SEAL Protector (Brothers In Arms Book 2)

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SEAL Protector (Brothers In Arms Book 2) Page 10

by Leslie North

  Yawning, he stood and banked the fire, dampening the flames but keeping the coals glowing for the morning. The sky above was still clear and the stars twinkled bright. God, he loved it here. He really did. The open spaces, the fresh air, the company….

  He pictured Mercy inside the tent cuddled down inside her sleeping bag and imagined holding her close through the night. Every night.

  Wait. What?

  Putting his errant thoughts down to fatigue, he took care of business, and then washed up and secured the area before sneaking into the tent and zipping the flap closed for the night. Sure enough, Mercy was buried inside her sleeping bag, her breath even and quiet with the sounds of deep slumber.

  Vann lay on his back atop his bedroll and closed his eyes. Time to get some rest himself. They had a big day tomorrow and he’d meant what he said. No way was Mercy quitting. Not on his watch. Not until they’d gone through all the lessons and she’d given the program her all.


  Mercy woke the next morning to the rumble of thunder. She blinked her eyes open and squinted into the surrounding gloom, wondering for a moment where the hell she was. She’d been so exhausted the night before she’d practically been asleep before her head hit the pillow. The intermittent thump of raindrops on the tent mixed with the distant call of birds and the damp smell of wet leaves brought memories of her surroundings back to her.


  She sighed and pushed up onto her elbows to peer over at Vann’s side of the small tent. At the movement, however, intense cramping pain shot up her spine and through her shoulders, taking her breath away. She flopped back down flat on her sleeping bag and cringed. This went way beyond stiff muscles after a yoga class. It felt like every inch of her body had been pulverized by a steamroller.

  Worse still, Vann was gone. His bedroll was neatly arranged as if he’d never slept in it at all last night. Had he even come to bed? She frowned up at the dappled nylon ceiling of the tent. Yeah, she was pretty sure he had. Once, as she’d rolled over the night before, she’d briefly heard the sounds of male snores rumble though her sleep-befuddled head and her leg had brushed his foot too.

  Where was he this morning though?

  If she could’ve moved, she would’ve sat up and peered outside the tent flap to see if he was outside. Immobilized by aches as she was, though, that wasn’t an option. God, why had she agreed to come out here with him? What a colossal cluster fuck. After her dismal performance yesterday and Vann having to come to her rescue yet again, she couldn’t say she blamed him. Then again, his last words to her had been about not giving up. Frowning, she looked over to see all of his stuff still there. No, he couldn’t have deserted her. He wouldn’t just leave all his gear.

  More thunder rolled through the hard ground beneath her, sending shivers of pain through her system. She must’ve pulled something during her struggles in the river. Thank God, Vann had been there or she’d have been washed away to who knows where. Her brothers would’ve had a field day with that too.

  Ugh. Thoughts of her family drove home the fact she’d never be able to prove to her parents she was capable of protecting herself enough to win that international position. There went her dreams for the future. Sniffling, she tried to sit up again and failed, then beat her fists against the ground in frustration. Who was she kidding? Herself, mainly, if she’d ever been crazy enough to think she had a chance in hell of passing this class.

  Mercy wallowed in her pity party until the sound of snapping branches and scuffles issued from outside the tent. Oh, fuck! What was that? Eyes wide, she stared over at the zipped opening of the tent. Was it Vann? She wanted to call out, but if it wasn’t him, then she’d alert whoever was out there to her presence.

  More scuffles, a few bangs, a grunt.

  Shit. Shit, shit, shit.

  Bear? She thought she’d read that grizzlies were extinct in California. Brown bears too. Maybe it was a mountain lion or bobcat or a coyote. No matter what, a hungry animal would maul her to death before she could escape, in her compromised condition. Legs cramping, she hissed through her teeth and rolled to her side then tipped upward into an unsteady sitting position. Turning her neck more than an inch in either direction sent shooting pains through her skull, but she had to find something to use as a weapon. She managed to snatch her comb from her bag beside her and held it in front of her like a shield. The one end was pointed, so worse come to worst, she could at least poke her assailant with it.

