Scandalous Heroes Box Set

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Scandalous Heroes Box Set Page 141

by Latrivia Nelson

  “Ooaf…” she was on her belly with a mouth full of dirt. However that wasn’t the most shocking part. The full weight of the big Kitcy warrior covered the full length of her back, pressing her into the ground. “Get off me, you big feline beast.”


  “Well, well, now Princess Krys.” Rym lowered his head, so that his mouth was right next to the ear of the female beneath him.

  “Remove yourself!” She bucked and struggled under him, clawing and beating at the ground as if attempting to find purchase to get out of her situation.

  He knew she could not go anywhere, even if she managed to toss him off her, because of his hold on her hair. And shit was he paying for that hold, too. His arm stung greatly, throbbing. The magic lacing her ponytail had sent jolts of shocks into him feeling like blades of fire. He didn’t believe the impact had broken the skin, and he was sure she was capable of much more.

  When she had first begun winding her braid, he’d been in awe of the pale purple beauty glowing along the threads of her hair. He’d had to pull himself together and remain focused on his counter attack. It had worked and now he had her long lush form under him.

  Beside her neck, so that no one in the audience could see it, he’d allowed a sing claw to extend from the tip of a finger. He dragged it along the side of her neck and over her collar bone. “Are you ready to give up, warrior princess?”

  She gasped, her movements stilling for a moment. “Ne-ever…” the word seemed to become caught in her throat.

  Performing the same move again, he felt the shiver that coursed through her body. That awakened his own. Truthfully, his body was always in a heightened level of arousal around her. Something he told himself was only because they had been trapped together for so long and she was the only female within five galaxies of him.

  However, his cat arched and rolled within him. Kitcy males loved to use their claws, lightly, during sex or for marking and usually only Kitcy females were susceptible to the act. But, his body told him that Krysteena’s response wasn’t one of disgust.

  “Declare your victory and be done with it, or let us continue with the exhibition,” she spoke through gritted teeth.

  “I will not be rushed.” Pressing his advantage while she was under his control, he couldn’t keep himself from a deeper investigation of her reaction to him. Aligning his lips with the shell of her ear he released a deep-throated purr.

  The lithe form beneath him shivered. She moaned as she dipped her back and arched her ass against him.

  Rym lost his mind. He disregarded the people gathered around them in the arena. Didn’t care about the battle of wills or anything but Krysteena. His cock became hard, stretching within the confines of his trousers as he pressed into her round, high backside.

  Releasing his hold on her hair, he slid his hand along her side, brushing the curve of her breast on the open side of her chiton. “Krys, I don’t know what is happening between us or why? You should not be affected by my feline designs in such a way, but—”

  In a flash, she tossed him off her, rolled with a speed that only appeared as a hazy blur to him before he found himself on his back with Krysteena straddling his chest. Her knees pressed into his forearms, restraining him as she gripped his throat firmly with one hand and held her other high claiming her victory.

  The crowd of Argona observers exploded in cheer.

  Blazing comet tails, he’d been had. It had all been a clever maneuver of the woman above him. Instead of taunting her, he should have declared his victory and won his boon. In a sense, he had defeated himself.

  “Well, I guess I owe you congratulations on your victory.”

  “You are a fierce opponent, Kitcy.” Still not having moved from her position, she lowered her gaze from her people and stared down at him.

  That’s when he saw it, the tremors at the corner of her mouth and the heated look in her eyes. The princess may have wanted it to seem like an act, but she was just as affected by him as he was by her.

  “Maybe in some way we were both victorious.” He dragged a nail along the inside of her calf.

  With blanched features, she shoved away from him. Bounding up to her feet, she gave him a hard look. “Those kinds of antics will not be tolerated in our chamber.”

  Turning from him, she headed away from the maze that brought them into the arena’s center toward a side opening. He followed.

  As soon as they breached the doorway, he took hold of her arm. Pressing her back against the wall, he stared into her eyes.

  “What are you doing? You should not be over here. Your escorts will secure you until our joining on the last rising sun.”

  He could hear the haste of footsteps around the arena, but he would not go until he’d said his peace. “Understand this, princess. I maybe your captive and I may not have a say in whether I am joined with you. However, neither I nor my cat will be a prisoner.”

  Her lips parted, most likely with a rejoinder, but he stopped it by sealing his lips over hers. Doing one of the things he had been tempted to do since they returned back to form after the curse, he kissed her. With people coming there was no time to begin with a playful light kiss, instead he laid siege to her mouth.

  Chapter Three

  In the shadowed doorway, he took command of her mouth. Claimed her in a way he couldn’t do when they were trapped on Earth or when they were in the arena. This was between the two of them. Every ounce of passion he’d held back he released in that kiss. He expected the resistance—anticipated it.

  She gripped his shoulders, and tried to hold him back, but he pressed in, closing any gaps between them. He slid his tongue along the edges of her lips and felt her gasp more than he heard it as she tried to draw away from him.

