The Accidental Explorer

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The Accidental Explorer Page 46

by George Deeb

  The sunny afternoon on a green Swiss Alps mountainside made for a gorgeous setting for Earths first inter-planetary wedding, an event that would go unremarked in the history books. Although the elevation wasn't very high, several of the Ganaphe' guests had small oxygen canisters strapped to their waists. It had been a simple ceremony in traditional Earth style. When and if the bride and groom visited Taloraicia another traditional ceremony of that planet would take place.

  Erika watched her uncle socializing with the guests. She was surprised by how comfortable he seemed. She couldn't remember his having a serious, long term relationship when she was growing up. Mersuul changed that. Now he was married. Mersuul had told her that children would definitely be in the future. That was something else she had never associated with her uncle – he would be a parent. Over the last two years there had been so many changes to what she had considered normal before. She looked at the man next to her, and remembered how young he had looked when she first saw him. He didn't look that way anymore. He just looked right.


  June 2015

  “Commander, this is Delfin in comms.”

  Travellor reached over and activated the channel. It was a small break in the work day routine, and Mersuul, Erika and Toisae Blin were having lunch in his office. The smile cleared from his face – Delfin only called him when it involved something out of the ordinary.

  “Go ahead Jibble.”

  “Sir, I just received a signal from the General. He is on the Kalinor's transport and on his way here. ETA seven minutes. They both request a meeting immediately on arrival.”

  “They BOTH request?”

  “Yes sir. That's what they instructed me to tell you.”

  Everyone looked around at each other. They all knew that was odd. After a few seconds of thought, Travellor responded.

  “Tell the General and Kalinor Planna that I am waiting for them in my office, if that is suitable.”

  “I'll relay the message.” said Delfin.

  Travellor leaned back in his chair, and looked at the others. They all had questioning looks on their faces. He took hold of the mouse and selected the landing pad camera on his computer, then sent the output to the overhead monitor.

  “Now we can see when they touch down.”

  “Does the General always give such short notice when he comes here?” asked Mersuul.

  “Only one other time, when he delivered the Folly. He wanted to surprise me with it. But I don't think this is a social visit. Not with the Kalinor coming with him.”

  “If you ask me,” said Erika to Mersuul, “Your uncle has been acting suspicious for the last couple of weeks.”

  “Oh? Do tell.” said Travellor.

  “You must have noticed that when Mersuul proposed to you he wasn't very happy about it.”

  “Ohhh yes. I noticed.”

  “Well I noticed that his attitude changed completely at the wedding. Why?”

  Travellor thought about this for a while.

  “I noticed that too, but I don't know why.” he said, then looked at Mersuul and doctor Blin.

  “He was happy for me.” said Mersuul, as Blin shook her head to indicate she didn't know.

  “Perhaps we should clean this up and leave, so that you can have your meeting.” she said, nodding at the food on Travellor's desk.

  “NO!” he said sharply. “Stay. They wanted to catch me off guard for some reason. I'm not going to give them what they expected. Let's throw them a curve ball instead. Besides, we haven't finished eating yet.” he said with a big grin.


  They were all either surprised or shocked as they let what they just heard sink in. Travellor sat quietly in thought, looking at Farber-Chatwell. Planna sat military straight in his chair trying not to notice the stares he was getting from his niece, Erika, and Doctor Blin. Farber-Chatwell sat casually slouched as he waited for Travellor's response.


  “Yes.” said Farber-Chatwell.

  “To Taloraicia?”

  “Just a temporary assignment. For six months – until the Eowaar returns. The Kalinor suggested that you would be the ideal choice for the job. I believe he is right. We are new to all of this, and we both know enough about IGT law to know we have to get a more accurate understanding of it. You're the man I want. I know you will do it correctly! It will be a contingent of four. The others will be experts in legal, financial, and trade matters. I need you to tell me if something doesn't seem right. I need you to bring back the information that ties everything together.”

  Erika looked at Kalinor Planna with newfound admiration and amazement, as she realized why he had achieved command of such a powerful force as the Eowaar. To be the type of man to command such a vessel you had to know how to get things done – the way you wanted them done. That was what she was seeing here and now. He had come to find the lost member of his family, and keep the promise to return her home to her mother. He had found her alive, which was more than he had hoped for. Then she married a man she would stay with, and not go back home. And now he had found the way to get what he wanted anyway. Mersuul would not leave her Moon Base Commander husband – but she would accompany him as the ambassador to her home planet. This is why Planna had been happy these last weeks. He had figured this out before the wedding. He knew Farber-Chatwell would agree to his suggestion. 'Get what you want much?' she thought while looking at Planna.