  Pulse racing, she scooted until her back was to the wall of the tent and waited. The shadow of the thing outside loomed larger and larger against the murky light filtering in through the nylon tent as her assailant drew nearer, nearer….


  Mercy screamed and held her comb before her.

  Vann halted in the entrance to the tent and raised a sardonic brow. “Good morning, suyeta. Ready for another day of combat I see.”

  She frowned and lowered her makeshift weapon. “You were gone when I woke up. I didn’t know where you were and you didn’t say anything outside. You should’ve let me know it was you.”

  “I was trying to let you sleep.” He took a seat on his side of the tent and held out a white paper bag to her. “Here.”

  “What’s this?” She took the bag and peeked into the top. “Croissants? Still warm? Where did you get these?”

  He smiled and her pulse kicked back into overdrive. Damn the man was sex on a stick. He’d secured his long dark hair back into a low ponytail today and crystal droplets of water glittered on its inky surface. His tan skin all but glowed in the light of the lantern he’d brought inside with him and his woodsy musk smell surrounded her, both comforting and infinitely exciting.

  Vann shrugged and took off his rain jacket. “I woke and told you I was going out on patrol, but you seemed pretty out of it, so I’m guessing you don’t remember. Anyway, I walked the borders of the compound and stopped by the farmers’ market at one of the neighboring vineyards on my way back here.”

  “Thanks.” She pulled out a croissant then handed him the other one. “What were you patrolling for? Are those people still stalking your company?”

  “Yes,” he said, and then held up a finger. “Be right back.”

  He hurried out of the tent then returned a moment later with a metal coffee pot in one hand and two tin cups in the other. He poured them each a coffee then settled back on his sleeping bag and continued. “I wanted to check for fresh tracks before the storm rolled in.”

  “And did you find any?”

  “Yes.” He frowned. “Footprints and tire tracks, same as before. From the size and depth of the prints, I’m guessing a man, solid build. Medium height. There was another set today too, another male, so it looks like our stalker has a partner. And the tire tracks were from an SUV. Not a Humvee like the one Brothers In Arms owns and not like my Range Rover either. I’m guessing a heavy duty 4x4 truck.”

  “Wow.” She nibbled on her croissant and sipped her coffee. “You can tell all that from some footprints and a tire track, huh?”

  “There are clues all around us about what’s happening, but most people are too distracted to look.”

  “That’s very Zen of you.” She smiled at him over the rim of her cup.

  Vann snorted. “That’s what the guys tell me too. They’re always giving me shit about my skills.”

  Lightning flashed through the sky outside, illuminating the tent in bright white light. More thunder followed. Rain pelted the tent harder now. Vann motioned for her to move closer to the middle. “Stay away from the sides.”

  “Yes, sir.” Any excuse to get closer to him she’d take, considering she’d most likely be heading home tomorrow and wouldn’t see him again. “So, are you worried about these stalker people attacking you or harming your business?”

  “I’m always worried,” he said, his dark brows knitting together. “Especially now, with Mark out of town and Jace running things alone. It would be an opportune t
ime to strike. This business is my life. If anything happened to Brothers In Arms, let alone Mark and Jace, I don’t know what I’d do.”

  The truth of his words hit home. She felt the same way about her family’s business. Mercy narrowed her gaze. “Why in the world would you decide to come out here with me then at a time like this?”

  He looked up at her, his dark eyes inscrutable. “A man must have his priorities.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Okay, sensei. Whatever. Listen, once this rain lets up, we can head back and I’ll be out of your hair forever. You can devote yourself to guarding your business and I can figure out a new course for my future since the international job is out of the question now.”


  “Excuse me?” Mercy attempted to shift her weight to her other hip and winced as fresh pain radiated through her limbs. “What do you mean, no?”

  “I won’t let you quit. Not like this.”

