The Billionaire Next Door (The BAD BOY BILLIONAIRES Collection)

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The Billionaire Next Door (The BAD BOY BILLIONAIRES Collection) Page 8

by Angelo, Judy


  “For someone who’s got a new love interest you’re one depressed-looking girl.” Kyra didn’t hold back when it came to telling the world what she was thinking.

  “Solie’s got a love interest?” Dominic looked up from his computer screen to peer over at the two women standing by the reception desk. “How come I’m just knowing about it?”

  “Because you’re not one of us, Dominic. Stay out of this.” Kyra fixed him with a glare that would deflate any man.

  Any man, that is, except Dominic. He was like the Bobo Doll that you punched and it came bouncing back for more, even though he looked nothing like the short, squat, smiling Bobo Doll. Tall and reedy, he looked like an absent-minded professor with his wild brown hair and horn-rimmed glasses. The funny part was, sometimes he acted like one, too, getting himself lost in a good book, totally forgetting that he was the receptionist. There’d been quite a few complaints from visitors who arrived at the desk only to be ignored. Dominic was lucky he’d held the job down this long.

  But he was a good guy, quick to share words of wisdom. And with all the reading and philosophizing he did, he had lots of those.

  “I was reading something the other day,” he began, pushing his glasses back up his nose with his pinky finger, “that has a lot of insight on what makes for a successful relationship. It said romance is something you should-”

  “Oh, no, not more insights.” Kyra threw her head back and in a dramatic sweep she lifted her arm to cover her eyes with the back of her hand. “Oh, Lord, deliver me from this not-so-wise sage.”

  “Will you knock it off?” Dominic rewarded her with a scowl then, totally ignoring her, he turned and gave Solie his full attention. “What’s the problem, Sol? Maybe I can help. You know I’m a good listener.”

  Solie nodded and gave him a tiny smile. She had no intention of discussing her personal life with him but he looked so eager. How could she let him down softly? “I know, Dominic,” she said gently, “and I appreciate your wanting to help but it’s not that important.”

  “Not that important?” His brows fell again and this time his eyes flashed indignation. It was like they were saying, how dare she prevent him from doing good. “Of course it’s important. You’re my best friend. How could it not be important?”

  Solie cocked an eyebrow in surprise. Now where had that come from? Long-time co-worker, yes. Pretty good friends, sure. But best friends? She didn’t know about that. “Uhm, Dominic, it’s okay,” she said quickly, wanting to stem his flow before he got any more ideas. “I’m not depressed like Kyra said. Give me till tomorrow. I’ll be bright and chirpy again. Promise.”

  That made him tilt his head and give her a doubtful smile. “Chirpy? I don’t know. That’s not really you.” Then his eyes brightened and he straightened. “Hey, I’ve got a great idea. It’s bound to cheer you up. Why don’t you and me go see the latest Spider-Man pic? I know you love yourself some Spider-Man. Right?” He got up and slapped his hand on the counter top. “Right?” He leaned forward, shoving his grinning face toward her. “Right?”

  “Right.” With the way he was carrying on what else could she say?

  “All right, then. We’re going to the movies.” He slid his hands off the counter, plopped back down in front of the computer and proceeded to close all the windows he had opened.

  “What? You mean now?” Solie stared at him, not believing what she was seeing. She knew Dominic was an impulsive one but, come on, they were at work.

  “And what about me? I’m not invited?” Kyra jammed a fist on her right hip and gave him an indignant glare.

  Dominic paused, still staring at the computer screen and gave a dramatic sigh. Then he turned, shook his head and began to tut-tut at them. “Ladies, ladies, give me some credit for not being an idiot. Of course we’re not going right now. It’s a work day. I’m closing my windows because I’m leaving early for an off-site meeting. Lyn’s already on her way. She’s going to fill in for me and she'll sign in with her own password. And you,” he jerked his chin toward Kyra, “you know you’re always invited. You’re the life of the party, girl. We ain’t goin’ nowhere without you.”

