Sandy Sullivan

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Sandy Sullivan Page 6

by Doctor Me Up

  "No. I've done what you ask. I want my money."

  Elizabeth clipped the lead rope onto the horse’s bridle and cocked her head. She didn't recognize the speaker. His agitation seemed clear enough though.

  A loud “wait” followed by grumbling and a thud of a boot against the wall floated to her position several feet from the door. She moved closer to peek inside. Wide shoulders, blond hair, black cowboy hat, jeans and boots. Typical cowboy on the ranch. The set of his back and wide legged stance told her of his irritation. "Fucking dumbass! He doesn't have a clue what ranchin's about."

  "Hello?" she called, pushing open the door.

  The cowboy spun around, a deep scowl lined his face and drew his eyebrows down over his eyes. "Who the hell are you? What are you doin' in here?"

  "I'm Elizabeth Weston," she said, hands on her hips. "Can I ask who you are?"

  The scowl disappeared as a handsome grin lifted the corners of his mouth. Chocolate brown eyes stared back with a sexy twinkle. "Jackson Leaf. I'm your dad's foreman." He stuck out his hand. "I'd heard his daughter was home for a bit. It's nice to meet you finally. Your dad talks about you a lot."

  "Uh, thanks." The warmth of his hand spread up her arm, sending goose bumps flittering along the surface. "Jackson. Did you see anyone around here who shouldn't be recently? I was up on the ridge and there are several cattle dead near the pool. Dad said this is the second time it's happened in the last two weeks."

  He scratched his chin with his fingers, making a rasping sound with the five o'clock shadow of whiskers lining his jaw. "Nope. Can't say that I have. Well, except the good doctor doing the shots on them. He was up near there a couple of weeks ago with his truck. Not long before the last batch went down, I'd say."


  "I gotta run. I've got work to do. See you around?"

  "Yeah. I'll be here for a month or so anyway."

  "Hey, maybe you'd like to have dinner with me one night. We can talk cattle. I hear you're pretty handy with a rope and a branding iron."

  "I'm flattered really, but I'm not dating while I'm home."

  "It wouldn't be a date, Elizabeth, just dinner and drinks."

  She shrugged as she stepped back. He moved toward the door. "Maybe. We'll see. For now, I'm just visiting family."

  "Well think on it, pretty lady. I'd love to have a nice time with you."

  Not sure if his words had a double meaning or not, Elizabeth moved back out of his reach, grabbing the brushes from the bucket on the other side of the door so she could groom her gelding. Jackson Leaf winked and strolled off, the soft whistle of a tune coming from his mouth as he disappeared out the door of the barn. She wasn't sure why, but the man rubbed her wrong. Cocky came to mind when she thought about him. She didn't like cocky. Her life had been way too full of those types of men lately.

  The sound of a truck pulling up caught her attention. She removed the tack from her horse and started brushing his coat wondering who might be visiting. Moments later, men's voices floated on the breeze. She could tell her father spoke with someone near the steps of the house, but she couldn't quite make out the words.

  After she finished grooming her horse, she put him in his stall before she put away his tack. Shower and lunch.

  When she stepped into the sunshine, she shielded her eyes as she made her way toward the house. Marcus' truck sat near the porch. She wondered if her dad had called him to discuss the problem. Probably. Dad seems impressed with Marcus' knowledge and expertise with the stock.

  The cool interior of the house soothed her overheated body. Low murmurs came from her father's office. Glancing at her watch, she knew she had a few minutes before she needed to get ready to meet Natalie.

  The low, sexy rumble of Marcus' voice sent awareness along her nerves like an electric current after a summer storm. "I don't know Mitchell. There are a lot of things that could have happened to them. First thing I'd check is the water supply up there."

  "It's always been great water for the cattle though."

  "Even a dead animal in it could poison the supply."

  "True. We didn't check it after the last bunch went down." Elizabeth cleared the doorway and stopped just inside the room. "Hey, honey. We were discussing the cattle you found up on the ridge."

  "Hi, Marcus."

