Scandalous Heroes Box Set

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Scandalous Heroes Box Set Page 117

by Latrivia Nelson

  “I guess not,” she whispered.

  Chapter Ten

  Kendra lay naked, wrapped in Michael’s arms. They’d made love in the shower. In the entertainment room. They’d almost made it back to the bedroom when Michael took her against the wall. She was deliciously sore and content.

  If Michael’s attentions were any indication of what Piero did to Adanna, she could see why her sister was always in bed with her husband. Kendra had never felt so fulfilled in all of her 30 years. She smiled and cuddled closer into him.

  “Hmm, are you wanting more?” Michael whispered groggily, hugging her closely.

  “No. I’m hungry,” she laughed. “I worked up an appetite.”

  “Yeah, right. I worked you into an appetite,” he snickered.

  “You know, you have a serious problem with thinking so highly of yourself,” Kendra snorted.

  “Hey, it wasn’t me singing soprano when I came. What was that you said? Miiicchaaeell!” he sing sung out.

  “OhmyGod! You outta stop,” she giggled. “Hey you have a pretty nice voice there.”

  “You’re not so bad yourself. I love the way you scream my name.”

  “Listen, you didn’t do too bad yourself with calling my name.”

  “I bet I can make you scream my name even louder than before,” he said, rolling her beneath him.

  “Can you now? What are you trying to do to me? If you keep this up, I won’t be able to walk for a week,” she whispered.

  “Let’s see about that,” he said, sliding down her body and between her legs. “Open,” he commanded, pushing her legs farther apart. Allowing him full access to her.

  Kendra’s legs spread wide. She inhaled deeply at the feel of his smooth tongue slipping inside of her womanly core. It was a good thing she’d shaved.

  “Whoa!” she cried out. Her body lifting up off the bed in a bow. It should be a sin what this man could do with his tongue. Pushing in and out of her, he then drew her nubbin between his teeth and gently sucked.

  She took hold of Michael’s head to bring his face closer into her and started grinding her mound into him. Kendra moved her hips in tune with each thrust of his tongue. He alternated between sucking, licking and thrusting his tongue into her. She practically sat straight up in the bed when he swirled his tongue inside of her and then pulled her deeper into his mouth. He was eating her like she was his favorite meal, and from the feel of him, he was far from full.

  Her senses were on overdrive. Kendra could feel her body began to tremble all over. She could feel her orgasm taking hold of her.

  “Ohmygoodness, Michael! What are you doing to me?” She squirmed and fell back down on the bed. At this point, she didn’t know what to do.

  As if on cue he removed his tongue and replaced it with two finger and she came apart, shouting his name in the process. Her juices flowed freely. “Mi—Mi—Michaelll!”

  “I told you,” he smirked.

  Kendra was too busy trying to come down off her high to speak. “Shut the hell up,” she breathed out. She could have punched him when he laughed…she could have if she could just catch her breath.

  They both jumped at the sound of the doorbell. It sounded as if someone were pushing on the bell and wouldn’t let up.

  “Who the hell could that be?” Michael barked.

  “I don’t know, but whoever it is must really want to see you,” she said pulling the comforter up over her naked form. She watched as Michael got up, walked stark naked across the room, and grabbed a robe before turning to her.

  “Stay here. I’ll be right back,” he said, walking out of the room.

  “I’m just about sick and tired of him ordering me around,” she said, jumping up and looking for something to slip on to join Michael.

  Kendra heard the raised voices and rushed to put some clothes on. “What the heck is going on?” she whispered, whipping on one of Michael’s t-shirts sans her bra. She wasted no time in rushing out of the room and came into full contact with her sister and brother-in-law.

  “There you are!” Adanna cried, running over and embracing her.

  “Uh, sis, where else would I be?” Kendra frowned. “What’s going on? Is there something wrong with Mom or Dad?”

  “Of course not. We were worried. Michael here promised to bring you out to the house for a visit and he didn’t,” Adanna said, loosening her embrace and moving slightly away from Kendra.

