and Bartram, 64, 65
and Colden, 63, 65, 66
designating a specific genus Coldenia after Colden, 66, 171
and Collinson, 123
and Jane Calden, 120–21, 123, 124, 125
and Mitchell, 73
sending Kalm to America, 93
Livingston, Philip, 87, 89, 96
Livingston, William, 132, 145
Logan, James, 19–20, 21, 44, 67, 78–79
London (ship), 155
London Magazine, 111
London Society of Arts, 117
Long Island, Battle of, 156
Lord Beacon's Head (Fleet Street), 110
Lords Commissioners of Trade and Plantation, 74
“Lost Colony,” 24
Lothian, Marquis of, 55
Louisbourg, expedition against, 102
Lovelace, Francis, 27
Lues Venera, 70
Lyne, James, 54
Lyne Survey for New York, 53, 54
magnetism, 137
Maine, 27
“Map of Pennsylvania, New-Jersey, New-York, and the Three Delaware Counties” (map by Lewis Evans), 97–98
“Map of the British and French Dominions in North America with the Roads, Distances, Limits, and Extent of the Settlements, A” (map by Mitchell), 74
“MAP of the Countrey of THE FIVE NATIONS belonging to the province of NEW-YORK and of the LAKES near which the Nations of FAR INDIANS live with part of CANADA taken from the Map of LOUISIANE done by M’ DeLisle in 1718” (map by Colden), 36–37
“Map of the Most Inhabited Part of New England” (based on map by Douglass), 33
See also cartography
Marine Society of New York, 151
Martha's Vineyard, 25, 27
Martinique, surrender of, 135
Mary (queen). See William and Mary (king and queen)
Maryland, 25
Massachusetts, Province of (aka Massachusetts Bay Colony), 25, 26, 30, 32, 44, 96
battle near Lexington in 1775, 155
commissions to define borders, 64
with New Hampshire, 56
with Rhode Island, 56
in French and Indian War, 105, 106, 107
materialism, 83–84, 85, 171
Mather, Cotton, 32
matter, 67, 75, 77–78, 79, 80, 83–84, 85, 86, 95, 111, 112, 171
See also Explanation of the First Causes of Action in Matter; and the Cause of Gravitation (Colden)
Mead, Dr., 109–110
medical associations, 33, 52, 63, 118
Medical Observations and Inquiries (publication), 110
medical school, first in New York, 122, 151
medicine, Colden's interest in, 15–16, 18–20
attempts to establish medical lectures, 19–20
Colden helping pass regulation of medical practices, 130
concerns about seasonal fevers, 69
maintaining interest in after ceasing practice, 30–31, 69–71
publications on medicine, 30, 69, 70, 109–110, 144, 170
“Memorial concerning the Fur Trade of the Province of New York presented to His Excellency William Burnet, Esquire, Captain Generall & Governor &c By Cadwallader Colden, Surveyor General of said Province, November 10th, 1724, A” (Colden), 41–42
Metropolitan Museum of Art, 165
Mr. Boyle's Head (Fleet Street), 110
Mitchell, John, 63, 68, 70, 71–75, 100, 119
Mitchella repens, 73
Mohawk (Indians), 37
Colden adopted by, 41
Mohawk Valley, surveying in, 35–36, 59
Monckton, Robert, 132, 134–36, 137
Monro, Alexander (primus), 71
Montcalm de Saint-Véran, Louis-Joseph, 107
Montgomerie, John, 44, 53
Monthly Review (magazine), 111
Montreal, surrendering of in 1760, 129–30
Moore, Henry, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148
Moore, John, 89
Morison, Robert, 121
Morris, Lewis, Jr., 57, 59
Morris, Lewis, Sr., 30, 34–35, 45, 54, 55, 57–58, 59, 86, 157
Motie in Oculis, 18
moving matter, 77, 78
Murray, Alexander (married Jane Colden), 165
Murray, James. See Dunmore, James Murray, Earl of
Murray, Jane (Colden). See Colden, Jane [aka Jenny] (daughter)
Murray, Joseph, 89, 90
Nantucket, 25, 27
National Historical Landmark, 162
National Museum of the American Indian, 131
Necessity, Fort, 104
Negro skin, composition of, 72–73
Newcastle, Duke of. See Pelham, Thomas [aka Duke of Newcastle]