  “Last time I checked, it wasn’t your decision to make. With all due respect.”

  He watched her again; gaze narrowed and far too perceptive for her liking. “With all due respect, you haven’t even tried. Not really. Up until now, you’ve half-assed everything here.”

  “Half-assed?” She tried to cross her arms and failed as her stiff shoulders protested. “I’ll have you know I’ve given my full ass to every single minute of this program.”

  Okay, wait a minute. That hadn’t come out right.

  More lightning cracked through the sky and she snapped her head to the left, regretting the motion instantly as agony ripped through her aching muscles.

  Vann’s frown darkened into a scowl that gave the raging storm a run for its money. “What’s wrong with you?”

  Teeth gritted, she faced him again, holding her sore neck with one hand. “Nothing.”

  “Like hell.” He reached over and placed his hand on her opposite shoulder, probing with his fingers until she yelped in pain.

  “Ouch! Stop it!”

  “Your muscles are knotted tight.” He scanned her body. “How bad is it?”

  “Excruciating,” she hissed. “Don’t worry about it, okay? I’ll deal.”

  “How? There aren’t any saunas or hot tubs lurking around out here.” He gave a long-suffering sigh then gestured toward her sleeping bag. “Lie down.”


  “I’m going to give you a rub down.”

  While her blood sizzled at the thought of Vann’s talented hands on her again, Mercy wasn’t prepared for this. Hell, she hadn’t even brushed her teeth yet, let alone her hair. “I don’t think that’s such a good idea.”

  “Why not?” He searched through the now dry pile of clothes that had been hanging by the fire and pulled out one of the towels, which he handed to her. “Take off your top.”

  Having him touch her through her PJs was hot enough. Having him touch her bare flesh to bare flesh would make her implode. Moisture gathered between her legs and desire hummed through her core despite her wishes to the contrary. “Vann, I—”

  “Do it.” He didn’t look at her, just began searching through his backpack. “I won’t look while you change, if that’s what you’re worried about. Though your modesty is misplaced. I’ve already seen every inch of you.”

  Wonderful. Just what her already pulsing libido needed right now was a reminder of their steamy night together at the cove. She turned away from him and attempted to tug her shirt over her head, but the movements caused her so much pain tears stung her eyes. Frustrated beyond belief at herself, at this situation, at him for being so damned sexy and sweet and stoic, she hung her head and exhaled slow.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked.

  “I can’t do it,” she said softly.

  “Can’t do what?”

  “Get my shirt off.” Embarrassed heat prickled up her cheeks. God, how pathetic was she? Couldn’t even frigging undress herself anymore. No wonder her parents didn’t have any faith in her abilities.

  A moment of silence, and then Vann moved in closer to her, his warmth penetrating her cloud of doubt and self-recrimination sizzled through her blood. “Let me help you, suyeta.”

  Was it her imagination or did his voice sound lower, rougher?

  Like velvet over gravel.

  His fingertips lightly grazed the skin on her sides as he lifted her shirt up and over her head and she couldn’t suppress her shiver of awareness. With the towel clutched tight to her chest, Mercy turned her sore neck slightly to peer at him, her hair falling in loose curls around her face. She wished like hell she had a breath mint, but there was nothing for it now.

  If Vann noticed her bed head or bad breath, he gave no indication. Instead, he seemed intent on studying her spine, leaning so close to her that his hot breath fanned the tiny hairs on her nape and made her shudder anew. Then his fingers, such strong talented fingers, began to knead her aching shoulders and neck and she damned near came on the spot.

  Had anything ever felt so good?

  As her muscles loosened, her body seemed to liquefy, slowly slumping forward until she was laying on her sleeping bag once more, stomach down, with Vann now straddling her hips with his knees. He bent over her, sliding one hand up to the back of her neck to squeeze gently. His whisper near her ear sent a fresh wave of desire through her. “Feel good, suyeta?”