  He hopped off the chair and reached for his leather shoulder bag. “There’s Lyn now,” he said, looking down the hallway. “Right on time.” He stepped around the receptionist counter, looking sleek and debonair as always. “I’ll shout you guys Saturday morning. Now get back to work, you slackers.”

  Before Lyn had even slid into his chair he was off, leaving all three women smiling and shaking their heads.

  That Saturday Dominic called bright and early as promised and Solie spent an enjoyable afternoon in the company of two people who were lots of fun. And, just like Dominic said, it lifted her spirits tremendously.

  The past several days had been rough, wanting to reach out to Ransom, knowing he was probably wondering if she’d gone batty. She’d been more than cool to him the last time they’d met but what else could she have done? How could she have given in to what she really desired with the thick, dark cloud of Raul Escobar hanging over her head? No, best to lay low and fly solo. The last thing she wanted was for her stalker to get jealous and lash out.

  Right now it was just too much to think about, too much to deal with. For the moment her best strategy was to just avoid conflict at all costs.

  “You’re good now?” Dominic turned away from the cashier and held out two sixteen-ounce mango smoothies to Kyra and Solie.

  Solie knew the question was meant for her. “Perfect,” she said and gave him a smile so bright it would leave no doubt in his mind that the movie they’d just watched had done the trick.

  “Good.” With a nod he turned and grabbed his own smoothie then, all three, they strolled through the mall as they headed back to the parking garage.

  At her car Solie waved goodbye. It wasn’t late, just after eight o’clock, but as fun as it had all been it had still been a bit of a strain to keep grinning when your thoughts weren’t all happy ones. She needed to make it an early night. Sometimes the best thing you could do for yourself was carve out some alone time, time when you didn’t have to fake cheerfulness just to keep your friends happy.

  As she drove home, the euphoria of the movie and friendly company behind her, try as she might she could not get Raul off her mind. The man left a bitter taste in her mouth. He’d caused her so much pain and now, just when she thought a new light was…possibly…coming into her life, he’d shown up and was threatening to snuff it out.

  She was still mulling over her dilemma as she drove up the driveway and put her car in park. For a while she didn’t move, she was so lost in her dismal thoughts, but then she blinked, snapping back to the present. Time to move. She couldn’t stay in the car forever.

  Sliding her hand across to the passenger’s seat she reached for purse then, with her other hand, she flipped the lock open and slid out of the car. Right then all she wanted was the comfort of her bed.

  “May I walk you to the door?”

  A tiny shriek ripped from her lips as she whipped round to see the tall, lean form of a man in the shadows. Raul!

  She gasped and took an involuntary step backward. “Leave me alone,” she said in a fierce whisper. “Stay away from me.”

  The man stopped short then cocked his head to one side as if confused. It was then, when the light from the front porch hit his face that she saw who it was.

  “Ransom.” She pressed her hand to her heart and gave a breathless laugh. “Oh, my God. You scared me.”

  He gave her an apologetic smile. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you like that. I thought you’d seen me walking up the driveway.”

  “No.” She shook her head. “Why would you think that?”

  He shrugged. “You were sitting in the car for a while. I could have sworn you glanced up into the rear-view mirror. I even waved.”

  Slowly, she shook her head again. “I guess I was too preoccupied with my thoughts. I didn’t see a thing.�

  Ransom slid his hands deep into his pockets and a slow smile crept across his lips. “So what thoughts were occupying your mind so you couldn’t even see me? They must have been…sweet.”

  “Not…really.” Solie grimaced. If he only knew…

  “So like I said,” Ransom held out his arm, “let me walk you to the door.”

  His gallant gesture surprised her but Solie didn’t hesitate. She slid her hand into the crook of his arm and smiled as he rested a big warm hand on top of hers. Then, almost as if they were a couple, they walked up to the door. There Ransom turned and, his face half-hidden in the shadows, he looked down at her as he released her hand. His eyes, now dark and mysterious, gleamed as he watched her with hooded eyes. “You know what I want to do right now, don’t you?” His voice was low, so soft, so seductive.

