The Billionaire Next Door (The BAD BOY BILLIONAIRES Collection)

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The Billionaire Next Door (The BAD BOY BILLIONAIRES Collection) Page 11

by Angelo, Judy

  Solie gasped and reached up to capture Ransom’s head in her hands, pressing him to her as he kissed and licked the smoothness of her sensitive skin, sliding his tongue deep into the crevice between her breasts.

  “Ransom.” His name escaped her lips in a breathless whisper. “Please.” She said nothing more, but she didn’t have to.

  As if he’d read her mind, Ransom slid a finger to shift the top of her dress, exposing a braless breast to his heated gaze. Then, before she could beg again, he lowered his head to capture the turgid nipple with his lips, sucking the bud deep into his mouth, making her gasp in pleasure.

  “Oh, yes. Please don’t stop.” Solie arched her back, thrusting the nipple up and even farther into his mouth, then she sighed in satisfaction as he sucked and nibbled, worrying the nipple, sending waves of pleasure rippling through her.

  To her relief, Ransom soon shifted his attention to the other nipple, drawing it out of exile and treating it to the same delicious attention he’d given the other.

  When Solie felt Ransom’s hand sliding along her leg then up toward her hip her heart gave a jerk of anticipation. Or was it fear? She was ready for this. Her body was calling for him and so was her heart. But…was this the right time?

  Ransom’s hand stilled. It lay there, high on her hip, but he made no attempt to move farther. It was as if he’d sensed her apprehension.

  Gently, he slid his hand back down, pulling the hem of her dress with it, covering the length of her legs that had been exposed.

  Ransom pulled away but not before he’d adjusted the top of her dress so it now covered her demurely. He gave her a rueful smile and shook his head. “Sorry. I couldn’t help myself.” Then he grinned. “How could I, when you look so irresistible tonight?”

  Relief washing through her, Solie smiled back and took the hand he held out to her. He wasn’t mad. She’d spoiled the moment yet there he was, smiling down at her like she was a treasure, even as he paid her the sweetest compliment.

  When she was back on her feet he picked up her scarf and gently draped it over her shoulders. “We never did get to that drink, did we?” He chuckled, as he stood close. “But I’ll give you a rain check on that. You and me, in this house tonight? Too dangerous.”

  Solie could not agree more. She let him take her hand and walk her home and as she closed the door behind her she raised a trembling hand to her still throbbing nipples.

  There was no doubt in her mind who she'd be dreaming about tonight.


  “Feliz Navidad!”

  Solie covered her ears under the assault of the children’s screams as they tore through the house, light sabers flashing red and green as they ran from living room to kitchen to outdoors and back again. “Feliz Navidad!”

  “Okay, that’s it. Stop. Now.” Solie planted herself right in the pathway of the four and six-year-old, determined to put an end to the torture. “Go watch some TV or something. Give your poor old auntie a break.”

  That made Carina laugh. “You’re not old. You don’t even have gray hair.”

  “Yeah, not old.” Perez shook his head then looked to his older sister as if for confirmation. “Tia Solie is not like abuelita.”

  “Come here, you two. So cute.” Solie knelt down and pulled them into a big bear hug. “I may not be as old as Grandma but I still have to protect my sanity and with all this noise you guys are making," she shook her head as she laughed, “I’m this close to going insane.”

  “What is insane?” Perez looked at her with curious brown eyes.

  “It means ‘loco’,” Carina said, pulling away and giving her brother a look of disdain. “Everybody knows that.”

  Solie chuckled and lifted a finger to touch her on the tip of her nose. “Not everybody, Carina. Remember what I told you about not teasing your brother. You’re in a higher grade than he is. You’re bound to know more words.”

  “ ‘Cause I practice all the time. I always speak in English, Tia Solie, especially with my teacher at school.” She nodded vigorously, her eyes shining with pride.

  “And you’re doing great. You both are.” Solie got up and, resting her hands on their shoulders, she turned the children to face the open back door. “Now go out into the yard and do all the screaming you want.” A tiny shove sent them on their way.

