Clue and the Sea Dragon (The Clue Taylor Series Book 2)

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Clue and the Sea Dragon (The Clue Taylor Series Book 2) Page 11

by Wendie Nordgren

  “No, Tadashi, please.”

  He silenced me with his tongue. I felt his hands on my thighs spreading them farther apart. I whimpered with need. Tadashi’s thighs rubbed against mine as he lowered himself between them. He used his hand to position himself against me. Then, his hands were in my hair as he kissed me. Tadashi moved his hips and began to push himself inside of me. I could feel my delicate folds surrounding the tip of him. Confusion overwhelmed me. He was lessening the ache I had suffered with for months, but he was creating a sharp pain deep inside of me. I hadn’t realized I could even feel anything there. I couldn’t decide if I was happy or afraid to be with him. Before I could think, Tadashi surged forward. I cried out at the sharp pain, and a sob escaped me.

  “Ow, Tadashi,” I said as I hit at his shoulders and tried to scooch away. Tadashi held me still and kissed away the tears on my cheeks. Once my tears were gone, he kissed me passionately. Slowly, I became aware of him inside of me filling me. I drew in a surprised breath at the feeling. Tadashi lifted up to examine my expression. His slight movement made me gasp at the sensation he had created inside of me. “Oh!” Tadashi found the spot at my neck and gently nibbled there as he began rocking his hips. “Tadashi!” He continued to move in and out of me. I felt frantic and out of control. “Tadashi! Please, go faster. Please.”

  He didn’t listen. I moved against him trying to speed him up. My noises of distress and clawing at his back had no effect on his motions. I paused and drew in a breath as I clutched at his sides. My eyes closed of their own volition. I tilted my head back and gasped as an incredible feeling zinged from our intimately joined bodies and through me. All of the frantic feelings of moments ago fell from me almost like reality when I slipped.

  However, Tadashi over flowed with feral power. Gazing up at his face in wonder as he continued to move within and above me, I watched as his slanted eyes began to glow with a white light. Tadashi lowered his chest to mine and increased the speed and power of his thrusts. I gasped. As the zinging feeling overtook me again, Tadashi surged forward inside of me just as he bit down hard on my left shoulder. He paused and surged forward again. His heart pounded against my right breast. Tadashi released his bite on my shoulder and licked where he had held me with his teeth. Slowly, Tadashi pulled himself from within me. He laid beside me and pulled me into his arms.

  “Are you alright?” he whispered.

  “I’m okay. But, um. It still feels like you’re there.”

  Tadashi ran his hands along my back. I rested my head on his chest and splayed my fingers out on his stomach. “I never wish for you to forget the feeling of me inside of you. I will love you now and forever. Being so far from you for so many days made me feel like an uprooted tree. If those roots were my soul, it was left cold and un-nurtured.”

  I snuggled closer. “There were times recently when I was so desperate to be here with you. I concentrated with all of my will, but it was too far.” I put my cold feet against Tadashi’s leg and tried to snuggle even closer. He tugged the blankets up around my shoulders.

  “When were you so frightened?” Tadashi asked soothingly.

  “When I was trapped on the pirate ship. Well, in all fairness it was kind of a rescue attempt gone wrong. Liam freaked everyone out in the Two Moons when he ate that man. Then, it was okay because Snappy led Daddy, Cosmo, and Gregory to find me.” Sighing, Tadashi disentangled himself from me, sat on the edge of the bed, and pulled on his pants. “You’re leaving me?” I asked in a surprised whine.

  “I’m ordering food. Then, you will start at the beginning.”

  I admired his muscular back as he walked into the other room. Then, I scooted into his warm spot in the bed. I wondered if Tadashi had enjoyed what we had done or if I had been bad at it. I wished I could talk to Momma about this. Feeling kind of sticky, I scooted out of bed and into the bathroom. Knowing about something was a lot different from experiencing it. Walking felt odd. I turned on the bathroom light and grimaced at the blood on my thighs. I peed and then got into the shower making the water as hot as I could without it being uncomfortable. The water at my feet was pink for a moment before disappearing down the drain.

  “Are you sure you are alright?” Tadashi asked as he stepped into the shower with me.

  “I think so. Um, is it supposed to be that…messy?” My eyes were closed, and my head was tilted back while I rinsed my hair. I gasped when Tadashi began soaping my breasts.

