Caine's Curse

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Caine's Curse Page 6

by Josie Dennis

  “Why is that?” Caine couldn’t help but ask. “Surely there have been female guests to the manor.”

  Michael threw his head back and laughed. “You are a caution, Caine Hawk. Yes, there have been female guests. Not a one of them were a Hawk, however.”

  That, Caine could believe. He’d yet to hear of a female Hawk, after all. Surely if one existed, Reeves would have known of it.

  “How does that signify?” he asked Michael.

  Michael slid him a look before facing forward again. “Any females to grace the manor have been, to a woman, snatched up by a Hawk. The beautiful and beguiling Millicent most assuredly included.”

  Caine thought for a moment. “Then Posy, Mary, and a few of the others you’ve mentioned have all been…how did you put it? Snatched?”

  “Indeed. My own dear little sister, as well.”

  “Your sister?”

  Michael nodded. “Yes. She tumbled into marriage with Stefan Hawk, another of the earl’s half-brothers.”

  Another half-brother? “Far and wide,” Caine said, almost to himself.

  “What’s that?”

  “Hawks of the last generation,” Caine explained. “Spread their seed far and wide, from all accounts.”

  “True. And our countess is to have another Hawk male.”

  “There is no telling it will be a male.”

  “Oh, it will be. Count on it.”

  Caine sensed something in Michael’s tone, a reverence and a hope for the future generation that went beyond the distant relation he would have to the earl’s child.

  “Whom will he resemble, do you think?”

  This made Michael laugh again. “He may very much resemble Millie.”

  Caine didn’t quite catch the jest. Was Michael involved in the earl’s marriage? A flash of images came to him, of him and Peter loving Iris to the heavens and back. He could not broach this subject with Michael, however. He wasn’t, as he himself often pointed out, a Hawk. Now Gabriel? The earl could answer a few well-placed questions, couldn’t he?

  They soon arrived back at the manor.

  “Thank you for coming into the village with me, Caine,” Michael said.

  “I’m grateful for the invitation, Michael.”

  Michael stepped out of the motorcar. “You’re very welcome, I’m sure. I believe you have a lot of questions lurking there behind those dark Hawk eyes.”

  Caine schooled his expression. “What, pray, is your suggestion to satisfy them?”

  “Talk to the earl. He has never been one to dissemble.”

  Caine gave him a short nod. He turned and walked toward the grand entrance of the manor, his mind working. Could he ask the earl about such a delicate matter? Did he have any right to pose such questions after so short an acquaintance despite their obvious relation?

  Caine had to go to him. And soon. He had blindly jumped into a liaison with two people dependent on the earl for their livelihoods. Their very lives, really. While he wouldn’t do a thing to implicate either Iris or Peter, he had to know more about this curse business.

  He only had his information from Reeves, after all. The old butler surely received his account from rumor. From tales long told. From the other Hawks’, present and past generations, wild and sordid reputations. From the earl?

  From the earl, Caine just might possibly be able to get some answers and break this damn curse after all.

  As it turned out, he was forced to put off questioning the earl for the time being. It was nearly tea time, and when he returned to his guest room, he found Peter within.

  “Good afternoon, Peter.” He walked into the room and closed the door. “How has your day been thus far?”

  Peter’s lips quirked in a half smile. “Quite dull.”

  “Oh?” Caine shed his jacket. “No run-ins with our beautiful lady’s maid?”

  Peter helped him into a pressed jacket. “Just at breakfast, I’m afraid.”

  Caine sensed something in his tone. “Is something wrong?”

  Peter let out a breath and ran a hand through those thick auburn waves of his. “I don’t want her thinking up some excuse to put us off, Caine.”

  Worry niggled at Caine. “Do you believe she’ll cry off, Peter?”

  “Truth be told, I’m not sure.” Peter looked dejected beneath his servant’s polish. “I don’t know what I’ll do.”

  Caine waited for a flicker of jealousy, not that he had ever experienced such. Yet, at this moment when he might be envious of Iris’s hold over Peter or Peter’s over her, he only wanted to help all three of them make this liaison work.

  “Peter, I have to know if you want me to take a step back.”