  Kendra knew she should have gone to see her sister. It was time she told Adanna the truth. She’d already kept too many secrets from her. However, this was one that she could lay to rest and move on.

  “No I did not bring her for a visit,” Michael smirked. “Your husband ordered me to do so but, as you can see, we were otherwise engaged. I keep telling him that he’s not the boss of me.”

  “Well my sister came down to Jersey to visit me, yet I haven’t seen hide nor hair of her for almost a week,” Adanna argued. “And you can stop smirking now, Michael Alesi. You’re as bad as Piero.”

  “No, I’m not,” Michael said with a shake of his head.

  “No, he isn’t,” Kendra interjected at the same time.

  “Yes, he is,” Adanna said.

  “Just how am I bad, Cara Mia?” Piero asked, scowling at his wife.

  Kendra chuckled inside as she watched her sister rush over to her husband’s side and place a kiss on his lips.

  “You’re arrogant, of course. But I love you anyway.”

  “I love you, too,” Piero said, kissing her fully on the lips.

  “I know you two didn’t trek all the way over here to give us a peep show,” Michael said sarcastically.

  “No. Adanna wanted to see her sister. I told you that earlier, no Michael?”

  “Piero I haven’t kidnapped her. In fact, you hung up on me before I had a chance to say much of anything,” Michael barked. “You do that a lot, and I don’t like it.”

  Kendra could tell by Michael’s tone that he was ready for a fight. She’d better intercede before things got out of hand. The last thing she wanted was these two hotheads to be at odds with one another.

  “Cool it, you two,” Kendra called out. “Piero, as you can see I am fine, but you knew that already because you call every 15 minutes. Adanna, you and Piero have a seat somewhere in this big-ass house while Michael and I get dressed.”

  “Not now, Piero,” Kendra cut in firmly as she saw him fix his mouth to protest. She didn’t feel like hearing it. “Michael, stop smirking and let’s go get changed.”

  “Yes, not now Piero,” Michael mimicked.

  “Really, Michael?” Kendra chastised.

  “What did I do?” he asked innocently.

  “That was childish. You men kill me. All that testosterone you like to throw around causes you to act like children throwing a tantrum.” Kendra went to turn around and winced in pain.

  “What’s wrong?” Michael asked concern evident in his voice.

  “I’ll tell you when we get in the bedroom,” she whispered.


  Kendra could practically feel his frown on her back as he followed her out of the room. She walked as swiftly as she could. Once in the room, she turned in Michael’s arms and burst out laughing.

  “What the hell!” he said, wrapping his arms around her. “What’s wrong with you? First you act as if you’re in pain, and now you’re laughing.”

  “I moved the wrong way.” She chuckled harder.

  “Well, what’s wrong?” he asked again.

  “Michael, I hurt between my legs, you big goof. It’s from too much sex.” She giggled again, burying her face in his chest.

  “Why didn’t you tell me you were hurting? I wouldn’t have been so rough.”

  “Well, at the time it felt too good. I didn’t realize I was this sore until afterwards,” she whispered against his chest.”

  “I’m good, no?” he snickered.

  Kendra punched at his chest. “You’re too much,” she said dryly.

p; “Apparently in more ways than one,” he countered matter-of-factly and chuckled when she poked him again.

  “Not modest much are you?”

  “Come on. The jets from the tub will help a lot.”

  “Michael, I can’t take a bath now. We have guests,” she protested.

  “Uninvited company. They can wait. Besides I could tell from the look on your face out there that you’re anxious to tell Adanna what’s been going on. You might as well be comfortable while doing so.”

  “True. Let me grab a pair of stretch pants and one of my own blouses. I think it’s time to give you your clothes back,” she kidded.

  “Why? They look better on you than they do on me. Wear what you please,” he shrugged.

  “I need to go shopping tomorrow,” she said, grabbing her underwear, bra, a pair of black stretch pants and a white button-down shirt with three-quarter sleeves. Michael dashed into the bathroom to get the tub ready.

  Kendra ran a comb through her hair and put it up in a French-braid while waiting for Michael to finish.

  “You bath awaits, milady,” he said with a bow.

