The Billionaire Next Door (The BAD BOY BILLIONAIRES Collection)

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The Billionaire Next Door (The BAD BOY BILLIONAIRES Collection) Page 6

by Angelo, Judy

  He was enjoying the scenery when she pulled back and slammed the oven door shut. She straightened and, clearly not realizing he was in the room, in one fluid movement she turned and stepped forward, slamming right into his chest.

  On reflex his hands shot up to hold her, keep her from falling, and as he pulled her close she gasped and grabbed onto his upper arm. Solie looked up into his face, her eyes wide, her lips parted, her breath coming in quick gasps. She looked ready to be kissed.

  Ransom was never one to pass up on a perfect opportunity. Arms sliding around her, he lowered his head, intent on capturing those pink lips, now soft with surprise.

  “Uh, sorry. I…didn’t mean to bump into you.” Exerting pressure on his upper arms Solie pushed herself back and out of his embrace.

  “No problem.” Ransom dropped his arms then shoved his hands into his pockets, watching as Solie stepped back then lifted a hand to brush a stray lock of hair from her brow.

  For a second she’d looked flustered but soon, with him out of her personal space, she was back to being Miss In-Control. The moment of surprise past, the cute pout returned to her lips and she gave him a crooked smile. “Hey, what’re you doing in my kitchen? You never come in here.” A slight frown creased her brow. “I was making a surprise for you but now you’ve gone and spoiled it."

  Ransom put up his hands in self-defense. “Hey, I’m sorry. You never told me to stay out.”

  Solie gave him a rueful grin. “You’re right. I should have, shouldn’t I?” Then she shrugged. “Better yet, I should have done this at my house…” then she grimaced, “…except that my oven conked out all of a sudden.”

  He gave her a sly grin. “Lucky me.”

  Solie raised an eyebrow. “How so?”

  “Now I have a beautiful woman hanging out in my kitchen,” he said in a low, slow voice, “and who could ask for more?”

  For a moment she looked nonplussed, a hint of color rising in her cheeks, then she seemed to catch herself. Eyes narrowed, she met his stare head on. “You know what? Get out of my kitchen and don't come back till I call you. No men allowed.”

  Ransom did not move. He just stood there watching her, seeing the color rise in her face, feeling the tension build. Then, his point made, he gave her a relaxed smile. “No problem,” he said softly, “but don’t take too long or I’ll come and get you.” Then, releasing her wary gaze, he turned and walked out of the room. Before this he’d kept his attraction to Solie to himself but he’d had enough of being decent. Now it was time for his lovely little neighbor to get to know the real Ransom Kent.


  “I told you, there’s nothing going on. I’m my same old dreary self.” Solie reached up to pull a box of gloves out of the cupboard then turned to the nurse who stood by, arms folded, a cheeky grin on her lips. She glared at the woman. “Will you leave me alone?”

  “No, I won’t,” Jen’s smile widened, “not until you tell me everything. Who is he?”

  “Kyra.” Solie turned to her friend in desperation. “Will you tell Jen to leave me alone? She’s getting on my last nerve.”

  Kyra swiveled around in her chair to regard both women then her face broke into a smile even wider than Jen’s. “Sorry, Sol. No can do. Hey, I’m curious, too. I wanna know.” She rubbed her hands together like a kid getting ready to raid the cookie jar.

  “Oh, no. Not you, too.” Solie couldn’t help but sigh. She could see that both Jen and Kyra were determined to back her into a corner and dig as much information out of her as they could. Well, too bad for them. They’d soon find out there wasn’t any information to get.

  “So who is he?” Jen pressed. “Who’s this new guy in your life?”

  “Oh, please.” Solie rolled her eyes. “Obviously, you guys have too much time on your hands. Do you sit at your stations daydreaming or something? Where did you get this crazy idea?”

  Kyra shrugged. “Well, you have been a lot nicer lately.”

  “I’m always nice.” Solie glared at her.

  “Yeah,” Jen said with a chuckle, “right.” Then she cocked her head to one side. “Seriously, though, you’ve changed over the past couple of weeks. I caught you humming yesterday, for goodness sake. Now if that isn’t a sign that there’s a new man in your life, I don’t know what is.”