New Castle County, Delaware, 26
New England, Dominion of, 25, 26, 28
Newfoundland, 102
New Hampshire, 26, 56
New Haven Colony, 25
New Jersey, 26, 30
New Netherlands, 27
Newton, Isaac, 75, 84, 111
Newtonian science, 70–71, 75–82, 85, 95, 111–13, 171
See also ether; gravity; matter
Newton's Optics (Newton), 18
New York (City of), 26
British occupying in 1776, 9
Colden moving to, 21, 23, 28
Dutch in, 26–27
first map, 53, 54
statue of George III torn down, 156
New York (Colony of), 26–27, 30
charter for, 28
conflicts over free trade vs. protective duties, 42–44
determining contested borders with Connecticut, 35, 56
electing new assembly after death of George II, 133
financing problems before French and Indian War, 96–97
governors of. See Burnet, William; Clinton, George; Cosby, William; Dongan, Thomas; Dunmore, James Murray, Earl of; Hardy, Charles; Hunter, Robert; Hyde, Edward [aka Lord Cornbury]; Ingoldesby, Richard; Lovelace, Francis; Monckton, Robert; Montgomerie, John; Moore, Henry; Nicolls, Richard; Tryon, William
See also Assembly of New York; Chancery, Court of (New York); Council of New York; political service of Cadwallader Colden in New York
New York Chamber of Commerce, 146
New York Genealogical and Biographical Society, 162
New York Historical Society, 10, 158, 174
New-York Weekly Journal (newspaper), 57–58
New York Weekly Post, 58
Niagara, Fort, 105, 106, 108, 129
Nicholls, Elizabeth (marriage to Alexander Colden), 162–63
Nicolls, Richard, 27
Nollet, Jean-Antoine (Abbé Nollet), 114, 166
North, Lord, 152
North Carolina, 26
Nuck Operationes et Experiment Chirurg, 18
Observations on the Inhabitants, Climate, Soil, Rivers, Productions, Animals and other Matters Worthy of Notice (Bartram), 65
“Of the First Principles of Morality or the Actions of Intelligent Beings” (Calden). See “First Principles of Morality, or of the Actions of Intelligent Beings” (Colden)
Ogelthorpe, James Edward, 73
Old Saybrook Colony, 25
Oliver, Andrew, 142
Oneida (Indians), 38
Onondaga (Indians), 38
Optics (Newton), 77
Orange County, New York, 28, 34, 35, 45, 102, 108
Osborn, Danvers, 99, 101
Osborne, Thomas, 91, 110
Oswego, Fort, 53, 103, 105, 106, 107
Paper Currency Bill, 148
Papers Relating to an Act of New-York for Encouragement of the Indian Trade (Colden), 36, 37, 91
Paris, Treaty of in 1763, 138–39
Paris, Treaty of in 1783, 74
Parker, James, 69, 70, 80, 109
Park of Artillery, 9
Pelham, Thomas [aka Duke of Newcastle], 91, 92
Penn, William, 26
Pennsylvania, 26
pestilential distemper. S
ee Yellow Fever
Philadelphia, Colden's time in, 16, 18
moving to New York, 21, 23, 28
Philadelphia Medical Society, 118
Philipse, Adolph, 29–30, 41, 54, 59, 60, 128
Philosophical Society of Edinburgh, 118
Philosophical Transactions (journal of Royal Society of London), 72
philosophy and metaphysical interests of Colden, 63, 80, 82–86, 130, 171–72
Pitt, Fort, 109, 139
Pitt, William (the Elder), 108
Plains of Abraham, battle at, 129, 135
planetary motion, 111
“Plan of British Dominions of New England” (map by Douglass), 33
Plan of Union of the Colonies, 105
“Plantae Coldenhamiae in provincia Novaboracensi Americanes sponte Crescentes” (Colden), 66
pleurisy, 70
Plymouth Colony, 24, 25
pneumonia, 70
pokeweed, value of, 109
political cartoon, first in America, 105, 106
political service of Cadwallader Colden in New York
and the Assembly of New York, 131–32, 136, 145, 146, 148, 149
serving as lieutenant governor, 123, 132, 133–34, 136, 137, 141, 148–49, 150–51, 158, 162, 172
coming out of retirement in 1760 to serve, 131–32
Dunmore's efforts to remove from position, 154