  “Thank you kindly, sir.” She curtsied.

  “Smart ass,” he joked, and smacked her on her behind as she passed him.

  “Wow, this looks like a whirlpool rather than a tub. This house is big, but the layout is awesome. Who designed it?” she asked.

  “I did.”

  “You,” she stuttered. “Exactly what do you do for a living? I thought you all owned restaurants?”

  “We do. However, I’m an architect, who owns two construction companies as well,” Michael said nonchalantly. “Strip and get in. I need to get a quick shower and change too. I’ll shower in the other bathroom because if I have to stay in here and watch you in this bath, I will want to join you, and I can assure you, washing is not what I’ll be doing.”

  “Hmm,” she said, stepping into the tub with Michael’s assistance. “I like the sound of that. You can join me, you know.”

  “Cut it out, you minx. The purpose of this bath is to get rid of your soreness. Hurry up before I have to kill my cousin.”

  “Please don’t,” she joked. “Let them know I’ll be out soon.”

  “Will do. Take all the time you need. I’ll entertain them until you’re ready,” he said, placing a kiss on her forehead.

  “Okay,” she sighed. She closed her eyes and lay back against the smoothness of the tub, letting the bubbling water flow all around her.

  “Don’t fall asleep in here. We don’t want you to drown,” Michael said dryly.

  “I’m not. This just feels so good,” she murmured.

  “I left the towels out for you. If you need more, you know where they are. Enjoy,” he said and left the room.

  Chapter Eleven

  Michael, hair still wet from his shower, dressed in a black collarless short-sleeved shirt and black jeans. He then joined Piero and Adanna in the family room.

  “Kendra will be out shortly,” he said to no one in particular. “Would you two like a drink while we wait?”

  “I’ll have a finger of Molinari,” Piero said.

  “I don’t want a drink. I want food,” Adanna said.

  “You always want food,” Piero snickered.

  “Right, so feed me, Piero,” Adanna said, jumping up from her seat. “What is it with you? First you’re complaining that I don’t eat enough, and now I eat too much. There is just no satisfying you, Mr. Alesi.”

  “Don’t hit him, Adanna,” Michael intervened. “Come to the kitchen, and I will put something together quickly. Why are you so hungry? Don’t you have that nice cook?”

  “Cara Mia thought Kendra would be there to cook for her, so she told the cook not to come this week. We’ve been eating take-out for almost a week, and I tell you my stomach can’t take it,” Piero groaned.

  “Piero, you own restaurants. Why not have someone bring you over something?”

  “I tried, but my wife vetoed that. She thinks it’s too far to have someone deliver food to us from the restaurant. What was it you said, Cara Mia? ‘You’re taking advantage of your employees Piero.’ So now we starve,” Piero said, throwing up his hands.

  Michael laughed and led them out of the room and into the kitchen where he took out the preparations for a quick meal of shrimp and pasta.

  “Sit,” he said. “Let me go check on Kendra.”

  “No need. I’m right here,” Kendra said joining them at the kitchen island.

  “How do you feel?” Michael asked.

  “Great. It was just what I needed,” she smiled. “So, sissy, what’s been happening with you?”

  “I should be asking you that. You know you should call Sharon. She’s been trying to reach you,” Adanna said.

  “I talked to her earlier in the week. I told her my plans. She was going to cancel the weekend with me anyway. She had some big assignment she couldn’t get out of.” Kendra frowned. “And my phone’s dead. I forgot to charge it.”

  “Wow, Michael must have really been keeping you busy. You live on that phone,” Adanna said.

  “No busier than Piero’s been keeping you, I imagine,” Kendra shot back.

  Michael choked on his wine.

  “Are you okay, cousin?” Piero asked.

  Trying to catch his breath, Michael glared at him “I’m fine,” he spluttered.

  “Kendra loves the shock factor,” Adanna said dryly, and then threw a cherry tomato at Kendra.

  “What the—?” Kedra asked, picking up a tomato and throwing it back at Adanna.

  Michael watched the ping pong of food being thrown around in disbelief.