  The words were as surprising to him as they apparently were to Peter. A flicker of unease showed in his eyes, and Caine swiftly wished the words back into his mouth.

  * * * *

  Peter sucked in a breath. “Caine, no.” His heart pounded, and he held his fists at his sides. “You cannot do that.”

  Caine spread his hands in front of him. “Peter, I don’t want to come between you and Iris.”

  “But, don’t you see? You already are.”

  Caine blinked those dark Hawk eyes at him, a line between his brows. “What do you mean?”

  “I’m already attached to you,” Peter admitted softly. “And Iris? Once you take her, she’ll be as enamored of you as I am.”

  “Peter.” Caine’s voice was soft now, too, yet insistent. “Are you telling me in no uncertain terms that I may take her? That the three of us may explore this?”

  “It’s my fondest wish. But I need you to make the promise again.”

  “Which promise?”

  “That you will keep us safe.”

  Caine winced. “You know of the curse, Peter. Tell me you know of it.”

  “I know of several Hawk men who came to Hawksfell and broke theirs, Caine.” Caine wore his skepticism on his handsome face. “I’m not saying we, Iris and I, are the answer to yours,” Peter went on. “Yet from the Hawks I’ve observed, they never did anything to hurt the ones they were involved with.”

  Caine splayed a hand over his chest. “I would never knowingly hurt either one of you.”

  Peter regarded the sincerity clear in his expression. “I believe you, Caine. As to the rest of it? That we’ll put aside for the moment.”

  “Can you do that?”

  Peter tried to put into words the way he felt about the situation. “I’ve been slowly falling in love with Iris, Caine. Most likely from the first moment I saw her.”

  “Does she love you?”

  “I can only wish such were possible.”

  “Why don’t you think she can love you?”

  “Aside from my siblings? No one ever has.”

  Caine’s lips thinned. Then he approached and placed a hand on Peter’s shoulder. “I know nothing about love, Peter. Less than nothing, truly. But your personality? Your pretty face? How could she not love you?”

  “I’ll take your word on that.”

  Caine laughed lightly, and in that moment, they were back on firmer ground. Peter patted his hand and leaned in for a kiss. Kissing Caine was different from kissing Iris, but just as delicious. Their tongues tangled, and Peter reveled in Caine’s spiced taste and scent.

  When at last Caine pulled back, he stroked Peter’s lower lip with his thumb. “Dress me with haste, Peter. I’m eager to get this day over and move on to this evening.”

  Peter gave a slow nod. “Because we’ll have Iris this evening?”

  Caine laughed again. “Our needs and wants are perfectly aligned, man.”

  That evening, the lovely Iris was once more between them. She stood, hesitant and lovely, in the middle of Caine’s guest chamber, her cap and uniform gone and her thick lustrous hair falling in waves over her shoulders and back. Not even her stockings remained on her incredible form, and Peter’s cock was harder than he might have thought possible. He was even more aroused by the thought of Caine having her tonight. />
  After a meaningful look at Caine, earning him a nod, Peter moved at last and wrapped her in his arms.

  “I’m so happy you’re here, sweetheart,” he said, his lips close to her ear. “I promise you won’t regret this.”

  She turned her head a fraction, her violet eyes opened wide. “I won’t.”

  Caine let out a low whistle. “Iris, you are a wonder.”

  She turned a cheeky expression in Caine’s direction. “Never say you haven’t been in this very situation many times before, Caine.”

  “I have never shared a woman with a man,” Caine stated. “You are the only one I would share, and that is only because our Peter is that man.”

  The breath hitched in Peter’s chest, but he made an inward promise to set that aside, as well. There would be a reckoning. And soon, unless he missed his guess. But tonight? Tonight he would taste Iris. Tonight he would love her with every part of him but one.

  “Let me taste you.” Peter held her, catching the tremble in her lithe limbs. “I want your scent, your taste, all over me.”

  Her breath caught, and Peter turned her fully to face him. “Come to bed, Iris.”

  She bit her plump lower lip and nodded. “Yes, Peter.”

