The Return of the Fallen Angels Book Club (A Hollis Morgan Mystery 3)

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The Return of the Fallen Angels Book Club (A Hollis Morgan Mystery 3) Page 7

by R. Franklin James

  “Sonny, cut it out.” Joy put her hand lightly on his arm. She led him back to the table and they both sat down. “He didn’t mean anything. It’s just that we’re trying to get our own place and—”

  “Don’t be telling our business, Joy. She don’t want to hear it,” Sonny said in a much subdued voice. “She just wants her big-time lawyer fees. Let’s go.”

  Joy looked at her brother, then Hollis. She sagged in her chair, pressed her fingertips to her forehead and nodded. They both stood, and eyes downcast, shoulders slumped, walked slowly out of the office.

  Hollis slipped into a chair and closed her eyes.

  Tiffany entered the room. “Are you okay?”

  She nodded as a bead of sweat slipped down her back.

  The rest of Monday was uncommonly quiet, and Hollis was grateful. The morning had been a little too active. She would leave early, which would give her time to stop off at the store to buy groceries for dinner. But before that, she had a few wrap-up questions that needed answers.

  She spoke with one of the other attorneys in the firm who dealt with real estate matters and received confirmation on the legal steps required to file a proper trespassing action.

  Next she’d find out the local law enforcement procedures for clearing out the Pattersons. Then she would try one more time to reason with Shelby and her father about reaching an agreement and explain the cost of taking formal legal action.

  “Sergeant Grayson, this is Hollis Morgan. I don’t know if you remember me. I used to be a paralegal with Dodson Dodson and Doyle, and you would sometimes give me Sheriff’s Department help.”

  “Sure, I remember you, Hollis. What can I do for you?”

  “Well, now I’m an attorney, and it looks like I still need help from the sheriff’s office.” Hollis propped the phone against her ear while typing on her laptop. “I’ve got quarreling family members who won’t get off my client’s property. She legally owns it and wants to sell.”

  “Let me guess. They currently live there.”

  “Right. So I might have to file trespassing charges. Will you help me?”

  She could hear his laugh. “Glad to. What choice do I have? In your other life as a paralegal you helped me out many times. I’m going to email you a checklist of items I’m going to need. There’s no criminal activity going on, is there?”

  Hollis paused. “No, none that I know of.”

  He quickly went through the process. “Now, try and get the things on the list back to me by the end of the week. I’m going on vacation in a short while and it sounds like it would be better if I could get this wrapped up before then.”

  “You got it, and thank you.” Hollis hung up.

  She had one more call to make.

  “Shelby, can you talk?”

  Shelby hesitated. “Sure, Hollis, let me get comfortable. Rena’s at work and the babysitter went to pick up Chris from pre-school. What’s the matter?”

  “Your father was here to see me last Thursday. He was understandably upset and he is unwilling to move out. Then today Sonny and Joy came to my office.”

  “I don’t care about them. But what did Dad say?” Her voice shook and rose in volume.

  Hollis held the phone away from her ear and counted to three. She used the same trick on Shelby as she had on her stepfather and lowered her voice. “Calm down. He talked about his relationship with his mother and gave his side of the story for why she left you the house.”

  Shelby sighed. “He just wanted you to feel sorry for him.”

  Hollis imagined Shelby’s sullen expression. “I was surprised when I met your stepfather. He seemed totally rehabilitated from any addiction. He was very articulate.”

  “Yeah, well, he puts on a good act,” Shelby said sarcastically. “Don’t let him fool you.” Then she changed her tone. “I mean he’s not evil. He’s clean now and he’s my dad. We all just need to get through this. Did you believe him?”

  “I don’t have to believe him. You’re my client. But he did say he wasn’t leaving the house. It was the only place he and his kids have to live. Your sib … I mean Sonny and Joy were equally confrontational.”

  “They’re not really my brother and sister. I barely know them.” Shelby was breathing heavily, but her voice was calmer. “You see, I knew this was going to happen. So you’re going to have to evict them.”