  Solie was still smiling as she watched the children dash out onto the grass where they continued their chants of ‘Feliz Navidad’, even louder than before. Thank goodness she’d got them to go outside before they turned up the volume.

  Solie had arrived in Panama three days earlier, in good time to help prepare the traditional Christmas Day dinner that was held at her mother’s house. She’d hit the market the first day she landed, stocking up on good chicken stock, rice and spices for the pollo con arroz, eggs and nutmegs for the Ron Ponche, and raison, prunes and dark rum for the Christmas cake.

  Now everything was ready, her sisters were here, Caridad's husband would soon be back from a quick run to the nearby liquor store and it would soon be time to gather at the table. The one thing Solie needed to do now was get her mother away from the mirror and into her dress. If there was one occasion for which Niurka insisted on dressing up it was for the family Christmas dinner. And that process, unfortunately, could take a very long time.

  Solie tapped at her mother’s door then gently pushed it open. As expected, Niurka was nowhere near ready. Hair still in curlers and wearing only her full slip and stockings she was busy applying shadow to her eyelids.

  “Mama, what’ve you been doing all this time?” Solie practically wailed. “I can’t believe you haven’t even combed your hair yet.”

  “Stop complaining, hija, and come and help me.” Niurka waved her over and pointed to the curlers on top of her head. “I always have so much to do, Soledad. That is why I do not get the chance to get ready.”

  Solie could have rolled her eyes but she didn’t. Her mother had probably been in her room procrastinating the whole time. She was notorious for getting distracted and sneaking in an episode of ‘Betty La Fea’ on the TV in her room when she should have been getting ready.

  “It’s okay, Ma. I’ll help you.” She began to pull the curlers from her mother’s hair, dropping them one by one onto the dressing table in front of her.

  “You did not talk to me since you came, hija.” Niurka gave her a little pout. “How is Fort Lauderdale? Are you keeping in touch with your uncle? When was the last time you visited him?”

  Now Solie did have to roll her eyes. “Mama, why do you always insist that I visit Tio Jose? He’s so cranky. I hate going there.”

  “But he is my brother. He is family. You have to visit him.”

  Solie gave a noncommittal grunt. She knew her mother would not rest until she gave both time and date when she would be paying her uncle a visit.

  “And how is it that you cannot find time to visit my poor brother when you have time to help this man next door? Are you still doing that?”

  Solie almost coughed. She’d told her mother about Ransom? When had she done that? More important, why?

  “Uh, I…no. Not anymore. He’s…fine now.” Then, wanting to dig without it being too obvious, she said. “What else did I tell you…about Ransom?”

  “Ransom? That’s his name?” Niurka began to brush loose powder onto her face then she turned to look up at Solie standing over her. “Now that we’re talking about it, I have some questions for you. Who is that man, anyway?”

  “Man? What man?” Solie decided her best line of defense was to play dumb.

  “That one. Ransom,” her mother said, looking exasperated. “When I called that time you said you were rushing over to help him with something. Is he your friend?”

  Solie cleared her throat, her fingers going still in Niurka’s hair. “You could say that.”

  “But you did not sound like you were friends that time. Did he hire you, then?”

  “No, I was just helping.” Solie went back to pulli
ng out the curlers, her mind racing. She wanted to change the subject so bad. She was definitely not ready to talk about Ransom, not to her family. She was busy trying to work things out in her mind. Now was not the time to be talking about the man who was entangling her heart in so many wonderful webs. She didn’t know whether to give in and love him or give up and leave him.

  A slight smile curled her lips as she thought about it. She already knew what her choice would be. And it was while she was standing there, her fingers in her mother’s hair, that she began to admit it to herself – she was falling madly and wonderfully into the web of love that Ransom had cast. She was in love and there was no nicer feeling in the whole world.

  “Are you going to answer me?” Niurka was tapping her on the hand. “Why were you spending your time helping him? It didn’t even sound like you knew him that well. Was he paying you?”

  Solie smiled at her mother in the mirror and shook her head slowly. “Oh, Ma, I did it because I wanted to. If I’d charged him for my time he probably wouldn’t have been able to pay. I don’t know if construction workers make that much money.”

