
Home > Paranormal > Enslaved > Page 3
Enslaved Page 3

by Kim Faulks

  Even though her life hung in the balance, the basic human needs still drove her. The heat from the fire drew her in. That, and her overwhelming hunger caused her to stumble forward until her chain pulled tight around her neck and she could go no further. She reached for the heat, letting it warm her hands and she used that warmth to rub against her arms and body.

  They all watched her, but she didn't care, all she wanted was to feel the heat against her skin and to feel alive, instead of the cold walking corpse she had been for so long. The moon grew in the sky until it loomed over her and she could almost see the outline of the craters that marred its surface.

  She could see some of the men grow restless, eying the moon and pacing back and forwards. The men watched the female vampire hesitantly, clawing at their clothes and skin until she sighed and stared at them with both disgust and resignation. "Fine, go hunt. And make sure you bring back more food this time."

  Howls tore through the air, screams of pleasure and pain as they quickly morphed into dark, massive creatures, their eyes glowing under the shine of the moon's rays. They bounded past her, snapping at her with rows of long white teeth as they went past. Werewolves, they had to be. God, could she never escape these creatures?

  A fight broke out across from her and she watched as one of her captors, the one who had pushed her to the ground, swung his massive fists at another. Their grunts and groans filled the air as they wrestled to the ground. She watched the scene, their massive bull heads and thick torsos were used as a battering ram against their opponent. Good, she thought, kill each other, then I might have a fighting chance.


  The demand was harsh, but it wasn't what made her stomach roll violently inside her. The sickened feeling of illness overwhelmed her as she looked up into yellow eyes as she whispered, "You're a demon."

  "Very good," he said, his smile neither comforting nor aggressive. "I'm surprised you know of my kind. There are not many of us left up here anymore."

  It was the first time she had been spoken too and not ordered with one word directives and she grabbed hold of this opportunity like it was her very life line. "I've met only one demon before, and you could say he left a lasting impression."

  He chuckled, smiling. "Yes, you could say we tend to do that. Tell me, what was his name?"

  "His name was Leron."

  "Ahh, my brother Leron," he muttered, lost in thought or memory she wasn't sure. She used that time to shovel what was on the plate he gave to her into her mouth. It was gone too soon and her stomach still cried out for more.

  "Can I please have some more, I'm sorry...it's just I'm so hungry."

  "Of course, let me see what I can wrestle away from this pack of animals," he said with a wink and wandered off. He seemed so unlike the others, even though the mere presence of him caused her to feel violently ill and she prayed with everything she had that she had just met an ally.

  Chapter 4

  He walked about halfway to the sizzling beast before he was stopped, the meat so deliciously pungent that she almost screamed at him to keep going. The female vampire motioned him towards her, looked at Natalie then lowered her head and spoke to the demon.

  Natalie couldn't hear what they were saying, but their hushed voices and glances her way spoke volumes. She could see the demon, motioning to her and by his actions it looked as though he was negotiating more food and water. She wanted to ask for a blanket, something to cover her nudity, but she thought she had pushed it too far as it was. Her modesty she could handle, but if she had any hope of getting away from here alive, she needed food and water.

  The demon eventually left, nodding his head and walking towards the slabs of meat that were quickly disappearing under the greedy hands of the others. She almost cheered when two of the Minotaur creatures sat up quickly, then swiveled, glaring at the demon as he approached and pushed the others back as they retreated from him. It was then that she realized that demons affected all creatures, not just humans.

  The Minotaur's glared at him as he pushed his way into the frenzy and disappeared between the massive bodies. He returned seconds later carrying a plate loaded with hunks of meat and she couldn't help but smile, even under her conditions. She watched the demon look over to the female vampire as he passed and Natalie couldn't help but notice the slightest nod from the vampire. She didn't care, she couldn't get past the plate the demon had as he headed towards her.

  "My lady," he said handing the steaming meat towards her. Her stomach let out a final howl, in pain or triumph, as she took it from him and proceeded to turn her back to him and hunker down as she shoveled it into her mouth.

  The meat scalded her throat, burning all the way down to her stomach. But she didn't care, it felt good to have her body warm and her stomach full. But only after a few mouthfuls she felt her stomach heave, rolling dangerously inside of her body, please don't throw up, not in front of them. By pure will alone she calmed the sickened feeling inside of her and on shaky legs she stood. Her stomach let out one last howl and calmed and she realized with a sinking feeling that sooner or later her body was going to make her pay for the rich meat she had just consumed.

  Howls drifted to her ears, carried on the breeze that cut across the plain in front of her and her body reacted, shivering uncontrollably as she thought of her fate. It was obvious that they were going to keep her alive, otherwise they wouldn't have bothered to fed her. As much as she was frightened about her life ending at this moment, staying alive here frightened her more.

  "Penny for your thoughts," said the demon behind her and she turned, watching the orange glow of the fire flicker against his back.

  "I was just wondering why I am being kept alive. I don't understand the motivation behind my being here."