  “Actually, you can’t evict them because there’s no landlord agreement. You can have them removed for trespassing.”

  There was a silence.

  Shelby finally responded. “Will they go to jail?”

  “Not likely, but they could face a fine.”

  “Can we put the house on the market now?”

  Hollis sighed. “Yes, I suppose. But Shelby, isn’t there someone in your family who could speak with your father? This could get real messy. How would an agent be able to show your house if your father and his family refuse to let anyone in? And I assure you they will.”

  “No, no! They are not going to hold me hostage. My tuition is due at the end of July. That’s less than two months away. Mrs. Patterson wanted me to go to college and I’m going to go.” Shelby started to cry. “All my life my father tried to convince me how much he loved me and it was all talk. I admit it was uncomfortable to listen to his mother always complaining to me about Dad, but she said she would never let him hurt me. She was there; he wasn’t.”

  Hollis could only imagine how that family dynamic played out, but she needed to get Shelby to face reality.

  “Shelby, maybe Rena could talk to your dad. Do they get along?”

  Hollis heard Shelby sob then sniff loudly. “I don’t know, I guess so. They don’t really know each other that well.”

  By now Shelby was almost wailing, which reminded Hollis that she was little more than a teenager. “Shelby, I can’t talk to anyone about your case without your permission. Can I share our conversations with Rena and see if she is willing to get him to understand the circumstances?”

  “N-no, not yet, maybe later,” Shelby stammered. “Our family is already divided. I don’t want to have to deal …. No. Wait, I don’t mind you talking with Rena, but let Aunt Denise deal with Dad. She’s his sister. Maybe she can make a difference.”

  “All right. Then I’ll get back to you with the information about filing for trespassing and feedback from a real estate agent on the listing. Unless you have somebody you’d like me to use, I’m looking at agents with offices in the neighborhood. A nearby agent would be more likely to know that market. Oh, and text me your Aunt Denise’s cellphone number.”

  “Sure, I’ll do that now. And Hollis ….” Shelby paused. “Thank you. I know I might be making things more difficult, but the house is all I’ve got.”

  “I’ll be getting back to you.”

  George was out of the office when Hollis went to brief him, and she left him a note to contact her when he returned.

  After a few calls, she made arrangements to retain a real estate agent, Kevin Gregg. They worked out the details on how he would get the keys to evaluate the house. He wanted to walk through it before recommending a listing price. She warned him about the tenants who might be there, but he said he’d dealt with unhappy tenants before. Relieved, Hollis said she would leave the keys with Tiffany.

  She punched another number into the phone and got a message machine. She introduced herself and briefly went into why she was calling. “Denise, please give me a call tomorrow when it’s convenient for you to talk about Shelby. I’m anxious to resolve the issues regarding your mother’s house.”

  “What about Shelby Patterson? What issues?” George came in and took a seat across from her.

  “George, let’s meet in your office.” Hollis got up and walked with him down the hall. “I never thought I’d say this, but I’m not sure I’m right for the Patterson case.”

  Instead of sitting in front of his desk, she chose the upholstered side chair. His corner office was three times the size of hers and had a comforta
ble seating area as well as a small meeting table. He sat across from her.

  “Tell me what’s happened.”

  Hollis told him about the conversation with Shelby as well as the visits from her family.

  George frowned. “He threatened you?” He crossed his arms across his chest. “You’re right. You’re a probate attorney, not a family counselor or a street cop. Contact your client and send her a cancellation form.”

  “Still .…” Hollis ran her fingers through her hair. “I hate to give up on my first client before I’ve had the chance to do anything.” She sighed. “I might be overreacting; when I say it out loud to you, the situation doesn’t sound as dire.”

  “If these people are violent—”

  “They’re not violent, they’re just … loud.” Hollis laughed. “It’s true. I realize I’m all hyped up over loud voices. What’s the matter with me?” She took out a pen and started writing a note. “George, forget this conversation. I’m fine. I’ve already made contact with the sheriff about the best way to handle this. I’ll let you know how it goes.”