  “You like this idea?” Travellor asked Mersuul. “Do you think I should do th...”

  “YES! ABSOLUTELY!” she replied excitedly, then regained her composure. “This is an excellent idea.” she said, with happiness all over her face.

  “OK then. I will let you know my choice for acting Base Commander by tomorrow morning.”

  “Excellent.” said Planna. “We leave in two Earth weeks.”


  The observation dome was the newest and tallest addition to the moon base. The crystal-flow dome was manufactured on the Eowaar using the raw material mined by the Orysta crew for the 361 organization, and was optically perfect. It was worth a fortune in intergalactic trade value, but in practical value it would allow astronomers to view the section of space above them without any extraordinary protective measures for space radiation. The space under the dome was empty now, but floor space had been designated for two large diameter optical telescopes. At present it was used for star gazing and day dreaming by the base occupants. Various pieces of furniture had magically appeared, seemingly out of no where. No one complained. It would be months yet before it was occupied by the scientific community, and a permanent observation section had also been designated in the room.

  Taking up a large part of the view now was the Eowaar, ablaze with lights and as active as an insect hive as various ships and maintenance personnel traveled in and out of her as she ran systems checks in preparation for the journey home. From the dome the ship looked like a huge sword blade with its tip pointed directly at the moon base.

  “Not many people get to see her this close and from this viewpoint.” said Dhona.

  His speech was more fluid now, sounding more natural and less strained. He sat strapped into a wheel chair, braces on either side of his head – his muscles were not yet strong enough to support his body for long periods. A nasal cannula supplied the higher level of oxygen that he required. His color was bright pink, his body still swollen, and the pain control bands were still necessary – but each day was a little better. Now carrying the rank of Warta by order of Kalinor Planna, Dhona would not be making the trip home with the Eowaar. His doctors didn't want to take any chances in his present condition. There was no need to. Everything that was needed for his continued recuperation was available here and on Earth. He would even have a Ganaphe' doctor to look after him.

  “It is an amazing sight.” said Doctor Blin. “Even as far away as she is from us, she still looks huge.”

  Blin also was not going home with the Eowaar. She would be Dhona's personal physician
while he remained in this solar system. Farber-Chatwell had asked her to stay with him until the Eowaar returned. She accepted his invitation. He made her smile – more now than she had in a long time. She had not been this happy since the death of her chosen, which had been the impetus for leaving her medical practice and taking the job with the mining company. She had enjoyed the traveling through space to strange and barren planets where the mining usually took place.

  Now this man of Earth had woven himself into her life, day by day. She had not thought she could be this happy again, and she was very happy when she was with him. It was only for six months, which seemed a small amount of time more compared to the decitans they had been missing and thought dead. She wondered if in six months she would be as brave as Mersuul had been, and choose Farber-Chatwell. She wondered if he would accept. Six months would be a good length of time to find answers for all of these questions.


  Intul-sil-Califas was staying in Vialactea until the return trip of the Eowaar – at least. The Orysta would never fly again and it was the mining company's job to salvage her, but that was not the real reason he volunteered to be the company representative here. He wanted to see the continued development of Earth's advancement into space – and he intended to insert himself in it whenever possible. In the meantime, with most of her major functions operational she would continue to support the moon base operations by supplying power, gravity, an advanced technology medical bay, camouflage, and two shuttles. The crystal-flow in her cargo hold had been off loaded onto the Eowaar since it was a strategically important mineral. It would be delivered to the mining company on arrival at Taloraicia. It was an impressive load, and would make the company a very large profit even after the loss of the Orysta. The load of crystal-flow would also be profitable for the 361 Organization. No one had any doubt that they would use their share to bargain for leaving and maintaining the Orysta here on the moon – and there was also no doubt that the deal would be made. There was more crystal-flow to be mined here, and the company would want to maintain a good relationship.

  Benua-sil-Plessa was also remaining behind at the request of Farber-Chatwell and Travellor. He would be needed to keep the Orysta's systems working, and the arrangement also made Erika very happy – there was much more he could teach her. Plessa had talked to his daughter, who was not happy about his staying after such a long absence. He had a new grandson that he had never seen, and she wanted the toddler to know his grandfather. He felt that he owed his new family here some loyalty, and six more months would be small payment for all they had given him. In the end he had appeased her, and with the comm relays now establishing reliable communications he promised to call daily.