  The bolts of desire exploded in his body at their mouths and every place they were in contact. Dipping inside he tasted her and pushed for her to accept him. Him, the man that would be joined to her—the warrior. He used all of his skill to show her their passion would not be light, but bold and fierce—all consuming.

  Because even though he took the lead in the kiss, she overwhelmed him. As the tip of her tongue glided over his, for just a moment, proof that she gave in to the desire boiling between them, it rocked his core. Her acquiesce, even as small as it was, caused shivers of pleasure to race along his spine. Gripping her hips he dragged her forward, allowing her to feel the evidence of his need.

  “Ah..hmm…” she moaned into his mouth.

  “Princess, should we restrain him?”

  Moonstruck Fuck! The words exploded in his mind. What was it with the females on this planet? They were like a virus…wreaking havoc.

  Krysteena shoved him away.

  Caught off guard he stumbled back a step and stared at the female before him. Her gainsboro eyes were luminous with a passion he knew she’d deny if he asked her about it.

  Shaking her head, she licked her lips.

  Could she still taste his kiss? He could. The flavor of her mouth was etched into his soul and he wanted more.

  “No restraint needed.” She broke the eye contact first and looked to the two guards. “All is well. See him escorted to his holding until the ceremony.”

  “As you request.” The darker-skinned female guard responded. “This way Kitcy male.”

  “Kyrs, we are not finished with this.” He reached out and touched her shoulder—he needed some contact with her.

  Glancing down at his hand, she said, “Take the time in solitude to learn of our ways, warrior.” Her gaze met his again. “It will serve you well in understanding what you can and cannot do here.” Stepping away she broke the contact and continued through the doorway.

  Balling his hands into tight fists, he wanted to shift and run and claw something or someone. Anything to release the pent up frustration of passion and rage he felt. Could he really spend a life being seen as inferior? Hell no. However, he had lost the chance for escape when he allowed his body to rule in the Arena of Valor instead of his

  “Let’s go, shifter.” The cyan-haired guard barked at him as she grabbed his arm and jerked him.

  He hissed, snatched his arm away and strutted back across the arena. He knew exactly where he would start tearing people apart if he did shift. His mind focused on the two Argona females trailing close on his heels.


  Krysteena blew out of the arena and marched toward her dwelling, not even waiting on Morni, her attendant. No, right now she needed to burn away the frustration and energy being around Rymingten always caused. That kiss he had given her didn’t help. Solar damnation!

  Why did he kiss me?

  And why didn’t she stop him. Yes, she had attempted to push him away at first, but at some point she realized she was no longer attempting to evade the kiss but was giving in and giving back. Her body had felt as if it was on fire, burning from the inside out. Where she connected with him was the only thing that had given her relief. Thoughts of them stripping off their clothes and pressing together flesh-to-flesh had invaded her mind. Galaxy hell, it still invaded her mind.

  She stomped hard on the ground as she raced along the path toward her sanctuary, her home. Animals buzzed, chirped and whistled to their mates as the third sun pushed higher into the horizon. She wanted to tell them all to shut up. The last thing she wanted to think about was anyone or anything mating.

  Tilting her head back she stared up into the sky to see the green third sun, large and bright in the sky. It would make its rotation around their planet and following it would be the moon. That’s when the goods festival would begin and that’s when she would be joined with Rymingten. Her body throbbed and ached in places so intense she wanted to stop, lean against a tree and relieve herself with her own hands. That was something she’d never had the desire to do before. When she had needs and desires she just went to the pleasure palace and got a weak male to service her. She could even do that now. She was not joined to the Kitcy warrior yet. It was still within the law for her to seek out her satisfaction.

  Breaking through the forest she finally arrived at the residential area. Hundreds of large octagon-shaped dwellings spread out before her. However, if she desired she could turn left and keep a path back toward the city and locate the pleasure palace. She could still feel the hum of her sex and the ache in her breasts. It would be a quick job to have someone get her off. They would barely have to touch her or do any work for her to climax. Rymingten’s kiss had her more than primed.

  The thought of him pushed away any other. No one else would do. She didn’t want anyone else and that scared her. None of the males in the pleasure house had ever made her feel this charged and high with desire. All the times she’d made her monthly visit to the hut, since reaching maturity, she’d never gone to the same male. Never connected with one, as she knew some of the other Argona females had done. She barely paid much attention to them. Her mind would be on one focus and she’d get that job done and return to her job or her dwelling.

  She continued forward, deciding against the palace and disappointment. Keeping her pace brisk, she nodded at the others she passed on her walk who threw out congratulations on her exhibition match and cheers toward the goods festival to come. There was still half a day remaining until the event. However, even now the workers would be setting the city up with large tents in the center of the festival grounds.

  Arriving at her dwelling, she entered and pulled the door shut behind her then leaned back against it. Closing her eyes she took a few moments to just breathe. She was alone for now, since it would take Morni a little more time to reach the area with her short strides.

  A little peace and quiet was what she needed. Secure within her own walls she could get herself together, in line. Pushing away from the door she walked through the common area, where she would host any guest that visited her and continued on down a back hall until she reached her lotus room at the back of the dwelling.