  George shrugged and stood. “Don’t burn out trying to be an ace, Hollis.”

  “Who, me?” Hollis looked down at her hands. “Ah, George, one other thing … I kind of have another client I’d like to sign.”

  He leaned back in his swivel chair. “Define ‘kind of.’ ”

  Hollis went through the circumstances of Jeffrey Wallace’s death, his trust, and her conversations with Brian.

  “So, I’m not sure if he’s technically a client. The Fallen Angels are in it together.”

  “Are you giving legal advice?” he asked. “Is he willing to pay you?”

  “Yes, some amount, anyway, for being co-executor He says he doesn’t have the money, so I would be limiting the legal work.”

  “If you’re going to be talking to another attorney, I think you should write up a client engagement form. Also, the responsibility and liability will be with you, not with your book club members.”

  “I know.” She sighed.

  At home Hollis put her feet up on the bolster of her bed and took a sip from her glass of Zinfandel. John was running late. He had to drive up the coast to Mendocino “to see a man.” Hollis wondered if this was a typical Homeland Security assignment. It didn’t matter; she wasn’t a worrier. She used the extra time to clean out the drawers in the bathroom. The mundane task would help her to wind down her brain after a day with the Pattersons.

  By the time John arrived an hour later, Hollis was reading and only mildly annoyed. They chatted easily over a reheated dinner.

  “Spring cleaning a little early, aren’t you?” John pointed to the full garbage bag in the bathroom doorway.

  Hollis grimaced. “I had a difficult conversation with a client. This is my way of venting.”

  “Ah, this is good to know in case ….” He stopped.

  She looked up. “In case what?”

  He reached down and brought her to a standing position. “In case we ever live together.”

  Hollis suddenly knew what it felt like to look panic in the face. “John, I … I’m ….”

  John pulled back and let her arms go. “I didn’t say tomorrow.” He stiffened. “But maybe it’s never going to happen.”

  Hollis touched his arm. “No, no … I’d like us to live together … sometime. It’s just that I … I’m … I’m not there yet.”

  He kissed her on the forehead. “I know.”

  Chapter 11

  Tuesday was starting out a lot calmer than the day before. From the package of information Brian sent over, Hollis reviewed Jeffrey’s separate will and highlighted the parts that spoke to his personal wishes. She was almost finished when the phone rang, jarring her.

  “Hollis, this is Denise Patterson-Hoyle. I got your message about Shelby. I guess we need to talk. I called her before I called you, and she explained what you’re trying to accomplish.”

  Like her brother, Denise sounded educated and professional. Hollis took out her notebook. “Yes. To be frank, I called to tell you that I didn’t think I’m the right attorney for Shelby’s case.”

  “Oh, why not?”

  “Well before we go further, since then I’ve had second thoughts, and I’ve decided to continue.” Hollis cleared her throat. “However, in the last few days I was visited by your brother and his children. Both times I was very uncomfortable.”

  “Oh,” Denise said quietly. “I’m sorry, real sorry, but Shelby is counting on you. I’m glad you changed your mind because if you won’t help her, who would? I’ll talk to my brother, but he doesn’t always listen to me either. When Mama divided up her estate, she gave me her bank accounts and some jewelry. But she only left Darol some savings bonds.”

  Hollis knew this from reading Mrs. Patterson’s trust, but it didn’t address the issue of the occupancy of the house.

  “Denise, I only took Shelby’s case because Rena asked me to. I’m brand new at this. Disputed wills are not unusual, but this is the type of thing that can rip families apart. Are you sure you want to go down this path?”

  “It’s what my mother wanted. I’m not going to go against her wishes just because it’s uncomfortable.”

