Mine : You Can't Help Who You Fall In Love With... (The Winterburg Series Book 1)

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Mine : You Can't Help Who You Fall In Love With... (The Winterburg Series Book 1) Page 24

by Linzvonc

  I was no match for Luke though.

  “How fucking dare you!” I tried to push him away as he slammed me back against the door, his arms gripping me close to his body, his mouth near my ear.

  “Do you know what, maybe I’m done with fucking asking,” he rasped, as he smothered my mouth with his, pushing me against the wall as his hands roamed over my body.

  I tried to push his hands off me, as he pushed his hands up my top, his fingers tugging at my waistband.

  “Don’t deny it, Gretchen, you want me,” Luke smirked, pressing his hardness against me as he tried to force his hand down my jeans.

  “I don’t want you!” I cried, bringing my knee up to his crotch, hard.

  He doubled over in pain as I shoved past him, running out of the door.

  I gasped as I ran down the street, terrified he was going to chase me. I didn’t look back as I ran, streets whizzing past me, adrenaline keeping me going. I slowed after a while, a stitch crippling my stomach as I pulled my phone out and called an Uber, my fingers trembling.

  I couldn’t believe what Luke had just done. I couldn’t believe I let myself fall for his shit, and he’d gotten worse as he grew older.

  My stomach turned as I remembered his hands all over my body, and I closed my eyes.

  I just want Cal.

  I dialed his number only to hear the voicemail, and I cried fat, salty tears that I wiped away with the back of my hand, still scanning behind me for Luke.

  I knew Cal would be incensed, and I feared he wouldn’t come back for me.

  I half-hiccupped, half-snorted when I tried to breathe, my heart aching as my stomach churned.

  Why did I meet up with Luke?

  After what felt like an eternity, my cab arrived. I climbed in, slamming the door shut with relief.

  I tried Cal again and sent him a text.


  I know you are mad, but please call me. I’m so sorry.

  The cab reached my house, and I climbed out, exhaustion weighing me down suddenly. I made my way inside and made a beeline for my bedroom.

  My head hurt from thinking, and my heart ached from loving.

  I was furious at myself for doing this to Cal and me. Tonight could have gone down a darker path, had I not gotten away. I shuddered, burying my head beneath the covers.

  I needed Cal.

  I cradled my phone as I fell asleep, waiting to hear it ring or beep with every fiber of my being.

  I woke later, the room now dark. Something had woken me up, but I couldn’t figure out what.

  I grabbed my phone as I sat up to see no missed calls or texts. It was two in the morning.

  “Hey,” came a voice from the corner of my room, and I shrieked, jumping from my bed as I ran for the door.

  Arms circled me as I recognized the scent, my heart jumping from my chest.

  “Cal?” I moaned as fresh tears fell down my face.

  He’s back!

  “Jesus, baby, calm down. Where’s the fucking light switch?” he mumbled as I flicked it on, revealing his intense green gaze, his eyes filled with concern.

  “I’m so sorry, Cal,” I cried as he held me, his hands in my hair as he kissed my head softly. I buried my face in his chest as I inhaled his scent, masculine and strong.

  “Do you still have feelings for him?”

  I pulled away and met his eyes as I shook my head wildly.

  “Absolutely not. I just wanted to make things right, and instead it went very fucking wrong.”

  He frowned as he watched me, his hands pulling me away from him slightly.

  “How wrong?” he demanded; his voice dangerously low.

  I swallowed; my mouth dry.

  I couldn’t tell him.

  I knew for a fact he would probably kill Luke, and I didn’t want to carry the guilt around with me forever. Instead, I just explained that I felt terrible for betraying him, and that I thought he wouldn’t come back. That much was true, I just left out the fact Luke tried to assault me.

  “I won’t ever leave you again. You need to remember that I love you, Gretchen, so much.”

  I never grew tired of hearing him say that to me, but tonight it seemed to hold more meaning. I wasn’t sure why; maybe it was something to do with the fact I felt I had nearly lost him again, but something felt different.