  Every hut had such a place whether a single or joined residence. All Argona females needed a private space to exercise and strengthen their majji abilities. More importantly, it could be used to center one’s self. The purpose she needed it for now. Morni would not disturb at all in the space. Every attendant was trained on the rules of respecting the majji area.

  The room was cooler than the rest of the dwelling. It was built with several layers of thick leaves between the wood frames to insulate against the heat of the suns. It was empty with the exception of a large square pillow at the center of the room and a long wide mat to the side of it for stretching.

  When she awoke each day she would enter the room and begin with stretching to align her body and rid her muscles of all the strain of the previous day before settling on the pillow. However, at the moment she was too antsy to have the patience it would take to perform and hold the positions. Sitting down, she folded her feet inward, resting them on her thighs with her knees out. She pressed her palms to her core and slowly lowered her lids as she inhaled and exhaled. Her aim was to focus, wipe her mind of any and all distraction, and concentrate on the epicenter of majji, the place behind her navel.

  Argona people believed that the gift of magic was harvested and birthed in the womb from mother to daughter, through the cord that connected them. Males on the planet, born of a majji, were conduits for magic, but never were able to execute the power.

  As she breathed, she felt all thoughts and images drift away from her mind, turning it into a blank slate. Just as the last tendril receded and the peace she needed began to surround her, a small detail that she’d pinned to the back of her mind, to deal with later remained. No matter how she tried to force it to clear away it stayed. Realizing it was something she had to deal with to move forward with her meditation she accessed the memory, allowing it to bloom in her mind.

  Rymingten’s face teased her. She almost released a growl of frustration—he was the main reason she was in her lotus space attempting to center herself. However, she realized it wasn’t the kiss that was about to replay itself in her mind, but something else just as concerning—him catching the magic-laced whip of her braid.

  How did he do it? The same question she’d wondered when she’d found herself flat on her belly with a mouth full of arena dust plagued her. An enchanted ponytail was undetectable to an opponent. Usually it was because the magic woven along the threads of hair caused a distorted image to anyone not majji and bewildered them with waves of colors so that they never saw the strike coming. However, that had not been true for Rymingten. Had it just been fortune of the moment that he’d taken hold of her braid?

  She didn’t know. Had no immediate answer. It was something she would have to talk about with the queen and the high council. If Rymingten worked out, it was possible they would be collecting more males from his planet and this was something that would need to be analyzed and dealt with first.

  This male she would join with would be subject to her authority and rule. She would not allow him to plague and disturb her need for balance. As soon as the joining was accomplished she would set him straight on how things would be between them—he would learn. She would see to it he did.

  Having assessed the issue as far as she could, she finally pushed it aside and gained the peace she needed.


  “Do not worry, Kitcy male, after your joining there will be plenty of time for you to enjoy the goods festival. First things first.” Dorth, another Dimu, had come to collect him from the holding quarters where Rymingten had been for hours being fed, bathed and dressed in Argona’s customary joining apparel.

  He was now dressed in an onyx tunic that was snug to his body and trousers of the same color. His feet were bare. Supposedly, the dark color was the Argona hue for unity and was only worn during a joining.

  As he strolled beside the short-statured male, Rymingten took in all the explosions of lights that popped overhead and the many rows of multicolored tents between four large cargo vessels. There was music and dancing happening at a large t
ent and there were Argona people as well as other inhabitants smiling and celebrating together as they discussed various items of purchase.

  “I have no need of celebration or bartering for goods.” It was true. The only thing he would have wanted to wager on was him being able to leave the planet. However, he clearly understood that was not an option for him. So, nothing these dealers could offer would he want to buy.

  Tilting his head up, Dorth smiled. “Oh, just wait. You, just like other males who have been captured and brought here, will soon learn the benefit of blessing their female with treasures. It makes for a more pleasant dwelling atmosphere if you keep her happy.”

  I doubt that. Rymingten kept his words to himself. He realized that all Dimu people were too grateful to Argona’s generosity on their behalf to see beyond that to the archaic traditions of abducting joining mates.

  “Ah, the joining center is just before us.” Dorth’s voice was filled with cheer as if it were his own ceremony he was going to.

  Rymingten shook his head.

  “One moment if you please.”

  “Queen Eyleen!” Dorth squeaked and stopped midstride.

  Spotting the queen, Dorth dipped and bowed so many times Rymingten thought the little male would make himself sick.

  Standing beside the comical male, Rymingten inclined his head to the queen. On Kitcy they bowed to no one. Even though he would now reside on this planet, he would hold fast to his own customs. “Queen Eyleen.”

  With her was a male with shoulder-length thick white hair and a dark mahogany complexion. He was almost as tall and broad-shouldered as Rymingten. The male’s narrow gold and orange apparel matched that of the queen’s long chiton. Rymingten assumed he was the queen’s mate, standing strong and silent behind her. Behind him were two attendants.

  “Greetings, Dorth.” Her voice was steady and strong, clearly letting the Dimu know he could stop his bowing. Her gaze moved to meet Rymingten’s. “Kitcy warrior, I desire a private word with you.”


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