  "Simple really. Because Kaige wants it so," he answered matter-of-factly and walked away. It was the first time she had heard her captors name and searched her mind for some kind of recognition from either this life or the ones before, but there was nothing. No flicker of a memory no matter how small, only a blank wall to block her. She tried to get past the wall inside her mind, pushing past the invisible shields, but it was no use, it remained as solid as ever.

  She watched the scene before her as the meat was quickly consumed under the ravaging snarls of the others as a breeze swept across the plains, chilling her to the bone. Kaige watched the others with a sense of detachment and superiority. One of the human looking men carried out a drum, followed by two others carrying a violin and a guitar. They sat next to her and music started, soft at first. The beat was thick, rolling in waves around her. She had never heard anything like it before, eerie and entrancing all at the same time.

  So captured was she by the sounds that she never even knew when the demon returned until he spoke. "Entrancing, isn't it."

  She jumped, the sound of his voice so close to her.

  "They say music will soothe a savage beast, but they have obviously never been to Romania."

  A flutter echoed inside her chest and she fought to remain impassive. "Romania, is that where we are?"

  "Somewhere near there I imagine. Everything all looks the same up here after a while."

  Romania, a hell of a long way from Egypt. But it was a start, a name and that was better than what she had moments ago. Echoes of anger drew her back to the present and she watched as three of the bull like men stood and backed up from each other as the tension in the air rose. She recognized one of them as the one that lead her from the dungeon, his massive body towering above the other two.

  "Well, it's about time," said the demon, watching the scene before him as the massive bodies circled each other, their fists clenched at their sides. One of the smaller ones charged, the other ramming his head towards his body. He side-stepped quickly, pushing off the other as he kept his eye on the massive form rushing towards him.

  The massive beast lifted one fist, driving it down into the other as he charged past. The smaller beast roared and countered back with a
sharp stabbing punch to his side, doubling him over as he clutched at where Natalie suspected his kidney's pained. The smaller one took advantage of the moment and leaped on to his back, digging his knees into the massive beast's side as he bit into the back of his shoulder. A stream of blood ran down the massive beast's chest, trickling like the first stream of water after a drought, finding its way down his body to fall onto the earth that they trampled.

  The massive beast roared back, grabbing the smaller one and with sheer brute force pulled him over his shoulder to slam on to the ground before him. He pummeled the smaller beast, smashing into his face and his body over and over.

  Natalie had seen some brutal fights in her time, but nothing like the hand-to-hand combat she now watched. Pure physical strength and the threat of death were all the weapons they had and those were wielded brutally.

  She watched as one after the other went down under a barrage of fists and charging blows until the only one left standing was her captor.

  "Well that was short and a lot less violent than I hoped."

  The demon sounded almost bored with the bloody display, barely able to stifle a yawn. "Well, looks like he wins then. Pity I was hoping for more than one winner."

  She couldn't help but ask the question, so obvious it somehow escaped her. "Win what?

  He turned, his yellow eyes glowing with a sickness of their own. "Well you, of course."

  Chapter 5

  The answer was so direct it took a moment for her to understand exactly what was said, and she felt the blood drain from her face as she made that terrifying connection and whispered, "Me?...No."

  She backed away, but there was no where she could go. Death for her was a far better option, one that she didn't have to deal with afterwards. But this, this was something that would break even her.

  The Minotaur must have known she realized what was about to happen, either that or he scented her fear as the massive animal turned to her and smiled. "Fuck me? Well, we will see what we can work out," echoed back to her.

  She turned towards the demon. "Please, I'll do anything, anything but that. Kill me, just don't let that happen."

  He shrugged. "It's not my decision and I have no standing here."

  "But your brother is a friend to me."

  His gaze was cruel with the spark of excitement. "All demons are my brothers and sisters. It is just a term we all use. I don't really know of this Leron you speak of, but I can assure you that he would stand and watch this as well." He shrugged, his justification simple and direct in its devastation. "It is in our nature."

  She ran, pulling against the chain, ripping her nails against the metal and leather. Blood welled from the tips of her fingers, flicking the droplets across her face, she never stopped hearing a scuffle behind her.

  "Blood," she heard the demand behind her, spoken with such a need that spurned her on even more, too terrified too look back.

  "You will have your turn after."

  Footsteps sounded behind her, the thuds of something large coming for her. RUN, she screamed at herself, as she pulled frantically at the chain and screamed wordlessly into the night air. Massive hands reached around her waist, pulling her back. She kicked and thrashed wildly, her spirit forcing her to do the impossible - to escape.

  She tried everything she knew to get away from his clutches, but the pressure points she searched for were not there, either that or they proved useless on the enormous arms that held her. She realized that she had been deluded her entire life into thinking that she was just as strong, just as powerful as the next person. Her training had given her an advantage in both her Police career and the Army. But her training failed her now, as did everything else.

  "You're a spirited one aren't you?" he said, grunting as her heel connected with a bone. "I'm gonna love breaking you," he growled, lifting her and throwing her to the ground.

