Scandalous Heroes Box Set

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Scandalous Heroes Box Set Page 28

by Latrivia Nelson

  Whatever it was had his brother seriously pissed off.

  “And because of that, Godric won’t.”

  He shook his head. Godric wouldn’t attend because he was? “I—”

  “Care to explain to me why I have to tell my daughter both her uncles won’t be attending her birthday?” He shifted his large body. “My daughter, Reeve. My baby girl.”

  “Scott, I don’t know what to tell you. I haven’t spoken to Godric in,” he paused, brows converging with thought, “since the day after Mom and Dad’s anniversary. So…ohh…”

  His brother placed his hands on the counter, and Reeve stared at the numerous scars he had on the backs of them.

  “I’m waiting.”

  Reeve drank some Coke and sighed. “We had a disagreement but I didn’t expect him to take it so damn personally.”

  Scott stared unblinkingly at him. Reeve reallocated his weight. Even though he was well used to the “look” he received from his United States Navy SEAL brother, it never failed to get to him.

  “Fine, you want to know it all. I accused him of sleeping with Affrica. And I wasn’t nice about it.”

  “What goes on in that head of yours, Reeve?”

  “She answered the door and said he was in the shower,” he replied defensively.

  “You are such an ass. She’s not his type, and you really need to think before you speak.”

  “Like I’m going to believe that. I’ve seen how he watches her.”

  Scott opened his mouth, only to snap it shut. The anger was overtaken by a look of understanding. “She means that much to you?”

  “I didn’t say that.”

  “Pretend you have it in you to be honest and truthful.”

  He bristled. “What gives you the right to barge in here and act all holier than thou?”

  The understanding vanished. “The fact my younger brother can’t get his head out of his ass. You act like Affrica means something so why are you being like this?” He held up his hands and shook his head. “You know what, I don’t want to know.”

  Reeve hated the disappointment on his brother’s face. He also disliked feeling lower than shit.

  “Just one more thing, Reeve. Not all women will cheat. And, of course, Godric isn’t interested in her. He’s gay. Don’t bother coming tonight, Reeve. I’ll make your excuses.”

  On that note, Scott left. Reeve stood there in shock. Gay? Godric?

  “You’re kidding, right, Scott?” Nothing. “Scott?”

  No answer, and he realized his brother had left as silently as he’d entered. He sank to the stool and shook his head in bewilderment.

  Godric? A gay man? Reeve rubbed his eyes. Surely, he would have known, right?

  He stared at his thick ham sandwich, only to swear and shove it away. What a day. Two calls from past women he’d dated, news about Godric—which he still didn’t quite believe—and he’d been disinvited to his niece’s birthday celebration.

  Reaching for his phone, he placed a call to his brother. It didn’t surprise him when he couldn’t reach him—cell, home, or at work. Godric and he had been in fights before.

  “But nothing to where he refused to be in the same room with me.”

  Scott was right. Godric had been right. Reeve had begun to lose himself. Sure, he talked about changing but had he really changed at all? Frustration with himself mounted as he ate his food. Once finished, he headed out for an engagement he could now attend.

  Little over an hour later, he sat at a table with other friends. Whiskey beside him and mostly naked women wandered about.

  “Didn’t think you were coming,” Thomas said.

  Don’t bother coming tonight, Reeve. I’ll make your excuses. His brother’s words rang loud and clear.

  He scowled. “That changed.” Tossing down two cards, he took the replacements and slid them in his hand.

  Thomas gave him an odd look but quickly put his attention on the five cards in his own hand.

  “Hiya, Reeve,” a svelte redhead said with a brush of her lips along his cheek.

  “Stella,” he said, keeping his cards face down. “How are you?”

  The vibrant woman wore a tight black skirt with a pale blue and silver halter top, normal wear for The Four Aces. “I’m fine. Where have you been hiding yourself? I had begun to worry.”

  Affrica’s image flashed before him. That followed by the disappointed glances from his brothers had him shifting uncomfortably.

  “Just a bit busy, darling. That’s all.”

  Another brush of soft lips brought a whiff of cloying sweetness. Like she’d bathed in the overly pungent floral perfume. His eyes burned before she finally moved away giving him fresher air to breathe. Although full of smoke, it still bothered him less than her perfume.

  Because it’s not the soft, light scent of one Affrica O’Shea, his brain taunted.

  Shoving back the unwanted comment, he focused on the game. Talk and liquor flowed easily as time went on.

  “So what happened with your brother, Scott?” Thomas questioned as he shuffled for the next hand.

  “What makes you think anything did?”

  “I’ve known you forever, Reeve. I know your annoyed-by-big-brother look.”

  He glanced at his cards and folded when it got to him. “You know Scott. Nothing I ever do or say is right.”

  Thomas nodded as did a few others. “What was it this time?”

  “He’s pissed because…” he trailed off, not willing to share about Godric. A shrug. “Mad about something I said about the thing over in Australia a while back.”

  “What happened?” Dave, another friend, asked.

  This didn’t shock him for he’d not been aware either but he was even more disappointed with them. Sort of how Scott was with you.

