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Defiance Page 19

by Adrienne Monson

  Leisha didn’t respond to that, but her stomach heartily agreed. The plane was starting to move, and Leisha’s head came up. “What about Rinwa?”

  Tafari smiled back at her. “She used a separate transport.”

  “But can we check on her before we take off? Just in case?”

  Tafari shook his head. “She will text me when she leaves, but you must trust her. She has not failed in centuries.”

  Biting her lip, she nodded. Leisha really needed to sit down with Rinwa and hear about her life. The small plane hit some nasty turbulence as it was taking off. Samantha grabbed Leisha’s hand. Leisha wasn’t sure who it was to comfort, Samantha or herself, but squeezed back.

  They’d been flying for about ten minutes when Tafari’s phone beeped. After glancing at his screen, he smiled at Leisha. “Rinwa has left. She is staying a little behind us to be certain that no one is following.”

  Shoulders relaxing at the news, Leisha returned his smile and leaned back into her seat.

  Chapter 24

  Samantha was glad to see the landing strip. The high turbulence had made it feel like the small plane was going to come apart at any minute. She felt her stomach dropping as the craft descended. It jolted abruptly when the wheels touched the ground, making Samantha’s teeth click.

  She looked over to see that Leisha was still sleeping, her head lolling along the backrest. The vampire had fallen asleep almost immediately after takeoff and hadn’t stirred the entire flight. Samantha nudged her.

  “I don’t feel like waking up yet,” Leisha mumbled with her eyes still closed.

  “Too bad,” Samantha quipped. “You slept through the landing and we’re about to park the plane.”

  Blinking her eyes open, Leisha sat up straighter and looked through the window. “Where are we?” she asked.

  “Venezuela,” Samantha informed her.

  “So the compound I was held in was in South America?”

  Tafari shook his head. “Not quite. It’s on a private island southeast of the Virgin Islands.”

  Steering the conversation back on track, Samantha told Leisha, “Once we get you cleaned up and fed, we’re going to a small city east of Caracas. Tafari set it all up.”

  Leisha glanced at the immortal in surprise. “It will be too close to daylight,” she murmured. “We’ll have to find a place to stay around here and then travel tomorrow night.”

  Nik spoke up at that. “They’re going to stuff me into the trunk with a thick blanket.”

  Looking at his tall frame, Samantha knew that Nik wouldn’t enjoy the ride at all—in fact, he looked like he would rather stick his hand down a wood chipper—but it had already been decided between him and Tafari.

  Nik stopped the plane on a private tarmac and cut the engine. Tafari exited first, turning to help Leisha down. He extended his hand to Samantha as well and she took it. While she was definitely faring better than Leisha, Samantha was exhausted. She felt like she’d run a thousand miles while being pelted with rocks. Nik’s presence behind her was soothing, and she slowed so she could walk alongside him. As if sensing her need for comfort, he put his hand at the small of her back and guided her along. Just that little touch and the heat of his hand made her feel better.

  They left the airport in a taxi, which carried them to a Marriott hotel so that Leisha could clean up. Samantha went into the bathroom with her and helped. Leisha was shaking from what Samantha could only assume was extreme hunger, and who knew what else. It was tempting to ask what her father did to Leisha, but she choked back the questions. There was no need to make Leisha revisit the terrors yet. The pants that Samantha brought for Leisha to change into were a bit too small.

  “I don’t get how your stomach could have grown that much when you were starved the whole time,” Samantha commented.

  Frustrated, Leisha ripped the top of the maternity jeans on each side, and then slipped them on. “It does seem strange,” she said, “but I think he’ll simply keep taking what he needs from my body.” She hesitated. “And I have a feeling that it’s possible he used our bond to pull from you, too.”

  Tilting her head, Samantha said, “In a way, that’s kind of sweet. I get to do something to keep him healthy and growing.”

  Leisha smiled halfheartedly.

  Once they were out of the bathroom, the smell of food hit them and Samantha closed her eyes and breathed it in. “That smells amazing.”

