Trapped with the Tycoon

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Trapped with the Tycoon Page 14

by Jules Bennett


  “I didn’t need to be manhandled by the family bouncer.”

  Braden sat behind his father’s old desk, now his, and looked across to his sister who refused to take a seat. With her arms folded, she shot death glares between Braden, Mac and Ryker. She may not be happy, but she was here.

  “If you’d just said we needed to have a family meeting, I would’ve had Carter bring me,” she continued, zeroing in on Braden. “I don’t appreciate being told I was coming and my ride would be Ryker.”

  The man in question leaned against the wall by the door. His thick arms crossed, he’d yet to take his coat off, and he’d not said a word. Braden knew the man was processing everything, but he also didn’t have a care in the world...least of all an angry Laney.

  “Carter isn’t invited to my house.” Braden eased back in his chair and met his sister’s fiery gaze. “I know you like him, but I don’t, and you’re well aware of my feelings on that matter. Ryker was coming in from the airport, and it was easier for him to get you. Now, are you going to have a seat or stand there and pout because you don’t like your mode of transportation?”

  Laney narrowed her eyes. “It’s the lack of respect I’m pissed about.”

  “I respect you, Laney.” He smiled when she finally took a seat next to Mac on the leather sofa. “If I didn’t, you wouldn’t have been called to this meeting.”

  Braden glanced up to Ryker. “Close that door.”

  Once the door was closed, Ryker moved on into the room, sinking into the oversize leather chair next to the sofa. Braden eased forward, resting his forearms on the desk.

  “We’ll discuss what happened with you in London later,” Braden promised, nodding to Ryker. “First, we need to discuss the scrolls. I’ve spent the last two days in Zara Perkins’s home, and so far all I’ve found is an empty tube that may or may not have held one or all of the scrolls. I’m sure they’re stored separately, because together they could be ruined.”

  Laney shifted, leaning onto the arm of the sofa. “Did she know you were looking?”

  “No. We were going through some of her grandmother’s boxed-up things, and that’s when I found this tube.”

  He pulled the container from below his desk and sat it up for them to see. “I was unable to get it open, but when I brought it back, Mac managed to get into it. There was a miniscule section that looked as if it had been broken before, so he pried that part open.”

  Ryker was first to reach for the tube. He examined it thoroughly before resting it on his leg. “Tell me where you looked in her house, and I’ll start my search in other areas.”

  Because Ryker assumed he’d be the next plan of action. He never questioned his duties, his position. He’d been the muscles, the enforcer, the behind-the-scenes man for the O’Sheas for years. Braden knew Ryker felt an intense sense of loyalty because he’d been taken in when his home life was extremely lacking.

  “I don’t want you going in again,” Braden countered, earning him raised brows from Ryker. “Zara trusts me, and I don’t want you going into her house while she’s here.”

  “You’ve got to be kidding me,” Laney stated, eyes wide. “We need to find these and get them back where they belong. Either tell her what’s going on or let Ryker look. And what the hell is she doing here?”

  Braden ignored Mac’s smirk. “She’s staying here until her power comes back on, and that’s all you need to know.”

  “So you’re sleeping with her, and you’ve earned her trust, you say, yet you can’t ask her to have a look around?”

  That pretty much summed up his predicament, but he wasn’t going to get into this with his baby sister. Whatever was going on with Zara was private.

  Besides, the guilt that slid through him was getting quite uncomfortable. He was using Zara, no way to sugarcoat that. If any man treated Laney like this, Braden would destroy him.

  “She doesn’t have to know,” Ryker chimed in. “I’m quick and thorough.”

  Mac eased forward to face Ryker. “Braden has suddenly developed a conscience where his woman is concerned.”

  Angry that his credibility was coming into question, Braden fired back at his younger brother. “Would you betray Jenna?”

  Mac’s eyes narrowed. “Jenna is my best friend, nothing more. I’ve known her for years. And, no, I’d never betray her for any reason.”