  “So he’s a construction worker, is he?”

  “Yup. When he heads out to work he’s always in his yellow hardhat and safety vest.” Then she chuckled. “And he looks good in it, too.”

  “Ay, mi hija. It sounds like you’ve been bit by a bug.” Niurka was smiling broadly now, her eyes sparkling as they met Solie’s in the mirror. “My Solie has found herself a man. Tell me all about him.”

  Solie sighed and shook her head. She’d walked right into that one. “I’ll tell you, Ma, but after Christmas dinner. Now hurry up and let’s go eat.”


  “Rafe, my dear, you sit right here between us.” Maggie patted the chair between her and Bill Kent.

  “Yeah, Rafe, go sit by your mommy.” Ridge grinned at him across the table. “Mama’s boy.”

  “Leave him alone.” Ransom was the only one who knew what it had taken for Rafe to decide to come back home. He was probably still as skittish as a colt. He didn’t want Ridge spoiling things now and sending him running. He jerked his head toward Rafe who still stood looking at the empty chair, his hands thrust deep into his pockets. “Sit, kid, before the food gets cold. I’m hungry.” The last words were said on a growl. Not bothering to wait, he reached for the bowl of mashed potatoes.

  “Patience.” A well-aimed slap from his mother had him pulling his hand back.

  Maggie looked over at her husband. “Thirty-odd years I’ve been teaching him manners and he still lets me down.”

  Bill reached out to pat his wife’s hand. The smile he gave, so full of love, softened the strain on his face. “You’ve been a good mother, dear. If the boy goes astray it’s his own fault.”

  That made everybody laugh, including Rafe who’d seemed so tense just seconds before. Ryder remained cool, just observing and Ransom gave his mother a rueful grin. “Sorry, Ma.”

  After that, Rafe settled in between Mom and Dad, Ransom got the potato salad he’d been reaching for, Ridge started stuffing his face with roast chicken - which meant he’d have his trap occupied for a while so he’d have to hold off on teasing Rafe - and Ryder sat there grinning like a fool, observing the family together at last.

  “It’s been a while since we’ve done this,” he said, looking as pleased as rum punch. “We should do it more often.”

  His father nodded. “I could not agree more but there’s just one thing missing.”

  Ransom looked up from the plate on which he’d been piling chicken, roast beef and string beans. “What’s that?”

  “Grandkids,” Bill said, looking directly at him. “When are you going to give me some of those?”

  Ransom drew back. “Hey, why are you asking me? Talk to those guys.” He looked at his brothers, one after the other, his eyes challenging.

  “You’re the oldest,” Rafe pointed out and he drew the macaroni pie closer. That had always been his favorite.

  “Yes, Ransom, you are.” His mother gave him a pointed look. “When are you going to get serious and settle down? When are you going to bring home a nice girl and tell us you’re getting married?”

  “Yeah, Ransom. When?”

  Ransom scowled at Ridge. It was too much to expect him to keep quiet.

  “When I’m good and ready,” he said. “Now let’s eat.”

  Effectively changing the subject he turned everyone’s attention back to the food. He breathed a sigh of relief when nobody brought up the ‘bring girl home to Mom and Dad’ scenario again.

  As soon as his mother had said the word there was a girl who had come to mind, a girl who had climbed into his heart and made herself comfortable there, probably a bit too comfortable. If she got too comfy in there he’d be in real danger of losing his whole heart to her.

  For now it was best to keep all that to himself.

  He glanced around the table at the family he loved so much. One day he would make them happy with kids running around the table while they ate. And it could be sooner than anyone of them would imagine. If he played his cards right…

  Smiling at his little secret he lifted his glass of wine. “Merry Christmas, everybody,” he said. “May we have many, many more.”


  “I can’t believe it’s New Year’s Eve already.”

  “Believe it, honey. The year’s at an end.”

  Solie sighed, snuggling against Ransom’s warm body as they lay on the softly padded wicker sofa in his gazebo. “I’m glad I’m spending New Year’s Eve with you.”

