and no matter how many times I blinked, it wouldn’t clear. I groaned and focused on the black floaters that danced in my eyes.

  “I wondered which question would come first. I thought you’d ask who I was, so let me answer both for you.”

  A woman stepped out from the darkness and her beauty captivated me. She wore no makeup but didn’t need to:her green eyes contrasted with her honey-colored skin, her dark tresses pulled into a loose ponytail which swished as she moved. She wore jeans and a high neck shirt, showing off her flawless figure. She gazed at me then, her eyes searching my face as she smiled wistfully.

  “I can see why he is so smitten.”


  Adrenaline flooded my veins, and despite not having the gift of sight, I bolted upright. The woman’s eyes widened with concern as she held her hand out to me.

  “Please, sit. You’ve had quite an eventful evening and I would hate for you to fall and hurt yourself.”

  “An eventful evening? Please can you explain where I am, and what I am doing here?” I breathed, confusion dominating my brain, making it hard for me to think.

  “Oh, of course,” she waved her hand in the air as she tapped the side of her head playfully.

  “Ma Certo, sono così smemorata.”

  I blinked, unsure what she had just said but recognising the accent as Italian.

  “You are here because I wanted you to be. This is my home,” she smiled sweetly, yet I sensed danger lurked behind her words.

  Why am I in a strange woman’s house?

  Why can’t I recall getting here?

  My head throbbed as I sank back down on the bed.

  “This is just a game, really,” she murmured lowly as she sat beside me on the bed, her fingers running through my hair as she gazed at me in admiration.

  My instincts told me to move away, but her touch held me still.

  “What game? I don’t understand. I don’t even know you,” my voice gave away the fear I felt, and my stomach churned as she nodded sympathetically.

  “No, that is true, Bella. You don’t know me. But your boyfriend does.”

  My eyes met hers then, and I felt bile rise in my throat.

  How does she know Cal? Is he here?

  “My name is Lucia. I am not sure if he has ever mentioned me to you—”

  My mouth dropped open as I realized the woman sitting before me was the reason Cal was so damaged.

  The attack on Lucia all those years ago had left him scarred mentally, was what put him in witness protection, and what caused him to kill a man before my very eyes. She was beyond stunning, and my heart ached as I remembered what had happened to her.

  She nodded casually, removing her fingers from my hair, and I was thankful she didn’t rip it out of my scalp.

  “So, he did tell you,” she mused quietly. “You must be very special. Because he didn’t tell anyone else about it. He just ran,” she spoke coolly, anger in her voice. “Do you know he was my boyfriend first?” she turned to me then, and resentment filled my chest. “I mean, we were young, but he was my first everything, if you know what I mean. We were besotted with each other. See, one thing that is so attractive about Leo is how fiercely he loves. You know what I mean, I can see it in your eyes.”

  I stared at the floor, and I thought if she was going to just kill me, she should get it over with. I’d rather have that than listen to her stories as Cal’s girlfriend.

  “I’m the daughter of a Don, Gretchen. I know how it feels to be protected. All my life I have been told where to go, where not to go, who to speak to, you get the picture. So, Leo was my world, I fell in love with him so quickly I couldn’t be without him. I knew he was a bad boy, but who doesn’t find that attractive? I was used to that lifestyle anyway, I figured it would get him a higher favour with my father if he became a successful criminal,” she shrugged then her eyes glassed over, the memories of her attack now surfacing.

  I tried to remember my training, how to talk to someone with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, as I remained quiet, listening patiently.

  “I won’t give you the details, but apparently I should feel lucky to be alive. I don’t,” she hissed bitterly, turning to gaze at me.

  My heart beat so fast all I could hear was the blood rushing in my ears.

  “I wish I were dead.”

  I gulped then, not sure what to say.

  She stood up abruptly as I heard footsteps coming down the hall, her name being called. Her eyes darted around the room as the door swung open, revealing a devilishly handsome man, his dark hair slicked back as he caught sight of me on the bed, a frown forming on his face.

  “Lucia...” he muttered. His eyes met hers as she giggled.

  “I know, it’s naughty. But I had to, Michael.”


  I hadn’t heard of his name before, and my cheeks flushed as he moved forward, scrutinizing me. His co
logne was strong and delicious, as I moved further back on the bed, not wanting to be in proximity to this man.

  “Sssh, it’s okay. My sister and I are just going to leave the room to talk for a moment, okay?”

  His voice was soft as he gazed at me, his dark eyes piercing into mine.

  I nodded as they left, hearing their rapid exchange of words outside of the door. I stood, searching the room quickly for a weapon of any kind.

  I knew I was in a mafia house and I didn’t know when I would need to fight for my life.

  There was nothing, absolutely nothing to use.

  I tore open the heavy drapes that blocked the sunlight, gasping when I saw my view. The window could open outwards to a balcony, complete with a small iron table and chairs, overlooking the most beautiful garden I had ever seen.

  Am I still in New York?

  I couldn’t be, I’d never seen space like this in any real estate there.

  The door opened behind me and I heard someone walk in, the door clicking shut softly behind them.

  “Forgive my sister, Miss Red. She is not well,” my skin prickled at his voice as I turned to see him leaning against the bed frame, his face etched in annoyance as he glanced around the room.

  “Your boyfriend was here earlier, looking for you. Had I known you were here, I would have reunited you at once. Alas, I did not. So, here we are.”

  I watched him, my arms crossed over my chest, aware I was wearing my stupid pyjamas and that I hadn’t even brushed my teeth that morning.

  The inconvenience of being kidnapped.

  He seemed to register my discomfort as he stood, walking over to me slowly. “I am so sorry. I understand if you wish to press charges,” he stared at the floor as he rubbed his neck with one hand, and I shook my head.

  “I won’t. I just want to go home.”

  His eyes met mine as his fingers captured my hand, raising it to his full lips, before kissing it softly.

  “Then I am in your debt.”

  Our eyes met as he dropped my hand slowly, his smile dangerous yet seductive. “If you need anything, ever, you just call me. Do you understand? Just call me,” his words sunk in and I nodded as he turned his gaze to the view behind me.


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