  Mersuul and her new chosen had been assigned to one of the special guest quarters on board the Eowaar. It was a very comfortable suite, but Travellor didn't plan on spending much time in it. He wanted to see as much of the Eowaar as he possibly could, and the short trip to Taloraicia would not be enough time. Then there was the Ganaphe' wedding ceremony they would be required to go through to make Mersuul's family happy. Add to that the official duties and social events required of an ambassador and it was going to be a very busy six months. He suspected that this trip would not be the honeymoon they had yet to take.

  “I am sorry that Erika decided not to come with us, but it will only be six months and you will see her again.”

  “I know.” said Travellor. “She's all grown up now, and it was bound to happen. It's not surprising. I guess it's just not what I wanted.” He looked at Mersuul questioningly. “And what about you? After you go home and see your family again, are you going to want to come back here with me?”

  Mersuul thought for a while. She sat on his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck.

  “When I was trying to decide if I was going to ask you to be my chosen, it was the hardest decision I have ever had to make in my life. I knew it would mean that I would be away from my family, if not forever then for much of the time. That was what made it such a hard decision. I decided that in everyone's life there comes a time when you have to separate from the family and make one of your own. Now it will not be so difficult with established communications and travel to your solar system. I will be able to talk to them whenever I want, and visit them. It will not be much more difficult than someone on Earth flying from one continent to another. I will go wherever you are.”


  Acting Base Commander “JJ” Jennings sat in the very comfortable chair in the base commander's office. He still expected someone to walk in and tell him to get the hell out. This unexpected, although temporary, change in status had him doubting himself a little. He swiveled the chair and looked out of the window at all the activity in the crater, then looked up and was once again awed by the sight of the Eowaar.

  This was all so wrong and so much better than it should have been. The original plan had been to live – no, survive – in a box while building a bigger box and then more boxes. There would have been a lot of boxes by now. Instead there was this complex structure with sections above and below ground. All of this was an accident of fate. If the Ganaphe' had not crashed and been stuck here none of this would have happened.

  He had often been given command of the base when Travellor was off site. But those times were short, and direct communication to Travellor was always at hand. There would be no calling for guidance now. For the next six months he had to do the job as well as Travellor had, and Travellor had done a very good job. The last official order Travellor had given as Base Commander was to have his picture removed from the reception area, and replaced with JJ's. There were two very large pictures there now. One of JJ with a plaque reading 'Base Commander Jonathan Jennings', and another of Giell-sil-Dhona with a sign above it reading 'Welcome to the Giell-sil-Dhona Moon Base'.

  “Commander Jennings, this is the Eowaar.” came the voice over the comm.

  “Jennings here. Go ahead Eowaar.”

  “Commander, the Eowaar is departing the area. Kalinor Planna sends his regards and says he looks forward to seeing you again in six Earth months.”

  “Please express my thanks to the Kalinor and the crew for the assistance they provided. I look forward to your return. Jennings out.”

  It took several minutes before he could detect that the Eowaar was getting smaller in his view. The ship was backing away slowly, to put more distance between her and the moon. As she continued to move, the ship got smaller at a faster rate, then it pivoted and Jennings could see the glow of the engines.


  Author's Note:

  Thank you for reading my first work. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing it. If you liked this book, please take a moment and leave a review at your retailer's website.

  Glossary of Ganaphe' Language

  arcleeson - unit of angular measurement approximately equal to one degree.

  bliml - a cream like substance derived from the Blim plant. It is both a creamer and a sweetener.

  crystal-flow - a crystalline material used by the Ganaphe' to create a radiation proof transparent material.

  decitan - approximately equal to 1.4 years

  dhrojja - space pirates

  diest - one solar day

  Distributed Registries Exchange - Intergalactic data warehouse maintaining copies of all documents related to commercial and political interests of IGT signatories.

  ducifel - a multi-colored flower from the Ganaphe' home world, that are usually found growing at the entrances of caves and tunnels. They grow downward or sideways without consideration for sunlight or gravity, and are very sensitive to oxygen levels. Oxygen levels of eighteen percent or less causes the petals to immediately turn white.

  fracin - approximately equal to two seconds

  Galya - the language spoken by the Ganaphe'

  garva - a hot Ganaphe' beverage

  gorbel - a sport similar to tennis.

  gordaelate - a strong and flexib
le metal like material, having the flexibility and strength of steel cable infused with carbon fiber composite

  Grilik - Captain or Commander of a ship

  heela - approximately equal to one and a half hours

  Ilmerts law - close equivalent to Murphy's law


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