  Tamping down his desire was difficult, but he wanted to feel her come apart in his arms as he had when he’d been buried deep inside of her. Tonight their pleasure would take a different route, but he knew it would be just as sweet.

  Her skin was smooth beneath his hands as he stroked and petted her. Her breasts were round and soft and her nipples pert and delectable. His mouth followed the path his fingers made, and he kissed every inch of her he could reach.

  She was soon spread beneath him, her round little bottom held in both hands as he lifted her pussy to his face. Nudging her with his nose, he drew a long low moan from her.

  “Peter,” she breathed. “Oh, my!”

  He wanted to take all of her inside him. To breathe her in until he only knew her scent.

  “So sweet,” he murmured, flicking his tongue over her slick folds. “Iris, you’re delectable.”

  “Isn’t she?” Caine asked.

  Peter glanced up to see Caine was seated on the bed, his body held taut. He still wore his trousers, as did Peter, but there was no mistaking the outline of his impressive cock. Peter’s twitched in response to the sight of Caine and the taste of Iris. It was beyond imaginable, and he buried his face as close as he could go.

  “Ah, sweetheart.” He licked and sucked her, driving his tongue into her cunt as her juices began to flow. “Delicious.”

  She bucked against his mouth, her body bowed as she shivered. Beads of sweat popped out on his brow, his chest, as he felt the answering slickness of her limbs and belly.

  “Caine!” she cried out.

  Peter saw that Caine held her breasts in his hands, pinching her sweet tight nipples before bending his head to suckle. Iris was sobbing now, so close to release Peter could feel it himself.

  “Oh, oh.” She murmured heated words as she arched and writhed. “Oh, please…”

  Peter found her clit and suckled, earning a sharp cry as Iris came and came. Her flesh was slick against his hands, and her pussy was sweet against his tongue. He drank her in, feeling her orgasm almost as if it were his own.

  When she was limp in his hold, he finally lifted his head to gaze at her pink and rosy body.

  “Iris, love.” Caine slid an arm beneath her shoulders and urged her to a seated position. “Are you all right?”

  Iris made a sound of intense satisfaction as she stretched and slowly opened her eyes. Those eyes settled on Peter, and he felt her gaze like a caress.

  “Peter, that was wonderful.”

  Peter’s chest puffed a little at the praise even as his body was so hard he could scarcely draw breath. Shifting, he moved up Iris’s slick body to kiss her lovely mouth.

  “You’re wonderful.” He nuzzled her neck. “And by the sight of Caine, he needs to be inside you.”

  Iris blinked, biting that lower lip again as she turned her attention to Caine. “You’ll take me, Caine?”

  Caine was transfixed for a moment, appearing to Peter as though he was uncertain. Peter dismissed the thought instantly. A Hawk was never uncertain. Was he?

  “Caine?” Peter asked.

  Caine’s expression cleared, lust and tenderness both stamped on his features now. “Yes, Iris. I shall. Peter, I do believe I would like to see our sweet girl on her hands and knees.”

  Iris’s mouth was an O of surprise. Peter sat back on his heels and nodded his agreement.

  “As would I,” he said.

  Chapter Eight

  Caine drew in a deep breath as he shifted Iris on the bed. She was slick and warm beneath his palms and, from the clouds in her violet eyes, still coasting on the waves of the remarkable climax Peter gave her.

  “Peter pleased you.” He kissed her mouth, and then caressed her silken skin as he turned her over onto her belly. “Now I’m going to please us both.”

  She purred as he stroked her supple back, lifting her bottom in the air. Caine cupped one cheek, tickling her hole until she gasped.

  “She’s quite beautiful here, Peter.” He dropped a kiss on the other cheek, nipping at her taut flesh. “I’m going to fuck you here, too. Not tonight, though.”

  “Oh.” It was apparently all she could say.

  Peter’s eyes were bright as he and Caine stared at each other. Yes, Caine was going to fuck her ass. More than likely while Peter was snug and tight in her pussy. Tonight, though? Tonight Caine would take her from behind as he held on to her sweetly curved hips.