  “You are so beautiful, fascinating, courageous, and you are mine. Yes, my love. Everything was as it should be.” Tadashi pulled me against his chest and kissed me. He withdrew his lips from mine, and I looked up into his brown eyes. His black lashes were clumping together with water droplets. I smiled and kissed his chin. He whispered, “When I make love to you again, there will be no pain.”

  Blushing, I nodded.

  “Turn and I will wash your back.” I collected my hair over my shoulder and turned. Tadashi’s deep guttural growl frightened me. He caught me before I could slip. “These are handprints. This was deliberate. Who did this?” Tadashi asked in a voice sounding of cold death.

  “The pirate captain did it. Daddy has already started to punish him. Captain Stinky did apologize to me. He swore if he ever raised a hand to me again that I could either have his ship or his hand. The truth is that he punished me for fighting him. I wouldn’t mind too much if you kicked him in the face a few times. His name is Fergus, and he’s the captain of the Black Bounty. It’s probably long gone by now.”

  Tadashi turned off the shower and wrapped me in a towel. “No, they are downstairs with most of Scorpius. The owner of the shipping business rented out the Wisteria to throw a celebration for his sailors, their families, and their rescuers. Your father and two of your suitors have finished half a bottle of Lord Tanaka’s most expensive vodka.”

  I didn’t like the way he said, “suitors.” “Tadashi, I’ve told them I’m marrying you.”

  Tadashi lifted my foot to his thigh and dried my ankle. He fingered the ankle bracelet Cosmo had given me. “They are stubborn,” he said with narrowed eyes. In the bedroom, he gave me a bag. “I know you like to be warm when you sleep.”

  I pulled out a long, soft, warm nightgown. Slipping it over my head and pushing my arms through the sleeves, I smoothed it down to my feet. “Ooh, it is warm. Thanks.” It was a pale blue with little white lace details at the seams. Matching socks and panties were in the bag.

  Tadashi took my hand and led me out into the penthouse. He had ordered a private meal for us in the dining room. Pulling out a chair, he sat and lifted me onto his lap. I laughed as he nibbled at my neck. Loud popping sounds startled me. Tadashi pointed at the window. Climbing from his lap, I looked out into the night sky as it lit up with colorful explosions. “They are celebratory fireworks.”

  “I’m very happy for the sailors and their families.” Tadashi stood behind me warming my back with his chest. I leaned my head against his shoulder.

  “Those are for you. They are symbolic of how you have made me feel on our wedding night. I know we have not filed the documents or held an official ceremony, but you are in all other ways my wife.” Tadashi’s voice was so tender and full of such love and conviction that it brought tears to my eyes. He noticed them in the window’s reflection and moved in front of me to wipe at them with his thumbs. Concern wrinkled his brow.

  “I love you, Tadashi Shimizu. I’ll love you until I draw my last breath.”

  “My soul is yours, along with my love, and most of my conscious thought. I’ve known you for such a short time for such a long life, but I never truly lived until I saw your eyes.” Tadashi’s words wrapped around me and were all that kept my heart from fluttering away in a hundred directions. Tadashi laughed and spun me around.

  “What?” I asked as I ran my fingers through the hair over his ears.

  “Once you are officially my wife, your name will become Clue Shimizu.”

  “That’s real cute. How about Clue Taylor Shimizu?
I’d like to keep my professional and private names separate.”

  “Professional name?”

  “Yes, I just solved my second case. My boss’ secretary hired me to find her missing boyfriend.”

  “Your boss? Oh, Clue. Enough of all of that. For the first time in my life, I feel like a whole person. All I want at this moment is to enjoy existing with you.”

  It seemed like Tadashi knew exactly what to say to melt my insides and reform them around that sweet talking tongue of his. I hugged him around his chest.

  After dinner, Tadashi took me back to his bedroom and showed me how to see fireworks with my eyes closed.

  Chapter Nine

  Soft lips pressed gentle kisses across my eyelids. Smiling, and with joy bubbling up inside of me, I opened my eyes to Tadashi. “The way I feel while watching you sleep is a mixture of gratification and humility. That you are mine deeply satisfies me. That you sleep so soundly trusting me to watch over you and keep you safe, fills me with the knowledge of what truly matters.”