  “Now who’s being childish?” Michael scowled at Kendra. He didn’t know whether to strangle her or laugh at her when she crossed her eyes at him and sent Adanna into a peel of laughter.

  “They do this whenever they’re together, Michael. They’re worse when Carina is with them,” Piero said, taking a sip of his wine.

  Michael looked from Kendra to Adanna and then back at Kendra. He shook his head. “If you two can stop throwing food long enough, we all can eat. That is if there’s anything left after you finish playing with it,” he chastised.

  “It smells good. What did you cook?” Kendra smiled at Michael.

  “Shrimp and pasta. The garlic bread is on the warmer. What’s left of the salad is in front of you. Everybody dig in,” he said.

  Dinnerware and food platters were passed around. Everyone ate and engaged in small talk until they were finished.

  “Okay, so here’s why I was really staying with Michael, sis,” Kendra burst out.

  “What do you mean? I thought you and Michael were getting to know one another. That you’d hit it off,” Adanna said with a frown.

  “We did. And we do. Michael and I are in a relationship. But that wasn’t my reason for being here at first.”

  “If you want to talk to Adanna alone, we’ll leave the room,” Michael said uncomfortably.

  “Of course not. You’ve been here with me all this time. Why would I want you to leave the room now?” Kendra said.

  Michael walked over to Kendra, placed a kiss on her lips, and gathered her up in his arms.

  “You sure?” he asked.

  “I’m fine Michael. Really,” she smiled up at him. “Anyway, as I was saying. The night I went out with Nicco, he left me alone for a while with his friend Marcello who, along with the bartender, slipped something into my drink. Before you go off, Michael was there, witnessed the whole thing, and got me out of there without anyone other than the people involved being the wiser. Evidently, I had a reaction to whatever it was that he slipped me, and Michael had his doctor friend come here and treat me. Let me assure you that I am fine.”

  “Oh, my God! How could Nicco do something like that? Oh, my God!” Adanna exclaimed.

  “Actually Nicco didn’t. Marcello did. Nicco just made the mistake of trusting his friend a little too much,” Kendra defended.

  “Bullshit! Nicco
and Marcello have been friends too long for him not to know what Marcello is about,” Adanna said fervently.

  “Probably. However, I don’t think he anticipated him trying it with me. He’s apologized for what’s happened. Anywho, thanks to Michael, I am as good as new.”

  “He may have apologized, but he’s still an idiot,” Adanna said hotly. “Sorry, Michael, but I wonder sometimes if you and Carina are even related to him. Funny, I don’t remember him as being such a douche before.”

  “I agree,” Michael snapped. “He hasn’t always been this way. The last few years he’s just gone into this downward spiral that is going to be very dangerous to his health.”

  “Very,” Piero snarled.

  They were interrupted by the ringing of the phone.

  “That has to be Ma,” Michael said, rushing over to pick up the phone. “She’s almost the only one who calls me on my landline.


  “Why aren’t you or Piero answering your calls?” Sal barked.

  “What’s up, Sal?” Michael asked, his body going on full alert. From the tone of Sal’s voice, this wasn’t a social call.

  “Have you seen the news?”

  “Spit it out, Sal,” Michael barked.

  “What’s going on?” Piero asked, coming to stand next to him.

  Michael waved him off.

  “Turn on the news and call me back,” Sal said, hanging up.

  “What the hell is it with you and your brother always hanging up on people?” Michael snarled. “He wants us to turn on the television and call him back. Let’s go into the family room. This can’t be good.”

  Michael hurried out of the kitchen with Piero, Kendra, and Adanna on his heels. In the family room, he turned on the television and flipped it to the news station.

  There on the screen was a news flash with a picture of Marcello Perini’s car. Apparently he’d been in a one-car crash. Marcello Perini was dead, an apparent suicide. Old man Perini was declaring that his son would never commit suicide while Mrs. Perini was in a fit of hysterics. Standing next to Mrs. Perini were both of Michael’s parents.

  “Aww, hell. Why are Mamma and Pop there?” Michael whispered.


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