  Gesturing for them to sit on the couch, Nik brought them plates piled high with some very spicy smelling food. Samantha recognized beans, rice, and some vegetables, but nothing else. She thought one of the toppings was some kind of cheese, but she’d never tasted that flavor before. Relishing each bite, she wasn’t sure whether the food was really that delicious, or that her mouth was happy to consume something other than steak.

  Both girls polished off their plates. The others had already eaten while Leisha and Samantha had been in the bathroom. Stomach full, Samantha sat back. Taking an inventory of how she felt physically, she knew there was still a problem. It was hard to describe exactly what was wrong. She only knew that her body wasn’t fully rejuvenated yet. Then she understood.

  Turning to Leisha, Samantha said, “You still need blood. As soon as possible. I can feel you pulling on our link.” Plus, she was having the strangest craving for blood. A disgusting urge, but she longed for it nonetheless.

  Leisha nodded and stood. “It shouldn’t be too hard. Caracas is a big city with some dangerous people.” She turned to Nik and Tafari. “How soon did you want to be on the road?”

  Tafari looked grim. “I do not want to condone murder tonight.”

  “You’ve seen me do it before.” Leisha pointed out, her voice sounding a little frosty. “In fact, you did condone it when that guy was going to kill us and steal your car.”

  Tafari shrugged. “I am not comfortable with it.”

  Rinwa came up next to Tafari. “Well, it could attract the kind of attention we don’t want. But it seems kind of silly to let her starve to death after we went through the trouble of rescuing her.”

  Looking at the wall, Tafari said, “She can rejuvenate herself with immortal blood.”

  Rinwa wrinkled her nose and looked at Leisha. “No way am I going to let you drink my blood. I’d rather you went out and killed some rapist or drug dealer or something.”

  Samantha watched Tafari closely. To the normal eye, he was simply looking distant, but she could see that he seemed torn. She didn’t think it was the fact that Leisha drank blood. Suddenly she remembered how jealous he had been when Ian had offered to let Leisha drink from him while they were staying with the immortals. Her brows drew together while she continued to watch the immortal. Did he like it when she drank blood from him?

  Samantha stood abruptly. “I think we should let Leisha and Tafari have some privacy while they discuss this. How about the rest of us go for a walk or something?”

  Nik frowned. “I thought you were still feeling weak.”

  Waving her hand, she answered, “Only a little. Besides, every time I go to a foreign country, I barely get to see any of the sights. May as well get it in while I can.”

  Rinwa gave her a bored look. “I could care less about the sights around here.”

  Trying to act casual, she said, “That’s fine. Then it will be me and Nik while you get some alone time with your parents.”

  Rinwa’s lips drew down at the corners. “No, I should escort you and make sure this vamp doesn’t try anything with you.”

  Barely concealing her smile, Samantha grabbed a light jacket. “I thought you might say something like that.”

  The three of them left the room and headed down the stairs towards the exit. Samantha had no doubt that Tafari and Leisha would need at least an hour to . . . do whatever it was that needed doing. She turned to Nik. “So do you know your way around here?”

  Nik shrugged. “Not really. The last time I was in this area was two hundred years ago. Things have changed a lot since

  Samantha didn’t have much of a response to that, so turned to Rinwa raising her brow.

  Sighing, she said, “I know some places that play good music.”

  Samantha smiled. She and Nik followed Rinwa into a cab and they were in a small club twenty minutes later. Samantha was surprised the bouncers didn’t card her at the entrance, but she didn’t know what kind of limits applied to minors in this country. They moved through the smoke-filled room to a booth towards the back.

  Not bothering to sit, Rinwa explained, “This place gets pretty busy, so you two stay at this table and I’ll get some drinks.”

  Before she could leave, Nik said, “Would you see if they sell Papelon Con Limon? I haven’t had that in a while.”

  Rinwa nodded and made her way through the crowd.

  The music overwhelmed Samantha’s senses. The beat had a definite Latino quality that Samantha found she was enjoying. She scooted until her arm was touching Nik’s.