  Solie felt a tingling shiver run up her spine. His words made her heart jerk. Was she finally going to taste his lips? But what if-

  Before she could finish the thought Ransom lifted an arm and planted his palm above her head, blocking her in. Then he moved in close, so close that he’d trapped her against the wall. “You know exactly what I want,” he said in a hoarse whisper, “but do you want it, too?”

  “I…” Solie’s words died in her throat. Now she knew what they meant when they said the cat got your tongue. With him so close all her thoughts fled and all she could do was revel in the nearness of him, the warmth of his body leaning over her, the woodsy fragrance of his cologne and the smoldering look of passion in his eyes.

  She swallowed. Where was big, bad Solie? Ransom had her heart pounding so fast she couldn’t even think straight. But she had to say something or he might not kiss her. No way was she going to let him escape now.

  She lifted her face to his. “I know what you want,” she said, her voice husky with desire, “and I want it, too.”

  At her words he lowered his head and, ever so gently, he pressed his lips against hers.

  As his lips moved over hers Solie moaned and leaned into him, drawing pleasure from his lips but wanting more of him, much more. She wanted his arms around her, holding her tight, crushing her against his hard body. She wanted it so much she had to clench her fists at her sides to keep from reaching out and pulling him into her.

  And then he pulled back. In the midst of her yearning Ransom released her lips and lifted his head, leaving her bereft.

  The softest of groans escaped her lips. There was nothing she could do to hold it in. She wanted him. Bad.

  As if sensing her need, Ransom tilted his head again and as his mouth came closer Solie’s lips parted on a sigh.

  He captured her mouth with his and this time she gave in to the desire to feel more of him. Sliding her hands up between them she pressed her palms against his muscled chest, delighting in the way his heart thumped, its beat telling her all she needed to know. Ransom was just as turned on as she was.

  The knowledge was like an aphrodisiac, divesting her of the last vestiges of her reluctance. Her eager hands left their post and slid upward where she did what she’d dreamed of so many times. Cupping his nape she held him captive as she kissed him back fiercely, giving him as good as he gave.

  When they finally broke the kiss and drew apart she looked deep into his eyes, boldly and unapologetically, and what she saw there made her break into a grin. In his eyes was just a hint of shock and plenty of admiration.

  Ransom gave a soft whistle. “Talk about a woman in charge.” He chuckled. “I can see you know how to turn the tables.”

  “I can hold my own.” Giving him an amused smirk she slid away and bent to retrieve the purse that had slid off her shoulder. When she stood up again Ransom had backed away a bit, giving her some room and now he stood watching her, a relaxed smile on his lips.

  “Thanks for walking me to the door,” she said with an impudent smile then she slid the key into the lock. When she turned again he was still gazing at her, an enigmatic look in his eyes.

  “Goodnight,” she said softly, slipped in and closed the door gently behind her.

  Inside, Solie leaned her back against the door and released a long sigh. What a way to end the night.

  Ransom’s kiss had been as mind-blowing as she’d expected…and more. If only it could have lasted forever.

  She sighed again and, still smiling, she made her way to the bedroom. She would definitely have sweet dreams tonight.


  The bad thing about dreams, especially the sweet ones, was that they all had to come to an end.

  By the next morning Solie had floated down from cloud nine and landed back on her two feet on the solid ground of reality. The night before had been a dream come true but today, with the comforting shadows of night replaced by the stark brightness of daylight, she was forced to accept the fact that it wasn’t going to work.

  How could it, when Raul was still in the picture?

  As she pulled her hair up into a ponytail she grimaced. Best to focus on her work and forget about men and all the issues that came with them. The last thing she needed in her life right then was stress.

  When Solie got to work that morning it was to see a smiling Dominic at the front desk.

  “How’s my girl this morning? Doin’ good?” He looked like he was about to come from around the counter to hug her. He was already holding out his arms.