  He wiped my tears away with his thumb before kissing me softly on the lips, a smile on my face as he did. He had the ability to remove any stress from me just by being in the room. His sheer presence calmed me.

  I climbed into bed and threw back the covers for him to join me as I yawned, feeling deliriously happy that he was back where he belonged—with me. I lifted so he could slide his arm beneath me, pulling me close to his bare chest as he sighed contentedly.

  “I’m so glad you weren’t gone long. I hate sleeping without you,” I mumbled sleepily as he ran his fingers up and down my arm, the comfort it gave making my eyes close with delight.

  “I’m sorry I had to go. But I’m back now. We’ll talk more tomorrow, okay?”

  I nodded as sleep took hold of me, my body racked with fatigue and emotion. In the arms of Cal, I slept deeply, unaware that for most of the evening he laid awake.

  Part Two: Chapter Twenty-Two


  The house was empty, except for him. I made my way into the house, walking boldly through the front door.

  I’m family, after all.

  Thuds from the bedroom above me told me where he was, yet I stood still briefly, listening to the sounds of the house.

  Yes, Luke is definitely home alone.

  As I walked up the stairs, I didn’t bother to disguise my footsteps.

  Let the fucker know I’m coming.

  I pushed open his door as our eyes met; his filled with confusion, mine wild with anger.

  He sat up from his push-up position on the floor and sat on his bed, scowling at me.

  “What the fuck do you want?” he snapped as I imagined snapping his neck. “Who let you in? Your name is scum in this house—”

  “I’m going to ask you this once. What happened with Gretchen?” I said, my eyes locked on his.

  He smirked at me and I counted backward from ten, aware I would be useless to her in prison.

  “You mean when she went out for breakfast with me, or last night?”

  I had learned a few tricks working for the mob. One was to always keep quiet if someone gave you information you didn’t know already, like now for example. I had no fucking idea what he was talking about, but pieces were sliding into place.

  “She didn’t tell you about last night, did she?” he smirked at me again and this time I moved towards him, comforted by the fear that flashed in his eyes.

  “No. But now you’re going to. Or I’m going to remove your fucking teeth one-by-one Luke, and I’m not fucking playing.”

  I reached into my pocket and felt the smooth metal of the pliers against my skin and I smiled lazily.

  “I’m not fucking scared of you, you prick,” Luke scoffed as he squared up to me.

  There it was; the invitation. Not that I needed one; he’d had this coming for years.

  Luke lunged for me, thinking years of lifting weights would make him a match for me. It was more to do with balance and knowing your enemies. I moved swiftly, my fist connecting with his jaw with a loud crack as he fell backward into his bed, blood gushing from his mouth.

  Silly bastard must’ve bit his tongue.

  “What did you do, Luke?”

  I didn’t want to hurt him again, but I would if he didn’t start giving me some answers. He spat blood out onto the floor and looked up at me, realizing I meant business. I toyed with the idea of pulling a couple of teeth out to prove a point, but that was just cruel.

  I’m not a thug.

  “She came around shooting her mouth off. Things got carried away, one thing led to another—”

  The color drained from my face as I grabbed him by the throat, pulling him t
o his feet. The thought of this prick kissing my girl was enough to make me slit his throat. My temples throbbed as I tightened my grip on his throat, my eyes narrowed into slits.

  “You fucking what?”

  My voice didn’t sound like mine, as I remembered how she jumped last night. I thought it was the after-effects of the kidnap, but it seemed my suspicions were right. She was on edge because of this cunt.

  “Relax, she didn’t go through with it; she kicked me in the balls and left,” he confessed as his shoulders deflated.

  I also knew Gretchen wouldn’t just kick him in the balls for no reason. She must’ve had a reason, so I squeezed his throat a little tighter, enjoying watching him gasp for air. Just before he lost consciousness, I released him, and he fell to the floor in a heap.

  I kicked him hard in the balls, then the stomach, making sure the message was received loud and clear.