  After a few seconds, Nik grabbed her hand and lightly stroked it. Feeling contented, even if she was still pretty tired, Samantha leaned against the backrest and smiled.

  Rinwa came back with three beers along with the drink Nik had requested and set them on the table.

  Nik’s eyebrow raised. “She’s underage.”

  Glaring back at Nik, Rinwa used her usual sarcasm. “Someone should have mentioned that before she befriended a bunch of bloodthirsty vamps.”

  Eyes widening, Samantha realized that Rinwa was right. If Samantha could handle being around all the supernaturals, didn’t that make her old enough to drink? She had certainly been through a lot more than most people would experience in their entire lifetimes.

  Feeling justified, Samantha grabbed a bottle and took a large swig. The beer was a little sour and had a yeasty flavor to it. She choked the mouthful down, but couldn’t help the coughing afterwards. “Beer is gross!”

  Nik smirked and Rinwa laughed outright. “No way,” Rinwa said. “This is quality stuff.” To prove her point, the blonde took two large swallows before putting her beer back on the table.

  Nik let go of Samantha’s hand and snaked his arm around her shoulders. “It’s definitely an acquired taste. You don’t have to drink it. Try the Papelon Con Limon instead.”

  “What is that?”

  “It’s a specialty drink I hear is very popular in this area.” He grabbed it and offered it over to her.

  Samantha took a tentative sip, and then a large gulp. “That’s good!” It was like having sweet and tart in one drink.

  “That’s right, Samantha,” Rinwa said. “Those drinks are more your style. I don’t know what I was thinking getting you a beer.”

  “I could handle the beer,” Samantha protested. If she had grown beyond high school and was really as grown up as she felt, Samantha wanted to show Rinwa that mild liquor was nothing to her.

  “But you don’t have to,” Nik said. “Don’t let her or anyone else badger you into doing anything you’re not comfortable with.”

  He doesn’t see me as too young, does he? She appreciated that Nik was looking out for her, but at the same time, it felt too much like a big brother approach and she certainly didn’t want him to see her in that way.

  Samantha pursed her lips and rose to a self-imposed challenge, sipping at her bottle for the next half hour. After she finished the drink, she accepted another from Rinwa. Samantha still didn’t love the taste, but she enjoyed the buzz the beer was starting to give her.

  After her third beer, Samantha was pulling at Nik’s arm. “Let’s dance. This music makes me feel alive.”

  “I’m not sure it’s a good idea,” he protested.

  After staring into his hazel eyes for a moment, Samantha blew a raspberry and stood. Going to the dance area she closed her eyes and let the music wash over her while she moved to its beat. Within minutes, she felt a large arm around her waist, pulling her into a warm body. At first, she thought it was Nik and smirked in her small victory. When she opened her eyes, she saw that it was a Latino with a small mustache and yellowing teeth. He looked to be her father’s age. Before she could react, the man was suddenly pulled to the side and Nik took his place.

  Smile returning, Samantha snuggled into his chest while continuing to dance to the rhythm. “Maybe there really is something to a jealously ploy,” she mumbled.

  Nik wrapped his arms around her and began to lead. She closed her eyes again and felt like she was in heaven. Their bodies swayed together in perfect unison, his hand pushing her in the direction she needed to turn. She was surprised at how graceful it felt. When she opened her eyes, it was to find that Nik had somehow steered them back toward their table.

  Nik gestured to Rinwa. “I think we’ve given Leisha and Tafari plenty of alone time. Let’s go.”

  “No!” Samantha pushed at his chest. “I want another drink.” She brightened and looked at Rinwa. “I want to try a shot of Tequila!”

  “That would be a definite no,” Nik answered.

  Before Samantha could make an argument, Rinwa stepped up to them. “I’ll buy you one shot at the bar before we go.” When Nik glared, the immortal shrugged. “May as well let her have the experience while we’re here to watch out for her. If she waits until none of us are around, what do you think could happen?”