  “Then shut the hell up, and let me handle this.”

  Raking a hand over his face, Braden truly had no idea how to deal with the situation. “The scrolls may not even be in the house at this point. They could’ve been moved or accidentally tossed out. But, I have to believe had they been sold, we would’ve heard about it. Documents with Shakespeare’s earliest works would’ve hit the media worldwide. Even if sold on the black market, we would’ve heard whispers. Our reach is far enough in the underground world.”

  “So how are you going to search the house?” Ryker asked.

  “When I take Zara back home, I’m going to find a reason to stay.” That wouldn’t be too hard, considering their current state. “I’ll search where I haven’t. I won’t leave anything untouched. I don’t want to lie to her any more than necessary, so we’re not breaking in.”

  “And what are you going to do if Zara finds out you’ve lied to her?” Mac asked.

  “She won’t find out,” Braden assured him. She couldn’t find out, because if she did, all this work would be for nothing. Not only would she permanently block him from searching, she’d never trust again. He’d made so much progress in only two days, he refused to believe anything bad would happen. And it was a risk he was willing to take to get all he wanted.

  Zara had become too important too fast. He wasn’t ready to sever their personal tie. Scrolls aside, he wanted her. And, if he told her even a portion of the truth, she was so distrusting that he wasn’t sure she wouldn’t cut him out of her life. She had every right.

  “The cook has prepared a late lunch,” Braden stated, coming to his feet. “I need to speak with Ryker privately.”

  Mac and Ryker stood, but Laney remained seated, stubborn as ever. “And when can I go home?” she asked.

  “Whenever Ryker wants to take you.”

  Ryker glanced to Laney. “Might be a while. I still need to eat and crash. I had a bit of a run-in with the London police, and I’m jet-lagged.”

  “I’ll call a cab,” she said through gritted teeth.

  “No, you won’t,” Ryker commanded.

  Braden bit the inside of his cheek to keep from smiling. Mac turned his head to hide his smile, as well. Ryker could go without sleep for days. He was a force to be reckoned with, and if he wanted to do something, he’d do it. Apparently he didn’t want Laney to leave yet, which was fine with Braden. The more she was away from Carter, the better.

  Before Laney could protest, because she no doubt would, her cell rang. Pulling her phone from the pocket of her jeans, she glanced at the screen, then up to Braden. Without a word, she came to her feet and moved to the opposite side of the room where she answered with her back to them.

  “You know he’s calling to check up on her,” Mac whispered.

  Braden nodded in agreement. “I don’t see what the hell she puts up with him for.”

  “She’s defiant.” Ryker’s eyes remained on Laney. “She may see something in him, but she’s staying with him out of spite because you two make a big deal about it.”

  Braden eased a hip on his desk and crossed his arms. “And you don’t? I’m sure you didn’t get out of her house without a verbal sparring match with Carter.”

  Ryker sneered. “I can handle that prick.”

  “I don’t know when I’ll be home.” Laney’s slightly raised voice carried across the room. “Of course I’m at my brother’s house. Where else would I be?”

  Braden’s blood boiled, and a little of what Ryker said started to ring true. Maybe in Mac and Braden’s attempt to protect her, they’d driven her deeper into the arms of a controlling asshole. Damn it. He needed to talk to her one-on-one.

  Mac headed for the door. “I’m getting something to eat. I’ll be around if you need me.”

  Braden pulled his gaze from his sister and stepped closer to Ryker. “Do I need to know anything about London?”

  Ryker’s dark eyes met his. “I handled it.”

  “With no trace back to us?”

  Nodding, Ryker’s jaw clenched. “I even managed to gain the trust and cooperation of two of the boys in blue. Next time I go back, we’ll have no worries.”

  Relief slid through Braden. He knew whatever Ryker had done, he’d done his job well. “And the item is secured?”

  “It’s in the Paris office, ready to go back to its rightful owner.”