  "Elizabeth," he replied with a tip of his head.

  He looked good—too good. Jeans molded to his lean thighs, emphasizing the muscles beneath the material. A soft looking chambray shirt the exact color of his eyes stretched over his pecs, showing off the strength and breadth of his shoulders. Damn the man was mouthwateringly sexy. Those lips lifted in a slightly mocking smile, like they shared a secret—the secret of last night’s kiss.

  "I assume Dad filled you in on the cattle."

  "Yes, he did. I'm sitting here trying to figure out what might have happened."

  "I talked to the foreman, Dad. He said he hadn't seen anyone around here that shouldn't be."

  "You talked to Jackson? When?"

  "In the barn a little bit ago. He was on the phone with someone in the tack room. They sounded like they might have been arguing. He wasn't a happy guy when he hung up."


  "You sound like you don't trust him or something, Marcus."

  "I don't know the man very well, but he just rubs me the wrong way."

  "He said you were the last person not working for this ranch, up on the hill near the pool when you inoculated the cattle."

  "I didn't see anything unusual while I was up there."

  "Well think about it. Maybe you missed something. Anything." She kissed her father's cheek before headed back for the door. "I'm off to the shower and then lunch with Natalie. I'll talk to you two later."

  "Have a good time, sweetheart."

  "Enjoy your shower."

  His eyebrow shot up over his left eye as a sexy smirked lifted the corners of his mouth, reminding her of the heat of their kiss the night before. "I'm sure I will." Her gaze wandered over his body before it rested briefly on the bulge in the fly of his jeans. Just to tease him, she licked her lips and tilted her head. "I'll see you later."

  Chapter Five

  Little witch.


  "Sorry, Mitchell. I was lost in thought there for a moment. What did you say?"

  "Nothing. Maybe you could happen by the diner while Natalie and Liz are having lunch?"

  "Playing matchmaker?"

  "Not me. Not that I wouldn't mind my daughter living close to home again, but I know she's got a few years of residency to complete before she can settle down again."

  "She does plan to practice here, from what she's told me."

  "She does?"

  "I take it she hadn't told you her plans."

  "Not really, no. After her break up with her boyfriend in Los Angeles, she hasn't mentioned much of anything. I don't think she wanted to get our hopes up."

  "During our dinner date last night she mentioned returning to Red Rock."

  "I'd forgotten you two had a date."

  "The whole situation wasn't really much of anything to write home about. We had dinner together. Some good conversation, compared notes—that sort of thing."

  "She needs a good man in her life. The idiot she was seeing before didn't appreciate her for her intelligence and her fun nature. She's a great gal. I hope she finds the perfect man for her someday. I think you two would be good for each other, but I'm not pushing."

  He laughed at Mitchell's blatant shove in the direction of his daughter. Yes, the attraction was there in spades, but she wasn't staying and he didn't want a relationship, did he?

  Their talk returned to the cattle and the death of so many. He still thought something with the water supply had killed the animals. Testing the pool would need to be done immediately to rule out contamination. Unfortunately, with the buzzards already doing so much damage to the carcasses, he wouldn't be able to tell what had killed them. He could have done some testing had one of t
hem died a little closer to the house.

  Several moments later Elizabeth sailed down the stairs, her hair a wild disarray of curls around her face, pink tank top, cut off shorts showing off her gorgeous long legs and sandals on her feet completed the picture. God, she's stunning. "You look good enough to eat."

  Her face lit up. "Why thank you, Marcus." She grabbed her purse and her car keys. "I'm off to lunch. I probably won't be back for a couple of hours."

  "No problem, honey," her father said. "We'll see you when you get back."

  The door shut with a soft click behind her. The sound of her car starting made him want to follow her like a lost puppy. He shook his head. Getting involved with her would be a bad idea. She already distracted him to no end from things he needed to do.

  "She's a very beautiful woman, isn't she?"

  "Yes, she is, Mitchell. I'm sure whoever finds himself in love with her will be one lucky man, even more so if she loves him in return."