  Samantha blinked, unable to follow the thought process that Rinwa argued on her behalf. But she saw that Nik was relenting, so she grabbed Rinwa’s hand and weaved toward the bar.

  Rinwa ordered the shot, then handed it to Samantha when she got it. Both Nik and Rinwa were watching her. Samantha had to stop her giggles before she was able to put the drink to her lips. She downed the whole thing in one swallow like she’d seen others do. At first, there was a rancid flavor, then the burning kicked in and Samantha thought she wouldn’t be able to breathe again.

  Between choking coughs, she ranted about Tequila. “Who ever thought to make that stuff in the first place?” Cough, hack. “It’s the nastiest thing ever!” Cough, cough.

  She looked up through watery eyes to see Nik trying very hard to contain a smile. “You’re laughing at me.” She pushed him as hard as she could, but he stayed in his place. “Couldn’t you at least give me a courtesy budge or something?” Samantha griped.

  That had Rinwa laughing outright. “Hey, you asked for it and you got it. Next time, I’ll make sure you have a chaser so it goes down a little easier.” She tipped her head toward the door. “Maybe the fresh air will help.”

  Nik pulled Samantha to his side and they headed out. The early morning air was cool and muggy. It didn’t help Samantha clear her head at all. In fact, she could tell that the effects of her shot were beginning because she suddenly couldn’t stop laughing.

  Pushing her face into Nik’s shoulder, she giggled some more, then stumbled. That only made her laugh harder. Face still neutral, Nik picked her up and continued walking. Samantha cooed and snuggled into his body.

  “Well, we know what kind of a drunk she is,” Rinwa said. It sounded like her friend was farther away than she should be.

  “I still don’t think that was a good idea,” Nik commented. He sounded distant, too, but Samantha could feel the vibrations of his voice through his chest. She giggled again.

  “You could have tried harder to stop her if you really wanted to.”

  Nik’s hold tightened slightly. “I’m not her father. She has every right to make her own decisions. Even if they are stupid ones, they’re still hers to make.”

  Samantha wanted to comment about how they were talking about her as if she wasn’t there, but found she couldn’t bring herself to speak. She suddenly realized that she’d closed her eyes sometime along their walk.…

  Samantha was in a large room. This was how most of her visions started, but something was… off. She couldn’t figure out what it was, but she felt more involved. As if this were a nightmare and a vision mixed together.

  She had the impression that it was underground, even though t
he ceilings were cavernous. She walked over to a plush couch and sat down. There was a boy sitting next to her. She didn’t know his name, but knew that she loved him dearly.

  They smiled at one another for some moments. Though they were not saying anything, a profound communication was happening between them. She knew this boy in a way she didn’t know any other person. She also knew that he understood her more intimately than anyone on earth ever could. Tears of deep affection sprung from her eyes and the boy nodded in encouragement. He reached out as if to hug her. Samantha leaned into him, feeling an amazing sense of love.

  Suddenly, Samantha raised her hand high as a scimitar appeared in it. As a high-pitched shriek strangled out of her throat, she roughly rammed the weapon into the boy’s chest. He gave her a pitying look as she sliced into him again and again, putting her whole body into every slash. Finally, soaked in the boy’s blood and heaving from her exertion, Samantha ended it by cutting off his head.

  Staring at the bloody aftermath, she dropped the blade. Samantha stood and ran as far away as she could. She screamed in an anguish that could never be quelled. Her surroundings gave way and she was outside, running through the woods. She was crying. Brushing away tears, she looked and saw blood covering her hands.

  A large commercial swimming pool appeared, and she quickly undressed and submerged herself. The blood slowly washed off and she began to feel better.

  A warm, naked body slipped behind her and she turned to find Nik. He was giving her a tender look before he leaned down and kissed her gently. Samantha moaned and kissed him back.

  “I’ve missed you,” Nik murmured. “We can’t be apart again. I’ll always be with you from now on.”

  “From now on,” Samantha agreed. She leaned up to kiss him again when his face distorted slightly. It was still Nik, but shadows cast over his face to make him look monstrous and frightening.


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