  Braden slapped Ryker on the back. “Go eat. I’ll clean things up with Laney and take her back home.”

  Ryker’s brows lifted. “You’re taking her back willingly?”

  “She makes her own decisions. I’m just hoping she sees Carter for who he is before it’s too late, because if he crosses the line more than he has, he’ll have bigger problems on his hands than just checking up on her.”

  Ryker’s thin lips pulled into an eerie grin. “I’ll take her back after I eat. I’d like to have a talk with him.”

  Braden shook his head. “I’ll take care of it. You go relax.”

  Ryker looked as if he wanted to argue, but finally he nodded. After throwing Laney one more glance, he left the room.

  While waiting for her to finish her call, Braden put the tube in the lock cabinet by the door. He didn’t want that container going anywhere for now.

  Finally Laney turned, slid the phone in her pocket and started toward the door. Braden stepped in her path and hated that look of sadness that stared back at him. While he wanted to unleash his anger and tell her to drop that jerk, he knew she wouldn’t listen to words.

  In a move that surprised both of them, Braden glided his arms around her shoulders and pulled her against him. He kissed her on the head and whispered, “I’m sorry I was a jerk to you.”

  Laney squeezed him back, resting her head on his shoulder. “You’re always a jerk, but you never apologize.”

  Laughing, Braden eased back and smoothed her dark hair away from her face. “I just want you happy and to be with someone who deserves you. I just don’t like how Carter treats you.”

  “He treats me great when we’re together,” she said with a slight smile. “His ex cheated on him, and he’s leery. I can’t blame him after hearing the stories.”

  Braden would save his opinion on that topic. From the rumors he’d heard, it wasn’t Carter’s ex doing the cheating at all. But Braden still had a tail on Carter, so time would tell.

  “You can stay and eat, or I’ll take you home. Whatever you want.”

  Laney tipped her head and narrowed one eye at him. “Who are you and what have you done with my big brother?”

  He shrugged. “I told you, I just want you happy.”

  Her features softened as she ran a finger between his brows. “Your worry lines aren’t as prominent as they normally are. If I had to guess, I’d say Zara is to thank for the new Braden.”

  “Zara is...” Hell, he didn’t even know what to say.

  Laney patted his cheek. “It’s okay. I can tell your feelings for her are strong, and I won’t say a word. Just promise me you won’t hurt her. I don’t know her personally, but if you’re having these emotions, then I’d say she is, too. Be careful where your hearts are concerned.”

  Braden swallowed and feared that when all was said and done, someone’s heart would be hurt.

  Ignoring that lump in his throat, he looped his arm through Laney’s. “Why don’t you stay and eat? Then I’ll take you back.”

  Laney looked up at him with bright eyes. “I love you, Braden. Dad would be proud of you.”

  Another point that worried him. He hoped like hell he did the O’Shea name proud, because his father, grandfather and great-grandfather had done an impeccable job of building up a reputation. Some may be skeptical, but the name was respected and sometimes feared. No one messed with the O’Sheas. And once Braden guided the family into an even more reputable area, he could hold his head high, knowing he’d done the right thing.

  Braden led Laney toward the kitchen. Once he got her back home, he could focus on Zara. Their time alone couldn’t come soon enough.


  Braden was surprised when he stepped into the master suite and Zara was nowhere in sight. A hint of her signature jasmine perfume lingered in the room.

  He turned toward the attached bath and smiled. Looked as if she was a step ahead of him. He undressed as he moved toward the wide doorway. His shirt fell off his shoulders to the floor, he stepped out of his shoes, hopped out of his socks and shed his pants and boxers. By the time he stepped into the bathroom, he was more than ready to join Zara.

  But he stopped as soon as his feet hit the tile. There in the sunken garden tub was Zara. She’d apparently packed bubbles because she was neck deep into them, her head tipped back, hair piled on her head and eyes closed. Was she sleeping? She wasn’t moving.