final retirement in 1775, 155–56
pamphlet attacking performance, 145
recommended to be, but Delancey appointed instead, 91
resuming service after 1766 retirement, 147
resuming service awaiting arrival of Tryon in 1771, 151
resuming service while Tryon away in 1774, 155
retiring again in 1770 with arrival of Dunmore, 148
retiring from post of lieutenant governor in 1766, 144
serving on Council, 30, 41, 49, 53, 64, 86, 95, 102, 109, 151, 159
attacks on Colden for work on Council, 55, 56, 88–89, 93, 143, 145
Colden being deliberately absent from, 56–57, 59
coming out of retirement in 1760 to be President of Council, 131–32
dismissal by Clinton, 92–93
dismissed from in 1747, 93
relationship with Governor Cosby, 54–57
report on government revenues, 43–44
serving as President of Council, 87–88, 131
serving on privy council that dealt with Zenger, 57–58
siding with Governor Clinton and the Crown, 95, 96
Pontiac (Indian leader), 139
Popple, Henry, 74
Post-boy (periodical), 89
post master general, deputy, 100
Pownall, John, 137
Pratt, Matthew, 152
Premium Society, 117
Present State of Great Britain and North America with regard to Agriculture, Population, Trade, and Manufactures, impartially considered (Mitchell), 75
Preston, Charles, 15
Principia Mathematica (Newton), 75, 77
Principles of Action in Matter, the Gravitation of Bodies and the Motion of the Planets, explained from those Principles, The (Colden), 111, 112–13
See also Explanation of the First Causes of Action in Matter; and the Cause of Gravitation (Colden)
“PROPOSAL, for Promoting USEFUL KNOWLEDGE among the British Plantations in America” (Franklin), 68
Providence Plantations, 25
Purple, Edwin R., 158, 162
quadrant, Colden trying to develop a more exact, 170
Quartering Act of 1765, 145
Quebec, battle of, 135
Raleigh, Walter, 23–24
Rattlesnake Root (Polygala senega), 70
Rebellion against the Crown in 1715, 92–93
religious belief of Colden, 85
Representation to Clinton of seven members of the Council in reference to Colden's pamphlet of the Treaty with the Six Nations, 89
reputation of Cadwallader Colden, 127
Franklin's appreciation for Colden, 66, 68, 131, 172
loyalty to Britain and the Crown, 9, 13, 95, 133, 138, 139–41, 148, 172, 173–74
seen as being against the populace, 140, 142–43
Marine Society of New York recognizing work of Colden, 151–52
negative views about
antagonism of James Delancey, 60, 89, 92, 95, 101
antagonism of William Smith, Jr., 125, 127–29, 132, 133, 135, 136–37, 150
“Conduct of Cadwallader Colden, Esquire, Late Lieutenant Governor of New York, relating to the Judges Commissions, Appeals to the King and the Stamp Act,” 145
dismissal from Council by Clinton, 92–93
hanged in effigy, 143
Hillsborough chastising Colden, 148
impact of Colden's activities as lieutenant governor, 133, 135, 136–37, 138, 145
for meeting with Indians in Albany, 88–89
for siding with Clinton, 95, 96
for work on Council, 55, 56, 89, 93, 143, 145
positive words fifty years after Colden's death, 172–73
seen as a provocateur and without tact, 172, 173
resisting matter, 77, 78
Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, 25
commission to define borders with Massachusetts, 56, 64
Richfield, rights of citizens of, 56
Riley, I. Woodbridge, 83–84, 171
Roanoke, 23–24
Rose, William, 116
Rosenbach Museum and Library, 45–46
Royal Botanic Gardens, 75
Royal Society of London, 18, 20, 72, 73, 80, 115, 118, 124
Royal Society of Uppsala, 118
Royal Swedish Academy of Science, 115
Rupert's Land, 102
Rush, Benjamin, 70, 84
Rutherfurd, John, 71, 78, 79–80, 108
Rutherfurd, Walter, 125
Ryswick, Treaty of, 91
St. Anne's Church, Westminster, 166