  Kyra frowned. “You’re right, Jen. All of a sudden she’s ‘Little Miss Cheerful’. Now talk before I move in at your place till I can figure out what’s going on.”

  Seeing that she could not convince them otherwise Solie drew in her breath and let it out slowly. “All right, there’s a man.”

  “I knew it.” Jen punched the air, eyes gleaming. "What’s his name? Does he work here? Do I know him?”

  Kyra on the other hand, looked confused. “You’ve really got a man? And I don’t know about it? How is that possible?”

  Solie rolled her eyes again. “No, I don’t ‘got’ a man. Not really.” She bit her lip, feeling stupid. The fact was, she didn’t have a man at all. Who was she fooling? But she had to give them something, anything to get them off her back. “I…don’t have anyone but there’s this guy I met…he’s tall with dark hair and he’s got the most intense deep brown eyes you ever saw…”

  “Woohoo, your kind of guy. Tall, dark and mysterious.” Jen was practically hopping in her excitement. “Who is he? Do you have a photo? Give me your cell phone so I can see your pictures.”

  Kyra gave her a scorching look. “Calm down, Jen. Let the girl speak.”

  Solie shrugged. “That’s it.”

  “That’s it?” Kyra looked disappointed. “You can’t just leave us hanging like this. Where did you meet? When did you start dating?”

  “We aren’t dating.” Solie shook her head in exasperation. “Weren’t you listening? I said I don’t have a man. I just have a…guy I sort of like.” Then she paused and a naughty grin tickled her lips. “I think he…sort of likes me, too.”

  “Aaw, that's so sweet. They’re in 'like' with each other.” Jen gave her an indulgent smile.

  Instead of smiling Kyra gave her a look of concern. “That’s great but, come to think of it, are you sure you’re ready for this?”

  Her words made Solie’s heart tighten. She knew exactly what Kyra meant. Her friend had been there for her when she’d been devastated by Raul’s betrayal. She knew Kyra didn’t want to see her get hurt again.

  But why did she have to bring him up, just when she was beginning to lose herself in the fantasy of Ransom Kent? Kyra’s question was all it took to bring her back to earth with a bump.

  And with her return to land came that low feeling in the pit of her stomach, that heavy feeling of dread every time she thought of Raul. She knew what he was capable of and she would do everything in her power to stay as far away from him as possible.

  Her mood changed, she just wanted to get away. She pulled out a pair of latex gloves and slapped them against her palm. “I’ll talk to you guys later,” she said, her voice cool. “Right now I’ve got to get back to work.”

  Before either of the ladies could argue Solie stepped past them and headed off down the hallway. Just for a little while she needed to be alone.

  She needed to process the thought that had just crept into her mind…a depressing thought because, she realized, as long as Raul was stalking her there was no way she could bring Ransom Kent into the picture.


  December nine. Five whole days since she’d last seen Ransom. Solie rested her chin in her palm and stared out the bedroom window, out into the backyard and across the hedge that separated her yard from his.

  Ay, Dios. What was happening to her? Here she was, moping like a love-sick child, all because her neighbor had gone about his business and hadn’t made it a point to get in touch with her…as if she had any right to expect that. How pathetic could you get?

  As she sat there staring at the leaves of the mango tree shaking in the evening breeze Solie knew she was in trouble. Within a couple of months
of meeting Ransom she’d gone from ignoring him to not liking him to resenting him, to being totally pissed with him.

  Until she got to know him better.

  Then over the last several weeks she’d been his nurse then his bully, making sure he took his meds, then his food supplier and then, before she realized what was happening, she’d become his friend.

  And now she was being forced to admit that what she’d begun to feel for him was way past what you should feel for your ‘friend’. God help her.