  “I don’t want you to ever speak to either of us again. If you do, you better come and kill me before I fucking find you. Do you understand? This isn’t a game, you little cunt.”

  I glared at him as he whimpered on the floor, my blood boiling to the point of no control for leaving him alive.

  I couldn’t go around killing people, not all the time anyway. I fucking hated him though, and I hesitated at the doorway as he apologized.

  “Your actions speak louder than your words. Don’t fucking insult me, you piece of shit. Keep the fuck away from us.”

  I walked away then, before I did something I would regret.

  I lit a cigarette as I stood outside, trying to calm myself down before I saw Gretchen again. She was already a bag of nerves; she didn’t need to see me all fired up.

  Inhale, exhale.


  Part Two: Chapter Twenty-Three


  “Three more weeks and we will be back in New York.”

  I shielded my eyes from the sun as I turned to look at Cal, his hand on the steering wheel as he drove. I felt the familiar lurch in my stomach as he turned and smiled at me, before lacing his fingers with mine.

  “I thought you hated New York.”

  “It’s not too bad with you in it. I’m happy wherever you are, baby.”

  I sighed happily as I rested my head on my hand, feeling tiredness wash over me. I yawned as he glanced at me, a frown on his face.

  “You can’t possibly still be tired. All we’ve done is sleep.”

  I stuck my tongue out at him as he laughed in response.

  “Alright, it’s not all we have done,” he smirked as the visions of the past week clearly filled his mind.

  Cal had surprised me with a trip to the coast, insisting we needed some time alone by the sea. It had been amazing, but now we were driving back to my parents. I was sad that we had to go soon, but after the fiasco with Luke I was secretly relieved.


  If Cal ever found out what he had done to me that night—what he had tried to do—I shuddered at the thought. But I hadn’t heard from him since, and Cal promised he wasn’t leaving my side whilst we were here.

  I stared at the scenery as it changed from barren to green, a road sign informing us we were now in familiar territory. I closed my eyes, the hum of the car beneath me rocking me into a sleepy security as Cal drove steadily.


  His voice made me stir as I looked at him through sleepy eyes. I sat up, becoming aware that the car had stopped, blinking slowly when I realized we were parked at my parents.

  I’d slept all the way home.

  “Maybe you need some vitamins or something. It’s not normal to sleep that much,” Cal studied me through concerned eyes as I sat up, tiredness still holding me prisoner.

  “My period is overdue. That’s all.”

  He nodded as he swung open his door, pulling our bags out of the back seat.

  “Go and have a bath, babe, do you need anything?” he called as I walked up the steps, turning to shake my head.

  I walked into the empty house, the familiar scent of home greeting me.

  A bath sounded like a good idea, so I made my way upstairs and began running one.

  I heard Cal's voice echoing through the hallway as he spoke on the phone, hearing his delicious laugh as he thanked whoever it was, promising he would see them soon. I felt a stab of jealousy as I listened, annoyed he was speaking quietly now.

  “Yeah, do that. Send it to me. Thanks, so much Beth, you’re amazing.”

  I stood bolt upright, my fingers gripping the stair rail as he walked back out to the car.

  Who the fuck is Beth?

  I realized I was shaking with jealousy, a rage racing through my body like fire. What was she sending? Why was she amazing?

  I stepped back, aware that my bath was running.

  I needed to check his phone, I realized.

  If I asked him, he would never admit it, but I knew he was hiding something from me.

  Something important.

  I usually turned a blind eye to his work, at his request. He insisted the less I knew, the better and safer it was for me.

  But now I just felt stupid.

  I heard his feet on the stairs, and I dashed into the bathroom, not wanting him to find me lurking on the stairs.

  “Babe. I’m going to grab us some food because there’s nothing in. I thought we could cook for your parents tonight. I can do it if you don’t feel up to it?” he stood in the doorway then, his hands holding on to the top of the frame, exposing his taut stomach. He frowned as he gazed at me, his deep stare boring into my soul.

  “Gretchen, what’s wrong?”