  “Yes.” The word emerged as little more than a groan. He kissed the back of her neck before straightening and massaging along her spine. Despite her growing lethargy, lingering doubts continued to niggle. He’d told her before that making love at the cove had been a mistake, but the way he was touching her now, as if she were precious and beautiful and desired made her wonder if he’d been lying, if the sex hadn’t been a mistake at all.

  And the way he was working her body… sweet Jesus.

  She’d thought him good with his hands that night in the cove, but now. Well, now, she totally got why Jace had nicknamed him Magic Man. If those fingers of his weren’t the definition of magic, she didn’t know what was.

  He concentrated on a particularly sore knot near her right shoulder blade and Mercy arched back against him, needing him to push deeper, harder, stronger.

  Talk about sexual healing.

  When the stiff muscles of her back finally surrendered to his persistent touch, he scooted down farther and grasped the waistband of her PJ pants. Warning bells went off in some distant part of Mercy’s brain, but she was too steeped with passion and far too relaxed to care at that point.

  “I’ll work your legs next, but you’ll have to take these pants off, suyeta.”

  She dutifully lifted her hips to let Vann slide them off her.

  Naked now, except for her panties, Mercy closed her eyes and listened to the steady beat of the rain on the tent, the sound of Vann’s breathing, deeper and huskier now than before. His calves slid against her as he worked his way down her legs to her feet.

  Heaven. This had to be what heaven felt like.

  Finally, after he’d rubbed and kneaded every inch of the backside of her body, Vann moved to sit beside her, his warm hand on her lower back, and his dark gaze heated. “Better?”

  “So much better.” She felt like Jell-O, boneless, weightless.

  Dots of crimson colored the skin over his high cheekbones and the shadows from the flickering lantern highlighted the hard length of his arousal pressed tight to the front of his shorts. Before she could second-guess her actions, Mercy reached over and laid her hand atop his erection, stroking him through the soft cotton. She wanted to make him feel as good as he’d made her feel.

  Vann growled low in his throat and narrowed his eyes. “What are you doing, suyeta?”

  She smiled. “Thought you might like a massage too.”

  He placed a hand over hers, halting her movements. “You do not owe me anything.”

  Mercy sat up, letting the towel fall away. She didn’t miss the way his dark gaze fell to her breasts, or his sharp intake of breath, the way his full lips parted or his ton
gue licked over his bottom lip, as if he wanted to devour her whole.

  She gently squeezed her fingers around his hard cock, and leaned forward to whisper against his ear, “I know. I want you.”

  With a groan, his grip on her hand loosened and she found his zipper, lowering it to slip her hand inside his fly to touch his bare flesh. Apparently commando wasn’t just a title he used in the SEALs. Tracing the pad of her thumb over his velvety cockhead, she gathered the drop of moisture there and brought it to her lips, tasting him.

  Vann tracked the movement, his eyes hotter than the surface of the sun, scorching her with his need.

  “Do you want me too?” she asked, reaching for him once more.

  Growling, he had her flat on her back, his body covering hers before she could blink. “Yes. I need you so bad I ache, suyeta.”

  “Then take me, mon cher.”

  Her New Orleans upbringing was showing, but Mercy didn’t care. All she wanted at that moment was Vann naked and against her, inside her, driving her mad.

  Quickly, she tugged his Brothers In Arms T-shirt over his head and tossed it aside, with only the barest hint of her earlier soreness as she ran her hands over the muscles and sinews of his chest and abs. So much tanned skin, so much delicious masculine beauty. She leaned up and kissed his pec, blazing a trail with her tongue over his chest to his small, puckered nipple. Licking the sensitive flesh, she grinned as he cursed under his breath and cupped the back of her head, holding her there. He tasted as good as he looked, like salt and rain and warm, aroused male.

  Unable to resist any longer, she traced the backs of her fingers down his taut abdomen again and flicked open the button of his shorts, sliding the material down over his buttocks and allowing his hard cock to spring free between them. Taking him in hand, she slowly stroked him from base to tip, until he arched against her and nipped her earlobe hard.


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