  Solie put a finger to her lips then pulled it back when she realized she’d begun to nibble at the nail. That was one habit she definitely did not want to pick up again, not when she’d found a man who stirred her insides, made her want him even though they hadn’t so much as shared a kiss. But they’d almost…

  Solie’s mind raced back to that day she’d bumped into him in the kitchen, the day he’d held her in his arms, so close she’d felt the firm muscles of his abs as they pressed into her. That had almost been her undoing. Right then all she’d wanted to do was slide her hands up his arms then up to his nape where she could slip her fingers into the jet-black silk of his hair. Then she would press against the back of his head, ever so gently, until he tilted his face toward hers and covered her lips with his.

  There in his arms she had a feeling that he wouldn't have needed much convincing. She remembered how he’d been looking down at her, lids lowered, his lips slightly parted. She knew he was about to kiss her and, wimp that she was, when he’d begun to lower his head she panicked. She’d blurted something out, she couldn’t even remember what, but it effectively doused the flame lit between them and then she’d pulled away and escaped fast.

  She wanted him, God knew she did, but how could she give in to her desire when Raul was trying to force his way back into her life? How could she add another complication? And, even more important, how could she know for sure that Ransom meant her any good? What if he saw her as a conquest, a woman to conquer, take to bed and then kick to the curb? And, horrors, what if he ended up being like Raul?

  At the thought a shiver ran through her. No, she wouldn’t even go there. She could not put Ransom and Raul in the same category. There was no way-

  The chime of the doorbell cut that thought short and Solie frowned. She wasn’t expecting anyone. Then her heart did a tiny hop. What if it was Ransom?

  To her chagrin the idea of Ransom at her door brought a smile to her lips. She was being an idiot to react like this. If Ransom was there it was probably because he needed a cup of sugar for his tea. It was definitely not because he was missing her. She knew all that but still she could not wipe the smile from her face. Instead, the nearer she got to the front door, the wider it grew.

  By the time she pulled the door open she was practically grinning but in an instant her smile vanished.

  There, on her doorstep was the man she’d been doing her best to avoid. Standing right in front of her, looking as handsome as always, was Raul.

  “Hello, mi amor,” he said as he reached out and took her hand, limp from shock. “I’ve come to win you back.”


  “You didn’t have to hunt me down, you know. A simple phone call would have saved you the trip.” Rafe’s lips curled in a sardonic grin.

  Ransom regarded his brother, the square chin, the rebellious set of his lips, the defiant gleam in his eyes. Several seconds passed before he spoke. “If you would’ve answered the damn phone maybe I wouldn’t have had to come all this way.”

  Rafe’s smile widened then he shrugged. “I can’t help it if I’m out of range most of the time. Hey, it’s an oil rig. What do you expect?”

  “I expect you to answer the phone when I call you, dammit.” Ransom scowled. Rafe was lounging in the chair across from him, his elbow resting on the arm, his legs thrust out under the cloth-covered table. He looked too darned comfortable for a kid who was causing so much trouble. “What if it was an emergency?”

  “If there was a real emergency,” Rafe said, looking unperturbed, “you’d find me.”

  Ransom watched his brother but said nothing. The kid had a point. Then he caught himself. No, the man had a point. He had to remember that Rafe was almost thirty years old. It was like, no matter how old his brother got, he would still be a kid in his eyes. He had to break himself out of that way of thinking. Rafe was a full-grown man, responsible for himself. He would give him that much.

  Ransom jerked his head toward his brother. “That doesn’t let you off the hook. You know Mom frets about you. Why don’t you call her?” Rafe was opening his mouth to speak when Ransom cut him off. “And don’t give me that lame excuse about your cell phone. There are lots of pay phones on the rig so you can call any time.”

  “I call,” Rafe said, his tone unapologetic. “Didn’t Mom tell you I called last month?”

  “What kind of bull crap is that?” The words exploded from Ransom’s lips as he fought to keep from reaching across the table and collaring Rafe. His brother looked too casual, too smug for his liking. The only thing keeping Ransom in his seat was the fact that they were sitting in the middle of Nakamo's, one of the few restaurant options in Old Harbor. Ransom gritted his teeth and he could feel his nostrils flaring as he drew in deep a breath in his attempt to stay calm. “This is Mom we’re talking about. You really think a once-a-month call is going to keep her happy?”