  His arms wrapped around her, Solie felt Ransom bend to kiss the top of her head. “Ditto. There’s no better way for me to usher in the New Year than to be with you.”

  At his words she turned her face up to his, gladly accepting his kiss.

  She’d spent six days in Panama and, as much as she loved her family, she could not leave fast enough. When they said ‘Absence makes the heart grow fonder’ they’d definitely been talking about her. She’d been counting the days – no, the hours and minutes – till she would see Ransom again.

  It was funny how she never realized she’d fallen for him – like slip-on-the-ice, feet-flying-in-the-air, landing-on-your-back kind of fall – until she was too far away to touch him, feel his arms around her, draw in the woodsy scent of his cologne. The smell of the woods and Ransom…heaven.

  And now as she relaxed into him she was glad they’d decided to forgo the festivities and simply wait out the time together, under the stars, as they approached a brand new year.

  And then as a the fireworks went off, lighting up the sky above, Ransom gave Solie her first kiss for the brand new year, only thirty seconds young. A light breeze wafted by and Solie shivered and snuggled even closer.

  Ransom’s lips grazed her and he whispered softly, “Let’s go inside and warm up now. How does hot chocolate sound?”

  She could think of a lot better ways they could warm up but she only smiled and nodded then, tucked into his side, she walked with him back into the house.

  As soon as he’d closed the door behind them Ransom turned her round and backed her against the wall. Taking her chin in his hand he tilted her face up and began to kiss her – hungrily, almost ravenously – as if he’d been starving for love. When he drew back he left her panting.

  “What about the hot chocolate?” she managed to gasp but she knew that was a joke. If the bulge in his pants was anything to go by, hot chocolate was the last thing on Ransom’s mind just then.

  And Solie was guilty of the same. She’d asked the question in jest because seriously, who needed hot chocolate when the passion between them could set a whole forest ablaze?

  “Hot chocolate be damned,” he whispered, his voice husky with desire. “All I need is you.”

  It was those words that were Solie’s undoing. She wanted him so bad and he wanted her, too. More than that, he needed her and what could he have said that could be more flattering?

>   The torch of her desire lit and blazing, Solie was holding nothing back tonight. She slid her hand up and inside his shirt. He jumped and she laughed. “Sorry. I’ll have to blow on them to get them warm.” She started to withdraw but he captured her hand with his.

  “No, don’t stop. It will warm up soon enough. Let me feel your hand on my body.” He closed his eyes and when she slid her hands back inside his shirt he moaned.

  Spurred on by his ardor, Solie decided to be bold. Sliding her hand across his chest she found his nipple, a taut pebble on a solid wall of muscle. She captured that pebble between index finger and thumb and flicked it and rolled it until his moan deepened into a guttural groan.

  She gave him a second’s reprieve, just long enough for her to loosen the buttons on his shirt, and then she was on him again but this time it was with her lips. She kissed him right in the crease between his pectoral muscles. When he sucked in his breath she slid across the warmth of his skin to cover his turgid nipple with her lips. There she nibbled and sucked, feeling his body stiffen at her teasing, hearing his breathing grow ragged and his heartbeat pounding in her ear.

  Knowing the effect she was having on him Solie did not let up. As she slid her palms down his sides and to his hips she moved her lips to the other nipple where she continued her tantalizing caress and soon her nips at the taut bud morphed into lascivious licks and sexy kisses that had him practically hyperventilating.

  “God, I can’t take much more of this.” Ransom was trembling under Solie’s caress.

  She knew she was pushing him. She knew he was close to the edge. He was holding back, clinging to the last remnants of his self-control. But she had a remedy for that…

  Releasing his nipple she lowered her head as she hooked her thumbs into the top of his low-riding jeans. There was no hesitation, no fear as she applied pressure, forcing the garment even lower on his hips.

  “Oh, shit.” The words escaped Ransom’s lips in a heated whisper. “Solie, you’d better stop now or else-”

  “I won’t stop.” She cut him off mid-sentence before he could spoil the moment and make her think twice. “I want you too bad to stop now.”


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