  * * * *

  The diner sat in the middle of town. Everyone ate lunch there which is why she told Natalie eleven. Even then, the place seemed busy when she parked her car. Pickup trucks lined the street along with cars and one cop car. Maybe Laurel is around.

  Elizabeth shut her car door behind her as she glanced across the street to the Harley shop and the small gas stationed owned by Delaney Dunn—oops, Delaney Monroe now. The Harley shop looked busy too. She noticed a long, lean guy standing near the bay doors. Muscle shirt, black jeans, dark hair to his shoulders and dark sunglasses. Jake Monroe. She remembered him from high school although he graduated a few years behind her. Man, did he turn out yummy.

  Blonde hair in a ponytail and coveralls caught her attention next as the woman walked quickly toward Jake. Delaney, Elizabeth assumed. It had been a long time since she'd seen any of these people, but when the two embraced and shared a hot kiss, she couldn't miss the fire between them. Wow. Jake grabbed her ass, swung her around and pinned her to the side of the building with his body. Holy shit! Cream slid down between Elizabeth's legs at the display. She wanted that. She wanted someone to take control, make her his, fill her up, and leave her wanting more. She quickly blew her bangs off her forehead and spun around. Damn, I need to get laid.

  Natalie waved from two cars down. "Hey girl!" she squealed as she grabbed Elizabeth in a hug. "Damn those two can heat up the sidewalk, eh?"


  "Delaney and Jake. I saw them across the street. Newlyweds, you know."

  "Yeah, I'd heard. What I wouldn't give to be in love like that."

  "Someday, hon. He's out there. You'll find him soon enough," Natalie replied, looping her arm through Elizabeth's as they walk toward the diner.

  Once inside, they found a booth near the back. The place was already crawling with people but Mabel waved them over to seat them in a booth. "Elizabeth, honey, my goodness, how are you? I haven't seen you in ages."

  "I'm good. Home for a month or so. Natalie talked me into some of your famous food for lunch."

  "Well of course. Nat, where are those babies?"

  "At home with Dad today so I could have some girl talk with my sister-in-law. What's the special today, Mabel?"

  "Chicken and dumplin's."

  "Oh, sounds good to me," Natalie said. "A soda to drink, please. What are you gonna have?"

  "The same for me, Mabel."

  "Very good. I'll be right back with your drinks."

  They both put the menus away. Natalie grabbed her hand. "Now, tell me about things with Marcus."

  "There's nothing to tell," Elizabeth said, pulling her hand back, stuffing her napkin down on her lap.

  "Bullshit. I see the twinkle in your eye when his name is mentioned."

  "It's nothing, Natalie. He's very nice and all, but I don't want any kind of relationship or anything."

  "You're attracted to him though, I can tell."

  "Yes, I am. Maybe we'll have a quick fling while I'm here. I could definitely use some attention like that for a change. Things with Ari sucked in the making love department."

  "Pencil dick?"

  Elizabeth burst out laughing. "He wasn't well endowed."

  "Well I couldn't tell you about Marcus' but I'm pretty sure he's attracted to you."

  "If our kiss says anything, I'd say so."


  "I didn't tell you, did I?"

  "No, spill it girl."

  "I went to his office yesterday to apologize for my behavior. The night before when I found out who he really was, I jumped to conclusions I shouldn't have. By the way, I'm pissed at you for not telling me."

  "Telling you?"

  "About Marcus being the guy from the ball."

  "He asked me not to."

  "I realize that, but I'm still pissed. Anyway, I asked him to have dinner with so I could grovel appropriately. He agreed. We went to the Millhouse."

  "I love their food."

  "My steak was excellent, of course. Anyway, he walked me out to the car and kissed me goodnight."

  "Nothing else?"

  She glanced from her right to her left to make sure no one paid any attention to their conversation before she said, "It curled my toes."

  "See! I told you!"


  "Sshh what? You two are perfect for each other."

  "We're not perfect for each other. I hardly know anything about him."

