Holding Their Own: The Salt War

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Holding Their Own: The Salt War Page 27

by Joe Nobody

  Bishop didn’t know what to make of the whole show. If the visitors were hostile, it was already over. Throwing Terri a questioning glance, Bishop shrugged and kept his rifle barrel pointed low.

  It was a man in a sports coat that approached first, stepping through the skirmish line of what Bishop now could see were United States Marines.

  A few steps closer, and the Texan recognized the familiar face of Agent Powell, United States Secret Service, and once in charge of the president’s protection detail.

  Bishop tensed, remembering that the agent and he hadn’t exactly parted on good terms. In fact, the last contact the Texan had with the man involved a rather serious brawl. I should ask him how his nose is doing, the Texan considered, but knew Terri would scold his lack of manners.

  Powell stopped short, glaring around the canyon walls with mirror-covered eyes, acting like he was still guarding the Commander in Chief. He didn’t even smile at Bishop. Sourpuss.

  More men came into the area, the whole gaggle looking like a presidential protection detail to Bishop. And then another figure appeared, similarly dressed, but shorter and older.

  A huge grin broke out across Bishop’s face as soon as he recognized the Colonel, his stocky ex-boss marching directly to the Texan and extending his hand.

  “How are you, sir,” were the only words Bishop could come up with in the moment.

  “I’m well, Bishop. Where’s Terri? And your son?”

  Terri came out of the bat cave entrance, Hunter in one hand, her AR in the other. Bishop motioned for her to put the rifle down, the weapon obviously making the surrounding agents nervous.

  Hugging their visitor like he was an expected uncle arriving for the holidays, Bishop watched as his wife greeted the Colonel, still having no clue why the man had dropped in without warning.

  “Sorry about coming by unannounced,” the Colonel began, as if reading the Texan’s thoughts. “I’ve actually been in Alpha on official business, and when I asked about you, I was informed there was no way to contact the ranch. So I decided to stop by, just like the last time.”

  Chuckling, Bishop couldn’t help himself, “At least your landing was a little softer this time, sir.”

  The Colonel grinned, “No shit. You know, that airplane is still lying beside the highway. We flew over it on the way here.”

  Bishop started to say something about Mrs. Porter’s grave and the council’s vote to leave the plane as a memorial, but decided against it.

  “So what brings you to our little corner of the world, Colonel?” Bishop asked, moving away from what was sure to be a sensitive topic.

  Terri immediately swatted his shoulder, “Bishop! Where are your manners?”

  She then turned to their guest and said, “Would you like to step inside out of the heat? I can offer you a cold drink.”

  “No, thank you for the offer, but I can’t stay long. I really just wanted to stop in and say hello, make sure you were all doing well.”

  One of the agents approached, trying discreetly to gain the Colonel’s attention. “Mr. President,” he said, “I hate to rush you, sir, but the schedule....”

  The Colonel acknowledged the man with a curt nod and then offered his hand to Bishop. But the Texan remained stock-still, surprise written all over his face. “Sir… Sir… did he just call you, Mr. President?”

  Shyly, the Colonel answered, ‘Yes, I was sworn in by what’s left of the Senate and the Supreme Court just a few months ago. After the previous chief executive was assassinated, there was absolute chaos in Washington. For a while there, I thought the military was going to take over. But then someone found a signed letter in the president’s desk. It stated that he had appointed me to become the Vice President. There was a lot of bickering, but finally most everyone agreed – I was next in line to occupy the Oval Office.”

  “Congratulations!” Terri said, again extending her arms to hug her guest.

  Bishop finally regrouped enough to offer his hand, “Very pleased for you, sir. I can’t think of anyone more qualified to run the country.”

  “I heard you just stepped down, Terri. I guess I was becoming a head of state just as you were leaving a similar post. I hope you’re still pleased with your decision.”

  “Oh, absolutely, sir. It was time for me to move on. Bishop and I have been very busy. We’ve got grandiose plans, and I’m enjoying my new role as domestic goddess every single day.”

  Bishop remained silent and observing, not believing for one second that his old employer had “just dropped by.” His feeling was compounded by the announcement of the presidency.

  Sure enough, the Colonel finally got around to the real reason for his visit.

  “Look you two, I confess to having an ulterior motive for stopping by. I’m facing one hell of a mess and could use both of you as advisors. I want to model our recovery after what you people have accomplished, and when I heard you were no longer actively involved with the Alliance, Diana granted me permission to stop by and offer you a job.”

  There it is, thought Bishop. The man’s becoming a politician already.

  The couple exchanged looks, a silent communication passing between them. The Colonel sensed a negative response was on the way and spoke quickly to head it off.

  “Before you answer, I just want to say I only expect the occasional need for your services. I’m not asking for full-time dedicated commitment or even a formal agreement from either of you. But, if something special comes up, I’d like to know I can count on your advice and support.”

  Again, Bishop and Terri exchanged glances. It was Bishop who answered since the Colonel was his ex-boss. “If you really, really need us, Colonel, errr… Mr. President, Terri and I would always be willing to listen. We would have to evaluate each situation independently, sir.”

  “Of course, of course,” smiled the Commander in Chief. “I wouldn’t think of asking any more of you.”

  The agent approached again, his voice more urgent, “Mr. President, we have to be going, sir.”

  The president spread his hands wide, “You’d never know I was in charge,” he teased. “Thank you both for taking the time to talk with me. I hope to be in touch soon.”

  After another round of hugs and handshakes, he was off, surrounded by Marines and agents.

  Terri and Bishop stood and watched the procession’s exit, both of them taking a moment to digest everything they’d learned from the visit.

  After the noise from the last helicopter had faded, Bishop turned to his wife and commented, “I thought they’d never leave.”

  Terri, grinning widely, responded with, “He’s your family, Bishop. I’m just the in-law. Next time, tell him he can’t stay so long.”

  “But he always sends such nice Christmas cards,” he responded with a straight face. “Besides, I hear he’s rich, and we might be in the will.”

  They laughed hard, the outburst encouraging Hunter to offer a huge, toothless smile.

  Terri then brightened, “Hey, our little monster will be going down for the night pretty soon. Want to meet later in the hot tub? I hear it’s bathing suits optional tonight.”

  “You’ve got a date, pretty lady,” he grinned, eyebrows bouncing up and down.

  The End




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