  Despite my intentions, the words slipped out of my mouth in an angry snarl.

  “Who the fuck is Beth?!”

  I noticed the color drain from his face as my heart raced, causing me to hold onto the sink.

  “What?” he whispered in disbelief as I nodded at him.

  “Answer me! Who the fuck is Beth?”

  I stood close to him now, unable to imagine that this man could hurt me this way. But in his eyes, I saw the secret, and I sucked in a breath.

  He closed his eyes as he exhaled, a look of frustration on his face.

  “If I say nothing and noone, will you leave it?” his tone was pleading as I laughed harshly.

  “Absolutely fucking not! Are you fucking her?! Is that why you went back to New York?” I was shaking as I asked him, visions of him with some scantily clad whore burning through my retinas.

  I’ll kill her. Then him.

  He raised his eyebrows as he gaped at me in a stunned silence, before I fixed him with a deadly gaze.

  “You need to fucking answer me right now, Cal Fallon, before I rip your balls off and ram them down your throat.”

  To my horror he began to laugh, and I shoved him in the chest angrily.

  “I’m not fucking anyone else, princess, come on! I swear, it’s nothing like that.”

  I folded my arms as I waited. He sighed as he put his hands on my shoulders, which I shrugged off angrily.

  “I’m waiting.”

  “You're going to ruin the surprise,” he said quietly.

  “Oh, I’m surprised alright. Spit it out, Cal.”

  “I’m taking you away for your birthday. Beth is the travel agent, and she’s sending the tickets over to my email as we speak. Enjoy your bath.” He turned and walked away, disappointment on his face as I stared after him with a mixture of disbelief and regret.

  Oh, fuck.

  Part Two: Chapter Twenty-Four


  You really don’t trust me, huh?”

  I shifted from one foot to the other, squirming under his gaze. How could I possibly explain my overreaction? My cheeks burned as he slid his phone over the table to me, opening his hands out.

  “Read the email, if it puts your mind at rest. Her name is there, her contact number too, if you want to call her,” He sounded wounded, his voice full of disappointment. I shook my head, not wanting to furth
er spoil the surprise. “Gretchen, have I ever given you reason to doubt me?”

  I chewed on my lip as I considered his question. “Well—”

  “Seriously?” he interrupted, his hands on the back of the chair as he frowned at me. I swallowed and shook my head no.

  No, he hasn’t.

  “I’m sorry. I just heard you speaking to another woman and—”

  I looked up to see a smile playing at his lips as I struggled to finish the sentence.

  “I just didn’t like it. Argh, now I’ve ruined my surprise,” I folded my arms as he walked around the table, pulling my arms apart and wrapping them around his waist.

  “This isn’t like you. You know no other woman compares to you,” he kissed me softly and I sank into his arms gratefully.

  “I’m so sorry,” I mumbled into his chest as he rubbed my back tenderly.

  “It’s fine, just act surprised when it happens,” he growled into my ear as I giggled. “How was your bath?”

  “Angry and short,” I grumbled as I yawned again. “I’m going to lie down for a while, are you coming with me?”

  “You sleep, babe. I’m going to go get some food to cook for us all, do you want anything?”

  I shook my head as I walked up the stairs, my head suddenly feeling too heavy for my shoulders.

  What the hell is wrong with me?

  Snapping at Cal, falling to sleep constantly, now headaches.

  I frowned when I realized I had barely eaten today. It dawned on me that I was probably dehydrated and hungry. I mentally checked in with my stomach, my brain showcasing food for it like a damn buffet whilst it churned in protest.

  Maybe I was getting ill. I pulled back the duvet as I slid between the sheets, my limbs embracing the coolness of the bed as my eyelids dropped.

  Part Two: Chapter Twenty-Five


  The flight back to New York was relatively painless.

  Even Cal managed to doze most of the way back, which gave me the opportunity to reflect on the summer. I realized that I had grown so much in the time away from my childhood home, unable to believe that I had once thought I was going to marry Luke and spend my life in that little town without ever really wanting anything more.


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