  He took off his trousers and was as naked as she was now. His cock throbbed in anticipation as he caught her wildflower scent. Gently tugging her up onto her knees, he trailed kisses down her spine until he reached her ass again. Reaching beneath her, he felt how slick she was.

  “Peter, you pleased our girl so well she’s still wet.”

  “Caine, you’re making my mouth water all over again.”

  “Oh, you two,” Iris protested with little bite. “If you could see my face, you would see I’m blushing.”

  “Your bottom is a lovely shade of pink, if that’s what you mean,” Peter quipped.

  Caine groaned as he shifted to rub his shaft up against her scalding hot pussy. “Damn, you feel good.”

  Iris made no answer, simply rubbing against him as her arousal obviously grew.

  “This is going to be fast,” Caine bit out. “And hard, love.”

  Iris held herself up on her hands, pressing her ass up against his belly. “Caine…”

  Caine held her still as he slid deep into her. He’d planned to go slow, but her pussy was so slick he drove in unimpeded. She made a sound of pleasure instead of pain, thankfully, and he withdrew and sank into her again. She was tight. Hot and wet and just right as he began to pound into her.

  “That’s it.” Caine held on to her hips, grinding into her as she moaned and cried out. “So good.”

  “Caine!” She gasped, gripping at the bed linens. “Oh!”

  “I can’t look away,” Peter said, his voice rough.

  Caine threw his head back as he gave his lust free rein. Iris was perfect beneath him, hot and tight and taking everything he did to her. He heard rustling and looked over as Peter knelt on the bed. He’d removed his trousers, as well, and his big and beautiful cock was ready.

  “Iris, love.” Caine punctuated his speech with every thrust. “Put Peter out of his misery.”

  Peter shifted, positioning himself at the head of the bed. “Suck me, Iris.” Caine’s pleasure spiked at Peter’s words. “Please.”

  Iris moved a fraction, and by the answering moan from Peter Caine knew she was taking him deep into her lush mouth.

  “That’s it, Iris.” Caine shuddered as another wave of pleasure struck him. “Take him as deep as you’re taking me.”

  She hummed in answer and Peter began to groan. Caine could see him
now, his body taut as Iris sucked and licked him. In response her pussy pulled tighter still, wringing a moan out of Caine as his body kicked. He was close to climax. He could feel it teasing and prickling and coming at him fast.

  “Christ, I’m coming.” He began to lose a bit of his control, pounding into Iris fast as she trembled. “Ah!”

  “I’m close,” Peter answered him, his breathing labored.

  He groaned loud and low as Iris took all of him. She lifted her head, screaming her orgasm as she shivered in Caine’s hold. Caine withdrew then, still perilously close to his own climax.

  He shifted on the bed again, tugging Peter to his feet as he drove his cock deep into his ass. The juices from Iris lubricated his entry, and they were one in an instant.

  “Caine!” Peter gripped the bedpost. “So good!”

  “Keep sucking him, Iris.” Caine slowed his thrusts, moving more steadily. “Make him come.”

  Iris blinked big eyes up at him, and then shakily came to her knees. “Hmm? Oh, yes. Oh, all right.” She was clearly still floating on her release. “Your cock is very pretty, Peter.”

  Peter said nothing and Caine chuckled.

  “Suck him,” Caine commanded again.

  Iris nodded as she tossed her thick waves back over her shoulders. Her mouth was rosy and her lips plump as she engulfed the head of Peter’s cock.

  Peter groaned again, and Caine withdrew almost fully before sinking into him again. If Caine were ever too pressed to admit which felt better, Peter’s ass or Iris’s pussy, he would be at a loss. Amazingly, his two lovers pleased him as one.

  Wrapping his arm around Peter’s sculpted chest, he held him closer and kissed his neck. He tasted salt there, and felt an answering heat over his own flesh. Iris moaned, her head moving perfectly over Peter’s shaft. Her teeth nibbled and her tongue teased, and Caine felt almost as though her mouth was wrapped around his cock.

  “Iris.” Peter groaned, writhing between them. “Ah, Caine.”

  Iris was purring, sounds of arousal Caine recognized. She was aching again, just from having her mouth on Peter. Caine could sympathize, and he knew just the solution. For all three of them.


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