  Her world blurred past her eyes as she was lifted and thrown to the unforgiving dirt. Her mind wavered, bordering on unconsciousness. But rough hands slapped at her face. "Wake up. You're gonna need to be awake for this, otherwise it's no fun for me, is it?"

  He lowered himself on top of her, holding her arms above her head, she could now feel what was coming. She prayed with everything she had that someone was merciful and would strike her dead - either way she knew she wouldn't survive this.

  Chapter 6

  Her body was not her own and she wanted no part of what remained of the flesh that had once been hers. This was her waking thought. Her only thought as she realized she was still alive. If she could have released herself from this world, she would have gladly done so. But pain again tied her here, so she had endured what was done to her.

  The cold morning air had settled on her after she had passed out and she moved, pulling her legs towards her chin as she rolled herself into a ball. Agony tore through her muscles and tendons with even this small movement as images of the brutality her body had endured surfaced, but she replaced them with an image of her own.

  She had something else to live for now, something that transcended even death itself and it hinged on her own survival. So that is what she would do, she would survive - no matter what and take refuge in the fact that one day she would exact her revenge.

  The morning was quiet and she was thankful for being alone. Her fingers touched her body, feeling first the punctures in her neck; then trailed down to her breasts, feeling the hard crusts of blood and the sting of her wounds. The dirt kicked up next to her causing her to jump. Then there was another, then another. Raindrops smacked her skin with a pop as the heavens opened up, pouring their tears down onto her.

  She stood on shaking legs, holding onto the ground until her legs could hold the weight of her body. Bruised, torn and bloody she reached for the sky and it didn't fail her, it washed away the blood and dirt from her body. She concentrated on the rain on her face and her body, holding on to the feeling with everything she had. It was the only good thing left in her existence.

  Movement caught her gaze, drawing her away from the grey clouds above her as the rain slowed, then stopped. Dark objects made their way towards her along the moor. They were hunched and moving quickly and swiftly. Amber eyes flashed at her from her memory, amber eyes that held an animal like hunger. Her stomach clenched and her heart sped as they bound along the rise to where she stood.

  The biggest wolf led the pack toward her, he slowed as he neared and as the fear gripped her body her heart sped. His cold stare watched her as he walked past, and it wasn't until the others moved past her that she allowed herself to breathe. This was to be her life now, constant fear and terror. Would she survive this? She had no choice - she had to.

  She turned back as the wolves slipped inside the corridor, the bunker swallowing them in the darkness and stopped. Kaige stood not a breath away from her, she would have waked into her if she hadn't stopped herself in time. She looked perfect, her black hair blowing out behind her as she stared at Natalie. Kaige's gaze took Natalie in, moving from her face, to her ravaged breasts, along her stomach to the torn mess that bled between her legs.

  The vampire didn't even try to hide the amusement from her face as she took in what was left of her body. "I wonder if you will be desirable now?" Kaige stared straight into her eyes as she spoke, watching Natalie's reaction.

  "Please...tell me why I am here?"

  "Why does it matter?" she said, coming half a step closer, "It won't change the fact that you are here and until I say differently, you will continue to provide a service to my men." She threw a set of clothes she held in her hand towards Natalie with a blur. "Get comfortable human, you're going to be here a while."

  She was gone before Natalie had even registered she had moved and she was left alone, clutching the clothes to her body. She dressed quickly, relishing the feel of the fabric against her skin, even if it was just a drawstring pants and T-shirt.

  They left her alone that day, giving her food and water but leaving her outside, chained up like a
n animal. But it was better than the darkness and at least the overcast sky protected her from the sun. However the next day they weren't so obliging and as she watched them watching her with greedy eyes she realized it was only a matter of time before her body would once again be ravaged.

  Days and nights of brutality with an endless stream of hungry males, desiring one thing or another from her haunted her. Fighting was useless, they took what they wanted either by force or by her lack of desire to exist in this world as she stared off into the distance while they look down at her. The sky is where she wanted to be, high above this earth, floating away like the clouds she watched. Her body moved in a rhythm that was not her own, but she no longer dwelt on this. No, she was somewhere else.

  She couldn't remember the point when her past thoughts began to blur and eventually fade away, leaving only the needs and desires of the others of her camp. She couldn't even remember when it became her camp. But that seemed to be all she remembered now.

  Was it though? Wasn't there something she should be doing? Was there someone that was searching for her?

  She couldn't remember and when her thoughts turned towards this thought panic ripped through her, filling her with a dread so profound that it caused her to cry out. She shoved her fist in her mouth, stifling the sound she made and focused on what calmed her. Her mistress Kaige. She was the one who fed her, protected her and after a while her mind calmed and she could remove her fist from her mouth.

  Chapter 7

  Her days, weeks and months were mapped by the respite she received from those who held her captive. Kaige watched but never participated and as she spent longer in the camp she fell into her own place, receiving food and shelter until the one fateful day when she made a mistake so terrible it would haunt her for the rest of her life.


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