  “A big exposé about genocide.”

  “Wasn’t where we vacation, was it?” Jason Trind asked. “That would be bad.”

  Reeve bit back his moan of disgust and shook his head. Talk continued around vacation spots, and as he pushed his bet out, he was smacked by a realization. Sure, he’d had it before but it was different now. His Affrica had been involved in this, and these people were more concerned about vacation places.

  The amount of self-centeredness hit him directly in the face. All those people had lost family, friends, even their own lives. There hadn’t been one shred of concern for them, only this worry about how it would affect their next trip.

  He won the hand and gathered his things. There was just no desire to remain in their company any longer.


  “I’m out, Thomas. Y’all have a good night.”

  Stella caught him by the door. “Leaving me already?”

  “I have somewhere to be.”

  “Sure you don’t want to hang out?”

  Oh yeah, he was sure. “I’m sure. You have a good night.”

  He removed her hand and walked away without a single look back. In the parking lot, he leaned against his car and withdrew his cell before placing a call.


  “Please don’t hang up on me.”

  A feminine sigh. “Hello, Reeve Leighton.”

  “Hello, sweetcheeks.”

  “And what can I do for you?”

  “Tell me you accept my apology.”

  “I’ve nae heard one.”

  He climbed in his car, thrilled to be hearing her voice again. Giving her the apology she so rightfully deserved, he headed home. In the background, he heard dogs barking and sheep bleating.

  “Can I ask you a question, Reeve Leighton?”

  “Sweetcheeks, you can ask me anything you want. Just tell me where you are.”

  “Near Inverness, attending a sheepdog trial. Now, what was with your breakdown at your brother’s house?”

  Sheepdog trial? Scotland? Would she ever cease to amaze him? He doubted it.


  “I misunderstood the situation.”

  “Interesting.” Her
word was soft.

  “What is?”

  “That you would feel threatened by your gay brother.”

  “Wait, you know about Godric?”

  “Yes. I’d had a wonderful breakfast with him and his partner the day of the anniversary party.”

  It was a good thing he was home for his head was spinning. Anger grew as well as the realization that she knew more about his brother than he did.

  “Why would—” He snapped his mouth shut.

  “It was good talking to you, Reeve, but I have to go. I’m working.”

  She hung up, and he felt more alone than ever. Early afternoon and he was without plans. He had very little in common with the guys he’d grown up with and even his brothers were moving on. Not necessarily with him either. His sister was finishing up her residency and had made a new life for herself.

  Inside his condo, he swiped a beer from the fridge and turned on the television. He wanted what his brother had. Well, brothers if Affrica was right about Godric being in a committed relationship. But he wanted his to be with her.

  This was his third blatant wakeup that he’d really become out of touch with everything. It was time to change or continue to be one of those who cared only for himself. He didn’t want to keep being that man.

  Chapter Ten


  “Congrats, Hondo. Affrica, good to see you again.” Lieutenant Commander Scott Leighton’s voice rumbled like decadent chocolate over her skin.

  With a mumbled reply to him, she kissed her brother before stepping away from him and walking off. Her heart was happy. It was her brother’s wedding day.

  “May I have this dance?” Scott halted her with a simple touch.

  She pivoted back toward him and had to stop her sigh. He really was just amazing on the eyes. Today, he wore a tux, as did the rest of the Megalodon Team. His intense blue eyes stared unerringly at her.

  He wants something.

  “Aye. O’course.”

  She stepped closer, and they began to dance after reaching the floor. He moved with astonishing grace. Well, perhaps not astonishing considering what he does for a living.

  “Thank you for the call he was getting married.”

  “I figured the women would have a say in it when you returned from wherever you went. And you would make your way here for his special day.”

  “Are we okay, Affrica?”

  Tilting her head, she scrunched her nose up in confusion. “Is there a reason we wouldn’t be?”

  “I heard what Reeve did.”

  Somehow, she doubted that—at the least he hadn’t heard it all.

  “Whatever my relationship with your brother is just that, mine. You and I have our own.”

  Scott’s cornflower blue eyes gentled. “You let me know if he oversteps at all.”


  She’d heard that exact directive from the other seven men of SEAL Team Seventeen. Each and everyone. While their concern touched her, she still wasn’t about to encourage more over protectiveness from the members of the Megalodon Team. She had plenty as it was now.

  The dance ended, and Scott left her with a bow. Alongside the party’s edge, she watched her brother and his new wife, Xaria, mingle with the crowd. They seemed so happy. Her gaze swung to her parents who stood together, looking as in love with one another as Aidrian and Xaria did.

  A shaft of pain pierced her, and she scowled. They all had someone special and she…well, didn’t.

  “You okay, tanke jigla?” James “Maverick” Lonetree asked from beside her.

  Little sister. He’d called her that from the first day he met her. Resting her head against him, she sighed.

  “Not really.”

  He draped an arm around her shoulders before leading her out into the night. They walked to a stone bench and sat side by side, the sounds of the wedding providing a backdrop. She could make out his features in the light from the building behind them.

  “What’s going on?”