Saratoga, destruction of by French and Indians in 1745, 106
Schoepff, Dr., 124
Schrader, Heinrich Adolph, 124
Schuyler, Peter, 29, 30, 41, 128
scoliosis, 166
Scott, John Morin, 132
Scott, Walter, 71
scurvy, 70, 117
Second Continental Congress in 1775, 155
Second Part of the Interest of the Country in Laying Duties, The (Colden), 42–44
Seneca (Indians), 38, 91, 139
Septennial Act, 145
Sharpe, Horatio, 131
Shirley, William, 96, 106
Six Nations (Iroquois), 53, 89, 103, 139
See also Iroquois
Sloane, Hans, 117
smallpox epidemic in Boston in 1721, 32
Smith, William, Jr., 18, 38, 54, 60, 86, 132
antagonistic relationship with Cadwallader Colden, 125, 133, 135, 136–37, 150
bias concerning Colden's term as lieutenant governor, 132
controversy over content of book, 127–29, 132, 137
Smith, William, Sr., 59, 127, 133
“Society of the Hospital in the City of New-York in America, The,” 151
Sons of Liberty, 163
South Carolina, 26
Species Plantarum (Linnaeus), 66, 73
Spinoza, Baruch, 84
Spring Hill (mansion in Flushing), 134, 144, 151, 155–56, 163, 166, 174
as burial site for Cadwallader Colden, 156, 158
confiscated after Revolutionary War, 158
David Colden heir to, 157, 166
fate of after death of Cadwallader Colden, 158–59
Stamp Act of 1765, 75, 118, 140, 141–44, 163
repeal of, 144–45
Stanwix, Fort, 108
Strahan, William, 66, 67
Stuyvesant, Peter, 27
Sugar Act of 1764, 139–40, 141
Summary, Historical and Political of the First Planting, Progressive Improvements, and Present State
of the British Settlements in North America (Douglass), 33
surveying and Cadwallader Colden
efforts to develop a more exact quadrant, 64, 170
as surveyor general for New York, 21, 28, 29, 30, 33–36, 53, 63–64, 95
asking to be replaced, 98–99
attempt to suspend Colden from office, 55–56
not receiving salary as surveyor general, 64, 100, 101
recommending family members for position, 49, 98–99, 152, 162–63
surveying and George Washington, 104
Susquehanna (Indians), 141
Sussex County, Delaware, 26
Sutherland, James, 15
Sydenham, Thomas, 53
Tar water, 70
taxonomy, first North American, 72
Tea Act of 1773, 152
Ticonderoga, battle at, 80, 108, 129
Tournefort, Josephi Pitton, 121
Townshend Duties, 152
Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle in 1748, 103
Treaty of Paris in 1763, 138–39
Treaty of Paris in 1783, 74
Treaty of Ryswick in 1697, 91
Treaty of Utrecht in 1713, 102
Treatise on Wounds and Fevers (Colden), 144, 170
Trew, Christopher Jacob, 72
Trinity Church, 41, 163
Tryon, William, 150, 152, 155, 156
Tuscaroras (Indians), 39
Two Interests reconciled; occasioned by two late Pamphlets, called the Interest of the Country and the Interest of City and Country, The (Colden), 43
Ulster County, New York, 28, 35, 50, 93, 98, 102, 108, 162, 165
University of Edinburgh, 13, 15, 16, 31, 71, 75, 113, 116, 122
U.S. Sporting Magazine, 163
Utrecht, Treaty of in 1713, 102
Van Cortland, Philip, 54
Van Dam, Rip, 53, 54, 55, 59
Vandeput, George, 156
Virginia, 23–24, 104, 105, 148, 150
Dunmore as governor of, 148, 150
John Mitchell in, 71, 72, 73
Wall, Alexander J., 159
Walpole, Robert, 91
Wangenheim, Frederick von, 123–24
Ward, John, 110–11
Warren, Peter, 90
Washington, George, 9, 104–105, 106
named commander-in-chief of Continental Army, 156
water spouts, 114–15
Watt, James, Jr. (married to Jane Delancey), 164
Watts, Jane (Delancey) (daughter of Peter and Elizabeth), 164
Watts, John, 135–36
Wawayanda (Indian tract), 34
weigh-master of the Port of New York, 28
Weil's disease, 70
Wepfer Historia Cicutae Acquaticae, 18
Westchester, New York, 163
West Jersey, 26
Cadwallader Colden Page 21