  Braden took a few moments to take in the sight of Zara relaxing in his tub. He’d never used it, never had a need. He grabbed a shower and that was it. This sunken bubble bath never looked so good.

  Damp tendrils clung to the side of her neck, her pink lips parted on a soft sigh. Braden could barely restrain himself. He’d never wanted a woman with such a fierce ache before, and the knot in his gut told him this need wasn’t only physical anymore. If everything between them were merely physical, Braden would’ve let Ryker go into her place and look around. But he couldn’t do it.

  Zara shifted, her eyes opened, instantly locking on him. A slow, seductive smile spread across her face.

  “I meant to be done by the time you came up. But this is too relaxing.” She lifted one bubble-covered arm, reaching out to him. “Join me?”

  Braden wasn’t about to turn down an invitation like that, even if he’d smell like flowers when he got out. Being with Zara, no matter the circumstances, was totally worth it.

  Zara scooted forward, giving him room to step in behind her. When his legs stretched out on either side of her, Braden pulled her back against his chest. She rested her head on his shoulder and peered up at him.

  “Did you get your meeting taken care of?”

  He scooped up bubbles and swiped them over her bent knees. “I did and now I’m all yours. Did you manage to work?”

  “I added another event,” she stated, her voice lifting with excitement. “Parker Abrams was at your party the other night. His assistant sent me an email about working on his corporate event he hosts once a year for his employees. Apparently their last coordinator was caught making out with Parker’s intoxicated son. Great news headline, bad for business. But how am I any different? I’m sleeping with my boss.”

  Braden smiled. “That’s great news for you. I promise to keep our fling a secret.”

  Her lids closed, and Braden wanted to take back the words. This was starting to feel like more than a fling. He knew it, even if he didn’t admit it out loud. There was something deeper than intimacy going on here. Short-term was the only way he’d worked before, but now...he didn’t necessarily want to keep Zara a secret. She deserved more...they deserved more.

  Zara rubbed her hand along the arm he had wrapped around her stomach. “I feel weird discussing business with you when we’re naked. It’s wrong...isn’t it?”

  Nothing about this moment was wrong. Nothing about having Zara smiling, happy and naked was wrong.

p; Braden nuzzled against her neck. “Then maybe we shouldn’t talk.”

  Zara’s slight groan had him reaching up to cup the side of her face, turning her so he could capture her lips. But the woman in his arms went a step further and turned until she faced him. Braden straightened his legs when she straddled his lap.

  “I was lying here dreaming of you,” she told him as she poised herself above him. “I have no idea how we got to this point, but I don’t want to be anywhere else.”

  Encircling her waist with his hands, Braden stroked her damp skin with his thumbs. “I don’t want anything between us, Zara.”

  “I’ve always used protection, and I’m on birth control.” She tipped her hips, enough to nearly have his eyes roll back in his head. “What about you?”

  “I’m clean and I’ve never been without a condom.”

  She quirked a brow in silent question. Braden eased up enough to claim her mouth at the same time he thrust into her. That instant friction, skin to skin, no barriers, was so new, so all-consuming, he wanted to take a moment and just...feel.

  But Zara started moving, starting those pants as she tore her mouth away and gripped his shoulders. When she tipped her head back and bit her lip, Braden was absolutely mesmerized by the woman who’d managed to have complete and total control over him. So much so he was letting her into his private life, into his home. He’d never brought a woman into his bed.

  Zara was different. He’d known it from the moment she’d stepped into his office. And now she was his. Would he ever let her go?

  The thought of losing her chilled him, but he refused to think on that now.

  Braden slid his hands up her soapy sides and cupped her breasts. Sliding his thumbs back and forth earned him another groan as she arched her back.

  “Look at me,” he demanded. He needed her to see him, to see them. Every primal part of him suddenly took over. “You’re mine.”

  Those wide eyes locked on to his, and her mouth opened in a silent cry as he quickened the pace.


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