  “Just feeling a bit alone, ‘tis all.”

  He rested his head against hers. “He’s out there, Affrica. Of this I am sure.”

  Her mind drifted to the States and Reeve before she could stop it. Why does he come to mind when I think of forever?

  “You know your brother isn’t going to be happy.”

  She pursed her lips in confusion. “With what?”

  “Your infatuation with Harrier’s brother.”

  “W…what are you talking about? Hae ya been drinking?”

  His laughter wasn’t comforting. “You just said his name. On a soft, little sigh, too. What’s going on with you two?”

  Shit. Shit. Shit! Figured the time his name would slip through was around a witness. And James at that.

  “Let it go.”

  More of that unsettling laugh. “When have any of us let it go?”

  He had a point there. “Please, James. There’s nothing between us.” A fact she wasn’t too happy with.

  “But there was.” It was a statement, not a question. With James, it was never just a question.

  She licked her lips and leaned forward, resting her arms on the satiny material of her dress. “Aye, there was.” He exhaled sharply. She gazed sideways at the handsome Native American. “How bad is it going to be?”


  James didn’t lie to her and she appreciated it. Still, she didn’t hide her frustration. Her moan of dismay said it all.

  “I won’t say anything but you know I also won’t lie to him, if he asks.”

  “You’d think he’d let me alone. I’m grown.” Her comment fell in Gaelige.

  “You’ll always be our baby sister.” James spoke the same language.

  Our. Not his. Affrica slid her arm through his, giving it a light squeeze.

  “I love you, James.”

  “And I you, little sister.” He brushed his lips along her forehead. “Want to tell me what’s really bothering you?”


  He sighed. “Don’t make me find out on my own.”

  “Let it go, James. I…I just have a lot on my mind.”

  He grunted noncommittally, and she had to smile despite the frustration he could provide. It was done from love, she knew that. Didn’t stop the hopes on occasion.

  “You know I’ll kill him if he hurts you.”

  Another phrase she’d heard from the others, her brother included. And unlike many people who may make the statement in a way to show some force and gruffness, when someone like James Lonetree made the comment, there was no doubt in her mind he meant it.

  “I know, but if it’s all the same to you, I’d rather you left him alone.” She stared out over the land, avoiding his intense gaze which she could easily feel.

  “Can’t talk you out of it?” Such hopefulness in his tone made her smile.

  “No, I really like him.” It was true, despite their last meeting.

  Another heavy yet resigned sigh. “And you want me to keep Hondo from him.”

  “It would be nice having to not visit my brother in prison for murder.”

  “Only because I love you, Affrica. And only as long as he doesn’t make you cry.”

  “Won’t happen.” Even Miles’ betrayal hadn’t made her cry.

  “You have me wrapped around your finger,” he complained good-naturedly.

  “Used to have all of you that way. I’m keeping you as long as I can before you go off and get married and forget me, too.”

  He drew her in close. “We will never forget you, Affrica. And I’ll let you in on a little secret. They’re all still wrapped; you just have no idea.”

  She allowed him to cuddle her for a few moments. It was nice to hear. She loved every one of those men her brother worked with, and when they were single, she’d been the woman. Once they all began to marry, she’d drawn back, having no wish to cause any issues between the men and their wives, even though she missed them.

  “Hey, why you out here hogging our Affrica?”
Dimitri “Merlin” Melonakos questioned.

  She drew back from James and glanced up to find most of the Megalodon Team around them.

  “What are you all doing out here?”

  “You owe us dances.” Osten “Baby Boy” Scoleri spoke.

  “Go on,” James encouraged her.

  And so she did. That night, she spent sleeping in her childhood home. The following day was out, alone, in her mother’s garden when her phone rang.

  She debated not answering it, wanting a bit of a break. Eventually, she did.


  “Hello, sweetcheeks.”

  The sun chose that moment to slip from behind the clouds. Was it a sign?

  “Reeve Leighton.” A smile spread across her face. “What are you doing?”

  “Calling you. Is this a bad time? Are you busy?”

  “Nae. I’m just sitting out in me ma’s garden.”

  “Everything okay?”

  “Aye. Late night last night.”

  “Really? What’d you do?”

  Although he asked, she didn’t believe he wished to know. Not truly.

  “Danced the night away.”


  “No, I had at least eight guys to dance with.”

  A brief pause before he spoke again. “How nice.”

  She imagined him clenching his jaw as he spoke those two words. Deciding not to torture him anymore, she stretched out her legs. “It was but you already know how much I love the men in your brother’s SEAL Team.”

  “You saw my brother?”

  “Aye. They were here for my brother’s wedding.”

  “How nice. Congrats.” Another hesitation. “What are you doing next?”

  “I’m up for a short period of not doing much at all. I’m a bit travelled out and need to recharge. You?”

  “I was going to ask you to take a trip with me.”

  Her mother waved at her, and Affrica pushed up from the bench, heading for the house.

  “Och, sorry. Maybe some other time.” She blinked and tilted her head to the side. “Or you could always come to Ireland.”

  “Let’s go, Affrica,” her mom hollered in Gaelige.


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