  Just for a moment a flash of something looking like remorse crossed Rafe’s face and then it was gone. Then he was back to his nonchalant self, the persona he’d adopted when he’d taken off on his adventure. “Okay, you got me on that one. I’ll step it up to twice a month.”

  “At least once a week, Rafe. Can’t you do that much for our mother?” Ransom was trying hard to hold on to his temper but he could feel his hold slipping with each passing minute. Rafe and his laid-back, don't-give-a-damn attitude were not helping. “Can’t you care about someone else’s feelings but your own?”

  That seemed to get to Rafe. His self-satisfied smile disappeared and his lips tightened. When he looked back at Ransom there was fire in his eyes. “Leave it alone, big brother. There’s more to this than you’d care to know.”

  That got Ransom’s attention. “What the hell are you talking about? What else is there to know?”

  “Just leave it alone, okay. This is none of your concern.” Rafe shoved back his chair and started to get up from the table but Ransom stopped him with a hand on his arm.

  “You’re not walking out on me,” he said, his voice brooking no argument, “not after dropping that bombshell.”

  Rafe looked down at his hand then shook it off his arm. “Not today. I’ve got to go. You can link me tomorrow if you want to know.” And with that he turned and marched out of the restaurant, leaving Ransom staring after him.

  Screwing up his lips, Ransom sat back in his chair and watched his brother leave. There was something serious going down and, until he found out what it was, there was no way he was leaving Alaska.


  “R…Raul. What are you doing here?” Solie’s heart slammed against her chest as she stared up into the smiling face of the man she’d almost married. Thank the stars she’d discovered the true nature of the snake before she’d walked down the aisle with him.

  Realizing he was still holding her hand she pulled it from his grasp. “What are you doing here?” she asked again and this time she was firm, almost belligerent. What she wanted to do was escape inside and slam the door in his face but she knew he was too fast. He would not let her go that easy.

  “I’m here to see you, mi amor.” His voice was thick with honey as he looked down at her, leaning forward to place his hand on the door jamb above her head, effectively preventing her from closing the door. “Aren’t you going to invite me in?”

  The look Solie gave him would have withered any man…but not Raul. “You’re not welcome here,” she told him, just in case her look didn’t send a strong enough message. “Please leave.” She step
ped back and made to close the door but he slammed his palm against it, making a mockery of her efforts.

  “Not so fast, mi amor. I think you’d better invite me in.” He gave her another of his crooked grins. “You don’t want to have a scene right here on your doorstep, do you? What would your neighbors think?”

  Solie gave him another scowl as she took in his self-assured expression, wondering why in the world she used to find that smile so sexy. Now that she knew the real Raul Escobar that smile just looked like pure evil.

  She was contemplating the wisdom…or stupidity…of letting him in when he grasped her by the upper arm, set her aside and pushed the door. Then he stepped in and closed the door behind him.

  “See how easy that was?” he asked, but this time when he looked at her his smile was gone. In its place was a look so cold it made her shiver. “You kept me waiting, mi amor. That’s not good.” He jerked his head toward the hallway. “Now let’s go relax in the living room and have a chat.” Before Solie could respond he grasped her by the shoulder, turned her around and gave her a little shove, forcing her down the hallway ahead of him.

  Her skin prickling at his touch Solie walked, trying to get as far away from his reach as possible. She hated the idea of inviting him into her home but if she let him say his piece maybe he would go. Right then her greatest wish was to have him gone, out of her house and out of her life, but maybe she would have to suffer through his tirade first. She just hoped it would be a short one.

  In the living room Raul didn’t even wait to be invited to have a seat. He stepped past her as if he owned the place and went to sprawl on her sofa, his head against the cushion, one leg halfway up. A slimy smile slid over his lips as, eyelids lowered, he watched her standing in the doorway. “Come on,” he said, his deep voice silky soft. “Join me.”

  Solie stood right where she was. Once upon a time that seductive tone might have worked but not now. She was way past any kind of attraction to him. Now all she felt was revulsion.


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