  Rubbing my hand against his jaw and smiling at the scratchiness of it, I asked, “What truly matters?”

  Nipping at my fingers, Tadashi smiled. “What truly matters is your smile. Our breakfast is being prepared. Will you join me in the restaurant, or would you prefer breakfast in bed?”

  Somewhat alarmed that Tadashi’s lower appendage seemed to be gaining strength yet again, my eyes widened. Tadashi gave me a naughty grin and kissed my neck. Climbing from the bed, he held his hand out to me. Blushing, I covered my chest with my forearm and followed. Tadashi chuckled. “What?”

  “I have committed you to memory in detail.”

  Feeling silly, I dropped my arm. Once we were all clean and dry, I went to one of the drawers Tadashi had given to me. He kept the drawers and part of his closet full of new things for me. With his hands all over me, it was difficult to dress. After another failed attempt to put on panties, I gave up and succumbed to the giggles I had tried to suppress. We heard a tap at the outer door. Tadashi was disappointed that he had to release me, his captured prey. I took the opportunity to get dressed.

  I heard Dorian say, “He is sobering and will begin to look for her soon.”

  “I owe you, my friend.”

  Tadashi rejoined me and finished dressing. I raised my eyebrows at him. “Dorian got Daddy drunk to keep him from interrupting us?”

  “Dorian has been my closest friend for countless years. Do you regret….”

  “No!” I interrupted before he could finish. “I love you, and I want you.” A growl rumbled up through his chest as he reached for me. I held up my hands. “Maybe in a few days,” I added worried that he might think I was ready for more of his attention.

  Laughing, he laced our fingers together. His eyes sparkled, and the smile hadn’t left his lips. “You look beautiful in that,” he said in the lift.

  “Thank you.” I was wearing a long dark-brown full skirt, a dark-green sweater, and new brown boots. Holding up a foot, I asked, “What are these boots made of?”

  “They are made of bamboo fabric and rubber to resist water and retain heat. Are they comfortable?”

  “Yes, very.”

  In the restaurant, Tadashi held out a chair for me. Then, he scooted his chair right next to mine and insisted on feeding me breakfast. Lord Tanaka and Dorian joined us.

  “The two of you might wish to form more serious expressions. Colwyn just entered and is walking this way,” Dorian suggested.

  Lord Tanaka smiled and stared intently into his cup of tea as he stirred it. Tadashi and Dorian stood and bowed to Winks as he pulled out the chair beside me. I could smell a faint whiff of vodka as he sat.

  “Good morning, Daddy!”

  Winks groaned. A waiter poured him a half a cup of coffee and then topped it off with vodka. “Why, thank you,” Winks said to him with a nod. Tadashi and Dorian sat.

  “You, Lenox, and Finn have become heroes. Days ago, those families were here mourning their losses. Now, they are reunited,” Lord Tanaka said.

  Winks placed his hand to his heart. “Mamoru, that sounded like….” Winks tapped his lips with his fingers as though deep in thought. “That sounded like praise,” Winks said in shock.

  Lord Tanaka hid his smile behind his cup. Reaching for Tadashi’s hand under the table, I smiled at him. Then, I blushed because of the look he had in his eyes. He brought my hand up to his lips to kiss my fingers.

  “The ladies seemed to be hanging from your every word last night,” Lord Tanaka said.

  “That’s not the only thing they were hanging from,” Winks said under his breath. “Well, that was a great party. Did you have fun, baby girl?”

  “I had a lovely evening.”

  “You’ll have to thank that new boss of yours.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “New boss?” Tadashi asked.

  “I’m Mr. Tavora’s personal assistant, but really I just run errands. Daddy, can I have my hover board back? My job will be difficult without it.”

  Winks cleared his throat. “Are you going to remember why you lost it?”

  I rolled my eyes. “Yes, I’m a slob. Clean things. Blah, blah. It’s like you don’t even care I had other things to do. Where is Snappy by the way?”

  Winks shrugged.

  “Snappy?” Dorian asked.

  “Clue rescued a blue sea dragon who must have been trapped since the year the weather patterns changed,” Lord Tanaka explained.

  Concern wrinkled my forehead, and I felt guilty for having so thoroughly enjoyed myself that I had forgotten him. “Poor little guy. I hope he’s okay.”