  "Well, let me tell you—"

  "That's not what I meant, Natalie. Yes, he seems to be a nice guy, but I don't have time for any kind of relationship. I'm leaving for Billings in a month. I'll be there for three years. Long distance relationships don't work."

  "Just get to know him, Liz. You never know where things will lead."

  Mabel returned with their drinks and winked as she stepped back. "Doctor Melton has enough women chasing him, he won't miss you if you don't pursue him, Elizabeth."

  "I'm not interested…"

  "I'm only giving you my opinion. He has enough of the women in this town panting like their little dogs when he's around. Gorgeous and eligible around here gets noticed rather quickly."

  Elizabeth closed her eyes. Everyone seemed to be interested in matching her up with Marcus, not that she didn't think he would be a catch, but she couldn't take the time to formulate anything with anyone, much less Marcus right now. He had his life and she had to finish her residency.

  Within moments, their food arrived and they dug in as they talked about her niece and nephew, her schooling, how things actually went down with Ari and what she planned when she got to Billings. She mentioned the cattle. Natalie agreed something suspicious seemed to be going on, especially when she mentioned this was the second time in two weeks.

  "Dad is going to have the water tested in the pool. It seems the other incident happened in the same location or close to it. Marcus mentioned the water might have been contaminated by a dead animal or something."

  "No one has seen anything weird?"

  "No. I talked to Jackson, you know, Dad's foreman. He hasn't seen anyone except Marcus up there." She tapped the fork in her hand against her lips.

  "What? You look like you're thinking of something."

  "You don't think…no, he can't be involved."

  "Who? Marcus?" Natalie slammed her fork down on the table and Elizabeth jumped. "No way Marcus would be involved in something like this. He loves animals. He'd never hurt one. Not even a cow."

  "Why would he anyway? It doesn't make sense."

  "See? Even you couldn't really believe he would behind something like this. It has to be an accident."

  "If Dad didn't know the pool might be contaminated, he wouldn't know to keep the other cattle away." Elizabeth cut off another piece of dumpling. "What do you know about Dad's foreman?"

  "Jackson? Not much. He's been there for a few years, I guess."

  "I've never seen him before."

  "I think he avoided you the last several times you've been home. I doubt you two have much in common. He's a cowbo
y after all." Natalie laughed. "I know how you are about cowboys."

  "Marcus is a cowboy."

  "That's why I think it's so funny you're attracted to him. Why such an affinity for them?"

  "I went out with a few in high school. They always seemed so egotistical and worried about themselves rather than the woman they're with."

  "Lost your virginity to one?"

  "Yep and he dumped me the next day."

  "That was high school, Liz. Boys are more worried about getting laid than anything else including girls."

  "I know, but it still hurt."

  "I can imagine so."

  "Who did you lose yours to?"

  "A guy in California named Jason Grant. Football hero and gorgeous. We went out for about six months before we had sex. We lasted another three before I dumped him."

  "You dumped the football star?"

  "Yes. He kept pressuring me to get married."

  "Married at eighteen? No way!"

  "Oh yeah. He wanted a wife on his arm when he went off to college, but when I turned him down, he got mad at me. Smacked me around a bit. I dumped him immediately." Mabel came over and the girls ordered pie. "I wasn't about to put up with being smacked."

  "I would have dumped him too."

  "See, we're a lot alike you and I."

  "In some ways, yeah." The conversation died when Mabel returned with two slices of apple pie and ice cream. "How are the kids?"

  "Great! Growing like weeds."

  "So when's are you going to have another one?" Elizabeth asked, running her observant gaze over Natalie's form.

  "We aren't for awhile. We really don't want anymore this soon."

  "If you're on birth control, you should be good."

  "Yeah, but I hope it works. I've missed a day here and there."

  "Be careful then until you get back on a schedule or you will end up being pregnant before you want to."

  Natalie frowned as tears welled up in her eyes. "I hope if something like that happened, Cade would be happy. I don't want to disappoint him. He's my life."

  "Oh stop now. He loves you so much you two make me ill." She grabbed Natalie's hand and squeezed. "Besides, he always said he wanted a big family."


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