  Hollis took a deep breath. “Okay, then I also want to point out that there are plenty of lawyers out there who are experienced in domestic er … cases and would be much better at handling the issues facing Shelby. I’m still going to suggest to her that she may want to contact one of them. I don’t want to waste her money or time. Email me and I’ll send you names of at least two attorneys who specialize in … in family probate and domestic disputes.”

  “But if we still want you, what happens next?”

  “Shelby is my client; I’ve spoken with her and said the same thing I’m saying to you now: I need your help. I have to show that we went overboard trying to give Darol and his family notice. If I’m to continue, I need you and your family to contact Darol, Sonny, and Joy and tell them why they must leave and what the consequences will be if they don’t.”

  There was a silence on the other end. Hollis waited.

  “Okay, tell me exactly what you want me to say,” Denise murmured. “It’s not going to be easy.”

  This time Hollis was the last to arrive at the Fallen Angels’ meeting.

  She had tried repeatedly to reach Shelby to arrange a date for her to accompany Hollis on a visit to the house. But she had not returned her calls. She would try her again after the meeting.

  Quick greetings came from around the room as she sat at the head of the table. Each member already had the preliminary medical examiner’s report and the compilation of Brian’s information she’d mailed out. She passed around copies of the final ME report. The library’s community room grew quiet as everyone began reading through the material. Gene, pulling at his eyebrows, looked up. “Did you notice that the original will had only one beneficiary—Brian? He might have an ulterior motive for wanting his stepmother out of the picture.”

  She nodded. “I thought that too. Remember, I’m only able to give you copies of the trust because he authorized me. In that vein, I think we need to make sure that Jeffrey didn’t have any other relatives.”

  “He didn’t, I checked.” Miller was already working on his second origami crane. “Besides, it’s not as if it’s that large of an estate.”

  “Good thinking ahead,” Hollis said and pointed to his paper art. “Miller, I’ve always wanted to know what you do with all the cranes you make. You must have thousands by now.”

  He gave her a shy smile. “My niece is an artist. She forms them into huge paper sculptures for a pediatric ward. So they serve a dual purpose: stress relief for me and they bring joy to some kids.”

  Hollis was moved. “I had no idea.”

  “Me neither,” Gene said.

  Rena patted his shoulder. “That’s real nice.”

  “Yeah, dude, I’m impressed,” Richard said. Leaning in, he added. “Look, I hate to bring us back to our
task at hand, but I did a little pre-checking of my own.” He picked up a stack of pages from a folder in front of him. “I went through the tax returns Brian gave you. They included the two years before Jeffrey was married and the year before he was killed. And they’re pretty interesting.”

  He had everyone’s attention.

  “Well?” Hollis prompted.

  “Prior to meeting the current Mrs. Wallace, Jeffrey earned a typical civil servant salary. It was his only income source. He didn’t own any other property.” He paused.

  Hollis sneaked a peek at the others. They reacted the same as she did. It had hit them all at the same time that this was Jeffrey Wallace they were talking about. This was their former parole officer whose life they were poking around in.

  Richard cleared his throat.

  “Ahem, he didn’t own any other property.” Richard was warming to his subject. “He and Frances Wallace filed a joint return in 2008. That year the couples’ income is reported as triple what Jeffrey had filed prior to the marriage.”

  Rena straightened in her seat. “Wow, what does she do for a living?”

  “She lists her occupation as ‘consultant,’ ” Richard put on his glasses and picked up an Excel worksheet. “But my best guess based on last year’s tax return is, ol’ Frances makes her real money as a gambler.”

  Gene and Miller sat up in their seats.

  Gene reached for Richard’s copy of the tax returns. “You’re kidding me.”

  “Are you sure?” Miller picked out the tax return from his packet. “Jeffrey doesn’t … I mean didn’t strike me as someone who would be attracted to a gambler.”

  “Maybe it wasn’t just the money he was attracted to,” Hollis said.

  She had left the tax returns to Richard to plow through, but now she read her copy of the most recent return. Three separate reporting dates totaled a five-figure income from the Lucky Spin Casino.


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