  “Clue, Snappy isn’t a baby. You saw him when he came for you on the Black Bounty. He’s the size of this hotel.”

  Shaking my head, I said, “He made himself big to scare the pirates. Emotionally, he’s a baby. I’ll worry about him until I find him. What if Umibozu hurt him?”

  Tadashi’s cup clattered to his saucer. “Umibozu? Is that what has been responsible for the missing ships?”

  Dorian gave him a warning look.

  “Did you have your ears plugged up last night? I thought dogs had good hearing. How could you not know this?” Winks asked.

  I shoveled eggs into my mouth and prepared my fork with another bite.

  “The ocean will not be safe so long as it remains,” Tadashi stated.

  Dorian gazed up at the ceiling.

  “Yes, there was a huge discussion in the lobby where Lord Tanaka, Mr. Tavora, the Harbor Master, and everyone else weighed in on the situation. Where the fuck were you?” Winks asked. From his seat beside me, I could feel my father tensing up with fury.

  “Daddy, I was more upset than I realized with Liam, Fergus, and everything. I held Tadashi hostage. Don’t worry. I feel back to myself again.” I gave Winks a bright smile.

  Winks narrowed his green eyes and stared into mine. I tried to hold the innocent look, but I was terrified he knew what Tadashi and I had been doing. My cheeks began to burn. In a low quiet voice, Winks asked, “Did he hurt you?”

  My eyes widened, and I shook my head.

  Affronted by the question, Tadashi took my hand in his and said, “Clue means more to me than my own existence. I cherish her. Allow us to marry.”

  Winks looked from me to Tadashi. “I’ll think about it.”

  Tadashi smiled and bowed to Winks from his seat. “Thank you, Mr. Taylor.”

  “You know, Tadashi. I’ve wanted my child with me since the moment I found out about her. I’m not ready to lose her. You’re asking for the only thing that matters to me.”

  My eyes began to swell with tears. I looked at my father. He had his hand over his eyes. Getting up, I sat on his lap and wrapped my arms around his neck. “I love you, Daddy. You’ll never be rid of me. I promise.”

  Tadashi said, “The solution is simple. After Clue and I marry, I will live with your family.” Winks’ arms were around me, and he kissed my temple. “I would not wish the pain of living without her
on you,” Tadashi said more quietly.

  “Well, that’s something to think about. Come on, baby girl. Let’s get you home before all of the hotel guests, who are sleeping off last night’s activities, wake up and start stumbling around.”

  The other men at the table stood when we did which surprised Winks and me. Tadashi, Dorian, and Lord Tanaka exchanged bows with Winks. “Clue, I have a gift for you,” Lord Tanaka said as he handed an elaborate box to me.

  It was big enough to require both hands to hold. The box was painted gold with blue and white ocean waves around its sides. A pattern of stars was on top with each star being an inset pearl. “It’s beautiful, Lord Tanaka. Thank you.”

  He smiled and said, “Open it.”

  Setting it carefully down on the table, I removed the lid. “Oh!”

  “It is a game. There are three hundred and sixty shells within the box. Inside each shell, a picture has been painted. Each half has a mate that both matches and fits it perfectly,” Lord Tanaka explained.

  Picking up one of the small thumb-sized shells, I saw a colorful fish painted inside. Another shell contained a painting of coral. “The pictures are so beautiful. They’re so small. This must have taken forever to make,” I said in awe.

  “Everyone needs a hobby,” Lord Tanaka said with a shrug.

  “You made this?”

  The aristocratic smile was back on Lord Tanaka’s face. “I am pleased that you like it.” Tadashi helped me with the lid. “Colwyn, I will see you this evening,” Lord Tanaka said.

  Winks gave him a nod, and we walked out into the lobby. Winks didn’t even make any snide comments when Tadashi climbed into the transport and pulled me onto his lap. Happily, I gazed down into Tadashi’s eyes. “I never dreamed that my life could be so perfect. I’ve never been happier than I am at this moment.”

  “Good. Now, you feel as I have felt since the first moment when I looked into your eyes,” Tadashi whispered.

  “I’m not hungover, so that can’t be what’s making me feel like I’m about to puke. What could it be?” Winks asked as he pulled into the garage and shut the door. Tadashi tickled me making me giggle.


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