  Solie held up a hand to stop him. Did she need to be part of a hug fest right there in the lobby? Not today.

  “Thanks, Dominic. I’m good. Just gearing up for a busy day.” She kept walking but she satisfied him with a wave. “Talk to you later, okay?”

  If Solie had wished for a day that would make her forget her man troubles this was definitely it. Hectic did not begin to describe what was going on at the hospital. Today she was in E.R. and, like a curse, it was as if all the kids in Fort Lauderdale decided to come down with the stomach flu – on the same day. And then, to her dismay, they seemed to be seeing more traffic accident victims than usual. She’d already had to deal with a broken arm, a broken leg, lacerations to the face and two broken ribs. Thank God none of the injuries had been life threatening. It was quite unusual and the only conclusion she could make was that it had to do with the rain that had been falling since the night before. There was a tropical storm out on the ocean. She was sure of it.

  The next day wasn’t much better where flu patients were concerned but by her third work day things began to slow down and Solie found herself able to catch her breath in between patients. Next day would be even better. Her shift would end at three o’clock and she would have the rest of the afternoon to do her thing. It was about time. And she knew exactly what she would do, too. She would get out of the house and get herself to The Galleria Mall. She hadn’t been there in a while. With a demanding job like hers, who had time?

  She would probably do more window-shopping than actual shopping but it didn’t matter. At least she’d be out of the house and besides, The Galleria had some great restaurants. Tomorrow was one day she would most certainly not be in the kitchen.

  Wednesday came around and Solie packed up early as planned. What was not in the plan was for Ransom to call her as soon as she parked her car and walked in the door.

  “Perfect timing,” he said in that so familiar baritone. “Want to come over?”

  That caught her off guard. “Come over for what?”

  He laughed. “To see me, of course. Or,” his voice turned suggestive, “do you want me to come over there?”

  “Neither.” She blurted the word out as a flash of apprehension ripped through her. She'd already decided that this thing between her and Ransom, it would not work. She wanted to do nothing to encourage it, not until she’d cleared the skeleton that had come to occupy her closet. “I’m busy.”

  “Oh.” She could hear the disappointment in his voice. “I thought you were done work for the day.”

  “I…am. But I’ve got other things to do.”

r />   There was that ‘oh’ again, a mixture of disappointment and…was that annoyance? She’d better be hearing wrong because what right did he have to be annoyed?

  “I’m sorry,” he said, immediately dousing her spark of anger. “I guess I was looking forward to seeing you again, just a little bit too much. If you’re busy, you’re busy. We’ll connect another time.” There was a pause and then he said, “Enjoy the rest of your afternoon.”

  That was his way of saying goodbye. He would be hanging up the phone in another second. She had to stop him before he cut off the call. “Wait.” She couldn’t say why but she just knew she didn’t want the conversation to end like that.

  Damn. Why was she so wishy-washy? She knew it was better that she let him go but she couldn’t. “I was…planning to go to The Galleria but it can wait till later.” There. She’d done it. She’d gone and complicated things just when she’d successfully avoided him for almost four days.

  “I’ve got a better idea,” he said, his voice turning cheerful. “Why don’t I take you to the mall? I took the day off so if you want me, I’m all yours.”

  Solie’s heart did a hop, skip and, as if that weren’t enough, a little jump, too. A man, and not just any man, Ransom Kent, offering to take her shopping, the bane of men across America? He must be the one man in a million who would do that.

  And then to say, I’m all yours?

  “Yes,” she said before she had time to think. “I’d like that. I can be ready in an hour. Is that good?”

  “Perfect. Just make sure you don’t eat anything. I’ll take you to The Capital Grille when we get there.”

  Solie knew this was probably not the wisest decision she’d ever made but as she slid into her skinny jeans and threw on her embroidered peasant blouse she was feeling bubbly, which was not a word anyone would normally use to describe her. When she heard the doorbell chime she was smiling and she was ready.


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